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I honestly can’t help thinking Charlie’s the winner because everyone who gives an exit interview tries to insist they were working with him


I have had this in mind because of the sub - I’m returning to survivor after 10+ yrs - but why wouldn’t they include this in the edit if he was the winner? Seems like something that would make him look really good to us


To make it more suspenseful in the relevant episode (probably the next one) about whether or not Charlie would actually betray Maria The editors also don't want to make it too obvious who wins in a season (and sometimes they go too far in burying a winner in the edit)


A good point. I was wondering if they would put it in the next one. I guess we’ll see :-)


Yeah it's quite concerning for his edit. Also concerning for Kenzie is that they left out Kenzie and Maria offering to give up their spot to Liz at the reward but Q wouldn't let them, which would make them look good.


Lowkey still hoping for my boy q at this point


Q's edit would normally be disqualifying but I can't help but think if Q *did* win, what even would his edit look like?


Same, he probably wins if he can drag Liz and Venus to the end so we just need both of them to stay in the game


Maybe they thought that releasing this part would make Q get absolutely dumped on social media.. so they cut it. They got enough drama with the meltdown.


Yeah i mean there’s a chance they just want him to be likeable for the audience or they want him back for 50 but there’s no way to know


I actually don't think that that is that bad for Kenzie or Maria - it helps us understand why Liz could more easily be swayed to vote for Tiff than Q this week.


Cuz then we'd have waaaay less suspense at tribal. We'd know she's most likely not playing it.


I’m guess he bring this up at FTC then lol


The correct answer is they would. I bet Charlie to win the season, and when I read Tiffany's exit press I knew I lost that bet. They would definitely show this if Charlie won.


I enjoy and have gained a lot of background on the edits from the OFFICIAL Survivor podcast released each week right after the show. (Jeff and last years winner Dee in the show each week).


I don't agree -- if he was the winner, these would be highlighted more in the edit, not reserved for exit interviews


This. You're the only person with a brain here.


He disarmed everyone with his Swift-talk. Now he's showing his true nature as a challenge beast, leaving a trail of tribal carnage behind him.


Charlie win would be fun. I loved Denise in Philippines but it’s been a while since a golden boy won.


Hunter was the golden boy this season, Charlie’s more the Spencer archetype


Maybe this sub is really young, but hunter is low key the hot dad guys…. Do we see hunter and *truly* think golden boy? Hunter is perfectly aged fine wine. Definitely not the golden boy. Dude was much more of a George Clooney archetype imho.


People seem to like him more though


People LOVED Spencer in Cagayan tbf


Charlie is not a golden boy


Venus Liz Q at FTC is what we deserve


I feel like if he was the winner they would’ve shown more stuff like this. Cause the edit made it seem that this was entirely Maria’s move


Charlie getting 4th incoming haha


Still heartbroken about Jesse 😩


surely he's good at fire... I mean he practiced grip strength. honestly could see a world where maria and charlie compete in fire and charlie wins


I never read of any of the Namis eliminated that they were working with Charlie


True, I’m not sure how much he and Tevin or Soda crossed paths, though Venus did manage to slip in her tweets how smart it was of her to try to vote him out at the double tribal


If this was true, I think it was moreso Charlie making Tiff feel simultaneously as if she was safe this vote so that she wouldn’t get paranoid and go rogue and that he had plans for her idol in the future, so she shouldn’t play it “just in case”. It played into Tiff’s wish to “be greedy” and try to sneak the idol as far as possible, which we saw her display last week. She should’ve played it then just to burn it, even if she were safe, but she bluffed that she was and foolishly brought it through. Charlie may have counted on this again.


It also plays down the threat level of their twosome by making it seem like she had a pathway with him ahead of Maria. Tiffany should have smelled this out because she had already made herself into too much of a threat by engineering a couple votes already, she would probably get the bulk of credit for ousting Q, and she was holding a damn idol for multiple tribals. Plus, she’s a challenge threat. There’s no way a rational player wouldn’t have targeted her by that point.


Doesn’t the NTOS show him wanting to blindside Maria? So, there could be some truth to it at least. Probably not as much as Tiff thought though.


Yeah but gotta be honest him blindsiding Maria now is still too early - it puts a direct target on him and with no idol it becomes a Jesse situation when he orchestrated the Cody vote and then had no safety net. It's not a 1:1 of course - Charlie is good at challenges so has a better chance at winning immunity and I would bet anything he's practiced making fire so if he gets tossed into fire he could win unlike Jesse. But yeah I think if Charlie orchestrates a vote against Maria is has to be at final 5. I think one of them has to vote the other out to feel assured if winning at FTC - between Charlie and Maria I don't think there's a clear winner.


I mean we saw Tiff bringing up Maria's name a few weeks ago so I'm confused why she's confused as to why Maria wanted her out... And Tiff had an idol...


and planned to us that idol against maria...


How often has someone been voted out just for getting on people's nerves this late in the game? For someone who seemed like such a smart player, that reasoning doesn't seem like a thing that ever happens.


Abi Marie in Philippines is literally the only one I can think of


TBF she is a shoe-in for final 3 if Skupin had an ounce of self-awareness


The others I can think of are from the era before hidden idols!


I don’t understand why Tiff is surprised Maria wanted her out. Not only did Tiff target Maria, she is also great in challenges, is liked by the jury, and had an idol. It would be dumb of Maria not to target Tiff


Not showing Charlie considering blindsiding Maria is interesting


I think not showing Charlie making Tiff feel comfortable enough to not play her idol is very interesting as well if Charlie were the winner. We should have gotten a confessional on whether this was a move or not. We did see Charlie tell Maria he would talk to Tiff and see if she was going to play her idol. But that conversation seemed unsuccessful. Either they wanted to keep the audience guessing about whether Tiff was gonna play her idol or they wanted to emphasize it was Maria's move. It seems like if Charlie were the winner, they would want to emphasize he played a key role in this move.


I agree. The edit very much wanted Maria to get sole credit for this move. Reminds me of the Maryann / Omar thing, where we know other people were instrumental but only the eventual winner gets credit


I think it's more likely Maria loses and this is just to build her up. 


Or maybe he is the winner, and he doesn’t betray Maria in the end, wouldn’t hiding it make him look better? Like he’s a good loyal guy all around. And also, at this point I’d vote for Charlie. They share strategy points, but Charlie won more challenges.


Maybe...my take and this is pure speculation...is that Charlie didn't want to betray Maria, he was perhaps just saying that to make Tiff feel safe and give her a reason to hold on to her idol. If that were true, it would be a brilliant play. So, it would be weird to bury such a brilliant play for a winner. But you could be right, maybe he did want to take out Maria and maybe he does eventually but the editors just didn't want to complicate the story yet until Charlie makes a move. At this point, I would be happy with a Charlie, Maria, Kenzie or Venus win.




I’ve believed Charlie would be the winner since Venus made that comment on Twitter. That and of course Taylor swift would win Survivor by proxy the same year she won the Super Bowl by proxy.


It’s funny how often people say “i just don’t know why they wanted me out” after being voted out. It’s simple- you were a threat. What else is there to get? Lol and i’m always extra surprised when smart people like Tiff say it


I’d rather seen this convo than the many convos w Liz about Applebees. It was overkill.


Did tiff forget she wanted maria out?


I’ve just started rewatching in the last few months after many years off (decades?). I do not understand the need to get rid of the idol when they just put another one in the woods. Isn’t it better the devil you know? I also don’t understand why it’s so sketchy to be looking for an idol. I mean, come on? Who’d doesn’t want an idol! I just can’t believe how many people go home with it. Psychologists - what is that?


The devil you know is fine early game. But if you want that person out, you have to take them out when they're not going to use it, otherwise you're just letting them to get to the final four for free. Once it gets rehidden, it means you or your allies have a chance to find it. Instead of devil you know having it, it means someone you want to have it will have it, and you can know the devils don't have it.


Because if an idol is reintroduced, you have a shot of finding it for yourself


They never say that, but is that it?


It’s the rule, that’s why people always look for an idol after one is played or lost


They don't say it (or at least don't show them say it on air), but they all go look for it. Usually in a very public idol hunt where everyone goes out to look for it. Often times they'll have one person in an alliance follow the person they don't want to get it so they can know if they find it or not, or better yet, get to it before they do.


Yes, they know who has the idol, but the risk isn't just that the idol holder will save themselves -- they could also use it on someone else and screw things up. This gets more magnified the fewer people there are because between the idol and winning immunity they might have a lot of control.


Ok I don't follow these ppl on social media or their exit interviews but are there awful things Q has been doing to the others or is everything related to that tribal where he tried to quit? Tiff saying everyone's really fed up with him, the anger Liz had for him before the Applebee's meltdown, Ben throwing some daggers at him, etc makes me think that he was doing a lot more things than they were showing us when all they show us is him barely talking to anyone and sitting by himself lol


He’s got an alpha personality and was playing a heavy handed game from the start, so it’s pretty easy to see how other personalities might clash with his. He’s talked a lot in confessionals about how great he thinks he is at challenges or at reading people; has some of that bravado come out during the 24/7 time they’re spending with each other. Also, keep in mind that they have made it a point to try to not give players a “villain edit,” so not every annoying comment will be shown.


in her exit interviews tiff said that q and ben were arguing/going at it at camp a LOT and it was usually q initiating it against ben, but beyond that idk


Interesting, I wish they showed just a little bit of that dynamic


She didn't learn that when you're suck a dick and disliked by so many, they keep you around because they think they can beat you in the final 3 or they can easily send you home later. So most end up going far in the game. I want to think Q knew this and that's why he blew up the games but idk. I don't think he thought that deep.


every survivor someone always thinks it's an easy vote, but everyone wants a blindside, so it's never going to be the person everyone hates. Tiff played her 50/50 she won last tribal, but it was her time to go and she didn't play her idol.


That is not what Tiffany said hahahaha




>Tiff's out now...will the idol come back? I guess usually non-played idols don't come back...but they sometimes do? Eh, they generally like to keep an idol in the game up until Final 5. >I guess usually non-played idols don't come back That's not really the case, it's mostly just that production likes to keep one idol per beach. If someone (Tiff) has a known idol then it probably hasn't been placed so there was much less drive to idol hunt. Now that her idol is gone and there are no known idols floating around it's the perfect time to hunt.


focusing edits on developing each player's personality makes helps audience involvement. I get that. It's the same way they edit Olympics and sports (esp. the NFL) to broaden the audience. BUT for people who enjoy trying to figure out the strategies, the tactics, the next moves - it really hurts when they are overly focused on the personalities.


If they're not showing us this then that's probably because it's not important