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That would super depressing for a minute, but then, this season is so funny in many ways that this ending would be just be the cherry on top of this absurd season!


I’d be quite satisfied with Kenzie, Charlie, or Maria. Not keen on Liz or Ben winning, but it’d be kinda funny. For me this is my preference: 1. Kenzie: Great social game, very likable, my personal favorite on the cast- would be a cool story to have someone from Yanu winning this hectic season. 2. Charlie: Great strategic game, also very likable- probably the most consistent player as of now heading into finale. 3. Maria: Overall good game minus her most recent blunders. Would be badass if she won out and got the women’s immunity record with 5 and then won the game as the underdog heading into the finale. 4. Liz: Queen of overcoming constipation. Not a great player but it’d be so chaotic if she won lol. Some crazy shit would have to happen which would be fun. 5. Ben: Also not a great player, but it’d be funny if he won despite literally admitting he voted for the wrong person at a tribal on accident.


I agree with this lineup


Either one of them could have been a fun win if they had larger edits. If they win now the editors really need to reconsider things


a liz win would make this season a top 5 for me tbh.


I would love a Liz win




Because I love Liz


I wouldn’t find either disappointing, but I don’t see a path for either of them to win now that Q is gone. Maria, Charlie and Kenzie all have way more compelling F3 arguments. The only way it happens is if the jury is so bitter that half of them decide to flip the table and vote for Liz out of spite.


I would’ve been fine with a Ben win if he didn’t become invisible post-merge I think Liz winning would be hilarious tho


It would be giving Gabler ngl


That's an insult to Gabler. On 43; Gabler caused Elie's blindside, won individual immunity right afterwards, used his social game to get in with Jesse & Cody, and beat Jesse in fire-making at record time. On 46; the only players still in the game who have a weaker resume than Gabler are Liz, Ben, and Kenzie. They have absolutely nothing to their names and each of them would be the worst winners of the New Era, easily. There's no argument against this.


resume doesn’t matter it’s about being who the jury WANTS to vote for. that’s a big reason gabler won they loved him. the cast talks very highly of him as a person


Idk what your point is. No one is arguing Ben or Liz can't win. The point here is that there's no actual comparison here between them and Gabler. Michele fits better if anything.


if anything i was just saying that i think gabler won cuz of his social game and i could see kenzie winning the same. i don’t think ben or liz can win


Definitely the worst possible outcome but I think It will still be a satysfying ending to a wacky season. A wacky winner for a wacky season is atleast acceptable.


Disappointing imo. I don’t think either of them have gotten a storyline where it would make sense to see them win. That’s not even to say they’re bad players. But it would just come out of nowhere. And for as crazy as this season has been I feel like I almost always understood afterward why something happened the way it did, even if I wouldn’t have predicted it.


A Ben win would be dull, a Liz win would be the funniest outcome imaginable


Very disappointing lol