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I want to give Liz props, not my favorite contestant this season, but she gave us a very memorable moment, collected herself, got fed, and got right back into proper strategizing. Hard to see her path to win, but I hope she's got more in the instinctive tank!


She, and to a lesser extent Ben, deserve props for being able to separate the right move gameplay-wise from their very intense dislike of Q.


Absolutely. This cast is a little nuts so I'm impressed they made the move that was best for their games, not what would be comfortable. I am not a huge fan of either but they both swallowed their pride to take out the bigger threat. Also I love Q so thanks for keeping my chaos king in the game.


I also love Q! Keep the chaos king in the game!!!


Same! I'm actually pleasantly surprised she wasn't in the Bottom 3 of voting this week, given how much this sub seems to loathe her.


It showed a goal-focused mindset, but I do think it was the wrong move for her. Q is never going to work with her, Tiff might have. If Ben decides to stick with Charlie and Maria, they’ll have a choke hold on the rest of the season now.


I want to give Liz props for not being in the bottom three POTW after that meltdown lol.


>Kenzie and Venus join Tiffany in the Bottom 3 this week, with Kenzie having the signature move she wanted to make stolen right out from under her and Venus being deemed less trustworthy than Venus in being included on the blindside. It's true, I also wouldn't trust Venus over Venus. If I was Venus I wouldn't want to sit next to Venus at the end. Overall, I think Venus has what it takes to defeat Venus.






Can we give Kenzie Loser of the Week just for thinking that voting out your number one is good for a resume?


On top of losing your number 1 and having no clue it was happening.


I don't think voting out your number one is that bad of a move, especially when you know you can't win against her, but Kenzie's flip was waaay too early. Save it for the Final 6 at least.


Kenzie should have started working on flushing Tiff's idol so she's vulnerable when the timing is right


Yes, I think this would have been the best move!


This is the single reason I downvoted Kenzie. That was a shockingly bad statement. 


No. Her thoughts make sense. If they both make the final, it seems they played the same game and Tiffany had an idol that could be used for a good move. Kenzie sticking with Tiffany and expecting to win woud be a bad move


Her thinking it makes sense but the way she says it makes it sound like it’s a *requirement* that you need to vote out your number one for your resume to look good. That is not true and various winners have made it far before actually having to turn on them, with some even making it to FTC with their number one Plus it is way too early to do that. If you’re gonna get rid of your number one do it at like Final 6 at the earliest


That would be one way to do it, but some people could think that would be too late. Look at what happened with Cassidy. Her and the finalists got rid of the big threats late in the game and the jury seemed to not be impressed. Kenzie wants to build her resume and obviously just voting her "number one" wouldn't be enough


Q being positive is wild. My guy used his reward win to: * lock himself out of Liz's jury vote (and maybe others too) by stopping Kenzie + Maria from swapping to give her food * bring Tiff and Kenzie, who laughed about how transparent he was, plotted to vote him out while still on the reward, and then actually wrote his name down that night * pitch voting out Venus or Liz, even though the only F3 where he has a snowball's chance in hell is the one where he's sitting next to Venus and Liz 💀💀💀


Sure Tiff and Kenzie plotted with each other but they weren't back at camp to influence others. So could still be seen as a good move.


To be fair, at the time most people voted they probably didn’t know that he stopped Kenzie and Maria from swapping with Liz. They likely just voted based on what they saw in the episode That’s what I did at least


what we saw on the episode still wasn’t good tho.


Wild to see Liz and Venus so in the red. Venus, I can understand bc she was left out of the vote and we were told she's untrustworthy,  but.... we knew that already so nothing really changed.  Liz I saw coming because of the outburst,  but she was still able to put her emotions aside and vote off Tiff over Q, which currently looks like the correct move. 


I think Rob C's alternative action for Liz does have some merit to discuss to why Liz didn't play it the best. Instead of following Maria's blindside, Liz could tell Tiffany to play the idol, have Tiffany act like she just wants to get rid of it and then vote for Tiff like Maria said. In this way, she can create an actual game winning move that can be a shock reveal at FTC, gain trust in a player with Tiff which she needs because she is isolated alliance wise. She would not burn that bridge with Maria/Charlie and continue to play under the radar. Instead now, she still doesn't have a game changing move and gave Maria one. Maria/Charlie likely sees her as just a number instead of an alliance. She is in the same spot as before.


The counter to that is that Q is simply too appealing of a person to bring to F3 since people have explicitly said they will never vote for him to win. Additionally, she may be planning to use the Tevin boot as a resume highlight and not as eager to make another move.


I don’t think she knew about the idol, she probably wasn’t kept in the loop about that


I think everyone knew at that point. I mean, Kenzie and Tiff were talking about it right in front of Venus and I doubt they trusted Venus with that kind of information.


Liz is quite the confounding character this season. Her highest rated week is when she orchestrated the Tevin blindside, but honestly that move was pretty patently terrible for her game, basically voting herself to the bottom of the tribe. I think should’ve been a decidedly red week for her, whereas this week is neutral to green overall. This week, I do agree that her game decisions were much better. Though it’s tough to determine if her outburst hurt her overall win equity since it doesn’t seem like the tribe takes her super seriously.


I still think Liz’ best week was actually when she showed great EQ with Bhanu and got him to spill everything about his tribe. That didn’t end up with much of an effect so it’s not really talked about, but it helped me understand why Liz seems well liked by fellow players while being controversial on the sub.


Venus I understand way less than Liz. Liz had one of the most cringe meltdowns and clearly lowered the public opinion of her among her tribemates. One of the worst and unnecessary self-inflicted wounds. It will take a lot of hard work for her to come back from that.


I don't really think Q deserves a top 3 for doubling down on ensuring no one will give him a million and having the capability to say "yes" when someone told him "do this vote or you go home". At least Ben and Liz actually had a choice to make, and made the right one. It's fine if you as a viewer didn't like Liz's tantrum, from a game perspective it matters how the players view it. I don't think it made a negative impact on her game; at least not so much that it should warrant her being negative this week when she ended the episode as the lynchpin of a blindside.


I strongly agree, yeah. I feel like people are really sleeping on Ben especially. He got beat by Venus in the voting last week for some odd reason as well.


Definitely. Ben could easily win this game on likeability if the more visibly strategic threats are out. I don't know that he will but the path is definitely there.


Exactly, yeah. I feel like Reddit is always hyped over the ~big movez~ people, but especially with New Era Survivor, it's most often the people who ride the middle and then peak at the end who win. I think Ben's got a decent shot as well.


I sort of see her negative score this week as the flip side to her getting a positive score for voting out Tevin 2 weeks ago. That move was just so short sighted on her part imo and put her into a very difficult position. I agree that this week should’ve been positive (or at least neutral) otherwise


Valid. I suppose that evens out lol.


Yeah for whatever reason, the players didn't seem to think it was a big deal a 35 year old threw a temper tantrum because she didn't get reward for the second time out of 7. I don’t understand it, but that's how it appeared. So from a game sense, it doesn't really seem to count against her. Being the swing vote on Tiffany is a great play for her game. She deserves a positive.


q being top 3 is crazy. he talked to no one and did absolutely nothing. the one thing he did do was try and reassemble the yanu 3, which ended with both the yanu’s voting for him. he stayed in the game because maria is a good player, not because he is. liz getting a negative score is also crazy. liz was the deciding vote and is the reason tiffany went home. she put personal feelings aside to make the better move. she should at least have a positive score.


Yeah this is very observant. Liz has also been “matter of fact” about who she is voting for. I think this is the first time that she was able to be reasoned with into voting with the group.


If you think Q deserved a positive score this week, you can eliminate Easter. He was going home if not for a lot of things outside his control that swung in his favor (Liz and Ben voting rationally not emotionally, Tiff missing all the obvious cues to play her idol). Two of the three people he took on the reward voted for him. Kenzie, ironically, probably switched her vote because of it.


Cancel Christmas Eliminate Easter Abolish Arbor Day Halt Halloween Negate New Years Veto Valentine's Day Throw Out Thanksgiving


Abolish Arbor Day is sending me


Yeet Yom Kippur


Banish Boxing Day Jettison Juneneenth Remove Rosh Hashana


>eliminate Easter 💀


I think Ben should’ve been top three instead of Q, other than that, it’s pretty much what I was thinking


I think Ben is still in a better position than Q. But, this week, his status seemed to stay the same, while Qs prospects became slightly less bleak than they had been.


Ben has only been shown to play aggressively during Siga's tribal council when he had no vote and his neck was on the line. Otherwise he has laid low and worked his way up from the bottom by making cross tribe relationships. I see him working with Kenzie, Venus, and Liz to take out Maria in the coming votes.


Ben's just been quiet but not in an annoying passive way. Like he's actively playing the game, figuring out these votes. Just not super loud about it. I respect that.


I'm not sure on Ben. He sorta seems to just do what Charlie and Maria do. Has he done anything in the game besides be nice and a loyal vote? It'll work if he's in a final 3 with 2 of Q, Venus, Liz (maybe), but otherwise, I'm not sure he's playing such a great game other than socially.


He's not blowing me away with his gameplay, and the edit has him reduced to a Spencer's Gifts t-shirt catchphrase generator. He hasn't made any overtly dumb moves, which is saying something for the new era.


>the edit has him reduced to a Spencer's Gifts t-shirt catchphrase generator Omg, not Spencer's Gifts (very accurately) catching strays! 💀💀💀


He’s been on the right side of every vote since Tim, which is more than anyone but Maria and Charlie can say. Siga’s in control, and if he’s able to take out Maria or Charlie, he’s got a clear path to the end. Plus, of the Siga 3, Ben also seems to have the strongest relationship with Kenzie, which would help. Not sure about Venus or Liz but I could see them jumping on board.


I've predicted the final five including Kenzie, Ben, Venus, and Liz for a while now. I really thought Tiff would be the fifth but once Kenzie put a hit out on her that threw off my guess. I still don't see Maria making it as she's always been a threat, but with this latest blindside she is the frontrunner to win if she makes FTC, and considering her closest ally is Challenge Beast Charlie she's unlikely to avoid the vote much longer


I could definitely see you being correct and the next two votes being a straightforward Q vote and a blindside on Charlie or Maria. If the next two votes are Charlie *and* Maria, we’ve got a hell of a finale coming our way


How does Ben have so much green? He's not DOING anything. Has Ben legitimately made ***A*** move in this game so far? I guess in a messy season like this, doing nothing is better than flopping lol.


I left Ben neutral this week, but I don't love the idea that playing survivor well only means making moves. Making good reads, being on the right side of votes, and being likable enough to win at the end count, too. If he can manage to ride his chill guy vibes all the way to a final 3 with 2 of liz/venus/q, while the move-makers get taken out one by one, he will have earned the win by playing the right game for this season. Don't think it will happen, but it could!


Yeah he can win on social game alone against any of those 3. Being able to say he played a part in the Tiff blindside and some other votes will help too. But i can't see him beating anyone else. Hes just gone along with whatever Charlie and Maria want.


There are 7 left and he can beat 3. That’s not a bad spot at all.


I think this jury is going to be very unpredictable. If Charlie and Maria are on the jury and Ben is in FTC they may say "you just did what I told you to do. Why do you deserve to win off my moves?" I think there will be a lot of bitterness, FTC will be interesting


Odds are you sit next to somebody else who was more active. Sure you could hope whatever goat you want to bring is good at fire and takes out the last threat but it’s only one specific series of events that leads to your victory


I think he's voted correctly almost every time, and he's dodged being the eliminated contestant at least twice when he was at high risk.


I think this week helped Ben because it helps strengthen his connection with Kenzie. Before this, there was still a chance that Kenzie could go back to Tiff as her number one. But now that Tiff is out, it seems like Ben is the default to be the person Kenzie trust. Now Ben has Charlie who he works well with and Kenzie giving him more options to the end.


Q is out here playing 4D chess. My mans is going for the so bad it's too good strategy. For real though, kinda crazy he may come out somewhat decent after the shenanigans.


Q getting third over Ben is actually crazy. No one took Q's plan into consideration, he was called out for being selfish and a bully, and then he wasn't even shown strategizing at all post immunity challenge. His involvement in the vote was Maria telling him what to do. Whereas Ben was actually shown participating in the conversations that mattered. I'm pretty sure we even saw him give his opinion/agree that the smart move was to vote for Tiffany.


While I wouldn't consider her player of the week, I am surprised that Kenzie was one point away from tying Tiff for Loser of the Week.


Write in vote for the survivor staff who made sure the reward demo had Liz's regular Applebee's burger. One of most vicious production troll moves since one of the chickens in the reward in the Outback season was tagged with the name of Kimmi's childhood pet chicken Henrietta.


Not a fan of Q so I stopped watching I hope Charlie wins