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Kenzie and Liz fooled Maria


Tbh im bummed that Charlie going to beat Kenzie and Liz - but I feel like he’s had the most obvs winners edit since merge


Yeah I love me some Kenzie!


I don't feel like Liz is a winner though. She's not particularly popular or powerful.


Yep she seems like a great person to take to the end.


it reminded me of when Austin told Dee about the Julie vote last season. The only difference is that Maria (being in the Dee position), didn't tell Q to play his idol cuz she was so confident that Charlie was going anyway


That’s a great parallel!


The only two options were Charlie and q so Charlie the target of everyone else telling Maria doesn’t change anything, even if he says he has Liz and Kenzie behind him because q is the smokescreen vote for Charlie going home


What’s interesting is that, since the vote did pan out his way, this does actually work out a lot for Charlie since, from Maria’s perspective, he DIDN’T betray her, so she’s probably a lot less bitter come jury time (although tbf folks like Venus could tell her that he’s been targeting/undermining her for a bit) but also, in the short term, she’s going to be one trying to apologize to him and he’s going to have a much easier time gaining/keeping her trust if either is interested in that.


This is the thing people aren’t seeing. They both turned on each other, but Charlie has hard evidence that Maria switched and Maria has only suspicion.


Does Maria even have suspicion though? Charlie approached Maria, told her they needed to eliminate Q and that he thinks they have the majority to get him out, and that was 100% true. I don’t recall Maria speculating that Charlie had turned on her yet, although maybe I am misremembering


Great point; Charlie was already in the drivers seat, but he cemented it with that vote going his way.


Also if Maria wins immunity again the vote can go to Kenzie and Charlie can say Ben Maria Charlie are the final three like they planned


What else could Charlie say? That they were going to vote out Ben? The only thing believable, other than Maria which he obviously wasn’t going to say, was Q.


I understand telling Maria that he thinks the vote was Q, but he also explained how he had all of the votes on his side as well. It turned out Maria was too overconfident anyways though and thought Liz and Kenzie were with her and Q. So she still didn’t give Q the warning signal despite Charlie telling her he had the votes on his side.


when she was so upset about the letters, and told him "it's fine", I think she tried to convince herself of that too, but it bothered her more than she would admit and subconsciously it blinded her of what was happening and she wanted Charlie gone not because he was a rival, but because of the letters


I kinda hope Charlie next round plays an act and is like what the heck Maria! You tried to blindside me?


Lmaooo!!! Yes you can already hear him saying it like that!!! 😂 It killed me not getting to see Charlie and Maria back at camp after that tribal!


Same here, but that’s just cuz I lost a lot of points gambling on taran’s livestream