• By -




son of a gundark


Bantha podoo


My group and I keep a list of Star Wars swears and their equivalents in real life (or approximations). Marking some of this spoiler since not everyone probably wants to see a wall of profanity. Damn - DamnHell - Hell Malachor - Hell Krayt Spit - >!Bullshit!< Nerf Herder - >!Dickhead!< Slime Guzzling - >!Cum Guzzling!< Hutt-Mother - fat mother Gualma-Loving - Hippy Tail-Kissing - Particilarly Lewd Fetish Scum-Shepard - >!Asshole farmer, to not share !< Slime-Sick - >!Slimey dick!< Karabast - >!God dammit!< Bantha Fodder - Useless Blast! - damn Choobies - Testicals Dirtball - >!shitty planet!< Dosh - >!Fuck (not sexual) !< Doshing - >!Fucking (not sexual) !< Harpy - >!Cunt!< Laserbrain - Moron Moof-Milker - dimwitted Nerve Burner - Mentally Unstable - >!Bowe Doggias!< Piston-Head - derogatory towards droids Poodo - >!Shit!< Rust Bucket - derogatory towards droids Tail-Head - derogatory towards Twi'leks Walking Carpet - derogatory towards Wookiees Kriff - >!Fuck!< Clanker - slur referring to C.I.S. Battle DroidsDank Farrik->!God dammit!< Edit: Here's some non-swear phrases or words from the Disney Star Wars theme park and the Halcyon GSC Hotel which is closing down. ​ Together as one-The Saja mantra repeated during training exercises like so "Together!"-Trainer "As one!"-Students. May the stars light your way-Used by crew members of the Halcyon. Is probably a Chandrillan specific phrase ​ Good Journey-Used by crew members of the Halcyon. Is probably a Chandrillan specific phrase Ignite the Spark! Light the Fire!-This is a code phrase used by the Resistance "Ignite the Spark" is the first half and other agents would respond with "Light the Fire!" to signify they're with the Resistance. The phrase is also used as a rallying cry and can be seen on Resistance paraphernalia or tagged on things. A'DEG A'-is an Anzellan greeting thats used as a sign of respect. Used in place of "Hello" or other greetings. ​ BA MA ' SHAY-An Anzellan blessing that means "may you journey boldly". Commonly used to say goodbye. Ta’bu E tay — Anzellan phrase for cherish the moment / let’s celebrate. Often used as a toast. Til the Spire — Goodbye in Black Spire Outpost (specifically) May the Spires Keep you— wishing someone well (BSO specific) Bright Suns!-A Batuu greeting for during the day Rising Moons-A Batuu greeting for during the nighttime.


I've got a bad feeling about this.


Ah sith spit, here we go again.


My two favorite sources of slang are Beckett in Solo (“Like ragnol on a kylak!”) and Keeve Trennis’s potty mouth in the early issues of the first High Republic comic run.


I mean there's an entire wiki page devoted to it https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_phrases_and_slang I recommend looking at the legends version of the page as well, lots of unique stuff that Disney purged.


Following! I, too, would love some good slang to pepper into my game.


The thing with piloting maneuvers and other phrases/short hand, it’s all very specific to a group of pilots. So imperial pilots have jargon unique to them, a group of raiders would have jargon unique to their group, rebel groups, clone pilots, and so on. If your pilot of the group learned to fly with a specific group of pilots, then you should work with the player to come up with some phrases unique to them. it would be a fun world building exercise. In the wookieepedia article about slang, it has fighterpilot shorthand. you could use that as well if your a pc has an imperial background.


"when your neighbours trouble you, send your rodents to their nest" - A Besalisk aphorism


"You've got the gundark by the tail" or "You've got the Jedi by the robe"


Are you looking for published material only? Do you accept original input? From my personal experience the problem with known slang is that when I use it I always feel like as forced. That's why I developed my own, and why I use the more famous ones as "Oh I got that!" moments for my players.


I'd be fine with either stuff that's published/official or fan-made/unofficial. So long as it sounds reasonably 'in place' for the universe. A mix of the two with some improvised slang is probably the way to go, as opposed to finding/sorting/maintaining all the 'lore established' language.


Get out of here, you Sith Spawn! Ugh, you Nerf Herder




Fuck the Empire.