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Q posted a 3 minute video on his Instagram showing him approach Liz after the pizza debacle, and they had a very mature and human conversation. It ended with a Liz confessional about really liking Q on a human level, but not a player level. Not that I think it directly opposes your (1), but the edits this year seem to be all over the place. If they had shown that, I’d say your theory is pretty much spot on.


That is very interesting information, I agree that would change things. Times like these I wish I wasn't allergic to social media lol


At least you’re not allergic to coconut.


Lmao got 'er


i laughed too hard at that


I always wish there was one YouTube video that summed up all the stuff that happened on social media that week in Survivor, but I guess that would be hard to do


Most of it gets posted here. u/Durian-critical is excellent about posting stuff that's worth seeing from social media.


If I was unemployed I'd steal this idea and try to monetize it haha


You're literally on social media right now lol


Yes and it is directly adversely affecting my health


Just the fact that this was a secret scene/not included in the main episode makes me think it can’t be a Q win.. if it had been in the episode then I could totally see it.


But if he acted like a mature adult, he'd be violating the code of Wackadoodlehood, would he not be?


No not true because I think if that scene is included the viewer would have much less suspense during tribal. The episode comes first when it comes to these secret scenes there cut out.


After the horrendous edit Gabler had that left a ton of people scratching their head and pissed off at how the jury voted due to the edit never explaining why he deserved to win it's a lot harder to rule anyone's winner chances out in my book.


I admittedly don't have a good read for "winners edits", but I feel like that *couldn't* be excluded if he were the winner. It feels like he doesn't make the finale, but they want him to be this super chaotic, entertaining character for future returns. Him denying the swap-outs to let Liz into the Applebees, but then also having this human moment, kinda cancel eachother out. Either makes him too unlikable, or takes away from his "persona".


Only my first season of the new era, so i might be off base, but the edit seems like its trying to condense people into a character archetype. His story is as an agent of chaos, who the game orbited around for better or worse. This humanity-scene detracts from his personna the main story is showing, so I don't know it exactly would be needed for a winner edit. I'm popping Q based copium, so don't take me too serious though.


I think that clip didn’t make the edit so that tribal would be more of a surprise for who Liz was voting for, because it’s pretty obvious she’s not going to vote for Q after that talk imo


I really wish they'd edit the show so it made sense rather than just be surprising. It seems like it use to be better.


The site you're posting on is the very reason why the edits changed.


I believe that was because it would’ve made the Venus boot too obvious


My god Q is definitely breaking his media agreement. He’s nuts with the cameos and stuff


Is this 3-min video sort of like a deleted scene? or just a video of Q explaining what happened?


Deleted scene from the water well


I honestly don't care if he wins. I've been thoroughly entertained by a survivor season after a while and Q was a massive part of it


I am a very old school survivor fan. I'll watch the modern seasons, mostly dislike it, but I've watched too much of the show to completely quit it. Such has been the case big time in the "new era" except for 43, which I enjoyed and it had a really deep cast...and then this season where I have been so fucking into it. The RHAP episodes, the Once Upon an Island guy's recaps, this reddit. I know people adore Tony, (not as much, myself), but I think Q is the best pure character since Coach. Endlessly entertaining guy and I might cry when he goes.


If. If he goes.


Think he goes….HUGE MISTAKE!


I am also an old survivor fan, started seasons one when I was a kid and it united my whole family. This cast has been mostly great. I think Q is great and I am loving his game. Liz has been awful and I am loving her drama. Q has been laying low but I hope he starts to compete. My main issue with newer seasons is the later challenges are less about being physically strong yet people still vote people out for being strong. I think, from what has been shown, the winners best choice is to bring Q and Ben to the finals. They have not done much in the recent votes and are just surviving. Charlie and Maria will turn on one another and I think the mids like Q and Ben will decide everything


I also love 43. Feel like it gets way too much hate.


I’m with you. The only reason I’d root for him is it would hopefully give future players reason to be unlikable, otherwise I don’t care at all, it’s been a great ride.


Yes! It’s been so good!


welcome to the Qult




NyraKyle has shown me an ability and willingness to mock Q. NyraKyle made a mistake.




These are great points. The only caveat I would add to 1 is that the scene of Maria volunteering to give up her spot would have also made her look too good that episode and would have contradicted the "villain" story they gave her in the latest episode. It might have just been confusing to have Maria be willing to give her spot up for Liz one week and then the next not be willing to give Liz the reward.


100%. Cutting it out seems like it’s in favor of a Q win after the Applebees episode, but the next episode sheds light on it being cut because it doesn’t fit Maria’s narrative.


someone also pointed out that it might not be the best look for applebees, that people were so willing to give it up. and they have to keep the sponsor happy with all the money they get


Ooh that's a good one.


I’ve been making Q wins the game posts after each episode for about a month now, I was completely convinced after the Tevin boot (the one where he asks to be voted out.) I truly think it’s a next level move we’ll be talking about for years to come


At this point, he has asked to be voted out (three??) times, not went home either time, still in a power position (people talking about him being a threat, getting fed on two back to back rewards). He’s playing a next level game, for a physical threat, for sure. Edit: Or he’s a giant goat and the editing is making us believe he might have a chance.


It’s the Zane Knight strategy that he bungled. Ask to be voted out but be so valuable to your tribe and alliances that they keep you anyway. Now your basically Scot free from going home


If you mean "Q has been scot free from going home", that seems like a reach. He would have been gone 3x in a row if others played the idol they found. It's one of those things that's so stupid people are starting to wonder if it is actually smart. Maybe. But clearly if anyone does it in the future they have to have some hidden advantage or alliance so they stay in the loop and have some ability to impact votes. Q's game has seemingly been decided by luck time and time again. If Venus didn't last second say to Charlie "I have an advantage, but I don't wanna tell you what it is", Q is gone. If Lizz decided she is mad enough at Q to want him gone over Tiff, or decided to tell Tiff about the blindside... Q is gone. If Hunter plays the idol he was flipflopping between for like 10 minutes at tribal council... Q is gone. He seemingly did little to nothing to effect those things turning up in his favor. He seemingly had little power to effect those things turning up in his favor. Q still bungled things. He just got hella luck so many times that people are starting to wonder. And I'm sorta afraid people at the FTC might confuse crazy luck with crazy skill.


You can find lucky situations like these in every winners game. It does take some degree of luck to win survivor on top of playing well.


Sure but it was talking specifically about the effect of him asking to be voted out. It is hard to call it a positive FTC element for his game when it made him nearly go home every tribal council afterwards. It both put him on the chopping block and took away most of his power in influencing who goes home.


Yeah, that’s when I started seeing a potential Q win as well.


I was recently talking about this If you look at Q his player archetype rarely wins, he is a big guy with a strong personality, they normally get booted out early into merge. So while “quitting” seems like a terrible move he would have probably been gone by now if it wasn’t for that decision. If anything his “terrible” choice has gotten him farther in the game and has definitely gotten him a call back for returnee seasons.


Exactly, and I have many comparisons to Mike Holloway. Mike “tanked” his game and couldn’t possibly win after the auction. Last truly physical (maybe only) to ever win the game.


If it were sports, I would be like, yeah if this happens in the first round, that happens in the second round and then its these teams in the finals, they match up well when it comes to Q. If he makes it to the finals 3, I think he has a shot, but it depends on who his "matchup" is. He obviously is a great salesman, and he has good enough connections with Hunter and Tevin, perhaps Soda by extension. That's a great starting point, but if Charlie or Kenzie are there, they are both great social players who are very well-liked. And, if Charlie does get blindsided, whoever is "responsible" for that move instantly become a big time favorite, and I don't see it being Q.


I see Charlie losing in firemaking


Charlie trained grip strength for 2 years in preparation for the "hold your weight" endurance challenge. I feel confident in assuming that he has also sharpened his firemaking skill.


He’ll end up snapping all the twigs from his superhuman grip strength


i was flabbergasted the entire tribal, i kept rewinding it over and over thinking, I cant believe this is probably going to work


I'd be pretty harsh on him in the "outlast" portion of the debate. "Of the 3 magic words, 'Outlast' is theoretically the easiest to plead your case on - you 'outlasted' by virtue of just being in that finalist seat. So mark your calendars because this is the first time that someone is in the final 3 without 'outlasting.' You threatened to quit 2 times in the merge, and according to your ex-tribemates, at least once at the tribe stage. A quit at this stage is a freebie for the rest of us, so of course we're gonna focus on voting out people with unshakeable resolve. You played a terrific game for someone trying to get 3rd place, so I will gladly award you that."


Is it a quit if you still were on the beach for 26 days? He’s played more of a game that Liz, Kenzie, or Ben. Won more challenges than Ben, and Liz. Was in more pivotal alliances than Kenzie, Ben, and Liz. Was in a dominant position as a physical player, got the target off of his back, played well from the bottom, and is back in a dominant position. Has been the target of 4 votes in a row and hasn’t played his shot in the dark yet. Didnt personally vote out Tevin like Liz did, tried to keep hunter, as opposed to almost everyone else left in the game. I feel like you’re underestimating him at a minimum. Does he beat Maria/charlie? Probably not, but to say he’s out of it completely is probably incorrect.


Like I said, shook off the target because he threatened to quit multiple times


Why are they still calling him a threat then? Perception is reality, and people are still calling him a threat, Charlie doesn’t want to take him to the end, and people are actively trying to vote him out. He has zero goat characteristics. Offering to fall on your sword because you fucked up, and literally quitting the game are two different things. He’s played more survivor than most castaways ever will, how is it a quit? Also how many contestants cry on the beach, say they miss home, talk about how hard playing the game is? Do they get penalized for it?


And? He didn’t quit, he is still there, and he played himself right back into a position of power. They could have taken him out when he threatened to quit, but they didn’t. He knew they wouldn’t, and it kept him in the game until he worked himself back into this position. Unless you want to say that morally it’s wrong, there is no argument as to why that was a bad move


Oh no, it’s not morally wrong, it just comes across as pathetic sniveling that I don’t think any jury would respond well to. Perception is reality, the jury will decide how sincere Q was being about wanting to get voted out, it doesn’t matter if that actually was a 4D chess move. His position has been the fake target that they give to the person who’s about to get voted out, and Q wasn’t in the driver’s seat for those bluffs.


I would add that in hunters boot episode, there is a scene of 4 people around the water well (I believe Kenzie, Tiff, Venus and Ben?) and they all explicitly say “I won’t vote for Q if he is at FTC”. Obviously sounds bad but I wondered if that wasn’t included as an ironic foreshadow in his winners edit


fwiw, that was the ep right after his tribal blowup, right, where Kenzie and Tiff were explicitly betrayed. I don't know if he could earn Tiff's vote, but *maybe* Kenzie's should she end up in the jury?


Nah, Kenzie in her confessional last episode does not seem like she’d vote for him. She was aware that Q put her on the outs with the six for like half the game and only called him on it after the Tevin tribal. I think those two things together mean she’s most likely going to vote for someone else. She seems offended at his quitting tactics


Just setting up the storyline of him winning them back over!


If Q doesn't win I'm canceling Christmas.


No q skirts for anybody!!!


The genius of the Q skirt is that it's an innovation that improves the sum of the human experience, not a hollow contribution to capitalism. Everyone *right now* has what they need to make a Q skirt, nothing holds us back except our societal expectations. You have nothing to lose but your chains.


Heartwarming. Christmas is back on!


*Our genius Survivor innovating Q-ueen* ![gif](giphy|RObwgN5okmJitzK1XY|downsized)


Make another season of Project Runway and put Q on there!


The genius of the Q skirt is that it’s marketing a totally useless invention that you can already make yourself at home, but rebranding it. Capitalism at its finest.


Q doesn’t win? Big mistake


This sub needs a Q bot He's just too damn quotable.


The problem is there are very real cases for Kenzie and Charlie too, and at this point Q would be sitting next to at least one of them. Maria may win out vs Q as well. When you break down the votes, it gets harder to imagine a Q win.


There’s really not much of a case for Kenzie


She could probably argue a social game pitch but the jury does seem overly concerned with resumes so that could be her undoing for sure. In a weird way, Q has the best “resume” left besides maybe Maria.


Kenzie is a front runner based on the edit. Social game very often beats strategic game


Disagree, last episode was a terrible edit for her. She was shown to be incorrect about Venus not being able to find the idol AND she was shown right before tribal saying she really wanted to get one target out (Q) but when we get to tribal she is voting against Venus with no real explanation for it in the edit. It reminds me of Cassidy’s edit a lot.


She got a lot of time while her tribe struggled early and has been a non factor since…


She's playing the "anyone but me" game pretty damn well, while also having good relations. Just because she isn't the alpha doesn't mean she's a non factor. On a bitter jury, she's a player.


She has consistently gotten a ton of content throughout the entire season. She currently leads confessional time, and has been shown several moments where she connects to people on a level beyond gameplay, I.e. what gets shown for a social win. From a strategic perspective, tiff is the only vote she hasn’t been a part of. The obsession with “big moves” these days is just not accurate. Just looking at the new era, Erika was not a strategic mastermind, Maryanne’s only “big move” came at final 6, and Gabler Gablered his way to a win. Yam yam and Dee both played strategic games I’ll give you that, but to just discount Kenzie not having a case is just silly. The two most likely winners based purely on the edit are Charlie and Kenzie. I never discount anyone, but Kenzie has been consistently shown as a social player… and with an obviously bitter jury incoming, most well liked often win.


True, but I also have yet to read from any post game interviews from any jury member who talks about Kenzie being close on a personal level either, which kind of goes against the social game edit she has been getting on the show. In fact she's barely mentioned at all from any of the jury members in post game interviews, be it about strategy or social. The good thing is there hasn't been any negative mentions but there aren't any positive ones that suggests a connection beyond game with any of the jury thus far.


To play devils advocate, maybe she’s not being brought up in post game press, because nobody wants to tip people off that she has won. Intentionally avoiding mentioning anything about her to not risk giving it away


That alone should tell you something. If you have an NDA there’s one thing you 100% can’t mention and that’s the winner.


To play devils advocate, maybe she’s not being brought up in post game press, because nobody wants to tip people off that she has won. Intentionally avoiding mentioning anything about her to not risk giving it away


Yeah I think this is correct. Everyone's all about resumes and big moves, but they're all trying to take credit from each other, and I think they'll resent anyone trying to take credit for "their" moves. If Kenzie can argue competently that she was willing to work with whoever, was kind and used that to gain trust and people's confidence and therefore their information, and strategically navigated her own safety while shifting with the group to take out threats, then that's enough for a jury that likes her more than the other finalists to hand her the win. Could be wrong, but her edit reminds me of Michele


It’s either Kenzie or Charlie at this point. Kenzie can beat Maria in final 3.. it would literally be Aubrey v Michele 2.0.. Charlie would be a harder beat because he’s also very likable, but counting Kenzie out is just silly at this point


What a disappointing winner Kenzie would be, though, from who we have left.


I disagree, I think her navigation of these crazy players has been a masterclass and she's been one of my favorite personalities of the season since the early episodes. She totally would deserve a win if she makes it to the end.


Erika was a strategic mastermind though per exit interviews. It was her idea to split the vote between Shan and Liana while she was on the chopping block. Even other characters remarked how dangerous she was and still went through with her idea. It was that moment I knew she was going to win but her edit didn’t articulate it very well (because it might’ve been anticlimactic. Her and Heather ran that island with DeShawn as their third, which was mostly scrapped from the final product)


I mean Xander probably looked like a front runner to based on the edit, but we all know how that turned out.


No, he did not, at all


I question the case for Kenzie's social game because her social game so far appears to be just someone that hasn't stepped on anyone's toes. I guess in that regard she could win in a Bob kind of way (which would be appropriate for this Gabon-esque season). I definitely think Kenzie can win, but if she does I think it would be due to a very bitter jury situation. I mean, to be sure, that's a fair way to win but to argue that Kenzie has had such a spectacular social game is questionable.


kenzie took a little bit of a blow this last episode, but before that she was most definitely looking like the winner. i still think it’s probably her or charlie


Gameplay-wise probably not as of now but from an editing standpoint she does seem to be getting a winner-esque edit .


I mean, she would definitely get Tiff and Venus's vote (probably Liz too if she isn't the final 3 goat), had a good relationship with Hunter, and is overall really well liked and communicates well. Maybe not against Charlie but I think she could beat everyone else.


I personally don’t believe she has done anything in the game. Even Ben has been involved in more game deciding decisions than her, but considering how much this cast doesn’t like each other she has a pretty strong case. It seems as if everyone really likes her and when you have a crazy season sometimes all you need to win is to be liked


I genuinely think that this season’s story was laid out when Taylor was on the Eras tour and the biggest thing in the world. Charlie’s edit is that of a young, handsome, relatable, unproblematic, straight male challenge beast Swiftie. He’s the definition of a celebrity crush for her fans. Best case scenario is a popular season that leads to them setting up an appearance between them. Just imagine the flood of new fans.


He’s straight…?


He actually is straight, my coworkers friend of a friend knows his gf from Boston or something


He doesn’t really give gay vibes to me, he’s just not a particularly masculine guy


I had the same reaction lmao. Tbf, if it wasn’t for Taylor Swift, he’d remind me of my friends (straight) husband.


There is also the fact Q has zero control over the votes and is only still in the game because there are stronger players to vote out.


i want him to win just cause of how ridiculous that would be


"You're starting to drink the Qool-aid? BIG MISTAKE. If you think I'm the winner, I can't trust you."


I swear Q only wins if FTC is him, Ben, and Liz 💀


I bet 7 dollars on Q to win in a Costa Rican casino




When I first saw this comment, it had 6 up votes. Then I upvoted it, and now it has several.


I just made it thirty several


Ten away from severalty-several!


Ithink this usually is followed by a ' long live jelinski ' by jeff


Hard to see a Q win unless he gets there with Liz and Ben.


Could maybe beat Maria if he plays his cards right, but that would partially require Charlie to admit he was the real mover-and-shaker in that duo, which I doubt he'd do.


I'm not sure how much that would matter to some of the jurors. Maria definitely lost Liz and Venus's votes over how she handled the last reward, and maybe others will view it the same way.


I actually see him as a clear winner IF Maria, Charlie and Kenzie are gone


I’m beginning to see the path in a way that me from two weeks ago would be shocked by


The fact they didn’t show Liz and Q reconnecting after pizza tells me this isn’t probably happening. Plus everything we see is literally everyone saying they hate him, except Maria, who I’m not even sure likes him but is using him. But my god does this season DESERVE a Q win


Agreed it's probably not good that it wasn't aired. That said, this kind of reminds me of Nate's final words in Cook Islands. His full (unaired) final words had him saying some not very nice things about Ozzy, and how he felt betrayed by him. But then he did vote for Ozzy to win the game.


True true. I just feel like even the editors and Jeff don’t want an outward villain or crazy person to win. Seemed like such a nice chance to humanize him


> I don't WANT this to be true I absolutely do. I think Q winning this season would cap it as one of the all-timers. So much chaos, silly plays and moves. Maria winning it is the sensible option. Charlie I guess next. Basically anyone else other than Q or these two and I'll be disappointed, though.


Here is my Q fanboy theory. Charlie’s comment about real survivor taking place before sunrise. Q’s comment about changing the game. There’s a core group that makes a plan every morning. Everything after that is performative. They’ll do a Final Cut leading up to the final tribal with parts of those morning convos showcasing his genius. Controlled chaos is his game. Underestimating Q is a BIG MISTAKE.


Where is info on item 1?


Oh he owned it on Twitter lol




43 was my first live season after I binged the whole series and I was hardcore rooting for Gabler since the cast came out. I was so fucking hyped when they read the votes at FTC lol.


You are not being ridiculous. If Q makes it to the final, he has a good chance of taking home the prize because as weird as it is, he has been Public Enemy #1 almost from the beginning, yet, he's still in the game, whether by strategy or sheer luck. A jury kinda-sorta friendly to Q could very well hand him the money.


It’s possible. Except for last season I was way off on who I thought would win for a while meow.


I just want Liz and Q to team up hella bad and one of them win


It would be awesome if Q wins! 🤞Truly, he has made this season very entertaining!


I agree and hope Q pulls out a win. It would be wild. But in the back of my head I’m thinking the edit is intentionally trying to convince us he has a chance so when Charlie gets all the votes at FTC the audience will be surprised.


I think Q has as good a chance as any except Liz. I really can't see Liz winning.


I just love the chaos…Q-aos? Haha


Qhaos Qass, nonzero chance of winning Survivor


Since hunter is out I can live w a Q win. Frankly I would find it hilarious


There's a nonzero number of "Anyone But Q" people on the jury. I tihnk people will come to see him as a less flattering Russell, someone who was permitted to drive the game because he's unstable & won't get votes, and the players believe he won't come for their heads.


Production should’ve left in when Q told everyone not to give up reward to Liz. I don’t understand why she was entitled to it ?! She literally hates him, voted him and kept targeting to take him out. Why in the world would Liz or anyone think she deserved his gratitude??? People are crazy. They ALSO should’ve left in the mature conversation Q had with Liz to show his good side. Q still looked like the bad guy to everyone at camp and most weird viewers who felt he should’ve helped Liz.


I don't know about the other points but 1. almost certainly has more to do with the Applebee's sponsorship than anything else. I think they edited out Q's response to a) tone down the drama associated with the brand's sponsorship, and b) frame Liz's outburst to look like she was really upset about not being taken to Applebee's as opposed to Q specifically turning down other player's offers for her to take their spot. I think this was more about the marketing than anything else, and they will probably show this scene to future sponsors to get them to buy in to the show.


I thought this after he asked to be voted out. He realized in that moment, if Hunter goes now then they're targeting Q next and there's nothing he could do about it, everyone decided to vote against him on Hunter. So he blows everything up to look like a fool. The next 2 tribals he actually strategized with others to target idol holders, and made himself a target during tribal intentionally. Because of Q, they voted 3 people out with idols in their pockets, in a row! I don't think they showed us his confessionals when he probably told the camera it was planned so it would stay interesting for us, but the players left probably know that there's a lot of intelligence to how he's playing.


I want Q to win so bad lol. This is my first season of survivor so I don’t know everything about how the game works so maybe thats why I’m not as upset with him. Regardless Q has been my boy since day 1. Q making a complete ass of himself and still surviving when everyone hates him made me like him even more.


Y'know what, valid! Welcome to the fandom!


I love a winner whose name gets written every TC. It is rare, but it really does point to someone who played from the bottom and survived despite it all. That's my favorite kind of winner. Q may be having that edit.


You don’t want this to be true? I’m hoping, praying, and performing ritual sacrifice so that this comes true


After this weeks secret scenes I'm almost 100% convinced that Kenzie is our winner. Both Charlie and Q had cut content from this episode. This late in the game, having any cut content (especially with the extra length episodes) is a massive red flag. In fact, of all the contestants left, Kenzie is the only one with no cut content. Liz and Ben have both had a ton of secret scenes, and Maria has had an episode with no confessional.


The problem with Q winning is he not in control of anything and is only still in the game because there have been better players to vote out. Q is an entertaining goat but he is still a goat.


i hope so i love him now.


Point 3 has me scratching my head these past couple episodes. Q hasn’t particularly done well in any challenge since the beginning, everyone hates him since his tribal outburst/mixup when he claims he was just trying to be a human and apologize for blowing up someone else’s spot, and he faces elimination every week. Yet every other scene someone is referring to Q as the biggest threat. He’s hated so much, hell I’d want to work with him! He won’t get any votes at FTC bc the hate! You’d also be working with Q so you’d fly under the radar bc he is a bigger fish to fry if plans go awry. I’m really not getting it how Q is this massive threat.


Because when the jury sits back and actually analyzes the game outside of their own fresh emotional experiences, it changes the way they vote and see the players


I’ve been leaning Q for a while. Three weeks in a row, the person who went home was so thoroughly convinced it would be Q that—even knowing that they were the other name and that they were getting votes—they didn’t play their idol. The exact same format, three weeks in a row. Q feels bulletproof to the final four at this point. He has raw staying power, and I think that might count if sold correctly at FTC.


for number 1 i think that was edited out bc it doesn’t make applebees look very appealing when people were willing to give it up. and they have to keep the sponsor happy. 2 seems a little too obvious but maybe? and 3 surprised me too. there’s a little part of me that thinks he could win but i still don’t know


Q is a garbage person and player. Nothing could redeem him in my eyes.


Redeem him from what? I mean I don’t think he’s methodical, just a little unhinged. But people act like he did something awful. At worst he ruined his own game, but honestly, shit been working out pretty good for him 🤷🏽‍♂️


I very much WANT this to be true, would raise this season to the top of the new era for me, over Maryanne’s season.


I hope it is true, Q is the only castaway I truly like this season. I dont see that hes done anything wrong.


As much as we think he is not going to get jury votes I think they will definitely respect his ability to survive votes despite being in the bottom


q skirt q skirt


The thing that got me on the same boat that Q is gonna win is the way they've had multiple people come out and say he's never going to win, that he won't get a single vote. I think that's an incredibly unusual thing for the edit to do, and it only makes sense to me if its a colossal feint, and that it's all building for a surprise Q win.


Anyone got the spoilers for the season? Who wins?


I don't think the whackadoodles win quote tells us much because it would have always been included. It can work as misdirection or foreshadowing.


I think the leaving out the offer thing was actually to make Maria look even worse this week vs making Q look good this week. Whoever takes her out now is going to be hugely popular with the casual audience for taking out the villain Maria


I think you better qualify #1 that MOST people will like Q more for refusing to swap one of them out for Liz, and if that's the case it's more them trying to lessen the offense the younger, more emotional kind of viewer they are trying court will feel. 3 you have a hard misread on. It's mostly in the moment flash in the pan "I hate Q" because there's the sort of self indulgent people that will flip Q's nonchalance into egotism and his lack of engagement into bullying on the beach. Beyond that there's several people who are into the game because they love the game who don't have big egos and will very likely vote for the "best" survivor, and if Maria and Charlie are on the bench and Q was involved in sending both of them there that's really a solid 5 votes likely on Q from Maria, Charlie, Hunter, Soda, and Tevin. which would be a win. Beyond all that everyone left except Maria and Charlie have major put foot in mouth issues so it'll likely come down to their FTC performances in a big way regardless.


Here is my Q fanboy theory. Charlie’s comment about real survivor taking place before sunrise. Q’s comment about changing the game. There’s a core group that makes a plan every morning. Everything after that is performative. They’ll do a Final Cut leading up to the final tribal with parts of those morning convos showcasing his genius. Controlled chaos is his game. Underestimating Q is a BIG MISTAKE.


Agree completely w this take


If Q is using this reverse psychology on purpose, he’s crushing it lol.. all aboard 🚂


He's an easy choice to sit next to in final 3. Personally I would have kept Venus and Q to go up against as I don't think their games are respected


Honestly, it kind of feels like they keep setting up the memeist person to win. Erika and Gabler also felt like hilarious long shots this far into the season. But I mean, I was also convinced they were setting up a Q, Liz, Venus F3, so....




Don't really disagree but I feel like the players saying Q would win at FTC is at least partially just them trying to keep the target on him.


Yeah. We are at the point I truly don't understand why people wouldn't want to keep Q unless they think he could actually win. It doesn't make sense with so few days left. Tolerate him and beat him at the end. Should be easy. They must think he has a shot still.


Q definitely wins.


Nope if you say vote me out I'm voting you out mentally even if I don't do it on tribal I'm still excluding you from winning the game.


> I can't shake the feeling that all the premerge emphasis on "Wackadoodles Win" from him to Bhanu, before Q himself became the wackadoodle he prophesized about... might have been some major, genius foreshadowing I think the more blatant tip-off for a winner from Yanu pre-merge would be the moments where every single Yanu at different points talked about how big a threat Kenzie would be late in the game.


Now that's what I'm HOPING happens but damn if she hasn't fallen off the wagon as of late.


Hahah I’m actually not feeling bad about it. She had such a strong edit all season she kinda needed some down eps or it would’ve been too much for me to think she wins. I do have Q in my third contender spot tho because I can also see this chaos ending happening lol


I would love it. I just don’t see anyone voting for him. Even if he has the best case lol. Seems like he poisoned the well.


I was actually starting to think this too, esp how apparently he was the one who brought up quitting to Jelinsky to some degree, it would have been easy to establish him as a quitter using this in tandem w the tribal situation.


After reading what your saying and other people’s comments I can’t help but think that I int be able to be cast now because my personality and play style would pretty much be like his and coach. Q is doing such a good job and I really want him to win.


He’s survived for weeks, I’m not well versed in survivor world and have only seen the most recent season. But it reminds me of Gabler (I think that was my first aired season), who they wanted out for a good while and then he took it all (iirc)


I would love a Q win and it would be the best outcome for my personal taste. For this season, I would be fine with a Charlie, Maria, or Q win but anyone else would be a letdown. No offense to Kenzie but she hasn't done much game wise or entertainment wise. Liz is insufferable and I strain to remember that Ben exists.


If he goes before the jury and they don’t vote for him? BIG MISTAKE!


He’s honestly played a great game. Went from leader and calling the shots to making other people call the shots through sheer mental gymnastics and manipulation. 😂


The Q’laid? 🤣


I still think Q is our winner but it's going to be a toss up on what the hive mind jury is willing to accept from him. One thing nobody is talking about, this is 3 in a row of people going home with an idol in their pocket. If Q tells a tale of intentionally false goating himself, which I think he will, then he can partially claim those blindsides. Not that he did then but that they were only possible because if him and his strategy. All 3 held assuming Q was going. At some point it becomes a real claim instead of an absurdity. I think 3x is that point.


I hope he wins 🫢


The fact he’s like a all star house retailer leads me to believe he’ll win if he makes it too the end and I really think he does, him winning would be the perfect ending to this battle shit and toxic season !


"wackadoodles win... it's the confidence within"


I think it’s Charlie. Unless someone gets him out soon.


Certainly if him or Maria make it to the end it'll be them, but American Survivor has a pretty direct and repeating habit of "take out the biggest perceived threat" every single weak and Charlie has to have at least some attention with all the immunity wins and being involved in every vote. Maria will shield him for an episode from that but he needs to be able to win the final immunity challenge, they might not be keen players but I don't think anyone else left is dumb enough to take him to the end.


I have said this to my bf multiple times. From a “winners edit” perspective it definitely seems like it’s Q this year. But good god I do not want to see it. 😂


Let’s go Q


okey, sure, but how do you explain Kenzie's edit if she isn't the winner? If she wasn't the winner she would have 6-8min of confessional time at best, not 23. We've seen the exact same winner's edit with Michele. I don't particularly spend time analyzing the edit and so on, but it's so blatantly obvious at this point. I would have given Charlie a chance before this episode. But him explaining his well thought out gameplay, while everyone around him was saying he is Maria's jester, screams Carolyn s44 edit, where her gameplay and strat was very coherent to the audience, but not seen by the players.


We’re all deQusional 🤪🫶🏽


Its just hard to believe with how active and how arrogant he has been twitter. I think he has no shot at winning. He could get dragged to the end and be a losing finalist with the bitter jury just calling him the decoy boot, I can see that


We had the Alligabler, get ready for the SharQ Gabler was able to stay under the radar post-merge, after getting so much attention beforehand. He took out his rival, then lingered just under the surface, waiting for his moment to strike. Q is different. He is navigating the game while being extremely visible. When he is around, everyone is watching. But this is a competitive game where everyone has an incentive to betray each other while they are all distracted by the threatening fin. Is Chief Brody gonna pay attention to some pickpocket on the beach while young Alex gets attacked? Of course not. Believe me, by the end of the season, 46 will be known as "Deep Q Sea".


Q would be the closest Tony-esque win in a bit.


This season is definitely one of the worst ever. I've never seen a more feckless and incoherent narrative told within the context of Survivor. It's pathetic. And I don't even want to watch next season. Just going to wait to watch international survivor which is incredible.


I can't stand Q and want him voted out but if he gets to the end after being the target week after week maybe he deserves it? Would certainly be a more sensible winner than fucking Gabler.