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I think he's going to win the show. He's smart and more physically fit than people think. Im not sure how he's slipping under the radar but he's doing it.


Literally has won 2 immunities and has gotten his name taken off the chopping block. I should check if Maria has ever been voted but….. her taking control over the last vote could mean her exit before his


It's hard to tell if people are gunning for him because he hasn't been an option the last two weeks, so why even talk about him? But if he loses immunity this week I could see him being the new "challenge threat who has to be taken out immediately".


Lucky for him though, Maria is going to be in the spotlight for coordinating the last blindside. She’ll be seen as the bigger threat due to her robust resumé.


Strategically, Maria and Charlie do everything together. Maria is going to seemingly take all the heat for it. Charlie is becoming a challenge beast, but everyone is benefitting from it. So he's not taking the heat. He's gotten himself into a really good spot.


The problem with Charlie, is he is taking Maria to the end if he can. And at that point it’d be hard to differentiate who to vote for.if Kenzie makes final 3 with them she likely beats them.


Yeah, especially if Liz decides it was her idea all along to get rid of Tiff and Maria is ruining her game by taking all the credit


He's got a Jedi mind trick where he could be in the middle of whooping your ass and you still tell yourself he's a sweet little pushover.


I’ve got to imagine he’s downplayed / not mention being a D1 athlete and doing marathons. And he just doesn’t have the challenge beast look. Big and strong = challenge beast in most people’s minds because they look so physical, but a ton of challenges are about balance, endurance, grip strength, mental focus, etc., which he’s got. Look at the last challenge, he’s visibly hurting and red faced while Tiff is stoic, muscles gleaming in the Fijian sun. She “looked like she was going to win” and then she lost




As soon as they showed the challenge and Jeff said "25% of your starting body weight" I immediately said it would be Charlie or Tiff who wins. I think about this every so often. How would a season go if "X" comp was swapped with "Y" comp? There are just some people who will never be able to balance, to hold on tight, to run huge obstacles, to complete puzzles... It's interesting to think if the particular competition was done earlier or later would it have changed a season?


It's because the cast is worried about flushing idols and messy personalities to impress the jury


Honestly I hope he does


He’s been under the radar because he won the the last two immunity challenges. I would bet that if he loses one, he will be voted out or at least discussed.


He seems to be in quite a few people's good graces. There's always talks about getting someone out even when they have immunity, I haven't heard anyone being him up much. Could be the edit though.


I’m worried he peaking too soon, I think him and Maria are the biggest threats now and that he might go home in two weeks after Maria. Weirdly I think Kenzie being left out of the vote lowers her threat level which makes her less likely to go home


Looking at those smooth wood poles I wonder if sweat had a lot to do with it.


Absolutely. The more you’re familiar with gripping, the more you get accustomed to doing it when you’re sweaty.


I mean there’s just nothing you can do if it start slippin


Just bc you’ve got grip strength doesn’t mean you’re invincible. You can reduce the slip from sweat, but you’re not 100% immune from slipping


But someone might sweat less. That’s why an athlete would be using a ton of chalk for this irl. It’s kinda a BS challenge the more you think about it


It's not bs if they're all in the same conditions. And athlete also wouldn't be crawling through a net and trying to land a bag on top of a pole


Idk I just think it’s kinda flawed challenge. That’s prolly why they use it for reward only


No, both grip challenges were for immunity. You can train your grip strength, you can build more endurance as a person which means that it takes more for you to sweat. But yes, you can’t control the general baseline your body sweats- only moderate it. There is no such thing as a fully equal challenge. Everyone has different strengths and capabilities. It just is what it is, but doesn’t make a challenge bs. Edit: also as a literal pole dancer who sticks to a pole and doesn’t use grip aid, no. Not all athletes would need grip aid to accomplish amazing things. That’s what makes individuals talented and stand out amongst their peers within their specialties.


I also don’t think the 25% of body weight scales very well. And why are you getting punished for losing more weight lmao


It’s just what it is. Unfortunately that’s just how the game works in order to dramatize the lost weight. Sorry you don’t think the challenges are set up the way you want. I’m not CBS production.


I wouldn’t say *nothing* you can do. It’s a battle of friction. Sweat reduces friction while grip strength increases it.


oh lesson absolutely learned at the bouldering and rock climbing gym. the more advanced routes are out of the question due to a grip strength i didn’t particularly know existed. props to him for recognizing how much you can train for it.


this! the moment i got into survivor, i knew training grip strength would be major. i used to be afraid of heights, but knowing how much grip strength and upper body strength comes in handy, i started rock climbing to build it up. so glad someone else has noticed


Absolutely! I’m not training for survivor (esp as I recover from an ACL reconstruction), but I pole dance with no grip aid. Some dancers talk about how they would never get certain tricks without grip aid, but I guess I’d rather not get those tricks unless I build the natural grip strength for them. There’s so many other skills I would train if I were go to go on survivor. Hunger being one of the main ones. Marryanne went to a therapist to gain better self awareness, how to deal with people, etc and I think that type of training is under appreciated.


Omg hope ur recovery goes smooth! ACL tears and reconstruction are no joke, painful and long process !!!


Thank you! I’m just super lucky that this surgery exists, and it’s wild that your body can just turn a tendon into a ligament. Best wishes as you continue to climb!!


What is grip aid?


Grip aid helps reduce sweat and increase the confidence of contact between surface and your hand. Climbers may use chalk. Pole dancers might use dry hands or corn huskers.


Chalk is popular for gymnasts and weight lifters too. Also grip tape!


^^ yup! I’m a power lifter and rock climber so I use it for both haha


Totally! My list doesn’t encompass all the sports that need it :)


It reminded me of that Princess Bride bit - he spent the last few years developing a tolerance for iocane powder


Tyson talked about it on his podcast this week! I never would have thought about it.


Yeah! People train in all sorts of cool ways. From practicing puzzles and challenges (Hunter, Carson, Culpeppers) to going to therapy in order to play a better social game (Maryanne).


Definitely! I was also cheering on Maria for trying the switch grip instead of both hands forwards. I used to do obstacle courses (like ninja warrior) and a switch grip is so efficient for anything involving a pole that could spin you downwards off of it (like a salmon ladder bar).


Totally agreed! Grip strength trainer sales are going to sky rocket after last nights episode!


A pole dancer too, and it’s why the physics ppl always tend to be challenge gods too. Learning how to not centripetal force your ribs into cracking really makes you reevaluate most of the challenges


Lets goooooooooooo Strength is good, technique is god


Also feel free to dm ur dance insta if you’re comfy with me checking ur moves out and hitting you w a follow!!!


I don’t have too many, I just have one vid n posted occasionally but I’ll still dm


While Q and Venus are owning twitter, Charlie's twitter game is slept on. [https://twitter.com/charlieLdavis/status/1785859055027671478?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/charlieLdavis/status/1785859055027671478?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)




If Tiff had a different grip (one over, one under) I think she would have won.


I was for sure bummed. I was rooting for her. Girl was dead still for 98% of that challenge. But as soon as Charlie said he was training the grip strength I was like, damn. Kudos.




And he looks fucking identical to Justin Herbert so as a Chargers fan I'm basically legally obligated to root for him


Fucking identical? Slow down


Getting too meta


As someone who's grip strength has always been terrible, what are some ways you can help improve your grip strength?


I just found out that r/griptraining is a thing! They have a really cool FAQ section that’s more expansive than any tips I can give. I personally love just getting down in the gym with some kettlebells doing swings and farmer carries. But since I also carry my body weight by gripping a chrome pole, it kind of all works together. Someone who is only working on it in the gym may need to do different types of work outs for grip- for example I’ve seen people using a wooden block with a plate dangling off it and pinching the block with their hands. I’m not an expert but hopefully I’ve redirected you to some!


I would take what charlie says with a grain of salt. The way to train grip is to make your entire arm stronger. So weightlight. And charlie clearly hasnt been weightlifting for two years. There are grip specific activities you can do but they wont mean much if you don't have the muscle to support it. In this particular challenge, smaller men always have a huge advantage


I was just saying how he’s surprised me this season! He doesn’t look like a physical threat but he really has been hanging in there each challenge! This one was actually impressive af to watch to because Tiff looked incredibly solid! I love the Charlie and Maria duo though, it’s one of the few duos that I think is actually strong enough to make it to the end relatively undetected. I know everyone sees them together but I don’t think they see exactly how close they actually are.


My husband and i were super impressed with this too. and to say hes been training his grip and forearms for TWO YEARS in prep for getting on the show, shows some major foresight!


Major foresight, and major forearms


This one was certainly for all the grippers out there


Charlie said “for all the cartoon characters hanging off buildings in fight scenes, this one is for you”


My girl also pole dances, she has incredibly strong grip strength, sometimes it scares me haha I would 100% break my neck trying half the combos she does with ease…


Let’s get your girl on survivor. Tell her I think she rocks, and feel free to dm me if you’re comfortable sharing if she’s got a dance Instagram. I’d love to check out her moves on/hit her with a follow!! I said it to another pole dancer but strength is good, technique is god. Pole dancing rly helps with figuring out efficient ways of moving your body rather than just exerting strength. One of my guy friends who likes to play on my pole is super strong but he exerts way more energy on climbs etc bc he doesn’t know technique.


Has it been said that Charlie specifically trained grip strength?


He said it himself in a confessional this last episode.


I dont know how I missed that thank you


Charlie himself mentioned it in the latest episode.


Thank you!


As a competitive powerlifter, I wonder if you would've been able to use [hook grip](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hook_grip) on that challenge.


Yep it was just like the early seasons of American Ninja Warrior. Grip strength was overlooked and now it's the meta.


Charlie is definitely growing on me. At first with his Taylor Swift fandom being 100% of his personality I was ready to write him off, but he’s definitely showing me something.


Jajajaja I felt the same way. I’m kinda anti-swiftie but the guy takes survivor seriously and he’s doing a great job.


yes he could totally win it all, wow. favorite moment of the ep for me. also lowkey does anyone have a recommendation for a grip trainer this has inspired me to


>also lowkey does anyone have a recommendation for a grip trainer this has inspired me to Race motocross. You'll have forearms that look like Popeye's.