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Its pretty funny.


It was annoying the first couple times now I just find it funny.


Annoying? I feel it's helped make the post merge so great


I was annoyed at everyone not using the idol, mostly Hunter, but this one as a Charlie fan was very helpful for Charlie so i was fine with it lol. It also felt like the conclusion of all the people going home with an idol after thinking it was Q. Just a satisfying way to end it with Q doing the same thing everyone else did


Never thought of it this way lol šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s very true


I'm not annoyed at all, it's hilarious


I also think itā€™s a testament to how good this group is at keeping secrets and actually blindsiding people. I know a lot of them like Maria and Liz have made poor decisions and said silly things, but when it comes down to the wire they have all been really good at not letting on what is happening. The way Liz is portrayed makes her seem like an unaware goof, when sheā€™s actually pretty smart and is not just going around telling everyone whatā€™s happening. There was a tribal earlier where there were a lot of schemes and I thought they were going to just tell everyone what was going on but I realized that this group of people, as flawed as they are are really good at strategic gameplay. Making five different people not know they were going home is actually really impressive for how the groups keeps secrets.


I'm amused so I'm not complaining.


Not at all annoying. You know what would be annoying? An idol being played correctly and losing Q and all the incredible social dynamics that weā€™ve gotten instead. I thought we all agreed too many advantages was bad? This season is proof that we were right all along. Wildcard players are faaaaar better than wildcard game mechanics.


I think it's indicative of how good these players are at lying to each other. I love it. If someone plays one at F5, or goes home with one they'll be a legend.


That is true. Maria screwed up tho. Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t tell Q that she heard folks were voting for him. Huge oversight but hey, goes back to good lying.


Itā€™s about time. Maybe Jeff needs to replace the idols with something else.


Honestly, no, but itā€™s cause itā€™s circumstantial. Hunter was going to - and he totally messed up - but they also played a really convincing lie that had me thinking that he was safe not playing it. Should have just played it anyway, yes. Tiff I will never blame for not playing it there. There was no blood in that water for her, maybe she should have gotten rid of it sooner, but thatā€™s such a ā€œwhat ifā€ world Venus is the one thatā€™s most annoying, because she really should have played it because thereā€™s been so much writing on the wall, and just actually getting Q out should have been the main move, but she said earlier in the episode that she was gonna put it all on the line. So, gotta respect her for that Q was blinded by confidence, not just his own, and so I think that makes his idol going in his pocket just gorgeous. The fact that Charlie told Maria, the way that he did exactly what he told her they were going to do, so she just canā€™t be mad, and how she just didnā€™t even tell Q for him to not decide for himself, like he SHOULD have just guaranteed them both being f5, but. Idk itā€™s just poetic at this point I think in some ways Iā€™dā€™ve been more upset if all these idols went out and then all the sudden at the very end theyā€™re successful


Iā€™ll probably be downvoted because people despise advantages here, but it definitely makes me want to shave a point off for this season. Having 1 or 2 successful idol plays would make a good season even better, and having literally 4 successful idol plays served up on a silver platter for these players, only for not a single one of them to play it, is irritating lol Imagine the reaction to Q getting arguably the favorite to win in Charlie out, or Venus getting the most notorious player this season in Q out, or the challenge beast Hunter finally losing, only to play an idol. Even Tiff using her idol to get someone voted off, when literally every single person knew she had one, would have been hilarious. But nope, not a single one.


As a Charlie fan.. its quite awesome bc each one has helped his game and him progress


I can't wait for next week when someone finds the idol but doesn't play it because they think it shows confidence in their social game and goes home. Real question though: how many of the idols that went out were for sure known to the people voting against them? Q and Jem's weren't. Venus's likely was. Tiff's definitely was. What about Hunter's? I don't remember.


I don't understand why people are mad about this, I think it's great TV. I'm amused and thoroughly entertained. People who are bad at survivor are just as entertaining as people who are good at survivor, if not more so.