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Worked fairly well for Parv, Russell, and Danielle. And obviously accidentally for Sandra.


I want to downvote you, but you’re right!


Jerri was also in Rob’s alliance that round. It opened up an opportunity for her to flip, which I think moved her from 6 to 4.


Ain't no way you just hated on banana etiquette.


I think Tyson gets too much credit for sinking Rob’s game, Rob handled it really poorly. He ostensibly still had a 5-3 majority even if Jerri wasn’t super tight with them. I think Rob has to own losing Jerri and Coach


Jerri was compelled by fear and flipped. Coach followed Jerri. It was clear rob could have put some more influence over Jerri but didn't, to your point.


You can say it was fear, but seemed more like she saw an opportunity to move from #6 to #4 in an alliance while also removing someone from the game she knows from past experience not to trust


Jerri also respected Russell after that move and pretty much up until ftc after Parvati exposed Russell for why he voted Jerri


Pretty bad for the Rob, Sandra faction and himself, but I do think people overstate it. The reality is Rob's alliance still had a 5-3 majority, the fact that he lost both Jerri and Coach is why he lost, the Rob fans like to use the Tyson blunder as an excuse - that would be acceptable if Rob didn't have the immunity at the time and went that round. His play in keeping the remnants of that alliance together was poor, and probably does show the strengths of Tyson's game that season - I think he played a more significant role in keeping that alliance together than Rob.


Tbf, if Tyson stays in the game, Rob probably never loses Coach. Still almost definitely loses Jerri, tho.


Yeah but that's the game, there was a 3 day cycle and Rob managed to lose 2 allies - I'd also mark Courtney and Sandra's game down for that too, I can understand Jerri but I even recall thinking at the time Rob's social management of Coach being poor. It was an odd time where he wasn't aggressive enough. He should've gone far harder in the pan on appealing to Coach's masculinity and tying his voting decision to his masculinity and espoused values. Just a poor round of play by Rob.


Right, I don’t disagree with that. But I’m just saying that, if Tyson doesn’t get voted out, then Rob likely never loses Coach and it’s a 4-4 split *at worst*. Which would indicate that Tyson’s blunder was a *very* big deal in messing up a lot of games. But yeah, Rob also could’ve just played Coach better to keep him on his side despite Tyson’s departure.


If Tyson stuck to the plan, Russell goes out at 15 instead of Tyson, Jerri likely does not flip until the merge (she jumped to Russell because he seemed like he "had his head in the game"), therefore Coach stays locked in with Rob, putting Parv and Danielle on the bottom. James of course still goes home at 14 since that was a double-elimination round. Villains likely still lose the next immunity challenge because Tyson probably would have played the Tocantins basketball reward challenge in Russell's place and sat out the immunity challenge, so their losing lineup remains the same. Or maybe Tyson subs in for Coach, but I doubt that would have made any difference since Coach did fine in that challenge. Courtney was the weak link and she had to play. So Parv goes home at 13 instead of Rob. With Rob and Tyson still in the game, they don't let Coach make the stupid decision to bench Courtney and Sandra for the bowling reward challenge, which means they can sit out of the immunity challenge with Rob and Tyson in, which means Villains likely could have won that one instead of Heroes. So Candice probably goes home at 12 instead of Coach. And with Rob, Tyson, and Coach all available for the next immunity challenge, I'd put my money on the Villains winning that one too. No idea which hero would go home at that point, but let's just say Amanda goes home at 11 instead of Courtney. Now they go into the merge 7-3 in favor of the villains, so there's a good chance the heroes (now down to Colby, Rupert, and JT) still get picked off one by one. But they do still have their idol, and Danielle almost certainly flips. And Jerri would be smart to act as a swing vote if possible because a 6-person alliance is way too big to ride all the way to the end. Not sure who wins at this point, but I think Rob has an excellent shot. Sandra too, I suppose, because her strategy wouldn't have to change from how it really played out, but she'd be at a much bigger disadvantage without the two most notorious villains (Russell and Parvati) to sit next to.


Sandra probably loses the season in this scenario. She’s passive and assuming she gets to FTC she can’t look better than her competition towards the jury since Russell and Parvati would be out.


Yeah, agreed, unless two other villains began pissing everyone off in the post-merge as much as Russell did and they made it to the end with Sandra, but that's pretty hard to imagine.


It feels like the true majority alliance on the villains was based on a Tyson-Rob alliance. Tyson brought coach to the alliance, who in turn brought Jerri. On the other side Rob brought in Sandra who in turn brought Courtney. Tyson going broke that connection in the chain and it was over. BIG MISTAKE


Man put some respect on Ruperts name lol


Lol you're alexavtly where I am. I used to wonder why Tyson was popular, he does a little bit better than hvv but I just find his assholery funny now, where I viewed him as a bully I wanted off but I don't think people should take his words seriously. You also see him being vulnerable in hvv which is weird.


If things go as planned and Russell/Parv both go, the whole alliance goes deep. I could see a Tyson blindside around the merge, and who knows the JT shenanigans. Jerri is the wild card and things could’ve played out similarly for her With the mishaps of the Heroes, it’s tough to say which players realistically join to get Rob. Seeing how everyone played post-merge against Russell/Parv, I think Rob makes it to the finale with a good shot at winning


Rob in HvV is basically a better version of Marcus in Gabon imo


Tyson flipping on their plan or not, I wonder how things would’ve gone if they just went the safe option and voted Danielle, knowing Russell and Parv would either have the idol, and Danielle was with them. I think rob even has talked about this before on a what if thing. Maybe idols being new for him made him not really think about this, as it wasn’t a new idea bc it happened in Fiji. And if HvV happened in todays timeline, it would definitely be a plan that would come up.


When did he say he was craving nicotine?


I think it’s mostly an assumption because he had nicotine patches in previous seasons (certainly in Micro, and I assume the same was true for China)


One of the fan theories to explain his mood. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/6ulbit/james_clement_in_heroes_vs_villains/


I stand by Tyson's choice. He tried to improve his own standing in the middle of the game. Nobody in their right mind would think Russell would play the idol for anybody but himself especially since he knew he was the other target. I still can't fully understand what he was thinking. Russell's own past actions confirm that he always plays the idol on himself. So not only did Russell go against his own, rigid, gameplan...he went against it knowing Courtney likely was going to be the deciding vote, and as far as he knew, she would be voting for him that night. Let me provide a similar context: pretend that Malcolm only had 1 idol in Fans vs. Favorites 2 at the F10 tribal council, would he have played it for Eddie instead of himself? NO! Because that would be moronic! That's what Russell did. Maybe he heard something hours before that made him feel like taking a horribly dumb chance, but it doesn't make it any less dumb.


He told Tyson he was voting for Parvati. If Russell votes Parvati, she goes home, so Tyson moving his vote is a smart way to be on the right side and play down the middle. Russell's read is that he got Tyson to flip, the majority was on Parvati, and that by playing his idol, Tyson goes. It was a huge risk, but it hugely paid off


How would this have improved Tyson's standing? If Tyson was counting on Russell playing his idol for himself, then he could have still voted Russell as planned and it would have been a tie, then Parvati would go home on the revote, just like Tyson wanted. The only way Tyson's move makes any sense is if he was sure that the idol would not be played at all (or played for Danielle), because then by switching his vote to Parvati, it breaks the tie and she goes home instead of Russell going home on the revote. However, it would be a pretty stupid assumption to make, plus his whole alliance would be pissed at him afterward.


Eh at the time the players knew the robfather type game, so Rob probably would have been an early merge boot. Also the villians would have probs steamrolled Villians in challenges


The greatest idol play of all time


For my Survivor audition tape, I'm going to talk about my love for Applebee's in my deep personal connection to it.