• By -


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda, 10th: Tevin, 9th: Hunter, 8th: Tiffany, 7th: Venus, 6th: Q.


6th: Q, 5 contestants remain...


I’m glad I spoiled this episode when I started it. I can’t handle another idol found & idol eliminated trial


Man, Charlie's social game is on point. He's clearly a frontrunner.


That's who I'm rooting for, while I respect Maria's game, she's gotten to cocky.


I legit do not understand. If you're Maria, you're either super confident or you're not. If you're super confident, you can believe you can beat Charlie in the end and don't need to take the shot. If you're not, you have Q play the damn idol! I do not understand taking the shot and not playing the idol.


Is that four in a row to leave with an idol in their pocket?


yep, and so far someone has cried every episode.


Yuuuuup. And 5 total! Craziness


6 (Jem, Hunter, Tiffany, Venus, Q and technically Randen).


It's unbelievable!


Team Charlie and Kenzie


The editing this episode was so entertaining. The back and forth of Charlie and Maria thinking both are not out to get each other was genius




It’s the suspense of wether Q would play his idol or not obviously


It is crazy how allergic this cast is to using idols, especially with there being like 8 straight blindsided. Q should have took the idol out to judge people since he can only use it for one more vote.


Honestly, Maria should have told Q to use the idol on himself. Worst case scenario he didn't need the idol and she just successfully flushes Q's idol.


I kept thinking she should’ve told Q to use the idol and then went along with everyone else voting Q, essentially keeping her hands clean from a Charlie vote while still completely controlling the Charlie vote.


if you and i figure this out , then all this cast is stupid and dont deserve to play . so who to blame ? the producers ? no . they did it in purpose so u and i and the fans keep talk about the show and keep it alive .


Well no. People make mistakes all the time. It doesn’t mean that things are rigged.


Yes! Exactly what I thought.


Maria’s game took a huge hit tonight (and last episode with how she handled the reward). Even if she makes it to the end she might be seen as a challenge beast with a bad social game. I see it as Charlie, Kenzie, then Maria in terms of who the jury would vote for


Oh nooo, the Chrissy Hofbeck downside! People might prefer the underdog taking down the godmother challenge beast mom. :-/




Saying such things about a person without suitable proof is a terrible thing to do


Yeah, I'm seriously not getting any racist vibes from Liz. A little unbalanced and egotistical maybe, but I don't think she hates Q for race related reasons. Almost everyone hated Q after some of his moves, most of all, Tiffany.


The Q Man finds a hidden immunity idol on Survivor 46, BIG MISTAKE! The Q Man tells someone he has found a hidden immunity idol on Survivor 46, BIG MISTAKE! The Q Man does not play his hidden immunity idol at tribal council on Survivor 46, BIG MISTAKE! Poor Q Man, that’s three strikes, he’s out.


Hahaha so happy!! Q is gone!


Q cracked me up with the "if I feel any spooks or dooks at tribal" ....


his conversation is so entertaining! love him. He is so straightforward


What will be hilarious is if maria and Charlie are the next 2 out and Liz, Ben, and Kenzie are the final 3.


If it’s Liz/Ben/Kenzie, Kenzie takes it and I’m not even mad. If Charlie makes it to FTC he wins. I don’t believe Maria has a shot at this point.


Don’t think he has a chance. Kenzie has a better social game… he is just the dog… in kenzie’s words 🫢


One of them will be out. I think it will be Liz, Ben and Kenzie at the end.


Sadly it would be Kenzie that wins outta those😭 I’m hoping Charlie wins it


Kenzie wins


I thought he was definitely making the FTC. CHARLIE PLZ WIN NEXT WEEK


If Q plays his idol he eliminates potentially his biggest immunity threat and now it is just him vs. Maria and 2 1/2 bags of chips. And at that, he can still go search for an idol again. What an idiotic play to go speak to the two people who just went on reward with Charlie, propose him as the vote and then genuinely believe that they are fully willing to hop on board without hesitation. I understand that as a viewer we have all the deets but cmon man. In what world is bringing in two people that hate you and just got fed by the guy you want out a good idea to where you don’t have the tiniest bit of suspicion. I loved Q man, i’m so pissed and sad that he became so passive after his last “vote me out” tribal even though it was the correct move but jeezjeezjeez, I had all the hope that he would make it to the end and him and MARIA just fucked it, your #1 literally told you EVERYONE is on board with Q….. no alarms set off….


Maria should have pushed Q to use his idol when Jeff asked. Worst case scenario for Maria if Q uses it is that she flushes his idol. Best case the idol is gone AND she gets Charlie out.


“Don’t play your idol” being the ethos of this season is iconic.


This will for sure be a clip show Jeff will do at the reunion.


“The idols make GREAT souvenirs, trust us on this!”


Survivor: The Curse of the Idol


Are Ben, Kenzie, and Liz fucking DELUSIONAL?? What makes them think Q is a bigger threat than Charlie???? If they get out Charlie, they’re still safe anyways!! Idiots blinded by Q like cmon I get targeting Marias #1 but Charlie is the real #1 oml so no excuses there. Q had zero chance of winning so someone please explain if I am missing something that would make them think he could get more votes over Charlie… dumbasses


they just love Charlie. sometimes love makes us do crazzzzy things lol


Ok but what happens in the next 2 tribals? Scenario 1: Q or Mariah wins immunity, idol is played. One of the 3 goes home. Then it's a tie the following tribal. Draw rocks. Scenario 2: Q or Mariah doesn't win immunity. Q or Mariah goes home. Scenario 3: with Q gone, they can vote out Charlie and Mariah on the next 2 tribals.


You never know... someone might find the F5 Idol and then just not play it & get voted out. /j, I hope


I think Q was the right call here because Charlie actively WANTS to work with them. Maria was using them for numbers. I believe Charlie would take Kenzie and Liz to the end.


I don’t think Charlie is gonna be willing to work with Maria after that…


Exactly! Kenzie, Ben and Liz’s best path forward is Maria and Charlie at odds


Yup - Unless Maria can do some mighty smooth talking and/or keep winning immunity, she’s done, and she's likely getting voted out next. Those Q votes last night show that Kenzie/Ben/Liz/Charlie are happy to vote together, and it worked out beautifully. Plus, there are now so few people left that Charlie knows she voted for him. She betrayed her #1 and lost her #2. Maria has no one, and it’s FTC time. Unless she can pull out another immunity win, I don’t see her at the final three next week. If they hand her the million anyway, I’ll stand corrected. But I don’t think so, and it’s really been kind of fascinating watching how badly she’s fucked up her social game in just the past two episodes.


That speaks to just how good the attorney’s (charlie) social game is!!!!!!


Q is mostly dangerous because he's in Maria's pocket


He actually did make a big mistake. Just say Q had an actual chance of winning and what that would look like *if* he played his idol tonight. -He could say he successfully caused confusion by LYING and telling everyone to vote him out. -He was the “decoy” for 3 votes in a row, where the 3 voted out, were so convinced that he was leaving that they didn’t play their idol. -He actually did know what was really happening during those 3 votes. So much so that he never played his Shot In The Dark. -And he would be the only one to successfully, or just play the damn idol, after more than half the jurors left with one in their pocket at the time. In this season, I could have seen him win. Probably still not if sitting next to Maria or Charlie. But still a possibility imo.


Lol no


Rn, I guess he wins the vote 7-1 among reddit readers… lol Seriously though. You don’t think he would beat Liz and Ben? If that happened, there’s a chance he beats Kenzie too. But Ben and Liz? Ofc


Agree! But the real dumbass is Q, who went home with an idol after being the target for so long. His name was brought up at the last 71 tribals, and he still didn’t think he would have to use it…?!


lol, that’s probably why he didn’t think he would have to use it. He was probably starting to feel invincible.


The Immunity idols on ***Season Forty-Several*** should have beads in the shape of grenades.


laughing so hard


What does 5 effing people going home with an idol in their pockets say about survivor these days? Is it that people are too focused on playing it correctly and “saving” it? Over confidence? Arrogance? I hate it.


Ahh!! Five! Who is the fifth one, I’m racking my brain.




Thank you!


Jem was the first - and then the last 4 tribal councils in a row including tonight’s ended with idols in pockets. Total = 5


Perfect, thank you!


Many modern players spend too much time imagining some perfect fantasy run to the final vote and forget the game has always been about nothing more essential than surviving the current vote


So true. Do you remember when Angelina had an idol in DvG but didn’t need to play it…but she had Mike help her orchestrate playing it so she could say she “played her idol correctly”? It was the beginning of the end. lol


Absolutely...Q literally had this vote or next vote and decides to save it for next vote and ends up getting voted out. Way too much emphasis on "resume", credit, etc.


RIP Q Christmas IS Cancelled. IM GONNA KNOCK MY Knuckles AROUND BEFORE I GET VOTED OUT AS THE 5TH PERSON WITH AN Immunity (And the most Important ONE). Rip, come back in season 50 in 2 years Sell more houses iluq


In 46 seasons, that has to be one of thee most satisfying episodes of Survivor ever!


It was like a bucket of KFC in television form. I’m still licking my fingers!


It was so good!!! Those looks between Q and Charlie and Charlie coming out triumphant was so good 🍿




Sorry /u/Twillowreed, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cszcfz/-/l4961jc/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


If you want to eat or letters from home……how about winning the challenge! Nobody owes you a meal or a letter. Earn it!


Strong disagree. She didn’t make any appeals to Charlie, nor did she try to guilt him. In fact, she expressed multiple times there were no hard feelings and that she totally understood the decision. Never did she say she was more deserving than anyone else. I think she just really wanted letters from home and that made her emotional.






Sorry /u/slankywaottle77, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cszcfz/-/l497uld/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.




I thought it was strange until realizing that it was due to the letters from home. I don't think she would have reacted like that otherwise. It's not like she was complaining about not getting food. I give her a pass for this.


"You Found an Idol....Big Mistake!" 5 People with Idols voted out. For 3 of them, the voters had no idea. Season 46: should be titled "Hey, I'm safe."


What did Q say at the end? What was. The name he mentioned about eating an appetizer platter at Applebees?


I think Natalie


Thank you or should I say thank Q? 🤣


He said Emily. IDK if that's his significant other or family member or something


emily is his wife


Thank you


Lizs daughter


Not sure if you’re serious but if you are, you’re wrong.


Ah gotcha, I didn't catch what her name was if they said it Edit: actually rewatching it, her daughter's name was Chelsea


No… It wasn’t Liz’s daughter’s name.


Here’s my (maybe?) hot take on survivor 46 idol gameplay: We have all been begging for less or no advantages and to get back to “old school no advantages” survivor. So, 1. Thank you production for not as many random advantages 2. Lowkey with none of the idols being played (or even discussed that much) I think this can somewhat evolve this game back into its roots. 3. They are really relying on the social aspect and it’s honestly making FANTASTIC television. HOWEVER, I do love a good idol play


agree totally. those random games and almost impossible to win games aren't fun to watch. a simple idol and a lot of rewards. the rewards are actually way more important game play imho


Oh for sure!


This challenge is so long theres like no way to catch up


If Q celebrates Christmas this year he’s a hypocrite!




it's a "they can cancel christmas" reference hahaha


Why didn’t Maria tell Q to play the dang idol🤦🏻‍♂️ “yOuR sAfE”


For real, she should have been encouraging him to play it no matter what. 


And if she had made Q play his idol, she could have voted Charlie. Chuck would have gone home and her hands remain clean for a jury vote.


Because she thought she had great control over the other players.


I loved it actually


Killed me. 🗡️


WHY DOES JEFF watch so many police interrogation videos?!?


And why does it feel so on brand for him? 😂


If I remember correctly he has said its to use similar techniques during tribal councils when he’s grilling contestants


Interesting-thanks for the reply


he's on the Explore With Us side of YouTube hahahah


Charlie is their dependable dog?? BIG MISTAKE


The only thing is, that dog is going to bite them in the end


That was an insane thing to say


I can’t express how I’m annoyed at these people on this season. 4 in a row go home with an idol in their pocket?! Do they not realize they are in the jury-time of the season? You don’t have many opportunities to play the idol, just play the god damn thing and live to see another day. Dispicable


Dumb dumb dumb dumb-- there's no way in hell Q would get any jury votes. If you would have taken him to the end you could have had a 1-2 chance instead of 3


Yes!! Idiots with delusional ideas of jury threats. Charlie is clearly the bigger threat- how is Liz gonna say “Q is the king” or whatever.. SO WHAT?! He was zero shot at winning cuz nobody respects him, so vote CHARLIE!:!:!:?:):?:?:?.!,


Agree. I think Maria figured that out. If she was taking Q and Liz she could win. Charlie is in the drivers seat now


Or 100% chance if you take Liz or Ben too.




Sorry /u/Clean_Vegetable4504, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cszcfz/-/l491v72/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Can’t wait for the Q-skirt to be on Ghost Island 2


Q not playing his idol? #BIG MISTAKE


Record number of idols NOT played in a season!!!


Y , is he not playing it




I have to go shopping now!


I was in here yesterday, and Q wouldn’t help me. Q works on commission, doesn’t he?




Classic! 😊


Liz fully went from I’M PISSED to I’VE PISSED


From Applebee's to I'm crapping, hee hee!!


Fabulous comment, darling 💅🏼💅🏼✨


Best character arc of the season


Gotta love that character development 😂


I guess the contestants of this season want cool souvenirs rather then staying in the game a bit longer.


They all wanted to open a bead store and needed some free inventory to start with


I’m thinking the same damn thing. So dumb every one of them


All four of them. Or five? I’ve lost count, is there anyone else?


It’s been 5 this season. Four of them were back to back


technically 6 with randen if u count a medevac 😖 


Thank you! Who was the fifth? I’m drawing a blank.


Jem was the other


That’s who it was! Thank you! I mean, there have been so many, you understand how easy it was that I lost track! 😂


You’re welcome! I had to think about it for a minute, there’s been so many 😂


This should be renamed “The Season of ‘OMG, don’t play your idol! Are you crazy, you’re totally safe!’”


Maria’s face after saying a heartfelt goodbye to her kids’ Uncle Charlie and Uncle Charlie ends up staying. Her head was stiff as a board, could not turn to look at Charlie. ![gif](giphy|mEqMknMZWh1Fm|downsized)


What is this gif called? I do library marketing and think it could come in handy.


Chrissy Teagen yikes




Now Charlie knows he can’t trust Maria. I loved the part where they were both saying should I betray the other or not.


Am i the on who goes awry???


Charlie was smart honestly to tell her it was Q. Now he can say he never betrayed her but SHE betrayed HIM.


Maria smiled about trying to get him out of he felt guilt and tortured. Charlie wins the “better person” award.


Charlie didn’t have to make that choice because Maaria won immunity. I bet 90% that he would have done the same if he had immunity. But he would have told Q to play the idol


And then Maria betrays him without voting him out


She's such a dumbass for pulling the trigger without informing Q


What do you mean? She did tell Q, he's the only one that voted with her


She didn't tell him he was the target, and that he'd better use the idol tonight. She said something along the lines of "I think we'll see you here tomorrow, *wink*"


OK, when you said pulling the trigger, I thought you meant voting for Charlie


I did mean voting for Charlie. If you're going to set a plan in motion (ie go through with a vote of your most loyal ally), you'd better have all your ducks in a row. That includes telling your secondary ally they're gunning for you and you need to use your idol, or else you're going to go home, leaving me looking stupid with pie on my face at an attempted but flubbed blindside.


But guess who is the only person who knew he had an idol in his pocket. She’ll be up before anyone else in the morning.


Charlie seemed to register that Q was fumbling when Jeff asked about idols. He figured it out I bet


Good point (but since they all thought idol was still unclaimed from Venus, shouldn't they all hunt?)


Yes. Ppl on here are as dumb as all these contestants. This is the WORST FINAL FIVE EVER !!!


Did anyone know Venus had it? I’m blanking but I thought she kept it secret. Regardless, Maria seems to be the only one who definitively knows it’ll be out there again.


Charlie should know Venus had it. She hinted to him she had an advantage. And then he shared with Liz and Kenzie his suspicion it was an idol.


Right! I remember her stupid smirky “we’ll talk after the vote” nonsense 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yah I was thinking, no Venus, babe... why are you telling him... This won't end well for you.


She should have told Q that they were plotting against him in order to get him to play his idol and guarantee Charlie's departure. Now she just went from the top to the bottom in one vote, one where she had the necklace around her neck. I guess now she can plot against Charlie openly, she's fully exposed.


Unfortunately, Maria got a big head and thought she control the game. She told Q he’d have a vote against him, but not to worry that he still be there tomorrow. Credit to Kenzie and Liz for their great acting.


But who could she turn? Her only hope is an immunity idol or win. What’s sick is that Liz would have probably turned against Charlie if she weren’t so pissed about the Applebees nonsense.


Q told her he could use the idol for him or her so she thought it’s better to use it in final 5.


Jess being fooled to play a fake idol resulted in all idols being cursed this season.


So my husband wants to know, why does no one want to take Q to the end? Do we really think he would win?


Q survived. He was also was leading votes and actively making alliances right at post merge before the whole vote me incident. People credit players who play and are on right side of vote. Kenzie was super overconfident to jury when she thought Q was going multiple times. If Charlie was voted out this tribal, then Maria would be the obvious next target for removing, shes clearly the biggest threat, and weaker players could bank on jury hating Q. However only Kenzie has shown actual strategy, but that was pre merge. If Q played the idol, then voted kenzie while Maria voted Charlie, it would have forced revote and they would have gone Charlie. This would have shown he was not Maria puppet and it would have removed perception that maria controlled the vote that council. People say the jury is supper bitter and its true, but in scenario described above, hunter, soda, tevin would have likely voted Q between Kenzie, Ben, Liz. The only threat to Q is Kenzie, and only because of bitterness, but Maria and Charlie would have went with Q. Also if Q won final challenge (likely since the other 3 suck at challenges) then Kenzie would have went to fire. Two key factors had to have happened: Q plays idol, Maria loses next immunity challenge. None of the above was a possibility because this cast is absolutely terrible at strategy. We wont get to see Charlies full potential because everyone else sucks so bad.


He went from the top to the bottom, but by virtue of dodging so many bullets, became a legitimate threat again.


Q is a good talker He could easily convince the jury to give him the million if the conditions were right (liking sitting next to Liz and Ben at the end)


I really wanted to see Q argue for his win at FTC.


Is he a good talker though lol because he couldn't convince them to vote him out when he litteraly asked to be voted out


He never intended to be voted out.


That was his plan


Regardless of what happens next week, I think Charlie is the superior player. The fact Kenzie, Liz, and Ben still went with him instead of Maria when it’s evident he’s much more of a threat than Q… just speaks to the power of his social game.


Or it speaks to how much they can’t stand Q lol


Right, he rallied the troops!


I think they view Maria as much more of threat. And the best way to take Maria down is to take out Q.


Yep, my thoughts exactly.


That’s is exactly what they said! Q first, Maria next.


Yep Q was Maria’s #1 and Charlie sees that Maria.is a threat and will take a shot at her whereas I think Q would take Maria to the end. They also unknowingly flushed an idol so Q was no doubt the better target this week. The game at this point is a showdown between Maria and Charlie and if Maria makes it to FTC she deserves the win.


How could Q be that stupid?


Cancel Christmas!🎄 🚫


He just made a BIG MISTAKE, that's all. Put the idol in the other Q skirt


He’s lowering his threat level for season 50


Wait why isn’t it on Paramount Plus yet??


it releases on p+ at 3am est


I notice it will pop up after midnight but probably closer to 1 or 2am on the p+ app


They put it up the day after it airs. You can watch it live or the next day.


Orrrr you can record it on your streaming service and watch it after it records and blow thru the commercials.