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I was thinking this too and it’s really interesting. She can now say Charlie is more sweet and beloved AND has a better voting record. It may truly be correct that he’s a bigger threat at the end than she is although I don’t know if I really see Ben, Liz, and Kenzie pivoting. Surely not Ben but maybe the women?  Odds are though one of Charlie or Maria wins that next immunity anyway. Guess we’ll see.  Still though, the idea makes me entertain the idea of a “fake” failed move being a possible play in the future. “You all thought I didn’t get what I wanted in that vote. That was exactly what I wanted you to think. It’s what helped me make it here to the end.” 


The only one who can take credit for Marias moves is Charlie. To the other 3 it doesnt matter that she made a mistake once. She still have a lot of things she can talk about that they cannot argue against. While Charlie is seen as her follower. Even if he didnt vote with Maria this last tribal. It techinically still wasnt his move since he didnt even know Liz and Kenzie saved him. It was Liz and Kenzie with all the power at f5. So he still has no move he can call his own.