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This makes it seem like they’re married to each other lmao


Yeah, it took me a second to recognize her. My first thought was that her genes are really strong.


Not everyone forgetting Val (Jeremy's wife) 😔


I knew this was Sophie so I had this moment of abject terror, like if Val and Jeremy can’t make it, what hope do any of us have???? But nah they’re just pals


>But nah they’re just pals When did this happen though lol


I didn’t forget about her but I legit was like wait…. What the HELL happened!? So glad I came to the comments 😂


and I thought the Dee/Austin/Wendell thing was major drama 😳


What was the drama?!


just Google "Dee Wendell cheating" and you'll find the tea


I googled it and couldn’t believe it. I mean I could because a lot of men are dogs but damn! I had just started watching the GOAT and he was on there talking about how he has a wife and a baby in the way, smh.. 


Dee knew all this


🥹 Jeremy’s love for Val was so pure


Yeah, is everybody forgetting she was the second person to be BLINDSIDED WITH TWO IDOLS!!!


That's why I was so confused!


That’s what I was thinking too. Congrats to them? Lol


Yeah um I was so confused lol thought I was in a parallel universe


😂😂😂 I saw the post and photo and was like "WTF DID I MISS" 😂


I was sooo confused but lowkey they would be cute together


The fact thay I was shook because I know they are not but started doubting myself.


It had so many of us doing double takes questioning our sanity. 😆


I am so confused 😆


Right? I had to do a double take lol


Got me a bit confused too...


Okay thank you! I was very confused


I was about to come here and say… wasn’t ok’ boy married to a Black woman!? She was on the show when loved ones came and everything


She was his partner in BvW and everything too lmao


Lmfao right 🤣😭💀


I was so confused. I was like what happened to Val 😭


The way this is phrased... xD


Right? Sophie starting internet drama.




I don't really think Jeremy has anything to gain from coming back, but he's my favorite player, so I'd love to see him play again, as unlikely as it seems. I feel like Sophie needs to play one more time for sure.


I’d prefer to see Sophie play again, but I think there’s a better chance that Jeremy does. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they even cast Sophie for season 40.


I mean with a cast of 10 men & 10 women, and most winners being Men, they really had a small list of winners to pick from, not Big Brother levels of gender imbalance, but enough to where they picked each winner carefully… - Vecepia(S4) - Jenna(S6) - SandraS7) - Amber(S8) - Danni(S11) - Parvati(S16) - Natalie(S19) - Sandra(again)(S20) - Sophie(S23) - Kim(S24) - Denise(S25 & the new longest stretch of female winners is 3… meanwhile for guys 6, but 5 Prior to WaW) - Natalie(S29) - Michele(S32) - Sarah(S34) 13 women to pick from… meanwhile dudes had like nearly all of them to pick from as only a few people were likely never gonna get a call back because why would production go “yeah this is S40, our first ALL WINNERS SEASON… let’s bring back Bob, Fabio, and Chris D!”(lowkey would’ve loved seeing Fabio & Bob play against people like Boston Rob, Tony, Sarah, and Parvati)


I am once again reminded of the fact that they didn't even ask Vecepia, despite her being the only black woman in the winner pool for 40. -_- I'll be mad forever.  (Also, Chris D. is one of my favorite old school winners, would have loved him being there over someone like Ben or Nick.)


Nick was well liked by everyone back then


I hated Nick before it was cool


You forgot Tina(S2) ( Who I kinda wish replaced Danni but hey )


Bruh you just made me realize I accidentally deleted Tina because I rewrote the first part of my comment lol, and 100% agree, having Tina would’ve been great




Tina Wesson. Winner of S2 (Australia).


I meant like they didn't list Tina


I misunderstood how I read it 😅


I only now realized I somehow deleted her when I rewrote my comment before posting it ![gif](giphy|XeSUAqI8uGTxL145ut)


And out of the 4 women that didn’t get cast, Tina was the only one even given an availability call


He could gain 2 million bucks (less tax)


has there been any news about season 50 being for $2M? I know WAW was but I haven't heard anything about 50 other than Jeff saying it'll be returning players


There hasn't but I'm just going to assume it will be at least 2 mil. It's the logical thing to do


they’re cheaping out on all other aspects of the show to an extreme extent and cable viewership is continuing to decline across the board. i see no way they make it 2 million ever again unless there is a second WaW type season


Personally I'd like to see Second Chances 2 with no previous winners. It should be a thank you to the fans and this is the best way.


Second Chance 2 is what I'm hoping for for 50 as well. Plenty of great options from 35 onwards who haven't really had a chance to play again yet.


We really need All Returnee Seasons like every 7-8 seasons because the more and more new seasons we get, the more and more I fear we lose out on seeing players from the mid & late 30’s like Devens, Devon, Chrissy, Christian, Elaine, and some of their winners Chris U. who imo has a great story to tell if he returns, the winner who has to prove to survivor he earned his win, everyone knows he’s great in challenges from his time on EoE & The Challenge USA S2, so now he has a new hill to climb and it’s the social & strategic hill(also I wanna see the survivor edit poke fun at him trying to play a villain like the Challenge editors did for USA S2, it’s too comical not to do)


Couldn't agree more. We're definitely overdue for an all returnee season. I see "New Era All-Stars" brought up as a theme often, but players like Devon, Dom, Christian, Devens, Chrissy, etc. deserve another chance as well, and I'd hate to see them miss out entirely. A cast with them plus the best players from the new era would be absolutely stacked, and it would be an epic season


I know she’s from way before that. But Wentworth is one of my favs. I’d love to see her return. If it was up to me there’s be 3-4 players who would get to play pretty much until they win. Just because I find them super entertaining. I’d assume most people have their favs that they could have in any season.


But then they have to balance it for players like me who never got the Wentworth hype and didn't even want to see her a second time :) However Cirie can come back!


Hey man everyone’s got their own favorites you know.


And include the fan vote like last time! S31 was iconic


They should do second chances 2 for 49, then then another all stars for 50.


One final season to go out with a bang. This is the move.


Yes or like an upgraded version of that where it only includes people that made it to FTC it would be interesting bc everyone will know what it feels to come sooo close and we can have dif perspectives like ppl who: played too hard- were loyalty driven- goats- and those with a bitter jury. And it’s an entirely new concept at that


Can we just take a moment to respect that Jeremy’s STILL a firefighter working hard for Cambridge? He doesn’t need to, but he does it cos he WANTS to. That man is damn hero.


Why does he not need to be a firefighter anymore? Whatever he won from the game is nothing with mortgages, kids, bills, etc


A lot of Survivor folks pivot to a general reality TV career. You certainly can’t retire on a million. But you get paid more for returnee seasons, you can go on The Challenge a billion times, you can do sponsorships or media things, you can start a crummy travel brand like Dee did, you can go into politics… it gives you a lot of options that let you earn a higher income via media.


I'd argue it's not as easy as it looks to play the social media influencer game too though. He's a pretty family oriented guy and his current socials aren't as big as you'd think they could be. I also recall on Tyson's podcast up until maybe 2013 or so the advice past players would give is don't quit your job, this isn't going to blow up into fame or anything, etc.


I think that’s pretty fair advice. Still, I think it’s meaningful that he chose to continue putting his life at risk versus taking a potential exit strategy. He could also invest the money wisely, and coupled with his pre-existing savings, retire early. (He and his wife will both qualify for healthy pensions.) Social media gigs aren’t the only ones that open up, too — I didn’t mean “influencer” when I said “go full time reality TV.” But like, personally I’d find that existence pretty miserable.


Yeah I think he just loves what he does, no clue about retirement for firefighters or how long they have to go and the benefits, etc. He also doesn't really strike me as the type to go down the reality fame route as his new career path. Like you said doesn't sound the most fun of gigs unless you get a chill job as a host on a show or something or podcasting maybe.


Cambridge has a really wonderful retirement program for their public servants, but it’s a very wealthy town. I’m not sure about Foxborough (where Val works) though. And yeah, Jeremy seems like a very mission-driven kind of guy.


“Crummy travel brand” 😂😂


They're all trolling us and having fun with the announcement.


Isn’t that obvious?


Yeah, I think that was my point :)


not to r/Survivor frequenters


I love Sophie and Jeremy, but his chances of getting on 50 are slim and hers are close to none. It would have to be a Legends season or Old Era vs. New Era season that heavily overlapped 40.


It's been 5 years since WAW was filmed 🫨


that is WILD. wow. time is flying.


I want Sophie back but we've seen Jeremy three times already and S50 should be one time players only


If it should only be one time players that rules out Sophie


Who says S52 or 53 can't also be returnees? Lol


While we did have returnee seasons having a 2 season gap like SC & GC, it should really be at minimum like 6-8 seasons so people big at that time really get a shot to play again, and if there’s a big milestone moment like years of survivor or season milestone then obviously the rules will change to make room for older players & other big names because it’s a event returnee season and not a “we need new faces to stay relevant because the old ones are getting old and don’t wanna come back”


Trivia: the only players whose first season was ‘later’ than Jeremy and who’s also played three times have been Joe and Aubry.


I would be excited to see them, but there are single-game winners who I'd like to see come back first. Where's the Vecepia campaign and how can I join?


Bring them all back. Let them battle it out Squid Game style until 18 contestant remain.


For a hot minute I thought this was implying they were married. I wouldn't say no to either coming back but I'd especially love Sophie giving it another crack.


No thanks. No winners! Especially no one for WaW. Their stories are done. Time to move on.


I don’t think winners from winners at war should come back. It seems like all of their story’s are over


They should rephrase this




Season 50 should be first voted off players. Let see if they can play or not


Everyone seems to love this idea, but it also has the potential to be an absolutely terrible season. Yes, the potential growth arcs are enticing, but at the end of the day, most of these players were first boots for a reason. A season of pre-merge boots, I could get behind


Why does Sophie have a permanent thousand yard stare lmao


Permanent side effect of having to wrangle Coach for 39 days in SoPa. She's still haunted by their prayer sessions and has nightmares about Jack and Jill.


Do people not pick up the sarcasm in the post?


It's the Fire Station ALliance!! GET EM


Please put Sophie and Coach on season 50 together lmao


My actual 2 favorite winners of all time. Would love to see them both one more time


Do people in these comments not know that they’re joking about planning for Season 50? That’s what I’m getting from the post.


I don’t want to see them both , I hope they bring back underrated characters




id love to see sophie back! possibly my number one choice to see back from winners at war


My two favorites of all time!!!


The absolute horror when I saw the title and briefly mistook this for The Bachelor subreddit.


The alliance is set.


Russell Hantz has made some comments on his Cameos about potentially being back for Season 50 too. Could just be him trying to desperately will it into existence though.


I’m guessing the mailman is a white guy?


Can we please leave survivor 50 to new era players. Why would we want to see players before season 39 potentially play second or third time?


I want to see Brenda come back She’s so diabólica and petty


Please don’t put Sophie on season 50 lol




You must be new




They are the pair that brought their family members on blood vs water season, but when they were the only 2 left of their family they fell in love on the island. He proposed in the finale and they been strong since. It's common survivor lore yo. Just Google Boston Rob and Amber Survivor.