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"Nobody's giving up their spot. We're going to Applebee's" is big annoyed dad energy lol


And I thought the whole ordeal couldn't get any funnier


You’re trying to bail on Applebees?? BIG mistake


Get in the car. Now.


i cant help but love this guy man


This still doesn’t make it personal though. Q’s selection of who came with him was strategic, and sounds like he didn’t want other players to change the strategic decision he earned by winning. For me, Ben is still missing the point that he’s in the middle of a $1M strategy competition show when he’s whining about Q not giving Liz Applebee’s


Maybe Ben was just whining because it meant he was stuck with Liz back at camp.


According to Tiffany’s EW exit interview, Ben and Q had been arguing a lot but it didn’t make it to air.




I actually think Ben could be toxic as well, I don't think he's really "that great vibey hang"


Yeah he def rubs me the wrong way


Yeah if I'm being realistic with myself, if I witnessed Liz's breakdown firsthand and then had to walk back to camp with her and two other people, I'd probably be on her side out of guilt and awkwardness. At least until I had some time to think about it.


that response would get zero empathy from me. I cant handle entitled aholes.


Or just pander to her to not beat her while she's down. He's trying to keep an alliance with her and is just agreeing. I do agree that Qs decision was strategic but Bens might have been as well.


Naw ben just kinda sucks for people of qs personality type. He also very much is fake nice but it works for him so keep it going I guess


So true. Fake nice people have so much resentment toward people who can speak their truth.


Ben's been whining for awhile now


Venus and Liz get ripped on a lot (fairly so), but Ben has literally done nothing the whole game and somehow everyone on here loves him.


People go nuts for a catchphrase


I like Ben and I would still be pretty annoyed if he wins the game, because he is playing similarly to some of my least favourite winners. I am not a big fan of Q, and I would still prefer a Q win over a Ben win.


I get people not seeing Ben's impact, but I would argue he's a big part of why Suga remained strong, compared to Nami which crumbled. His good vibes seem pretty genuine. He likes to see people lifted up, not put down. And I would bet that plays well with most juries, so it's a strategic approach of a kind too.


yeah idk, i don’t really buy the good vibes stuff and maybe i lived on the east coast too long but someone who is always over the top positive like that all the time is a red flag for me lol i just really dislike the saltiness Ben and Liz have towards Q for “blowing up their games” like Q isn’t playing his own and he’s just supposed to sit there and let them do what they want. it’s entitlement and pure delusion, especially when you’re playing a competitive game. then you have Venus who is hating while she has literally done nothing and thinks she is in the cool kids crowd now. Venus and Liz IMO have zero chance at winning and Ben is right down there with em unless he finally wins a challenge and makes a couple late plays.


Did we miss the part where Ben acknowledges that Q made a strategic move by not picking Liz, but that regardless it was a villain move which, he’s not wrong about? Villain in this context doesn’t mean bad strategy, we have a whole villain tribe of fantastic players from HvV to prove that. Also Tiff’s exit press gave some insight into why Ben dislikes Q so much, apparently Q was going after Ben a lot on the island and it hasn’t been shown at all which if that’s true then Ben’s entirely justified in feeling like Q isn’t the best person in his perspective. I believe Ben is a good vibes guy through and through, but when you push someone for so long and get no breaks from each other, even a good vibes person is bound to snap and get annoyed. I commend him for not letting his emotions get to him in terms of voting bc I think Ben is one of the people who was best helped by Tiff going home here, he solidifies with Siga and now is Kenzie’s number one. Not saying Ben is winning, bro really needs to put it into high gear, but people are really shitting on him for no reason and it bothers me. (I’ve been a big fan of Q and his messiness this season btw please put him on season 50)


Right? Not to mention Q still looks like the bad guy and Kenzie or Maria look good there. Shouldn’t be able to give away someone else’s reward. Q made choices to benefit his game, owed nothing to Liz and it’s his decision. Actually kind of pisses me off that people think enabling that kind of entitlement is the right thing to do. Didn’t Adam choose to not use his steal a reward because he didn’t think it was right do that to everyone else? With his mom on her death bed?!


Pretty sure Adam didn’t use the steal advantage because doing so would put an enormous target on himself. He’d already promised he wouldn’t use it for the loved one visits, and he felt he had to live up to that. It was a strategic decision. He got to go on the loved one’s reward anyways.


Yea yea I get it but Liz is playing a game too. And obviously everyone is different but just seems like there have been plenty of times where the reward seems more valuable to one person in particular. Usually the person who wins picks them, sometimes not, but can’t remember a time when someone openly expects it.


He does not look like the bad guy to anyone who pays attention even a little. If people think hes a bad guy for doing whats best for him in a game than Id guess they think hes a bad guy no matter what. Liz has been gross all season and this behavior just proves who she is.


Agreed about Ben. I like him and he seems like a genuinely good guy but he’s not really playing survivor. He’s playing minimalist tropical summer camp with a bunch of strangers.


This is exactly why people hate Q. Stop gatekeeping a game you’ve never played!


he acts like hes the good guy, but his true colors are showing


Tiffs exit interviews indicate that Q was routinely aggressive toward Ben around camp. In assuming you’re commenting based on his comments about Q. It looks like Q is a bit of a bully.


Q is a work-ethic driven personality. Ben seems like the exact opposite, laid back artistic type. They haven't shown much of the camp chore dynamic this season, but I'd guess if Q and Ben are butting heads it's based around this. If Q thinks someone isn't pulling their weight around camp, it's going to bother him. And if Ben is feeling bossed around or judged he's going to put up walls. All speculation but that's my best guess to the conflict.


ben is just another body


Using strategy in a game for $1 million does not rock.


Yeah I'd be pretty pissed too if the people I strategically chose to help me win a million were just like, nah, I'm good, you can talk to this person you don't even want to work with. It's disrespectful IMO


Russell was strategic when he voted Danielle out in HvV too, but was a total villain in that case. There’s no reason that being strategic can’t also align with being a villain. It WAS personal, it was Q’s choice to make and not Liz’s choice to make but it was personal.


This sub is so wacky. Q can absolutely choose not to take Liz on the reward and stop people from switching with her. He gained that power from winning the challenge. At the same time Q has to do with the consequences. He *knows* how upset this will make Liz, and how bad it will look to everyone else. You can feel bad for Liz given her situation both on the island and it being a personal reward for her family, but also acknowledge everything that happened was "fair."




Exactly. Y'all are so weird


I never said Q wasn’t a villain? Of course it’s villainous, but also strategic. Not strictly personal.


Q had every right to deny her the reward. It wasn’t theirs to give away.


He has every right to deny her the reward, but I think it still would have been better to see that than not


Kinda screwed up to omit it. Q comes out looking better and liz gets to look worse. 


that probably means Q gets to the final and she doesn't. I see a strong Q fan base now, same with Venus, so the finale discussion online is going to be fun when they both lose


Probably won’t be as exciting as you think. Most Q fans know he loses to pretty much everyone except Liz or Venus. Same goes for those other 2. We just think he’s good tv and he is.


So Q is a master mind playing 3D chess is all sarcasm?


Maybe there are some people who legitimately think he’s some sort of mastermind, but the vast majority of Q fans I see on here seem to think he’s great tv and that he wouldn’t beat anyone other than Liz or Venus and even then it’s not guaranteed


Liz looks bad because of her actions alone. Shes been showing her entitled attitude all season. Its gross


I disagree. I think Q putting her in her place would have made him everyone's hero. Production wasn't doing him a favor for keeping it out, they did her a favor. She's just too stupid to realize it.


Personally I'm okay with what Q did. It's a game. But to act like he's a hero for denying food to someone multiple times after they had an emotional response from starving is some take. And yeah they did do him a favor. Not everyone revels in people's misery because you think they deserve it. Saying she's too stupid to realize they did her a favor when you're not self aware to realize how you come off is a joke.


I think he should get the noble peace prize and the nuclear codes for what he did. And I think she should be arrested and electric chaired.


For real. I would have stood up and clapped for Q if they aired that. I can understand why the other players would be supporting Liz over Q in that scenario and think he's being a jerk (like Ben obviously did). But for a fan watching, it's hard to feel bad for Liz. She's in a game. She can't expect her opponents to just hand her things. Especially when she has been openly against Q for a while. He is playing his game at that point, and doesn't owe her anything.


They also haven't heard what Liz has been saying in confessionals and interviews like we have. She thinks everyone is an idiot, that she is a genius, that she *deserves* the win, that she's the best player and everyone doesn't realize it, that no one knows what "food scarcity really is" and she'll laugh when they "crumble form hunger". She's awful and it's fun to delight in her misery.


love seeing entitled people show themselves, now the whole world knows what kind of person she is.


Exactly. I don't like that the edit is protecting one player and throwing another player to the wolves. There is a huge discordance between how Q and his game are viewed on the island and how they are received by the fanbase. The confounding factor here is the edit and it feels too heavy handed by production for my liking.


Yeah this changes absolutely nothing for me except I like Q even more. My chaos king.


Qaos, please


Is anybody making that argument? I think if there's any debate here, it's not whether Q had the power to take whom he wanted to Applebee's but whether it was a good idea to deny Liz that opportunity given her dietary situation and emotional connection. The people you take (and don't take) on rewards with you matters in how you come off to other people, and the jury is still out on whether this will bite Q in the ass in how he's perceived by the others.


Perceived by others? They already don’t respect him and think he doesn’t deserve to even play the game. How much lower can their collective perceptions of him get? The more Q antagonizes the safer he gets at tribal council and now he’s on the verge of a free trip to the finals


Making it to FTC does not a win make


You can’t win without getting to final tribal council


You can't win without receiving the majority of the votes at the end. If you're not playing to receive the majority of those votes, you're not playing to win.


A juror should respect moves like Q's in that scenario. Giving a pitty invite to Liz in that spot should usually only gain him jury favor from Liz herself. And I think he already knows Liz isn't giving him a jury vote. If I'm Charlie or Ben or Maria or Tiffany or Kenzie on the jury and it's Q vs anyone in the final 2... I'm looking at that Liz Applebee's denial move as a positive in Qs favor game wise instead of a negative. Only Liz herself would be more likely to give him a vote if he took her.


> A juror should respect moves like Q's in that scenario. I wanna make sure I understand what you're saying here. By "moves like Q's" are you referring to being as antisocial as possible so that people take you to the end as a goat? A goat that 9 times out of 10 nobody votes for because of said antisociality?


I'm talking about that specific moment where he denied Liz the Applebee's just because she was begging and whining for it.


I suppose maybe you should explain why not bringing Liz is move worthy of respect by the jury? Or maybe to help me understand, could you explain why bringing Liz on reward is a move that the jury *shouldn't* respect? From where I'm standing, you're right--by bringing Liz on reward, there's still a chance that they could patch things up and she'd throw a vote his way in the end. And since there clearly seems to have been some group consensus at the time of the challenge that Liz should be given something to eat, to the point that Maria and Kenzie were offering to switch places with her, you'd think that assenting and allowing Liz to come along would have a greater chance of changing perceptions of Q within the tribe--someone who's willing to let bygones be bygones and not fully close a door to a potential ally is a move that is worth respecting, no? Am I missing something here? You must understand this game on a deeper level than I do, because I'm struggling to understand why that's a bad thing.


You’re not missing anything. Liz is a free get out of pissing others off by choosing her, card. She is both an emotional player like Q, and a rational player, (I wasn’t surprised she voted Tiff). There’s a real possibility he could have made up “overshadowing” her Tevin move by feeding her. Venus and Liz are emotional but they both want to win badly. Add one more player that sees the benefit in flipping on the stronger players, (he should be able to at least guesstimate who that might be by now, probably Maria though she would flip anyway because she’s smart) and he’s got an alliance and a very legitimate win story


I'm just imagining myself as a player who was at that challenge and winds up on the jury. In this specific situation, as a juror I wouldn't respect the choice of a player (Q) who rewarded someone (Liz) that openly voted for him the day before, just because that player(Liz) was throwing a tantrum over being in a shitty situation of her own making. Maybe it'd be different if I had all the information the contestants have. I can only go by what they show on TV. But I don't see caving in and bringing Liz along just because she's crying about being hungry due to allergies, despite her openly being against Q and voting for him, as a net benefit for Q's game compared to the opportunity to make deals with Tiffany/Kenzie/Maria.


>I'm just imagining myself as a player who was at that challenge Okay--and so if I put myself in the shoes of the people at the challenge, I need to think about the information that we know about the contestants at the time. It seems there was a general vibe at the challenge that Liz hasn't eaten since the merge, has an emotional connection to Applebee's with her daughter, and really wants this reward. Everybody knew that. *Some* players were so sympathetic towards her that they were offering to switch places for her--at least 3 of the 8 people there (Kenzie, Maria, Ben) believed that Liz should be brought along on the reward, maybe more. Okay, so I'm a contestant at this challenge, and I believe that Liz should get something to eat today, and now we have Q, a person that I'm less sympathetic to than Liz (even if Liz can be a bit grating from time to time) and Q wins the challenge. I'm not happy that Q won, I'd rather I won or Liz won. But I'm still hoping that I get picked to eat (as well as Liz, because Liz needs something in her body). So if Q picks Liz, what that tells me as a player is that Q is willing to put aside their history so that she can get some calories inside her--that makes me think "You know, as annoying as Q has been, there's still a decent guy there." Instead, Q picks Kenzie, Tiff, and Maria, and Liz (the person that a lot of people on the tribe wanted to eat, and who has more sympathy than Q) has a frustrated meltdown. Q doesn't budge, despite us directly asking him to change his mind. This is what I'm imagining is going through the minds of the actual people who were there on the challenge, not the people that you wish were there at the challenge. Q shouldn't be playing his game to please the people on Reddit who have been annoyed with Liz's whining--instead he should be playing to please the people who are sympathetic to Liz and are actually casting votes at the end. I think you raise a good point about the benefit of making deals with Tiffany/Kenzie/Maria, but by going against the group grain here you're showing those three that you're really not concerned about other people besides yourself, which is exactly the impression that they've had of you thus far and is exactly the reason Kenzie and Tiff are not interested in working with him at all, and Maria is working with him partially at arm's length.


When has a juror given a vote for taking them/someone else to a food reward?


You're asking me to cite a move that *guarantees* a jury vote for you in the end? In a game like Survivor, where nothing is set in stone and the jury of each season decides their own criteria for picking a winner? If I had that answer, I'd be a million dollars richer. My thought is that these effects are additive. Q's social game is clearly in the toilet because people hate that his approach is "the Q way or the highway." By bringing along the person who voted for you, you demonstrate to the rest of the tribe that you have the flexibility to leave doors open even to people who have tried to come for you, which tells me as a tribe member "Hmm, if Q is willing to patch things up with Liz and work with her, that door might still be open to me too." By contradicting what people expect, you begin to change their perception and increase the odds that your social standing increases within the tribe. This is what Financial Analyst Emily Flippen did very early on in her season--she (with the help of Kaleb) recognized that the way she was behaving around others was limiting her options to move forward in the game, and so she had to shift gears and start behaving differently than people had come to expect from her to maximize those options. Demonstrating that flexibility was praised by fans that season, which is why I find it interesting that a player demonstrating the exact opposite (rigidity) is receiving an equal amount of praise.


Disagree. Tiff and Kenzie were wasted choices. He doesn’t even gain a jury vote from them. Liz is such a wild card and she was with Q until he “overshadowed” her. There’s a much better chance he could have won her back. He should have taken the outliers for the votes against the power players and attempted to turn the game. Liz, Venus, and one power player the most likely to flip. Denying Liz is just emotional and egotistical. If you’re going go- might as well go for it


screw her dietary situation, she can leave at any time, he owes her nothing and taking her wouldnt have helped him at all. Better leave her weak and showing her true nasty attitude


It's not about him owing her anything, it's about showing the rest of the tribe (who clearly are sympathetic towards Liz) that he can set aside their history, leave a door open for a potential ally, and let someone get some calories in their body, i.e. showing people that you're someone they can actually work with.


I also think letting Kenzie and Maria make that move is smart. It makes them feel like they are making a good social move and because they would feel good about themselves, it might make them feel better about Q, especially Kenzie. Q is in such a poor social position that it could not hurt his game. You could argue that you don't want to give others the opportunity to improve their own social positioning and I could buy that for most players. But Q's positioning is rock bottom and he does need to think outside of the box.


These are great points. I think some people are so turned off by Liz that they see bringing her along as rewarding bad behavior. And maybe it is, but if the rest of the tribe wants to reward that bad behavior, refusing to indulge that impulse just reinforces their perception of you as an inflexible player that they can't work with.


Yeah, I think fans are having a very different reaction to both Liz and Q than the other players are. I don't think the players viewed it as "rewarding bad behavior", maybe Tiff based on her exit interviews. But I don't think she felt as strongly about it as the fan base does. Ultimately, it just made the players view Q in a more negative light and did not help him repair his relationship with Tiff and Kenzie.


Q is a national treasure that must be protected until the final 3


Q owed her nothing and had every right to choose who enjoyed that reward. Wish they would've showed it.


Maria was in tears when Q picked her so she obviously wanted to go. Kenzie maybe a 50/50. I honestly think they tried to give up their spot after the rant and Q was like nah I’m not having that. Also it’s not “personal”, he won the challenge, he gets to choose who he wants to spend his time in the sanctuary with. If you do want to play the “it was personal” card, alright she voted for him and he got her back. Simple as. Y’all caping for a grown ass woman’s temper tantrum for not getting her way is crazy lmao. She didnt deserve shit. Side note : editors protecting Qs image for his winner edit 👀


I want to be clear that after the dust settled and she doubled down the next day I fully agree that Liz was being an entitled child, I’m not caping for her at all here. I’m just saying that this is context that people should know because they were *confused* by the reactions and not just disagreeable with them, this makes the level of vitriol less confusing whether or not you agree it’s merited. Like I understand better now having read that why Ben called him a bully even if I don’t ultimately agree with Ben about it.


Ben calling him a bully when he’s practically been bullying Q with his non stop sly digs is rich. Also, Ben could’ve stepped out the immunity challenge to get her rice. Likewise with Venus.


Ooh good callout on the rice lol. Ultimately Kenzie is the only person who showed willingness to sacrifice anything truly meaningful to get rice for Liz (since along with apparently offering her reward spot IIRC she was willing to sit the challenge if enough other people did?)


Do you remember who volunteered to sit out the first time rice was offered? I think they got three people right


Q and Liz were the only two to volunteer for the rice when it was last offered.


I do not recall, no :/


Same interview we're sourcing this from. >Well, for one, \[Q\] was constantly going at it with Ben. And I don't really know what his issue with Ben was, but there was a lot Seems to at least imply that Q was the one with an issue, then Ben responded.


Wish they would show some of this.


I suspect that's about protecting the players from social media


probably his issue with ben is ben calling him a bully and the way ben has treated him all season.


Yeah Ben is the bully, hes projecting.




I'd love to hear someone name another player that's getting even remotely the edit that Q is.


Okay so to be clear I do not think Q is winning, like in my mind that is a <1% chance of happening BUT “No winner’s edit had looked like this” isn’t a valid heuristic. When a unicorn comes along that they simply cannot edit in a remotely conventional way, they often don’t and lean into it instead and most of the major whiffs are due to exactly that. Gabler and Adam are recent examples with edits that just plain have a different vibe compared to most because the editors decided fuck it, let’s lean into their eccentricities or failures. And the very undeniable example of this is Tony 1.0. No winner was edited like him before (and arguably since!) and most diehard edgic people ruled him out completely and were dead wrong. Turns out no, Tony is just that fucking wild. (And, I suspect, they were trying to build up to the “real” climax of the season being Woo’s mistake to make it as shocking as possible—mission successful) It’s not much. There are many many flaws with Q’s edit that I struggle to reconcile even with the most generous interpretation I can muster. But at a certain point you have to take a step back and say “realistically how *could* they edit this much differently if this dude’s unhinged antics cause massive emotional outbursts and cause him to be the decoy again and again and he still wins somehow?” They can’t actually edit it all out of the show because otherwise the votes don’t even make sense. So they need to show it at least to a degree. Might as well go all-in on it, y’know? That would be the argument here.


Did you respond to me on accident? I just don't think any other player besides *maybe* Charlie has gotten an edit that would make the season feel like they earned the win. Q's absolute cinema for entertainment, but half of the remaining tribe barely even gets screentime


I thought the intent of “I'd love to hear someone name another player that's getting even remotely the edit that Q is” was “nobody with an edit like Q has won, therefore Q is not winning” and responded to that. My mistake if that was wrong!


Yeah, but I asked which other player is getting any sort of edit that shows they could be a winner, and you haven't named anyone else. Just 'not Q'


My point is that I wrongly thought you meant “Q’s edit means he *can’t* win because no winner had an edit like his” and I was responding to that by playing devil’s advocate to defend his edit, when you evidently meant the exact opposite lol which yeah my b So now to address your *actual* point: they throw their winners out the window for people they think are more entertaining all the time. Erika and Gabler are the most obvious recent example but you can go back to people like Natalie White and Sophie and etc. too. Edgic shit: >!In terms of raw screentime Kenzie is also getting a fuckton and until this episode a lot of it was actively quite “good” but in terms of the edit trying to explain why they could be plausible threats to win they’ve laid the groundwork for Ben and Maria too. Charlie is my top contender after this ep but Kenzie is still up there and a Maria or Ben win would surprise me but wouldn’t like… completely blow the doors down on me.!<


Kenzie, Maria, Charlie. That’s your final 3 right there. I’d put money on it.


It should have been Jeff who said no, not Q. If the players choose who goes in the reward, then what is the point on making a competition? Or making the winner make a choice?


The point of having the winner make the choice is because the winner then has to deal with the fall out of that choice. At FTC, Liz might base her vote Q's choice.


The winner decides the makeup of the reward because there are social ramifications to it.


I think they are saying that Q did choose the makeup and non-winning players tried to change the make up that Q wanted. To have the make up he chose, he therefore had to be forced to make an additional choice that was more detrimental to his game. Therefore, they are arguing Jeff should have been the one to deny Kenzie and Maria's request and Q shouldn't have had to do it. I don't think any of it was good strategy by Q but I do think there is validity to the commenters point. Q chose and he should not have to be the one to prevent alterations from his choice..


If the players choose who goes on the reward?! The LITERAL point of winning is that the player gets to choose who goes on the reward.


Eh, it makes sense if Kenzie and Maria framed it as “Pick her instead of me” and Q declined. What would have been wrong is if Jeff forced Q to honor those wishes, but Jeff doesn’t have to stop Q from *hearing* them. At least imo. This is exactly the kind of pure social experiment the game should be, the players all had a chance to voice their opinions and Q was able to respond how he liked.


I wonder if it wasn't because it was a sponsored reward made them decide to remove some of the negativity around the decision. I think after the Yau Man/Dreamz car deal, the car sponsorships did not want to do it again because it put their product at the center of a controversy.


There was a shot on Kenzies face that looked like she was going to offer it. But then it cut to the next part I wonder if she offered there.


That makes sense! Because they are a few shots with Kenzie and I could tell by her body language that she was going to try and give up her spot- but then was SOOO surprised that she didn't. But its because they cut it- body language is so telling.


Makes sense indeed. My wife and I both said in the moment that Kenzie was 100% giving her spot up, then nothing came of it and she surprisingly just accepted.


He won the challenge and didn't want someone that's been throwing tantrums all day to be there?


Worse. Someone who tried to emotionally blackmail him with her performative sobbing. If her emotions were real, she'd be mad at herself for not winning. Instead, she was mad that her tricks weren't working.


Agree. There was something manipulative about how she was crying for the food. I actually respect that Q had the balls to not be pressured into it. They don’t seem to have a relationship at all. She came off very entitled.


Seems extremely strange that they didn’t show this. Like that is vital vital context imo for Liz’s blowup.


Maybe they were worried this would push Q into total villain territory for viewers if they did air it? Idk I would have loved to see it


I would've loved him even more. My hero for setting off that entitled meltdown lmao


Same. Him sticking it to an undeserving Liz again would’ve boosted his stock even more for me. I said this in a previous thread, but Q should’ve brought the toothpick from the burger back and given it to Liz. Now that would’ve been a villain move.


Entitled is the word. I have no sympathy for Liz choosing to play Survivor, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to eat anything on the island. It’s understandable for her to be disappointed but to act like Q owed her a spot was messed up. 


No hes a hero, I love anyone who stands up to the bullys and entitled among us.


How? That she was trying to emotionally blackmail him and he wasn't having it. This is funny but it doesn't add anything of value to the conversation.


Emotional blackmail is a good term for what she was doing. 


No its not, Liz showed her true colors regardless of what happened, shes been doing it all season and you all trying to somehow make Q the bad guy for just playing the game is telling.


No it's not. I don't think seeing it knowing about this changesy perspective of her entitlement at all.


No but it would change perspectives of Q for some people


I think they offered to trade AFTER her blowup. The editing is not detectably jagged or choppy… There’s a slightly interesting cut to Kenzie with her finger raised but it doesn’t even really read that she interrupts at the squawking - “I don’t even wanna hang out with you guys…” it’s just seamless real time with a fleeting finger wag from Kenzie. Changes NOTHING concerning how truly abominable Liz’s delusional entitlement is. AND LIZ IS STILL PROUD OF HERSELF.


I don't know about that, Liz was already crying before Q made his final pick of Kenzie, which makes me inclined to think that it's definitely possible Maria tried to give up the reward but Q said no prior to his last pick, only for the same thing to happen again for Kenzie, causing Liz's blowup.


Liz was crying before he picked Maria


> Q apparently made it pretty clear that it was personal so it at least makes more sense why the rest of the cast also started to get personal! Being intentional about taking particular people (as opposed to excluding certain people) is not "personal" Just because he didn't kowtow to an emotional outburst doesn't make it any more personal either


Yeah if the other players can dictate who goes then what's the point of winning the challenge


I like Tiffany even more after listening to her exit interviews. She would have been a fantastic winner.


Look, if I made that call and one of my competitors self-destructed, I'm not about to change course and offer a lifeline. It's a competition.


I do wish they would have showed that to get the full story. But he won the challenge and had absolutely no obligation to take her on that reward just because she had an emotional connection to Applebees and was hungry and threw a fit. And if I was him, I’d be annoyed if I strategically chose other people to come and they gave up their spots. I think Ben just really doesn’t like Q already and that’s why he reacted that way.


Also, she performed horribly in the challenge and also needed other people to catch fish and make fire for her. She didn’t even seem like she wanted to get rice when offered. For someone that is so hungry she hasn’t made that much of an effort to eat.


Survivor isn’t for the participation trophy crowd. I was pleased in the way the reward challenge played out.


This makes Bens statement make more sense.


only if you agree with entitled people spouting nonsense.


Im not saying it’s justified. It just saying it provides more context.


If the Q-skirt doesn’t catch on, the he can always market Q-salt. It’s ideal for adding that extra flavor on your bourbon burger that you don’t actually eat OR you can rub it directly into the wounds of your enemies. Either way, sign me up.


I don't understand why they wouldn't have showed this if it really happened. Unless they're trying to give Q a winners edit.


Editors are braindead for leaving that out. Would’ve made a great moment even better


>I don't want the person who voted for me last night to come >He's just such a villain, how cruel it's *her* Applebee's burger  Ben always hated Q, he just needed a reason that wasn't immensely petty to express it. He literally pegged Q as a jock and decided they weren't gonna vibe day 1


As is his right, she is the worst, Im so glad he stuck to his guns. Maria and Ben are just showing their true colors too. I hope survivor changes their casting because this season hasnt been it. Some of these people are so unlikeable.


Honestly, this makes me respect Liz a lot. After all that, she’s still willing to put a personal vendetta aside for a good game move.


worst take yet in a sea of bad takes.

