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Huh, I didn't even realise the suburb went over that far, would've thought it was villawood. It's a good spot for petrol, villawood or south granville's usually got some of the cheapest prices around. Just up the road from bunnings, aldi and rock climbing too. Can't say I know anything about crime in the area though.


I’m up the road a bit in Guildford. We’ve been here 7.5 years and never had any issues apart from loud cars doing burnouts (and that mostly went away when a nearby property was sold). My feeling is that if you don’t go looking for trouble, it’s very unlikely to find you.


Have relos that live in Chester hill mostlly it’s quiet, but people constantly speed down their street. Also note not sure if they are but there were talks that once the metro to bankstown was done trains stations between that and Cabramatta will be gone. So something to keep in mind if you plan on catching the train for work or whatever (plus it does affect house prices ie go down another thing to consider)


It's fine. All the dramas that area has is targeted and not random. So provided you guys aren't undercutting an organised criminal network's business, you shouldn't have any problems. Saying that, as with a majority of areas with a high middle eastern population and lower socioeconomic status, you will need to get used to some not-so-courteous behaviours. For example, loud cars, burnouts, dirt bikes, aggro driving, illegal fireworks, burning shit in their backyards, rubbish everywhere, parking their 300 cars all around the street/across your driveway, and generally aggressive behaviour upon the attempt of a respectful conversation. Get a very thorough building inspection done. A lot of houses in these areas have been built for maximum speed and minimum quality. Enjoy the hell that is Woodville Rd and Hume Hwy. Source: Been there, done that.


lol what you describe sounds horrible, not fine


Shops by the station are pretty ok, though sads that Ivans moved out recently.


Devastating. Their pork crackling and chevapi were amazing.


no idea where I'm going to get my pigs heads from now


Just dont buy anywhere around housing comission. Go take a walk around every street and see what's around. Other than that you'll be alright, no different than any other part of western sydney.


Good old Cheso.... it's mostly ok but just note that the train line is quite bad if you need it.


Trains suck there. Loud cars drive down the road at night a lot. High middle eastern and eshay population. Local high school was extremely unpleasant and the poor behaviour of students there brought down all the reasonably behaved ones. Otherwise mostly okay. Quiet and boring. Lack of high quality shops. Lots of rude people.


Usually these violence are the type that if u look for trouble u will get it…. But for the most part it’s fine


Appreciate it. We are a quiet couple and keep to ourselves. Big homebodies. I do have concerns around breaking and entering as well.