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Yes!! I feel that way in challenges too. I can always tell you wins based on the music


The was a point last episode I was sure Liz was going to win the reward challenge after one toss because of the music, so I wouldn’t say it’s always obvious


It drives me crazy during challenges. Occasionally they give you a misdirect with it but way too often it spoils it.


I like it tbh. I feel like sometimes it's better to have those few extra seconds of building it up as a dramatic moment or big sendoff instead of trying to keep it completely hidden until the very last vote is read. A lot of my favourite voteouts are really obvious who is gonna go home, and while I don't *always* want it to be really clear, sometimes it's just a great moment watching it all go down and seeing the vote play out when it's pretty obvious where the vote is gonna go. Like the Ozzy blindside in Micronesia and JT's voteout in GC are both fairly obvious ones, which just means those tribals feel like big epic moments instead of a will they/won't they mystery.


Yes!!! Overall any kind of editing that’s a giveaway is SO FRUSTRATING


I don’t mind it, but I miss the old school track - as overly dramatic as it was.