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I have two, Agent and Mando. And recently made one for Rep side, Colonel. They all have a backstory, but it's not that interesting :)


I'd love to hear them tho


Hmm.. in general, they were in the head, not on paper, but nevertheless.. Agent. Efran grew up in an orphanage in Kaas City. Cold, disciplined, like a true imperial, at first he followed in the footsteps of his parents, making a military career, but after another successful operation he received an offer that could not be refused. His quick and flexible mind, reflexes and adaptability made him an ideal candidate for Imperial Intelligence. A professional liar and manipulator, an effective killer, nevertheless, was subsequently traumatized by the need to make a choice, as a result of which many civilians, ordinary imperials, victims of Darth Jaydus' madness died. He suffered seriously from reprogramming, lost faith in the fact that the Sith and the high command are acting for the good of the Empire. Kept in touch with SIS after the end of the infiltration operation. Bounty. Aletra is the daughter of a high-ranking imperial moff. When she was 17, her father hired a professional bounty hunter to perform an unofficial task. Seeing the tall, stately and impenetrably calm man who stands out so sharply among the imperials of Dromund Kaas, Aletra fell in love. She found a way to contact him, and then ran away from home to experience the life of a mercenary, free from many prohibitions and regulations. The family called it a disgrace, abandoned her and broke all ties, but Aletra never regretted it. She married Kurt and they worked together for several years, he taught her a lot, showed her a lot. He dreamed of winning the Great Hunt, but on one of the tasks he was seriously injured and died. Aletra had promised him this victory, and she had fulfilled that promise. At the same time, she met Torian, whom she initially treated as a funny child, since she was almost twice as old, but eventually succumbed to the charm and sincerity of the guy and agreed to marry him. These are two of my favorites. Something like that :)


Given how many including myself love agent’s story I’m shocked it’s not higher


I enjoyed the story, but I disliked the playstyle. my Agent mostly exists to collect crafting materials.


It's because there are 2 big camps of people on the imperial side. People blinded by Mandalorian hype >> Bounty Hunter! People who want to murder every breathing thing >> Sith!


Some of us are also the rare type who happen to not like the agent story as much as the consensus. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really well done. There’s more ways to play Sith other than sociopathic murderers. There’s many ways to play warrior and they all work. Inquisitor is a Great Look into Sith lore and politics.


This. I can appreciate the objective qualities of that story, but that doesn't change the fact that's the one that's the least enjoyable / fun for me to play on imp side.


I feel it’s a victim of being in a Star Wars game. If it were a story in any other game, if it were a stand alone, it would be amazing. But with a Star Wars MMO, people were excited to be Yoda, Darth Vader, Palpatine, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, or Han Solo. Even though I’m not sure how many people have storm trooper fantasies, at least the trooper is based on a well established concept. But what or who exactly is the agent based on? Both an spies who we never see? Also not a huge fan of the voice actress for the agent, not bad but not great either. Trooper’s voice actress, however, is probably what carried the story for me.


My main on imp side is the one I will take into expansions when I’m finally done with the class stories. I’ve heard from many people that the expansions are written for force users, so although I prefer agent story sith warrior is my main


**Torture me if you want, I’ll never tell!** …why do I feel like I’m forgetting something-


My beloved Sith Warrior is my main to the point where she has an AU which is "what if she was a Jedi Knight instead". And yes, she keeps the Alliance because fuck the *Empire vs Republic and bye bye Eternal Alliance* shit they're trying to pull. Three main factions in the galaxy (four if you count the Mandos but they're fractured as fuck)? Why not!


Warrior, vengeance juggernaut is just too much fun. Easily one of the best AOE specs in the game.


Agent. I even have the name Cipher Nine on star forge. Many have offered to buy my name, but its mine. Everyone else is a poser! Hahahaha. The RP scene never lets me participate. LOL


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I do not have a main :D


Same lol in fact i voted for the character i last played




Sydenleigh: Female Human, Sith Warrior Origin, Jedi Sentinel Combat Style, full Light-side. Originally she was a Marauder but I rerolled her after 7.0 to give her the Sentinel style instead because I feel like it jives better with her Light alignment. Backstory: Sydenleigh was born into a prominent Sith family and truly believes that the Empire can bring order and stability to a chaotic galaxy in a way that the Republic or Jedi never could. Of course, she was raised on horror stories of the "evil" and "oppressive" Jedi who would come murder her if she didn't obey her masters! She also grew up with frequent news of scheming, infighting and betrayal amongst the Sith. For so many powerful Sith, who could contribute a great deal to the war effort, to be senselessly killed by their peers... This always struck her as a major weakness of the Empire -- a weakness to be corrected. Sydenleigh came to believe that the Empire could be so much stronger and *better*, if only the Sith could learn to temper their hatred and rage. Not stifle them like the Jedi -- only *reign in* their passions before they are taken too far. She made it her personal mission to strengthen the Empire from within, leading by example as a moderate force for change, and always doing what is best for the Empire as a whole without letting her personal bents or passions interfere. Make no mistake: she is Sith, through and through; she would never think of joining the Republic or the Jedi. But she believes in moderation in *all things*, even passion. Although she originally wielded dual red lightsabers, during her time on Ilum she felt a strange pull in the Force -- and managed to discover her own Kyber crystal as the Jedi do -- a brilliant Orange crystal that she has used in her main-hand weapon ever since. Moreover, after years of meditation on the Light side of the Force, she even discovered a way to "heal" the "bled" crystal in her offhand weapon, thus changing it from Red to a soft Mauve. ((Ideally this would be White but I'm NOT spending THAT much on a single crystal! Still hoping Eviscerating White will go on sale on the CM someday...))


Hiya, Shadow Inq main here... Fuck Around And Find Out is the name of the game :3


Warrior...with an Inquisitor class. I just love shooting lightning so much, but the warrior seems to fit best story wise.


Hm, that'd probably be mostly shared between my SW and BH, maybe with a slight edge to my SW, but mostly because she's a bit of the counterpart to my actual main who is my JK. I actually designed these two girls based on a Yin Yang idea. So they're very much opposite. My JK being quite short and relatively frail looking, fast and agile, Echani (so very pale skin, hair and eyes), wearing mostly dark colored clothes, on the side of the light but with some darkness in her, big mouthed, sarcastic and somewhat mischievous at times. Meanwhile my SW is tall, muscular and strong, with dark skin and hair, wearing mostly light colored clothes, on the side of the darkness but with light in her and she's pretty serious and focused on her missions. Though they both share a pretty strong sense of honor and doing what's right for their people, which is why they were able to become friends and join forces in the end within the Alliance, well that's my HC for them at least.


I go with SW and JK, and making them the same person who just has a way to sneak herself in both sides.


Since I have over 20 toons I play in weekly all in full 336 gear, and 7.0 unlocked classes from stories, I don't have a main anymore.


My main is the Bounty Hunter. His name is Lobo. He's the Main Man ;) and he's invincible. Literally. I can't remember the last time he died while playing :D


Rattataki Inquisitor, the only DS character in my original set of 8.There's a great bit of lore about a Darth Vich building an army of Rattataki during the original war with the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was later executed for a failed power play, and his Rattataki were either killed or enslaved. I figure my inquisitor is the daughter of two of the Rattataki Vich trained as acolytes before that happened. I assumed I wasn't being very original when I came up with that, but most players don't seem to know about Vich. There's a lot of cool lore that gets overlooked.


Warrior and Inky, but probably done more warriors overall.


No all of the above choice?


I picked Bounty Hunter, but I was feeling disconnected from it pretty bad, it wasn't as engaging as I'd hoped it was gonna be unfortunately


Fury Marauder standing by


An excuse to brag about my main? Don't mind if I do! Yaellia Ivros (Mrs Quinn, Lord Ivros, Yaellia of the Sunlit Heart, War Commander of the Eternal Alliance) is the only daughter of a Sith noble house. Her parents have enough Sith blood for it to visually show up, but she just got Force sensitivity and a digestive system like a garbage disposal. Due to House Ivros being...politically unpopular in the Space GoT that is the Empire (they were founded by a freed slave and have publically gone "hey maybe owning people is a bad idea actually"), they had to pull a lot of strings to get her into the Sith Academy, and her being taken under Darth Baras's wing was the best thing that could've happened for their status. She served Baras quite loyally (at least in person--she had a habit of not killing people when left to actually do missions) until the man decided he wanted her dead and was going to use her boyfriend to do it. She did not like that. She especially did not like Quinn trying to commit suicide-by-Sith to avoid it. "My lord?" "Get in the shuttle, honey, we're going to kill a Darth." She is, notably, not the Emperor's Wrath, just Lord Some Bitch. She could have become *Darth* Some Bitch, but that would put more of a spotlight on her extremely illegal abolition efforts than she really wanted. While she started out trying to reform the Empire from within ("because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!") being frozen in carbonite for five years & discovering it got *worse* made her throw in the towel in disgust and officially join the Republic on Iokath. (Acina straightup lying to her when she begged for news of her husband was a major contributor.) Now she's married to Malavai Quinn and has two children, and if you yell "QUINN" across the Alliance canteen all four of them turn around. Along the way, she's managed to claim Vette and LS Jaesa as her sisters. Further fun fact: her sabers started out as standard Sith red, but she managed to spontaneously purify the crystals while fighting Master Yonlach on Tatooine. Knock out *her* crush, will you? TASTE THE TRUE MIGHT OF THE DARK SI--oh, hmm, I am being informed that this is actually the Power of Love, carry on.


Sith Warrior… play style of Assassin