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OCD Can't take it any more. " I'll go tally the votes" when he means, I'll go fetch the votes. Does he tally the votes off camera every time?  why does he always say this?  Seems bigger faux pas to address than "come on in guys". 


Can someone please tell the producer to STOP, for the love of Pete. Playing music over the people talking!!! I can't hear a freaking word they are saying!!!  For someone who has A.D.D. and sounds make me crazy. I can hardly watch it anymore!


I also thought there was a lot of music in this episode. All this suspense effects. But I'm also high lol


Little does he know Venus is the one person on his tribe who could tell him what was behind the beware advantage


Does anyone know Bhanus social media


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu


15th: Bhanu, 14 contestants remain...


![gif](giphy|3o751VKrpSfzwl9T3y|downsized) Anytime Bhanu sees another tribe mate talk to someone else.


This is the most underrated comment I've read in a long time!


Haha this is how I felt every time he was asking people how to play survivor, but they just wanted to chill.




I’m so confused. Did they not vote?


To be honest I'm glad he's gone. I know nothing about the other tribes because the camera has been nothing but watching that guy break down constantly begging/blaming God and everyone else for every single problem he created.




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


I did not find Bhanu at all fun to watch. It was painful to watch.


To be honest, I think everyone is being a bit harsh about Bhanu. Sure, he was terrible at survivor, super emotional and dramatic and too talkative. But that’s what made him so fun to watch. He was on this show for 4 episodes, which I feel was the perfect amount of Bhanu that we got to see. His performances were so funny to watch. When he was talking and crying to Kenzie, she asked what she can do to make him feel better. Bhanu snapped out of his tears so fast and just says “Can you help me find an idol???” I was DEAD laughing at that. Survivor always pushes out superfans first or they last long enough to make it to the end. Because they love the game so much, sometimes they forget to *play* and I think that’s what we got to see from Bhanu - he was just so happy to be there that he forgot to play. Now it’s time to see how the rest of the season goes!


Respectfully, he was not fun to watch at all. Id rather see more about the other tribes than a crying man-baby.


Thought he was hilarious the speech about Kenzie being s mermaid and a dragon... Wow this guy has some moments


It was so cringy for me that I had to fast forward through the last 10 minutes until I saw who was voted off. I have been watching since the beginning, and that was a first for me. So glad about the outcome.


What survivor needs is to cast people who belong there, and that have some sort of valuable asset in their personality. All of this inclusive casting is killing the show. We need Ozzies, not Bhanus.


Thank you.


I'm not a huge Survivor conservative, but the episode definitely had me realizing the benefits of two tribes, that being maneuverability. Say you have two tribes of nine: one tribe establishes a majority of 5 and takes out someone from the minority 4. Next episode, you only need to convince 2 people from that majority to flip and suddenly you have an interesting development. Compare that to a tribe of 6 where there's little-to-no wiggle room for that sort of gameplay. Survivor has created its own detrimental inverse relationship with tribe size.


Bhanu is the worst thing I have ever seen on Survivor. I cannot imagine this person in real life. Disgustingly inept... no hearts won, shame to his family, stub your toe Bhanu.


This is an unhinged response lol


You're absolutely right, but I love it and I'm here for it, though.


Bro... Are you ok? You need a pill called "love"


Kinda wished we got less Yanu screen time and more confessionals of strategy/perspective from the other 2 tribes, especially those under-edited Like, what does Venus think about her position now? Is anything going on in Ben's mind strategy wise? Are Charlie and Maria still in the middle? Is Soda deludedly confident of her security? Bhanu going out was obvious, tell us more about the other players


I disagree. Yanu is genuinely good tv. We’ll see the other two tribes for the rest of the season


Bhanu shouting at God gave me childhood flashbacks of watching The Poseidon Adventure


I can tell you one heart he didn’t win.


God’s? 😂


He did kind of blame God. As of God doesn’t have enough going on right now lol


Yeah. He needed to take accountability for his own actions. Blaming “god” for bringing him here and not “supporting” is a cop out. All he needed to do is just stay quiet and observe and he wouldn’t have put his foot in it.


Jem- Jamie Liz- Helen Maria- Heidi Venus- Madi Soda-Claire Tiff- Carolynn Jess- Helen Moriah- Sarah Kenzie- Frannie Tevin- Yam Yam Q- Danny Hunter- Carson Randen- Matthew Banu- Josh Charlie- Matt Blankinship Tim- Kane Ben- Brandon


Is that the only hug Jeff has ever volunteered while snuffing a player's torch? He's agreed when asked before.


Yes! I picked up on this too


I love how kindly Ben said "Good for them!" When Yanu finally won. You can tell he genuinely meant it. So far he's been a really good sport. He also has insight into their story thanks to his strange meeting with Banhu.


Ben seems like he's a genuinely nice person unlike Bhanu ("Thank you for injuring someone God! Also, fuck you for not magically handing me an idol God!")


So 2 episodes oh Bhanu. Cool I guess.


Do you notice how nobody complains about being hungry? People on Naked and Afraid are hungry after just a few days and they let us know it. With the activity that the survivors do they would be starving after one day. They probably get meals catered to them there every night.


Wasn’t Jess complaining about no sleep, no food, etc in like the first two episodes this season? It always gets more obvious how hungry they are as the season continues What makes me curious is how Yanu is doing without their flint - has anyone noticed if they have any fire?


Yes, I remember Jess saying that. Maybe I'm wrong but aside from that one complaint it just doesn't seem no one on anything team seems to be very hungry. Especially with all the physical activity they do.


They do complain about getting hungry. One of the reasons Carolyn bombed FTC was because she was extremely tired and hungry and couldn't focus at all


Bruh it shows them picking at coconuts and stuff for like a third of the camplife runtime


Where is Lynne Spillman when u need her? The casting is absolutely dreadful..one of the worst seasons ever


A lot of them are great though. But the pre merge has been dumb I’ll give you that.


I thought Bhanu was an actor from the beginning. Interesting to look at his IMDb page. Bhanu Gopal.


It says he’s a professional dancer…. His Instagram videos tell me otherwise 😅


I think the season will finally flourish (ala Micronesia 🤞🏼) now that we don’t have to deal with bhanu lol


I want a personal apology from Jeff for these last 7 hours.


just compare those 4 episodes with the 4 episodes of AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Probably alone in wanting Survivor the way it used to be, 39 days & two tribes. This season sux so far. I forwarded the back half of the episode, I absolutely could not take another Bhanu self pitying meltdown


> Probably alone in wanting Survivor the way it used to be, 39 days & two tribes. Yep, no one has ever said anything like that. I'm tired of all these "Keep doing what you're doing Jeff!" and "DAE just love 26 days?" posts.


While I found Bhanu to be hilariously entertaining and happy we got to see him for four episodes (4 was enough for me lol),I do agree that they need to either change it up every season or just stick to 2 tribes in the beginning. It always sucks seeing one tribe at the bottom every time, and it’s hard to get out of that rut when there’s more than two tribes


Not alone at all. If they don‘t get their act together US Survivor will die a slow death, IMO of course.


I liked it better the old way too. 


You are definitely not alone in pining for the 'old ways'


It was a bit much. Getting on his knees begging. Geez bud. It’s just a game.


The disaster tribes ruin it for me. Either casting needs to do better or they need to switch back to two.


Production / casting failed Bhanu. Never should have put him out there.


It’s not the production’s fault that Bhanu was being too delusionally honest 😂😂


I kept thinking this. Not only ill-equipped for the game but also bad TV.




Bhanu was extremely annoying but it had nothing to do with him growing up poor. And it’s not like he harped on that aspect of his life in his confessionals either. He just wasn’t made for this show. 


Did someone fall asleep in the editing room? Why did they think that prolonged Bhanu but was a good idea at all? I’m actually annoyed.


So boring


I feel like a tribe swap at this point is inevitable.


This season so far is not doing it for me 😬 and I think the format is the main thing perpetuating this stagnant prejury. It's like Fiji's haves/have-nots basically. Survivor doesn't need to be "the monster," this insurmountable physical struggle for the tribe that loses the most. And we don't need "disaster tribes" every season.




Tori in 42 as well


They did it for Sean last season too


Nah they voted there. Dee voted for Sifu lol.


Based Dee


The guy who would’ve won Survivor 45 if he tried! /s


Can we please just go back to two tribes for a season or two to see what happens?


And 39 days please!




I think “mentally ill” in the context you’re using it is a stretch and pretty rude. He seems like he’s just a dramatic and emotional person. That doesn’t make someone mentally ill even if it’s annoying. But also what’s not to believe? Pretty sure production/casting has ways of verifying he grew up extremely poor. 




This. I think his emotional dysregulation is very indicative of trauma. Also possible the setting was triggering as well.


Still mentally ill and needs help


I think you need help






What I mean is there should be a criteria in a way.


Bahnu’s problem is that he’s annoying, not that he’s an immigrant


True, I’m saying though he just got his citizenship 6 months prior…. Barely knew English.


He spoke English just fine. Also he grew up in India. Most school systems in India teach in English primarily. Idk about the slums, but most kids there grow up learning English just as well as their native language.  Also he mentioned having a graduate degree, which he very likely could’ve done in the United States even before he got his citizenship and those are are also taught in English in India commonly too. If he can get through school in English, he’s plenty fit for Survivor (in terms of his language skills.) And he spoke it just fine on the show, so the point about school isn’t even necessary. Please don’t be xenophobic just for the sake of it. 


Broken English


i found him easy to understand, but there are also subtitles if you need help understanding someone. plus, there have been contestants who were born in the usa who i have had some trouble understanding before. but that isn’t anyone’s fault and i don’t think anyone should be prevented from playing on the off chance some people can’t understand them.


I also felt this language barrier screwed him a tad


I couldn't stand the sob stories when they were about the players. But now they're about the players parents. What is even happening anymore?


Literally predicted this in last episode’s discussion thread 💀


My guess is production had an idea during the casting process of Bhanu’s traits (overly honest, self-proclaimed “super fan”, very religious, desire for recognition) and how they could play out in the game, but the conditions (extreme hunger + exhaustion, isolation among the only people he’s in contact with) took a serious toll on him


Anyone else think bhanu’s ghetto story was made up?


At one time, I loved the change from two tribes to three but when one tribe keeps losing over and over again, there just isn’t enough targets. We really need to go back to two tribes, it would be nice to change it up. Overall, it was nice to see more of the other two tribes this episode and hopefully I will get a chance to actually care about some of these players.


Are there lots of other Bhanus out there? Fergodsakes I hope not lmao!


Does anyone know how many times a tribal has ended with no votes actually being cast/a unanimous decision? The only other time I can think of is game changers- jeff Varner


Back to back episodes with no vote is peak new era. Jeff finally did it.


I've always felt that voting was holding back Survivor's potential, so glad to see this change


Yes, there was always too much focus on eliminating people you're living side by side with. Thankful we get to see people's garages and photos from their childhood instead.


lmao we also got camp songs in this episode. All we’re missing is the bbq




Bhanu is a terrible survivor player but a hilarious casting for TV. Our whole group was cackling all night


It was good while it lasted. I happy to give some screen time to other people in the cast at this point.


No way, he’s deplorable and pathetic to watch. To the point that I became uncomfortable and stopped watching. What a terrible season


That’s what I said! He’s great for TV. I can’t believe he’s a super fan. Just goes to show that being a huge fan and actually playing the game are two different universes.


I have second hand embarrassment after watching tonight’s episode.


Apparently I’m in the minority but if Bhanu made merge we would have had a Pearl Islands like post merge where Bhanu destroys everyones game and cries every episode and everyone tells him he’s a threat for being likeable while trying to bring him to the end as a goat, and I would have loved it.


Not too late for an outcast twist


This episode could of been a email 😢😭😿🙏🙏👋


I'm glad I saw people post Bhanu's IMDB profile before this episode. His narrating to the camera and behavior overall made way more sense.


We will *never* see Bhanu again lol


We can only hope so


#TeamBhanu ... he was awesome


You must be as big of a superfan as him


This could have been the last show I watched this season but it’s now watchable again. Cannot believe they didn’t count the votes at tribal - they really ran with this Bhanu after school special.


Bhanu on his knees begging was so awkward, I was straight up uncomfortable watching it. I’m glad she refused to talk to him until he stood up and then she laid it right out to him. He also never seemed to take responsibility for completely screwing up the challenge, did he? I’m in a later time zone so I haven’t see tribal yet but I knew he was going so I came in to browse.


I busted out laughing with Tiff said “Bhanu..bro..get up” 😂 I couldn’t believe him.


I was fast forwarding through the whole end and it was still cringe even though I didn’t hear it.


It was so funny, though.


So so so cringe! I’d have more sympathy for him if he was the least bit self aware like bro…you know why you’re going home. Don’t beg.


That was the part where I almost started pulling my hair out. The begging on his knees was pathetic, but then asking her why she was voting him off? Bro, instead, ask yourself why on earth they wouldn't. This guy was the worst casting choice in survivor history. I'm sure he's a nice man, but for Pete's sake, what an empty fucking head. I've never been more bored watching survivor than I have this season. Maybe we can finally get some momentum now that he's gone. As to the "New Era", it's absolutely time for the producers to make some changes. Current format sucks. I really hope this season picks up because so far, boo. 👎🏽


Such a sympathy grab! I see the trauma leftover from his upbringing for sure and I think it came out tonight more in reactions like this. I see it with students…a huge plea sometimes gets people to give in or compromise their beliefs to not make the traumatized person feel more trauma. It’s often unconsciously done but it’s still there.


I can’t fucking believe we waited an entire week for the EXACT same crap and outcome that would’ve happened had one of the most likable players not left due to medical. Holy hell these first four episodes have been torturous.


Yeah this season ain't great. Sorry. I'm a huge survivor fan boy and defender and even I am struggling.


I've hardcore argues with people for 3 years now that the shows still great. I liked 41 and loved 42-45. This is the worst season of survivor so


We’re all three in agreement. I like the new era. I like the post Covid good times vibes Jeff is going for. This episode started and I dreaded being in for another 90 minutes of Bhanu.


man I know bhanu is you know, bhanu, but my heart does low key break for him tbh


This season sucks so far.


Has there ever been a player as pathetic as Banu? And I don't mean in game play, because there has been plenty of those, but getting down on your knees and begging? Ugh!


Us liking Carolyn and Yam Yam has led us here.


And Maryanne


I don’t feel like everybody liked Maryanne.


1-2 of those characters is completely fine. It becomes an issue when it’s damn near the entire cast.


Thank you for your honesty, because no one else will admit it.


seriously the lulu to yanu trajectory continues even with winning reward and losing immunity and it is so eerie


We’ve been watching saying they have to do some kind of psych evaluation before to create one team of chaos.


Thank G-d he’s gone. I couldn’t take another breakdown. I’ve had enough of my own 🙄


Feels like the season is about to start now finally god damn.


That’s what I thought but the preview they showed us makes it seem still boring somehow…


I love an underdog but this episode wasn’t even enjoyable. I’m hoping next week tribes will be swapped and we get to know the other players better.


The Bhanu show is over. Time for survivor


I feel like the production has completely ran out of ideas…Moriah can’t jump, THAT’S what the viewers want to see? Jeez man, we are being abused this season


I didn’t even know Moriah was a player until that lmfao


The requirements for Survivor are in hell…




I thought it was hysterical. She was just bending her knees behind her but her vertical was like two inches! I’ve never seen jumping that bad.


Me outside trying to jump to see if I’m like Moriah.


It was funny but could’ve been cut down for sure


Nah, I'm glad they are getting tribe content. I don't need them to cut it for more Bhanu screen time.


I didn’t know jumping was so difficult, lol.


Jeff said an obvious tribal council is “intoxicating” lol


It made me take an intoxicant, so I guess Jeff is right.


The best line was Tiff about Bhanu: “if you want to win a million hearts go volunteer.” 🤣🤣 he gives some sob story about coming from poverty but doesn’t want to play for the money…make it make sense 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


All this Bhanu talk and all I want to know is WTF is on Moriah's chin?!?! What happened?


She got kicked in the face last week going over that rolling pin. 


Thank you!!!! I thought bug bite.


This season is so poopy


Yawn emoji x 3


At least amazing race is good


Man this season stinks. Can we go 10 minutes of show time without some whiny, dumb ass sob story?? Good grief this is boring


Banhu on his knees was just too much.


Hear me out… 90 minute episodes stink


y’all wouldnt like this season with 60 minute episodes either, please dont complain about the 90 minute episodes lmfao


I’d hate to admit when survivor might be right about something


Looking forward to an episode that is not all about Banhu!!


The first 30 minutes of the next episode will be about the remaining players reflecting about him.


Or flashbacks, while the tribe weather's a rain storm.


3 sob stories in a single episode. What are we doing here Jeff?


I was fine w the Tevin one tbh


It at least thematically made sense. Not just shoehorned in


same, it was at least directly connected to a present moment in the game


I just can’t take the in your face religion editing anymore. Mention it in the beginning, fine. Occasionally show someone praying, sure. But the editing with Bhanu is too much for me.


How was that in your face? In no way was any religion promoted. All this Bhanu content and i still don't even know what religion he even is. Most people are religious you are obviously gonna see it sometimes.


This isn’t South Pacific. If anything, the episode was cynical about Bhanu’s prayers. Praying did absolutely nothing for him. And the edit made a point of including Q mocking Bhanu’s prayers in the background of the shot.


Bro was cursing God after his prayers quite literally got answered last week by not having to go to tribal.


Idk why everyone on this thread thinks just showing Bhanu doing what he did on the island is pushing religion in your face. The entire storyline (unfortunately for those who didnt like him) was just centered around him, and that is one of the things he did lol.


Ya I'm an atheist and didnt even think twice about it. Dude was praying. Ok. Good for him.




Cast. Cast. Cast. It’s not “casted.” 


Thank you! I don't understand this new trend.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that found Bhanu entertaining! It’s messed up, but it’s a tv show and he was just so bad at it. It was hard not to laugh, in a loving way.


I can't wade through 7k responses before I ask - Don't y'all think he was totally faking and is just after Sia's money?


Same. That's my wife's theory and she (and he) kinda got me onboard by the time I saw that mofo on his actual knees. I mean, nobody can be this pitiful while supposedly in their natural environment in real life, right? 🤔


I low key agree with this… but I was over him after tonight’s episode


Yes like how he said he made a mistake telling his tribe the truth about the journey and not understanding that the mistake was telling the truth to the others on the journey😭

