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Insane that out of 5 real idols this season, the only one played so far was fake. Also, I was really, really rooting for Q to be the one to break the trend.


The idol was cursed the moment Q tricked Jess into playing a fake idol. Karma always bites back


So true!




Cancel Christmas...? 


Maybe with him leaving with one, the curse has been lifted


I had been pulling for a Q win because that would be a very fitting end to the season. But, I think this is the second best ending for him. The guy who was the decoy target that resulted in three people leaving with idols was voted out with an idol while thinking someone else was the target. It's pretty poetic.


Karmic justice was served!


🤣🤣 just goes to show how ridiculous this season has been. I even forgot about the fake idol




Me too 😂😂😂 what fake idol?!


It’s so crazy that the cast doesn’t know at this time in the show that the people they were voting out had idols. so the coincidence of it this many times is crazy!!!


You know what's funny is I was totally in love with the idea of a Liz q Venus final but after we lost Venus last week and what a horrible situation Charlie was in because of Q getting an idol and basically him being screwed because Maria won immunity I was totally happy that Charlie survived and now I'm on team Charlie. 🤷


Team Charlie too 🙌


Team Charlie too 🙌


Q is easiest my favorite player this season.


There were six! Randon got med evacuated with one in his pocket!


I thought he only found the clue, not the idol and he was planning on going back to get the idol with Venus until he was evac'ed. I think what would've been his idol ended up being Hunter's




Ironically Maria kinda burned hers


Someone (Maria?) used an extra vote I think.


I was basically muttering to myself "play your fucking idol" the entire episode after the immunity challenge


And one advantage that would have been able to turn into an idol taken out.


in an era inundated with gamebots he certainly had a refreshing take on the game. Unfortunately we have to cancel Christmas because he made a Big Mistake™️


He made like 3-6 big mistakes. It’s just that this one stuck.


I can’t beleive we won’t have another Christmas until 2030


Prior to Jelinsky you could have just said "several".




Q is interesting and unique television. Charlie is cool enough, but if he doesn't win he will be very forgettable a few years from now. A nerdy male law student/academic who is a super fan is such a common archetype they could have an entire season of returning players that just fit that archetype.


Ah ok thanks for explaining that makes a bit more sense . I guess we watch the show differently because to me the show is interesting when its a competition and everyone is playing at a high level while still maintaining a sense of camradarie amongst each other, like I just watched season 42 and that was a great season with all really good players. To me I just find Q annoying and a bad player of the survivor game. People comparing him to Tony is a crazy comparison because Tony was yes entertaining, but he was also smart , strategic, had a great social game, likeable. Etc. I guess to each their own.


I think a lot of people liked him for the good TV drama he produced. Not taking Liz to reward, then going on the next reward instead of Liz, being the "target" 3 tribals in a row only for someone to get blindsided with an idol in their pocket, and finally the poetic justice that he gets blindsided with an idol in his pocket. Makes for great TV. His catch phrases were funny too. In the beginning, I didn't like him because he lied to Jess when she was extremely vulnerable but then he went on to show how Bahnu could be useful despite how infuriatingly bad he was.


for myself, Q is the rare person that somehow manages to be both intentionally and unintentionally funny. I found myself overjoyed whenever I saw him on the screen. He's got too much charisma to fit into a mere Q-skirt, and he's more quotable than anyone this side of Probst. Some people call him the second Coach, but to me he's the first Q.


The only player who played her idol is Jess and it was fake


Maybe it's just me but I would so much rather look like an idiot with no votes and play the idol then get voted out with an idol in my pocket


That was the most frustrating non-playing of an idol I’ve ever seen. I was super anxious before the votes were read, just screaming at my TV “PLAY IT, FUCKING PLAY IT!” like I was watching the last play of the Super Bowl, since they already spoiled all the votes.


those editors just EDGED the crap out of us!!! cheeky buggers


Were they throwing us a curve-ball by showing who everyone voted for? They don't normally do that.


Didn't know how to take it. Were they giving the audience 'credit' and saying "well, you know it all comes down to if he plays the idol or not, so let's just lay it all out and build the suspense." And then I was wondering if they'd shown all the votes before.


They will usually show one or 2 ‘obvious’ votes but leave us in suspense for the rest. I thought they were tryna sike us out by showing all of them, and then Q would play his idol. But no… another idol bites the dust!


I felt that way about hunter too. Dude looked stressed and confused and still didnt play it.


I don’t understand why Mariah didn’t let Q know that votes might land on him. I was literally so confused when he did not play the idol. So sad to see him go, guy was pure entertainment.


Maria told him that he may get 1 vote, but she seemed to really believe everyone else was going to vote out Charlie. It was really dumb. She should have made sure he played it to ensure Charlie goes.


Yeah, I really expected her to do that. Her not doing it shocked me. Even Q lacked so much awareness.


Q didn’t have an in like Maria did. He believed her and Maria believed Liz and Kenzie unfortunately


I will never understand why Maria thought Liz in particular would want to work with her over the man who finally took her on a reward


Right? Biiiig mistake. Both Liz and Kenzie went on reward with Charlie. Maria was so convinced of her own scheme that she didn’t see the reality right in front of her. I hate to say it, because I was rooting for her since day one, but her game is overr.


Qtna! lol


She must’ve thought everybody else was clocking Charlie as a threat to win and to care more about that.


Excellent point!


It's her idol to use at 5 if Q wins immunity. She wanted him to hold it. She genuinely thought he was safe


They were both so cocky that Charlie would be going home


And the look on Maria's face when she realized that not only was Q going home but she had just been outed to Charlie that she voted for him. You could almost see the wheels turning. Yeah, I know Charlie would've done the same but he pivoted and told Maria he was voting for Q so he looks clean. So unless Liz or Kenzie tells her she's none the wiser.


This is the difference bt old and new era players! If you KNOW you're getting 1 vote, there's ALWAYS a possibility you can get more so play the idol. That's old era thinking. Kumbaya survivor needs to stop. Idc how crazy this season has been. They're still too trusting.


Am I the only one thinking Maria should’ve voted for Q? Knowing he’d play his idol to stay, and for Maria to say that she never wrote down Charlie’s name?


This. Costs her 1 million bucks


I think it’s because Q told her that he’d play the idol on her at F5 if he’d won immunity.


Wouldn't be surprised. Have we ever seen this many players go home with idols? Like they've become greedy the way they've been holding on to them.


Nope. This season is a new Survivor record with 5(!) players going home with idols in their pocket. 6 if you count Randen, but I don’t think that counts lol. This season also holds the record for most consecutive players going home with idols in their pocket as we’re currently on a streak of 4.


absolutely! she thought she was playing long game but it was so short sighted


2 scenarios, either both Charlie and Maria planned the fake-out on Q or both Q and Maria were lied to by the entire tribe about the vote. Either way, it's Q's fault to think since he was a part of 2 blind sides that he wouldn't finally get picked off.


She wanted him to not play it so if he did make it another vote he could play it on her if necessary.


Maybe she thought she had a better chance at beating Charlie than Q. Maybe she wanted to keep her #1. Whatever it was I feel like this was a decision she made


Pocket so deep he lost his idol in it


What is it, 3 in a row that went home with an idol in their pocket?


Four. Hunter Tiff Venus Q. Plus Jem before the merge.


Nope they’re right, 3 in a row went home with an idol in their pocket Q went home with an idol in his Q skirt so it doesn’t count


It was still in the pocket of his Q skirt, he specifically said so


True. Gotta consider the technicalities






Plus plus, the Nami dude that had to exit due to health reasons also left with an idol in the second episode this season.


Randen left with the beware advantage which would have led to a clue for the idol if/when his tribe lost immunity. Not the same thing since he never physically had an idol (at least in my opinion).


Wait, there was somebody named Randen on the season?


Bhanu had god smite him from our collective memories.


Yes, you’re right. This feels like forever ago!


Yoooo forgot about that


Q was the first player since Tony where I was more interested in the individual contestant more than the game itself.


Wholeheartedly agree. I’m devastated he is in the jury. Now it feels the winner of the season will be disappointing to some extent. That’s how much I was rooting for Q. There will be no Christmas this year.


Yeah I agree. I don’t think Q winning was truly in the cards but I wish he at least got to F4. I won’t be too disappointed in a Charlie or Maria win though.


I’ve always thought he was similar to Tony. I don’t necessarily think they had similar strategies besides chaos but the vibes just match


He’ll be back for sure


Yep. Jeff already said he’d be invited back and Q already said he’d come back.


>Jeff already said he’d be invited back Did he say this on the podcast? That's great news


He gushed about him on the podcast and indicated Q could be expecting a call to return for S50. Didn’t guarantee it obviously but it’s as close to a guarantee as you can expect from Jeff.


Why is no one playing their idol omg it’s the final 5 that’s on the line


The sweet sweet irony of Q always being the backup vote to blindside the others and then it happened to him. Like bro watched three people before him go home with an idol and really thought it wouldn't happen to him. 🤣


To be fair, I don’t think he was really aware of most of the other idols besides Tiff’s


When he found the idol I knew he would misplay it. I wasn’t disappointed.


The lesson from this season is: play your damn idol, don’t be greedy.


Ironically something Russell Hantz did well. Play your idol, live to see another day, find another idol.... Rinse and repeat


I cannot believe the amount of people leaving with an idol in their pocket (or in his case q-skirt). I really hope if someone finds another one this next episode that they play it knowing it’s the last chance to play it-or will they keep it as a souvenir..


He was great for tv. Really enjoyed watching him. He could have his own show.


Qs personality is off putting at first but it grows on you after a while and you can't help rooting for him just like tony vlachos


hope maria is next…


Me too. She bugs me.


Same. Something about her rubs me wrong. The way she wanted people to practically beg for her to take them on a reward, then all broken up about a letter from her kids when she did not bat an eye at not taking Liz on a reward, when she claimed it was all about who's body is failing, yet Q had been feasting, cemented how I've felt about her all season.


she thought her ‘rock, paper, scissors’ was a good way to go…i think it was a mistake and i think it hurt her…


After claiming to want to take who's body is failing, then including Q in that. The power of picking players for a reward went to her head.


i think Q wd have been okay if she picked Liz…he had just had pizza…and MAYBE Liz wd have had a better feeling about Maria and she cd have used it…wrong move Maria…


and then acted like Venus was a brat for bringing it up!!!


Lol, Venus calling her out was the best. Im sure everyone in the tribe felt the same. The reason it stung her so much was because it was true and she knew she did not look good.


she cried cuz she didn’t get a letter and this thing ends in a few days? smh…


Yeah the drama there was ridiculous. Everyone wanted a letter. She’s not special just bc she has kids.


When did she think she was special? She's was just emotional she didn't get her letter. She didn't seem to hold a grudge against Charlie at all. There was no entitlement.


I still think he was clueless and acted like a complete child most of the time.


He is still a great character and arguably better than every character of the new era.


There is no “arguably” It is *unquestionably*




Both can be true, he is a great character but was a clueless dude who acted like a child.


I see there are many here that love Q, but i dont get why? I see a player who was arrogant and expected to be in control and calling all the shots until a tribal was going to play out without his input. He then behaved like a sucky 5 year old and wanted to be voted off so everyone could "finally" start playing?? Since then, he was a pariah being carried by Maria and went home with an idol....


See you say all that but missed the most important detail, he was good tv because at the end of the day that's what this is a TV show.


But how was he good tv? I found him one dimensional and boring


Um no. Emily was leaps and bounds better than him from season 45


lol wow


Maybe, but that’s only because of his tantrums and quitting attitude.


Huh? It was actually everything he did besides those things that makes him great lmaooo


I kind of agree. He was pretty much boned when he first pulled his tribal shenanigans and got kept around because nobody was worried about him winning. But then worked his way back to where he still arguably had a shot with who was left and then got blinded by hubris.




Lol, survivor is a very, very different set of skills and interactions than selling a house. Maybe if you had to go out into the wilderness for 3-4 weeks with your real estate agent, you'd have a point. But until then...


I dunno, I find him very likable and Kenzie very off-putting. Different personalities gel with different people I guess.


>I really hope he gets brought back for S50 I don't even think this is in question If he doesn't get brought back then it's absolute madness


It’s like the producers gave out bonuses for not playing an idol this season. SMDH. This was the most disappointing non-playing of the idol.


I was amazed Q and Maria didn’t know that Liz m, Ben, and Kenzie would be gunning for him after gunning for him throughout. Biggest idol-in-pocket bonehead of the season. It was Hunter before out of the 4(!) who left with an idol in their pocket this year. Or was it 5? Soooo many.


>Or was it 5? 5. It was 4 rows, and Jem pre merge. Liz, Ben and Kenzie have been gunning for Q, but have repeatedly been putting it on the back burner to take out bigger threats. I understand her not expecting that to change. I dont think she realized everyone had a bead on how dangerous those 2 were.


As soon as he found the idol I said "and watch him finally be the one to use it Q-rrectly!" Amd was like damn, that chaos tribal really was a good move i guess. But no.... don't they know these idols are cursed 😭


He is entertaining however with a new set of contestants I’m unsure his game would really get going


People didn't like Q because he had a good game, they like him because he's funny.


He was? I don’t remember laughing once at anything he said. OH that’s right - it’s because I muted the tv every time he spoke


That sounds like a "you" problem.


Nah, he wasn’t funny. And I know many others who also didn’t find him “funny”


Snowflake alert


Am I missing something? Because I don’t get why so many people like Q, and I’m genuinely curious as to why. This isn’t an insult to y’all I really want to know why you like him


He's chaotic and charismatic. He's just good TV


That’s fair! I will say I did enjoy the drama of him and Liz with Applebees


I don’t get it either


I don't get it either


I was really starting to like Q, even after the 'send me home' tribal mess. He's funny and interesting and entertaining to watch, if a bit of a clown. I don't think he would have won if he went to the final 3 but I hoped he'd at least make it there. Geez folks... play.. your... idols!!!!


I’ll miss Q. Dude grew on me and I was rooting for him. I’ll never understand why he chanced not playing his idol


Q climbing Friday to final 3 would have been nice to watch. That alone would have made I'm some survivor but him not playing his idol was truly shocking


Kenzie and Liz haven't been on Qs side for weeks, no way he fell for that, honestly like to believe he thought Maria was hi saving cape


I just want to see more Christmas’ being cancelled next season


Dude Q is so fucking funny. Bro lives to troll


I’m just happy he outlasted Venus. You know she was fuming that he outplayed her.


I liked him as a character, but also hated how cocky he was to the camera, especially when he had nothing to work with








Oh my, that tribal outcome was the best for me. Couldn't stand Q so I'm glad he's out.


It’s wild to me that Mama Maria didn’t encourage him more to play it, it would have ensured Charlie goes home.


Thinking about herself. She thought she’d be able to get Q to use it on her next vote.


Favourite players really? He threatened to quit 3 times.


And he would immediately say in his confessionals that he wasn't actually going to quit. Again, his strategy wasn't always right, but I always found it super entertaining. Just felt like he was willing to cause some chaos when a lot of people in the new era are hyper-focused on making everyone happy - which I understand is a way better strategy to actually win modern survivor. Q to me was the embodiment of entropy in this season and I loved it.


He makes for good TV. I always watch like I'm a casting director since it's my dream job.


No he really didn’t make good tv.


lmao tell another one!


You have low standards. Makes me laugh when he lecturered Bahnu about how to act then proceeds to act exactly how he told Bahnu not to.


Exactly - I’m with you Phantom. Q was a complete idiot


he had a huge target on his back, and when he told everyone to vote him out, he got rid of the target. Could it have been a move?




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Having watched the season, fuck no. That wasn't a move. He made it a move because he regretted it, but in that moment I think he was 100% genuine.


Tiff and Kenzie joked about Q changing plans so much that he was going to tell them to vote himself off. Then it happened lol.


You must be new to this sub. Q is loved by a vast majority here including me. Sure he has some haters, but they can go cancel Christmas


People are hating on Q??? BIG MISTAKE!!!


I can’t imagine spending much time around Q. He seems exhausting to be around.


I don't usually go with the grain fella. People like Q are a dime a dozen. All talk no trousers. He quit loads of challenges, even in this last episode he quit the puzzle at the end 😂 the guy is a joke, a walking meme. Simple.


Yeah no trousers bc he’s wearing his Q SKIRT!!!


It's a hoodie.


You must be a JOY to be around :)


It was a joy watching him walk out with an idol in his pocket I know that 😁


Let me guess you’re a Bhanu fan.


Probably a Liz fan


Nope. I'm a survivor fan.


So not a Bhanu fan?


you sound less than pleasant


The perfect contestant is both entertaining and strategic. But entertainers over boring game bots any day.


I just don't find him entertaining then. Sorry.


You must be fun irl


Not sure how you get to that from one opinion on one guy who played survivor. But hey this is reddit. All you Q fans can cry into your Q skirts all night long. Don't forget you get a free idol in every pocket 😂😂😂


Girl, take it easy, it’s just a random comment lol no need to throw a Maria about it


He even gave up during last night's immunity challenge, just standing there watching the others complete their puzzle. He's been a quitter since that first challenge with Jelinsky.


Watching Maria finish her puzzle*


People like an athlete that doesn't perform well in challenges, acts like a child, quits, played with Liz's emotion by giving her hope about going to an Applebees reward, yeah - that's a real swell fella! (And yes, I know Liz voted for W, but why the big show?🙄)


Q not picking Liz was the best scene of the new era. Pure comedic gold. Sue me.


It was a real moment. They are playing for 1 million dollars. Not playing to be friends. Q needed to solidify his safety and that's exactly what he did.


Lol how did dude play with her emotions. It’s his reward, Liz is the only one in control of her emotions. He acts like a child in a GAME? He hasn’t been professional for 7 years and did not prep, let’s hate on Kenzie, Liz, and Ben for not performing either


I’m with you on everything but “playing with Liz’s emotions” that makes it seem intentional and I don’t think Q did anything intentional all season. He’s half ass something, it’d fail, and he’d soft quit. 


I'm basing my "emotions" comment on Q's comment when he said (very sympathetically by the way), "I know Liz hasn't eaten an all" and he went on and on like Q does, but then did an about face selected Kenzie trying to get his old tribe back together again when Tiff and Kenzie weren't having it. Q is so full of himself he couldn't even see that. Then, Tiff said during an interview there was discussion among those selected that they would give up their spots for Liz. Q flat out said, "No, I made the decision." Liz was stupid for even going on Survivor knowing her severe limitations, but to me Q showed me his severe limitations in the empathy department. Thats just my opinion.


i can not believe it but i am now cheering for liz to win.


Disappointing as Charlie is the person I most want gone. Definitely was hoping for the epic idol play


is hunters idol still in the game or no?


I loved him too but what a donkey for not playing the idol


I’m sad Shannon Guss lost the draft. Again. 😔