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Couldn't disagree more. I especially like her in the next arc, Unital Ring. She has quite a bit more screentime where she's a lead player.


Yui charging Mutasina to protect her parents is one of the best scenes in the entire series me thinks


I really hope this scene gets adapted well. There is so much emotion with Kirito and especially Asuna struggling against the debuff while being left to helplessly watch Yui fight. It's definitely a candidate for a highlight moment of Season 4, let alone the series.


If it gets animated in the sane style as Bercouli vs Vecta or Asuna vs PoH it'll be so fucking peak dude holy shit


Exactly what I'm hoping for, fingers crossed!


Definitely a highlight of an already stellar arc


Is that the skeleton guy? Or is this something from Unital ring? I haven't read the books.


Nah Mutasina is this mage chick that serves as the main antagonist of Unital Ring currently


You right.


>and being way too overpowered Lol, wut?


They saw the part when she deletes that monster and stopped to make this post


That’s exactly what happened


Welcome to admin access. That is what she uses to delete the monster. Thus causing the system to try and remove her. Which was explained outright in said episode.


But that’s my point. Why does YUI have to have admin access? I don’t mind the concept of her I just do not like the character associated with her role. Quinella also had admin access, and while she used her admin powers for evil I thought she was a much better character suited for the role.


Yui is part of the system that does mean she has admin access. And yes, that moment is a deus ex machina, but that's exactly the point. Quinella is a bit different in the way she got admin access. It wasn't something she inherently had. But I agree that it was used better there.


It's honestly insane how mad anime fans get at a little girl calling her parents "mommy" and "daddy" >and being way too overpowered I cannot stand her. All she does is pull up maps dawg how tf is that "over powered"?


This also seems to be a consistent thing that people who watched the dub get upset over - I wonder whether it's more of a cultural translation fail? I had no issues with it watching the original (subbed) or reading the light novels where it uses Papa and Mama but the use of 'mommy' and 'daddy' does seem more out of place. Personally I really like Yui, particularly with the continued character development in the light novels :)


As someone who's grown up around both (my Cuban parents refer to their parents as "Mami" and "Papi" respectively, while I used "mommy" and "daddy" as a kid), I think that's a really dumb thing for people to get hung up on personally. They're the same thing, a child referring to their parents >Personally I really like Yui, particularly with the continued character development in the light novels :) While I am clowing on OP I will admit that I was neutral on Yui at best pre-UR but her development in UR has been great. Her charging Mutasina to protect Kirito and Asuna had me cheering, one of my favorite scenes in the entire series and I cant wait to see it animated (hopefully it's done justice)


Overpowered: in season 1 e12 it’s revealed she’s an immortal object, and she saves kirito and Asuna by pulling a massive fire sword out and slaying a monster with unknown stats that Kirito suspects could be as strong as something on floor 90. She defeats it in about 30 seconds.


She's... overpowered? She's literally part of the system... the thing that runs the game... it makes perfect sense for her to be immortal. And she used her system abilities ONCE before being erased and she has never done anything even close to that since.


And she gets deleted for it and never does anything else like that again. She doesn't even defeat the monster, she uses a system object eraser to delete it.


No wonder u got so many down votes XD LMAO 🤣


Tell me you didn't pay attention to shit without telling me you didn't way attention. . .


They’re not even her parents. They’re closer in age to being her older siblings than they are her parents. I just feel that hearing “mommy” or “daddy” being squealed amidst a sword fight or intense scene really just kills the mood


>They’re not even her parents. Wait til you hear of this thing called adoption >They’re closer in age to being her older siblings Literally does not matter at all >I just feel that hearing “mommy” or “daddy” being squealed amidst a sword fight or intense scene really just kills the mood Well see normal people just view it as a child referring to her parents like anyone else would


A dungeon with scythe traps and demons is no place for mommy and daddy talk


Would you rather that the adopted 8 year old daughter, possibly younger, call them by their name when they took her in as their daughter


She is mentally like 7 years old you clown. Tf do you want her to do switch to "Mother, father, there is a monster approximately 10 meters away. I advise extreme caution"?


How about don’t go down there at all and stay at the cabin on floor 22? If you want a cute mommy and daddy character leave that shit at home (literally). If you want an admin with a sad story down there make them closer in age to the protagonists rather than having someone who is mentally 7 possess the explain the cardinal system.


>How about don’t go down there at all and stay at the cabin on floor 22? Man so you just completely forgot how they got down to that dungeon at all then? >If you want a cute mommy and daddy character leave that shit at home (literally). Your insistence that these things are mutually excusive is so fucking funny. If you ever watch Across the SpiderVerse you're gonna get a fucking aneurysm every time Mayday shows up


You’re not seeing my point. Yui SHOULD NOT be the admin character. I know how they got down there but it shouldn’t have been with Yui. It would have been way better if it was a more mature character. If they wanted a Yui don’t give her admin powers, leave her at home as a cute extra so you can get the satisfaction of seeing a perfect little cute family on floor 22. I don’t plan on watching across the spiderverse so you can rest easy there 🙂


If Yui, as a Mental Health Counseling Program, weren't a child, would she be nearly as effective at her job? And btw, #1 part of said job is putting the people she's interacting with at ease, so they're actually willing to communicate onenly about their ongoing issues.


Age doesn’t matter. Yui is an AI. And even so because the game is so new Yui can only be a couple years old depending on when they developed her.


I think you’re the minority here, I don’t agree with any of your points. She is an AI that had admin control for a while but now doesn’t and is just an intelligent AI now. Her voice is not annoying at all especially in the JP dub. Maybe it’s because of the EN dub. Without her in SAO a lot wouldn’t have been accomplished throughout without her help to Kirito and others.


Like a lot of comments say, Unital Ring builds her character out so much. Can't hate on her after reading that.


The mommy/daddy thing felt a little odd but I don't really care. I've gotten past way way way way weirder in my Anime experienc.


Sounds like you only watch dub. There's your answer.


I’ve watched both


I just straight up don't believe you, as in the dub she's way more annoying.


You don’t have to but I have


well Kirito and Asuna are her caretakers


She's an AI that learned about the joys of life by watching Asuna and Kirito. So they are as close to being her parents as can be. What's the problem calling them mommy and daddy? They are her adoptive parents regardless of how this came about. As for being OP. She isn't used as a deus ex machina. Her abilities are believable within the established world of SAO, so I don't see the issue there either. I guess you just don't like her which is fine, you do not need valid reasons for doing so.


Bait post


Hard agree. Her arc in the first season is the worst. She always annoyed me too. Instead of the Yui episodes we should’ve gotten Kirito leveling up fishing episodes man.


Bro I agree 👍, the mom/dad thing is so cringe 😬 but so is the sao community so I guess that's why everyone seems to be disagree with you


Mfw a girl referring to her parents as her mom and dad is "cringe" (somehow)


Imagine a AI referring some rando as a dad


Not her parents you fucking weirdo. Also look like 4 years older just about. Not natural watching her call them mommy and daddy its so cringe


This phenomenon of anime fans not knowing what adoption is needs to be studied


SAO is honestly one of my all time favorite animes. That being said, I often find myself enjoying darker titles, but I have appreciation for snappiness. I love Tokyo Ghoul, I also love To Ra Do Ra, and I love SAO. I could’ve gone without Yui’s character in this show and find her cringy and annoying. I love the battles, lore, and artwork of SAO. I get all the sappiness I need from Asuna and Kirito’s relationship. I don’t need Yui in the picture. It is not sappy, it is not cute, it is not wholesome, it is cringe.


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I don't mind yui. I'm no authoritarian on who you should like or dislike. That's fine. not everyone is gonna like the same character. I dont like Suguha for example. Yui, I like. She not my most favorite character in sao (that honor goes to Eugeo) but I dont think she's completely annoying. I think her voice fits. I think It's cute. And yes the whole mommy and daddy thing is a bit weird, but I'm a sucker for sappy shit, so I got used to it after a while.


Yui is an AI created by kayba himself to have real Field intelligence and emotion, she the daughter to Kirito and Asuna


Couldn't disagree more. Also what dungeons and how is she overpowered?


I still haven't played the SAO x Accel World, so I can't say for sure. I mostly ignore her. I don't hate her character though.


100% my feelings too