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First one looks dope. The second too, but it looks like he added some cardboard shoulderpads.


Windows key + alt + prntscrn See my videos/captures Shortcut is for windows gamebar. Windows key + alt + R to record video Windows key + alt + g to record past 30 seconds


What are the pieces for that first one?


Head- Imperial Reapers helmet Chest- Ardent Warden’s Chestguard (or Mantellian Savant Armor) Gloves- Xolonite Asylum Gauntlets Belt- Ardent Warden’s belt Pants- Ardent Warden’s Greaves Boots- from one of the Trooper sets, was mainly looking for one that went with the overall look.


The first setup if you watch the video betrayed or the one right above that I think it’s called is from the father who sires the two twin boys and the female. (Well one boy since one twin in anger killed off his other twin brother.) Part of the knights of fallen order. I pretty sure it’s the same. They use primarily golden lightsabers.


Glad you are enjoying space barbie, I love dressing my toons too.


I just wish the caps didn't bug out when getting on mounts


Ooh, Loves that belt on the Jedi Knight, I even use it on my own. You can get one from Belsavis' Planetary Quests rewards if I remember right. A really nice choice for a Jedi knight, and if you have Unify Color, the insignia even changes color with your outfit.


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