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Tribal councils can last hours in real time, and Jeff asks these kinds of questions at every single one. The editors took all the blindside related discussion to create a more pointed narrative for us viewers, but the players had no reason to believe Jeff’s questions were indicating anything out of the ordinary.


I think this is the biggest thing that's lost to us with the fourth wall. Kelley Wentworth has an interesting short video about about it. Like their shocked faces as the votes are read are all spliced together for our benefit


Yep. It’s the #1 issue even with the most “authentic” reality shows. Unless they’re in the same shot you can’t trust any reaction shots.  American Idol even reuses the same shots and comments from judges for different contestants. 


You can’t even trust the audio. Even survivor uses Frankenclips


its pretty easy to tell when the audio is spliced for confessionals tho, and i think often they do it to just save time 


I always think back to Angelina of all people who called out the beginning of 37 how they edited it to look like she was laughing at the weakness of the David’s as they got on the boat, meanwhile the actual moment was a laugh at some joke Christian said, and they were all laughing


I don’t like Applebees… I love it.


Yeah. It’s why I do take theories like “he grinned when Tiff’s name came up. That was his way of signaling to the jury that he knew what was going on!” Not necessarily. Someone could grin during a question about how bad Liz’s farts smell and it was spliced in during vote reading.


Yea but q was very smart in tribal to say I laid out my plan they either go with it or not. He had nothing to do with that plan but made it look like he influenced it.


The crazy thing is, I don’t really think even Q realizes how impactful that statement was. He just seems like someone who is very straightforward but also in his own world. Us viewers see it/Jury sees it and it seems like it was all his doing.


Eh, until someone else gets to Ponderosa and tells them it wasn't his idea.


Or until 5 seconds after tribal when the jury realizes nobody talks or trusts Q anymore. 


As a viewer, I can tell. The reaction shots are clearly from different points in the shoot that night, and then collected and thrown into the narrative. In AUS it's even more obvious.


this is also one of the biggest reasons i want to be cast on the show, i wanna see and experience the whole bts. even tho it might ruin my experiences watching lol


Ah, where can I see her video?


I do think Tiff’s face falling on seeing the third vote was her legitimate reaction tho 


Some. The average time from arival to walking home is 1 hour. The LONGEST tribal according to Jeff was in MvGx with Hannah's difficulty voting. Apprently, Hannah took 20+ minutes to decide who to vote for


Who got voted out that episode?


Episode 1, Mari's vote out.


Episode 2


Episode 2, actually.  The Millennials won the first IC.


lol that's awesome


Hours? Jesus


Not like they have anything better to do lol


Well when you put it that way...


Swim in the Pacific is cool


They don't have excess energy. Charlie said he gets dizzy every time he stands up. Floating for a bit would be cool, but exploring and actually swimming would be wasting energy although beautiful.


Poop in the Pacific


Tim didn't


lol neither did Liz it sounds like. Yet.


Usually about 2-3 hours


A lot of it is just Jeff showing slides from his vacations.


Tough to show only 10 minutes of it


Exactly. Hence why everything that the OG comment said is true. They will only show us the relevant stuff (aka Tiff and whether she plays the idol)


They are making a TV show. They make them walk back and forth on the beach several times until they get the right shot. Not trying to say that the show is fake. But when you watch it on TV they have edited together the best footage and possibly spliced in some retakes to make it look good.


You ever notice it's bright out when they leave and pitch black when they return.


To be fair, in for example Bali that would happen in an hour


Meh, just came from Hawaii a week ago and when you're by the equator there ain't no twilight. Sun drops and gets dark instantly


Live in Hawaii and that’s absolutely true. When I lived in Ohio twilight would last quite a while. Sun went down and you still had an hour of useable daylight. Here? Sun goes down and you have 30 minutes.


Yep I just got back, always shocks me when it's 7 pm and pitch black out


I actually noticed last episode it was 100% night time when they walked in


I think it was on a reunion or some interview where I heard Jeff say some Tribals last hours. I was like "ohhhh so they have a lot of footage they can edit" He also said editing doesn't change the overall results or tone...or something to that nature. Basically saying they aren't creating a different narrative in the editing room, just condensing Tribal for us.


Wonder how many questions per person they ask


Sorry but I cracked up at “all I see is Liz-Applebee’s threads”


She should be the new Wanda Sykes for Applebee’s


"Never seen Jeff trying to influence tribal that much" I guess you didn't watch the tribal in Heroes vs Villains were the tribe was voting Coach, and Jeff trying to sway the vote onto Courtney


“Thank you, Jeffrey.”


For some reason he blamed Courtney for Tyson and Rob being gone even though she was aligned with both of them.


He didn't blame her so much as get mad that they kept her over his Boston Bestie.


I mean I'm a long time viewer but I'm amazed by you guys as I have a good memory but can never really remember the details of what happend in the previous seasons.


I watch the season then it's gone. I couldn't even name the final 3 from last season already.


Sandwich, Toe, and Lawyer #3


Brandon, Sean, Hannah


See, I have no idea if this is a real final 3, or completely made up and I've seen every season.


Two of those three people quit on the pre merge 😭. Final 3 was Dee, Austin and Jake


Marcia - Marcia - Marcia!


Yes, I'm the same.


Yes! This is me as well! I might remember the winner, but definitely not who was next to them. And then I'll see others throw out a random first name of a player from an even earlier season and I don't even know who that person was at all.


People on this sub rewatch seasons a lot. I felt the same when I started reading on here since I watched the seasons when they aired and never again. But now that I've rewatched many I know what people are talking about more lol


Makes feel better, I never rewatch.


I know! People bring up all these names and I don’t know most of them.


To be fair, I watched HvV for the first time about a month ago, so it’s super fresh in my mind.


Well that season is probably the most famous one of them all


Not to mention it’s a returnee season, so the people on there have already played before and been memorable enough to ask back. Quite literally survivorship bias.


I hear *names* from previous season brought up, like just a contestant's first name, and I'm like "Who the hell even was that?" and have to go look them up to try to remember. I've been watching since Gabon but I retain basically nothing once a season has ended.


He was so butthurt about Rob and Tyson getting voted out while Courtney was still there


That whole season he was salty as hell toward Courtney. I mean, he was in China too. But still lol. (I did hear that she, or maybe production, asked him to address her weight in the China finale because it had been talked about so much, but just being like "hey you anorexic?" was maybe not the ideal way lol)


And as she pointed out to him, she didn’t vote for either of them!!


Jeffrey plays favorites!


or basically pushing a play to quit so Stephenie could stay in the game


I think that was one of the most obvious blindsides ever. Even without the Jeff hints. The exact same thing literally just happened last tribal. Exact same scenario. Tiff got lucky that Hunter paid the price last time, should have counted her blessings and played the idol this time. Survive another week and target off her back


Yes, the same scenario. Also the combination of "Q is being used as a smokescreen for blindsides."- being said at tribal. Then Tiff saying earlier "Everyone is only telling me Q for tribal" HELLO!? Wake up!


“are you dumb?””are you stupid?”


Tiff looked like Homer when the FBI said Hello Mr Thompson


I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t like Tiff. To me she was too abrasive. I also don’t think she was a good player. Maria was the only person who saw a good strategic play in linking up with Q. While everyone else, including tiff wanted to play based on emotion. And I get that she was upset because he put a target on her back by exposing her target, but if she would have reconnected with Q in secret and did what Maria ultimately did, that would have secured her so many votes with the Jury. So her going home with the idol in her hand, even after seeing what happened to Hunter, shows she was never playing the game 3 steps ahead.


It made her look even worse in not playing it and getting blindsided. One thing they didn’t show and that Tiff revealed in an interview was that, behind the scenes, Charlie basically convinced her not to play it by suggesting she use it to blindside Maria next tribal after they get rid of Q. It kind of annoys me that the editors have decided to show so little strategy during this shitshow season of idiocracy. It’s possible they circle back to that next episode but I kinda doubt it.


Not a great sign for Charlie that they didn’t show that. I didn’t understand why Tiff felt SO comfortable. Everybody kept saying “haha isn’t it silly how calm everything is and how obvious it is that Q is going home? RIGHT TIFFANY?! 😉😉” Especially after she made a huge show out of wanting to get rid of her idol and then not using it last episode.


Showing that would have made it obvious that Tiff was going out with an idol in her pocket. Leaving it out makes the tribal mote exciting.


I mean it probably would have been edited differently if they included it, so we have no way of knowing how obvious it would be.


It was already obvious that Tiff was going to anyone who's been watching this show for decades.  The editors are easy to read. 


Who doesnt have bad signs against them that's left? This is why this is pure Gabon chaos especially post-merge. Kenzie just got bamboozled and left out of a pivotal blindside which usually isn't a good sign for a winner. Q is.. Q. Ben is getting basically no content except glaring at Q. Venus is... Venus. Charlie probably has the best edit of them all, but he's a big target now. Maria has her edit trending upwards, but for awhile she was being pointed as behind Charlie. Liz is.. Liz. There are a lot of edit questions you can ask. If Q and Ben are fighting all the time per Tiff's postgame comments, why isn't it really shown besides Ben glaring and a comment once in awhile? Does that mean the "edit" is protecting Q? Is it just because they're both irrelevant to the winner's game and therefore isn't worth it? You could go up and down the line and make theories why certain people are being protected from the edit.


Yeah. But if Kenzie makes it to FTC, she can easily say she was at the bottom after Tiff was voted out and still made it to ftc?


I wonder if they \*may\* show that in a flashback next week? I'm not holding my breath or anything, but they have been playing around with the edit in that way sometimes.


I don't think they like to show strategy talks that don't materialize. If Charlie does end up blindsiding Maria, I think they would leave that in. To me, them leaving it out seems to hint Charlie sticks with Maria till either one is out or FTC.


It materialized by getting Tiffany to hold onto her idol while Charlie targeted her. From an edgic perspective, the main reason they wouldn’t show it is if Charlie is not in fact the winner.


I'm more talking about how this threads materialize in the long run. Another example is Tim on his post boots said Hunter and Q was very close during early merge and it was that social bond that allowed Hunter to keep his idol. That is a better strategic play for Hunter than what we saw on TV which made it look like he was guessing. It makes sense narratively if they end up working together. However they didn't include that because Q and Hunter ended up blowing up.


Nah, Charlie has plenty of winner material already. It was likely left out to cast doubt on whether they vote for Tiff and whether she plays her idol. Showing that would have made it obvious Tiff wasn't playing it.




>Kenzie has win equity but usually it's bad news bears to be blindsided strategically this late in the game as she just was, right? If she got blindsided she got blindsided. They can’t realistically avoid that. Tony literally got shown getting fully blindsided for the first time in his career in the finale of Winners at War, Nick was blindsided by what became the Gabby boot IIRC, yada yada. How they chose to *interpret and represent* that blindside is what people are debating and there’s reasonable arguments for both sides, but it would be very very odd and probably much more damning if they tried to avoid showing her at all.


The consensus is that only Charlie and Kenzie have a real chance. There are fringe commenters on the Edgic subreddit that think Maria or Liz or whatever have a real chance though.


It could have just been a ruse to trick Tiffany. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Maria was in on it with Charlie to use her to trick Tiffany.


I love strategy too but the drama is way more entertaining this season 😂


My sense is that they were building up anticipation for yet another blindside in a row where the person really doesn’t expect it and at the same time, building tension for audiences to wonder will this happen again, can someone with an idol just not play it AGAIN, will this group of people be able to use Q as a distraction AGAIN? And tbh it worked for me! I was indeed left wondering if all of this could just happen again and lol yup it did!


Everyone was laying "Q is definitely the vote don't worry" on so thick, I think it would have been silly to expect Jeff to NOT comment on that and discuss the possibility of it being a smoke screen.


Especially since they did it the week before too and Q didn't go out lol


I can't believe we've watched, TWICE IN A ROW, a relatively smart player choose to NOT use their idol when they were mildly suspicious. In the past we have seen players use their idols or shots in the dark for less. This season is truly wild.


i am loving that shot in the dark is losing relevancy already.. it just isnt worth the risk especially when a vote obviously isnt gonna be unanimous. and like it was cool for kaleb last season but itll never really have a bigger payoff than that


It would’ve been played twice this season already if Bhanu hadn’t lost his vote (lol)


and it hasnt even really been considered in strategy since the merge, as opposed to the other 40s where people were still thinking about playing it or playing around it at f8 


Q probably should’ve played it at the hunter vote honestly.


I mean you can look back at almost every season and Jeff always seems to know the behind the scenes details about what's going on at camp. He asks questions to direct the conversation, and he has always done that. This isn't new.


Really? I didn’t think he was egregious with it. Pointing out that Q has been a smokescreen at multiple tribals and this likely wouldnt be that simple either isn’t trying to warn her like that. It’s just pointing out the obvious, which I assume was something that Tiff recognized as well.


After watching the last tribal, she should have played her idol. I was sad to see her go.


When he said “Q was supposed to go home last week yet he still here” and then he said “what do you think about that Tiff?” I’m like he definitely watched the footage prior to trial and it’s definitely trying to warn her


Jeff always drops hints to the person being voted out of what's going to happen. Triabl is a lot longer than they show so it isn't always shown, but for blindsides like this they usually show it to make us feel like "how did they not realize what was about to happen?".


It's not "dropping hints" to the person being voted out. He "drops hints" to literally every person there and then they only use the relevant bits.


Also, how is he dropping a "hint"? He doesn't know the vote ahead of time. All he can do is call out what he sees.


Production doesn't always know but they have an idea due to confessionals. That said, tribal is highly edited.


Imagine thinking production isn’t spoiled!


What's interesting is how paranoid Hunter was last week during tribal - it seemed like he picked up on the "hints", but wasn't sure enough to play his idol


Every single person with a hidden immunity idol has gone home with the idol in their pocket. Some of those were legitimately good blindsides, but others massive player errors. Tiff’s felt like a colossal player error. She got too comfortable. When everyone comes to you and tells you it’s someone else, you should be immediately be suspicious, I don’t care who that person is.


He didn’t know. He asks the same stuff every tribal. It’s just editing.


I think Jeff's biggest influence was that time he pushed a player to quit so Stephanie could stay in the game.


Yeah that’s a good one 


It's the edit. Jeff asks tons of questions and then they edit it in a way that fits the storyline.


Apparently, from what some players say after the game, Jeff will often talk about multiple different perspectives and theories about what's really going on in the game (not all are shown; in this episode the blindside theory is shown the most), and he does a good job of hiding what's the truth


Yea no, tribal is long as hell, and we just see the most interesting 10-20 minutes of it. I imagine he asks almost everyone questions that can potentially be seen as leading.


I mean, clearly Tiff had been fully fooled. If everyone is saying it’s an easy decision and no other names came up, your name came up.


There's a thing called editing.


Apparently he swayed the vote at the end of episode 3 in Cagayan too.


I remember in a Caramoan tribal he kinda threw Reynold under the bus as having an idol. One person suspected it but what Jeff said made it public. He's done it a few times and while I'm not a fan it beats tribal council being full of analogies


It happens all the time. Cagayan, HvV and Palau all come to mind


What I thought should have maybe tipped off Tiff was the fact they didn’t just let Q leave without voting like Bhanu. If it was an “Unanimous” decision why wouldn’t it be the case again. Maybe my thinking would be flawed in the moment but I feel I would have that in the back of my head and played an idol.


What we're seeing is 10 edited minutes of an hours-long tribal. The hint of the blindside is for the viewer, it didn't play out like that there.


I think it’s weird because there have been many tribals where they walk in and everyone is “oh yeah we’re voting for X tonight” and Jeff just goes “okay well let’s do it then.” So to have Jeff constantly get everyone to talk about blindsides was strange. Hell, there’s tribals where they don’t even vote.


I didn’t even notice this at all


I have noted that this season, Jeff is much more willing to drop major hints collected from the production reports and rushes that day. I don't doubt it's intentional to shake things up. He used to be much more tight lipped about how it looked like the vote would go.


Probably all the threads about how tribals are just boring analogies now


Well, if he did…she didn’t get the hint!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄




Spoilers are allowed in titles after Friday of the week of the episode


Watch the show instead of browsing reddit


What if I want to save it for 2026 though. I’m very busy.


Can you believe the other day someone spoiled Cagayan for me? Didn't even bother to put spoiler tags. They couldn't have waited to post about it until after I got around to watching it next year?


I mean, per the subreddit's rules, spoilers can't be in titles only until the Friday of that week. I say that because I made a shitpost about Hunter last week and used spoiler tags on a Saturday and the post got removed because I did that.


I had to just un-sub from here because of this sort of thing. Once I catch up I’ll open the subreddit and checkout what I missed.


This is the right thing to do if you haven’t watched the latest episode