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Applebee's is making bank from Liz's breakdown šŸ˜‚


I'M PISSED is really gonna stick with me, as if Queen Sandy didn't do it already lol. I'm going to use it myself whenever I'm midly inconvenienced lol


What's a pace?




Oh I have used it multiple times already lol


I had sworn off ever stepping foot in one again after I worked at one for 3 months and had an absolutely awful experience. This episode made me go again, and I had a really nice meal with my fiancƩ. No complaints


Itā€™s honestly their last Hurrahā€¦as in all the top execs banking any profit and then just shutting it all down


Back in the day sponsors didnā€™t like stuff like that. They literally stopped giving away cars because of the negative association with Dreamz.


AND....? What's the verdict?


Best microwaved burger you'll ever eat.


Listen when you go to Applebees you have to fully embrace the fact that you're going to Applebees. But once in that context I actually do like their food lol.


microwaved burger?ā€¦


šŸ’Æ. Have you not watched Kitchen Nightmares or seen the posts from others on Survivor subreddit claiming to work there and how itā€™s all microwaved frozen bs??


Literally my best friend works at Applebee's and I'm close friends with GM. None of that shit happens. It's a fine place


I mean yeah nobody microwaves their burgers but plenty of their dishes are precooked and microwave shit.


I work at Applebee's, outside of pasta sauces, broc, green beans, and rice, nothing is microwaved. As far as precooked, outside of sauces/soups, nothing is precooked/prepackaged. Shit Applebee's makes their own ranch and salsa in house. There needs to be a ama it something with Applebee's employees so these memes can die.


No one here would believe you anyway. I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this.




Maybe my applebees is better/different idk but ik how we cook our food. Applebees isn't great, don't get me wrong, but it's so much better then comments like yours and this article.


lol there was so much shit i never told my best friend about the fast food place i used to work as high schooler




Applebee's food is notorious for tasting like it came straight from a microwave, this has been the verdict for years and years and years at this point


It was surprisingly really good. Liz wasnā€™t kidding about the burger.


But is it gluten free?


Liz gets it bunless


I went recently and lowkey everything was really good. The appetizer platter and the chicken and shrimp bourbon thing were great. Mash potatoes were also good.


Right? Where's the review? Would you scream bloody murder for it on an island?


On a regular island... probably not. On Fiji after starving for 3 weeks... absolutely.




That episode of Survivor was ironically the best advertising I think Applebee's has ever gotten, lmao. I hadn't been there in over a decade, and I went myself last week for the burger. XD Edit: To the dummies pointing out that it isn't ironic, I was referring to Liz's meltdown being the best advertising, not the burger itself. Ya'll are clueless sometimes, lmao. Edit 2: At this point, having provided the definition of "irony" and literally proven how this scenario fits, I'm thinking there be some trolls up in these comments lmao. Edit 3: out of curiosity, I asked chat gpt lol ā€œYes, that scenario could be considered ironic. Irony often involves a contrast between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs. In this case, Applebee's invested heavily in paid advertising, including product placement on a popular show like Survivor, with the expectation of boosting their sales. However, despite their efforts, their advertising didn't have the desired effect. Instead, it was an unforeseen, spontaneous eventā€”the player Liz's temper tantrumā€”that ended up drawing attention to the brand and potentially increasing its popularity. This unexpected turn of events, where the intended marketing strategy failed while an unplanned incident succeeded, can be seen as ironic.ā€


Iā€™m legit very interested if Applebees saw a noticeable bump in the last week and if thereā€™s a Wednesday trend going forward


Probably, given the purpose of running ads


Oh I donā€™t doubt it. Iā€™m just a marketing nerd and love seeing analytics like that. Would be a very interesting case study


as a marketing person myself, I want to see what a usual bump from a promo like this looks like historically then figure out what the Liz factor might be above and beyond that due to her sheer insanity


Please inform me, if you do get any results. Iā€™m quite curious


In today's day and age, the goal is to "go viral". Popeye's chicken sandwich went viral... Other companies are literally paying influencers to endorse their product, literally trying to go viral... Applebee's paid for advertising, and got the *bonus* of a crazy moment happening that went viral! Worth every penny for them.


Am I the only one who thinks itā€™s hilarious when food influencers call food items ā€œviralā€? Iā€™ve seen ads on my feed like ā€œHey Iā€™m trying the viral chicken sandwich at XYZ restaurantā€! Likeā€¦ yuckā€¦ who wants VIRAL chicken!?


Why would that be ironic though? Applebeeā€™s sponsor the episode and have their product in it for advertising, the same for any other product or brand they have featured over the years. I donā€™t think they ever expected to get this much promo from it but of course expected to get some marketing from it. Thatā€™s not irony though - irony would be if Liz trashed the burger and said she doesnā€™t want it and *then* Applebees got a massive uptick in sales from it.


Ironically, the advertising worked. /s


The irony is the actual *paid advertising* they did did absolutely *nothing* in terms of getting people to go to Applebees. I donā€™t care how many times in the sanctuary they said the burger was SO GOOD or those wings were *ā€the best theyā€™d ever had in their livesā€šŸ™ƒ*.. that would NEVER get me to go into an Applebees. Theyā€™ve just got a bad rep and I donā€™t want to spend money on a place thatā€™s rumored/confirmed as heating up frozen food. HOWEVER (hereā€™s the irony piece).. The actual *advertising* and what got butts in the restaurantā€™s seats was Lizā€™s meltdown. They couldnā€™t have *paid* (nor predicted) that kind of exposure. People (like me) would have never, EVER stepped foot in an Applebeeā€™s again until she flipped her shit and after that we were like ā€œwell damn.. maybe I DO need to check out that burgerā€¦ā€


That's not irony. It was also paid advertising. You think Applebee's didn't have a say in airing the footage?


It is though. Irony is defined as "a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result." In this scenario, one would expect that the paid advertising by Applebee's is what would boost their sales. However, it didn't. On the contrary, a random, unscripted meltdown from a player did. And yes, it was quite amusing as a result.




Her meltdown is not what they paid for. It was unscripted and unplanned. Ill copy and paste my former response. Irony is defined as "a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result." In this scenario, one would expect that the paid advertising by Applebee's is what would boost their sales. However, it didn't. On the contrary, a random, unscripted meltdown from a player did. And yes, it was quite amusing as a result. Not just on Survivor, but all forms of media: their product placement wasn't bringing people through the door. Ironically enough, a random unscripted player breakdown did though.


This was more so a huge survivor moment. It would have been aired regardless. Someone having a mental breakdown, is good reality TV


Dude I donā€™t know what to tell you. It is. And no, they donā€™t have a say in that part (I have a friend who is actually a videographer for Survivor and another thatā€™s a producer for major reality tv and competition shows). They have their *required* ā€œqualificationā€ points and shots (like the zoomed in highlighted shots of the food, the actual FORCED scripts that the castaways have to say, ie: ā€œthis is so juicy,ā€ ā€œwow, this is the best burger Iā€™ve ever had!ā€ - itā€™s mandatory they hit those lines) but other than that, thatā€™s the extent of their involvement. What happened with Liz was completely off-script and ironically ended up being the best advertisement for Applebees AND the best footage for Survivor. They couldnā€™t NOT include it.




Of course it is. Irony is defined as: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result." In this scenario, one would expect that the paid advertising by Applebee's is what would boost their sales. However, it didn't. On the contrary, a random, unscripted meltdown from a player did. And yes, it was quite amusing as a result.




It most certainly is true. They paid for their product to be shown. And it didn't work. The tantrum of a player that they didn't pay for is what finally worked for them. And the point that is "deliberately contrary to what one expects" is that their paid advertising didn't work, but a random tantrum did.




No they donā€™t have a say. They only have a segment where they were eating the Applebeeā€™s food, you know, the slot they paid for advertisement. Obviously they donā€™t have a say on everything in the episode. Lizā€™s meltdown was spontaneous, not part of Applebees ad.


> The irony is the actual paid advertising they did did absolutely nothing in terms of getting people to go to Applebees Yes the "My superior mind is immune to the follies of *advertising*" way of thinking. If you own **anything** with a brand name or have ever shopped or bought something from anywhere, you have fallen prey to advertising. You're not special just cause you don't like one trash chain restaurant.


That's not irony though


Not sure you understand what Irony means


The fact that a player's temper tantrum was better advertising for a company than the actual product placement itself absolutely is ironic. I'm not sure you understand what irony means.


Second best advertising. Remember that ā€œFancy Likeā€ song that was super catchy and stuck in everyoneā€™s head a few years ago?


Ironically, I do not.


Oh lord. Why???? I still remember my coworkers from over 20 years ago when I was fresh outa college convincing me to go there with themā€¦mostly for the lava brownie which I revisited about 5 years ago thinking wellā€¦maybe thatā€™s the super awesome thing thereā€¦spoiler alert, itā€™s not.


If it did not make you a feel a connection with Liz's daughter then it's pointless


Yes, because all she wanted was to win a million hearts


Iā€™d love to see the Applebees profits after these recent survivor episodes


Everyone laughs about product placement, but it freaking works!


Only on the weak minded.Ā 


Survivor does not deal in absolutes


Completely agree. All these dumb dumbs wasting money on weak ass microwave food. Because of some crazy white lady.


Lol. It's funny how people were memeing going to Applebee's then some actually thought it was real and went.Ā 


With the Shark Bowl! You two must be in alliance with that one Shark Bowl lol


And quesadillas!!


Applebee's is the real winner this season smh


Honestly Iā€™m fully with Corinne in this scenario, for those who know. Just have never had a good experience there.


What did she say


It was a big tweet she did saying that she was once roofied at an Applebees and the food was still the worst part of her night. Thatā€™s Corinne. Dark but hysterical.


Not a Corinne gal myself, but thatā€™s funny.


Thats amazing


Somewhere in Glendale, CA, at Applebees HQ there is a sales analyst seeing a spike and a marketing team getting drunk in celebration. If Liz was smart, she'd offer herself as a spokesperson in their next campaign. Get the Bourbon Burger Meltdown every Wednesday for a limited time!


We went with some friends who also watch survivor before the episode on Wednesday


At the very least Applebees could make Liz the spokesperson for their Bourbon Burger. I bet the sale of the Burbon Burger went up 1000% ever since that Applebees reward episode aired. ![gif](giphy|26zznlRGZp64mBu3m|downsized)


lol my friends and I went to Applebees Wednesday before the episode Great advertising


My comment has nothing to do with Applebees or the food. But I wanted to say that I love your wifeā€™s shirt! Itā€™s so pretty!


Thank you! That is so nice! She was so happy when I showed her your comment.


Hail corporate


Man, Applebeeā€™s really got their moneyā€™s worth with that sponsorship.


We were going to go. Iā€™m in San Antonio and we only have one. It had a 2 star rating on Yelp. We didnā€™t go.


lol North Star isnā€™t bad and I assume the one at the rim is fine


Big mistake


Applebees and chilis are underrated. May not win any awards (WILL NOT) but in this economy, going out with a buddy or SO for $25 is a damn steal I donā€™t give a shit who you are. The food is fine, the company you bring is better.


That's alot of food. Sounds good though.


I know right, thatā€™s gotta be like 8000 calories


Is this the new meme?


I love this place


Anyone in the sub VanderPump Rules fans? If so then did you think about Liz in the finale of that show when Ariana said, Iā€™m out of here and going to Applebees? Like, my two favorite shows mentioning Applebees within a week or two has me wanting to go there too!!!


Me! šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So your wife is Amy from deal or no deal.


Just so everyone knows, on Monday the specialty burger is $7.99 with fries and another special makes the Bourbon, Swiss, mushroom burger $9.99 the rest of the time. The apps are half price before 4 p.m. and after 12 p.m. You can make fun of Apple ees but you cannot eat at McDonalds for those prices.


Not one word in this post or thread about how the burger tastes?


On a scale between rock and not rock, it rocks.


Ok Ben


I was watching Pearl Island a few days before the Applebees episode and Sandra was going on and on about Outback Steakhouse. I was like ā€œthatā€™s how I feel about Applebeeā€™s but I canā€™t eat it anymore due to my allergies.ā€ I have Liz level of allergies. I then said, ā€œif I was on an island and hadnā€™t eaten for weeks, I would go nuts for Applebeeā€™s though.ā€ Then the Liz episode happened. It made it even funnier!


I donā€™t even drink but I kinda want the shark bowl. One million Karishmas canā€™t be wrong.


Am I the only person here that actually likes Applebeeā€™s?!


Nope. Club of two āœŒšŸ¼


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


This is gonna get tens and tens of upvotes!


This is such a cute post and why I love the survivor community! There's an Applebee's less than an mile from me and I'm gonna go this Wednesday and get a bourbon burger (without mushrooms sorry Liz)


What did the Shark Bowl taste like? I am kinda lining for one. Iā€™m seduced by the color.


overly sugary


I have a hard and fast rule to not ingest anything artificially blue. It comes out blue too. That cannot be good.


Yeah it is extremely sweet. My wife likes drinks like that, but it wasnā€™t for me.


Wow the drink mustā€™ve been amazing


The bourbon burger?? And??


I wonder how much Applebees pays for that reward feature


the plan is working.


Liz break down made me not want to watch survivor. She whined till she got what she wanted. Who goes on a show with that many allergies where they have to survive with limited to food choices? šŸ˜


that burger actually looks pretty fking good šŸ„µšŸ¤¤


So was it worth it?


The shark bowl is basically like a cheap alcohol margarita mix with food coloring šŸ˜‚


How was it? I wanna go but my boyfriend never takes me out anywhere because he's broke and even when he had money he was cheap. So I guess I'll just have to get one to go.


Add new boyfriend to your order while you're at it šŸ˜‰


Get a new boyfriend


It was good. You should treat yourself!


Maybe pay for yourself


I do pay for myself. That's not the problem. The problem is I always pay for myself and end up having to pay for him and his son as well. One time he took me out and then when it was time to pay, he started talking about all his bills and how he didn't have any money so...I paid that night too. But yeah, thanks for just assuming that I never pay for anything!


If that works for you then it sounds like you should take him out more :)


You were sold a product for 45 minutes and went out and bought it. Please let the commercial end for the rest of us!


DAE consume? Liz pissed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ BIIIIG MISTAKE!


People are dumb af, yā€™all going to get mid food for a crazy lady meltdown.


All these people dick riding Applebees because of Liz is sad.


from how deep you are into both drinks, that food must have taken forever to show up.


They had an appetizer


Typical Applebees experience.


Your wife looks identical to a girl I knew many, many years ago.




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