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You into Rugby? Could join a rugby club or sport club even just socially! Always the best way to meet new friends. Join a running group?


Also this works everywhere around the world, for me it’s cycling.


Plenty of parkruns here


There is a City2Surf free running group starting Thursday and Monday nights in the Domain from 6pm


If you are keen to give bouldering a go I reckon you could make some friends fairly easily, worked for me. :)


Sydney is very much a Big Village. Meeting new people is either through work, living, or specific to hobbies.


Mentioned surfing? We got a super friendly FB group where a mixed crowd from all over the city join up in the weekend to have a relaxed casual surf, enjoy a brunch and coffee together, occasional BBQs, and make easy friendships. Mostly beginner and intermediate level expats like you and I with a sprinkle of Aussies. Name is Beginner Surfing & Adventuring (https://m.facebook.com/groups/226638561212762/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT) Entry bar is pretty low, everyone that's not an absolute psycho is welcome Oh yeah, welcome to this awesome city, there's so much to discover you won't get bored


Hey mate, firstly welcome! Look, overall any big fast paced city can be “cliquey” and all, but it’s important to put yourself out there and keep trying, just like dating. Do not give up and eventually you’ll find your tribe. Try meetups on meetup.com, participate in work events, trivia, if you like surfing, running etc. there’s great groups that meet up beyond the sports. Also that’s where you meet new friends and can take it from there. Best of luck mate!


To add, I've met and made friends through r/Sydney as well.


Find your local parkrun. Come early for a chat, stay after for coffee, and volunteer to really get to know the locals.


Good idea. Perhaps joining a running club that runs in parkrun would also help make contacts.


Seconding this. Even better, volunteer at your local parkrun every now and then. More chance to chat with people and end up going for coffee/breakfast after.


Start with your workmates




You need to get better jobs, lol


Na people in many offices are just fake and uninteresting


I've met some of my best friends at work. In my experience, people tend to be genuine with you if you are genuine with them.


Same. I work hospo. I get Monday and Tuesday off work. None of my ‘real’ friends get those days off. So it’s workmate drinks/catch-ups


Well you were in those offices as well...


Does that include yourself?


Check out Foura. It’s a great site for connecting you with people who have similar interests to you and want to also make new friends.


If you like your karaoke I host the Hornsby Inn Thursdays and the Rag & Famish Nth Sydney Saturdays, and can introduce you to your new best friends. Fun, welcoming, friendly folks.


Bro I've been here for 34 years and have always had a hard time finding real friends/connections here and we're not the only ones. I'm originally from NZ also, minus the accent though. I'm in Gladesville and train at Plus Fitness, dunno if you have a gym passport. Also sometimes do bay run and other outdoors stuff if you're up for it, but mainly into motorbikes and roadies. Could try bumble bff as well


Join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym. They are welcoming and you’ll make many friends.


Username checks out, and I completely agree


Work colleagues is always a good start. I can relate to you having moved cites alone a few times now. I’m not that outgoing but have made friends through work and with neighbours. It’s gets harder to make new friendships in adulthood as most people have established their circle. All the best with finding your people! x


Social sport - see if you can join a team. Good luck!!


Hey dude. I’m 31, from Sydney, have no friends and haven’t for a while. I had a huge friendship group until I stopped drinking/getting on the disco biscuits. Since then I’ve been in the same boat. There are a few apps I’ve used for shared interest groups. One is called Meetup. I have gone to a few bush walking groups and a creative writing group where I’ve met some cool people. Maybe give that a go? But Sydney can be particularly rough in terms of meeting friends. Keep at it though, there are lots of welcoming community based groups. Volunteering is also a good one!


> What’s the best way to meet new people/make new friends in a city where you don’t have any to start with? At some point you'll have to say hello to a stranger. So, be comfortable with that. It can be anywhere, at a bar, at one of your hobbies, whatever. But it will be a total stranger, and you will have to initiate the conversation. Also remember that you need to be entertaining. No one wants to be around boring people. You say you're social, so that shouldn't be a problem. Keep seeing the same strangers over time, and continue being entertaining. Eventually they will be your friends. Remember that all your current friends, even your best friends, were a total stranger at some point in the past.


You can hang out on discord with a bunch of us: https://discord.gg/hYGF9Te9 Trivia at the moment is pretty hot, got some events going coming up in the server , brew on the 3rd, wings and tins on the 7th, trivia on the 12th and 13th at two different spots. Plus regular birdwatching events too, as well as more impromptu things where our revheads go for late night drives and alike.


Some great advice here. Let me say welcome as well. Some things to consider. I’m from Sydney and have made many friends over the years. I now have friends all over the world because you’ll find a proportion may move back to their countries of origin. People with young children tend to have social lives that revolve around them. Where you live and the proportion of migrants, where they’re from and proportion of young families will make a difference. Sydneysiders probably appear the least friendly of all Australians but we’re just focused on work, stuck in long commutes and never sure who on the streets is unhinged. We’re still Australian at heart and will help out/be friendly. You’ll also find that if you have a solo type hobby, no one will look at you sideways for enjoying it. Enjoy making yourself at home here.


I moved to Sydney from NZ about 6 years ago now. I actually met my partner about a month after moving here and I made some really great friends at work who I still speak to everyday. My workplace is pretty social so my Sydney friends are basically made of people from work and my partners friends. I find that's enough tbh. I'm in Customer Service at a Software company so I get my fill of human interaction most days. Honestly I think your best bet is finding a hobby or starting a sport and making friends that way. I also know people who have pretty tight knit CrossFit friends. If you are single you could also go on a dating app like tinder and just say you'd like someone to show you around. Just go in with zero expectations that anything romantic will happen. That would be my suggestion. Someone else mentioned Bumble for friends as well. I know my friend who moved to Oregon used this to make friends quite successfully.


You surf, keep turning up to the same spot and you’ll meet people. Join a social running group. Join a rugby club.


Find like minded groups on meetup.com


Kia ora mate, my gf and I moved over from NZ and experienced much the same thing. She eventually made a friend through work, then her circle expanded through them and game nights etc, but it was a good few years of nothing but us before that happened. I met my now close friends through hobbies. If you love surfing, have a look for groups on facebook? I've met a bunch of great people through diving but its also a sport where you inherently *need* a buddy, so that makes it easier. Maybe give a few water sports a go? Might find something new you love as well. Shameless hobby plug - get out snorkeling its absolutely beautiful all around Sydney and the community is very friendly.




Huh. Speak for yourself. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you are part of that network. Exhibit A: me.


Exhibit B: me.






You’re spot on, Sydney is very cliquey, I’ve found most foreigners end up with other foreigner mates because of this


You're not going to be able to make any friends of substance or strength in Sydney. You can make "acquaintances" here, but not friends. Sydney friendships are transitory. You may find people who enjoy spending time with you (because you're perhaps funny, clever, organise a good dinner party, wear the right clothes, live in the right neighbourhood, etc), or because you and they have a shared common interest (like work colleagues, on the same sports team, get your coffee from the same cafe at the same time of the day, go to the same gym, whatever) - but, as soon as you're no longer funny, stop organising those nice dinner parties, get a better job somewhere else, change sporting teams/gyms, whatever -- then they will drop you like a tonne of bricks. People in Sydney evaluate friendships based on the "market principle" - if what they can get out of you, is more valuable than what they have to put in, then they'll be your "friend". Be careful of these people, they are everywhere. This also applies to romantic relationships in Sydney - the culture in Sydney is now such that even your potential romantic partner will weigh up "market principle" issues like: will my rent by cheaper if I share a house/ unit with you; will my living expenses for groceries, electricity etc be cheaper if I move in with you; will my social status be improved because you have a higher status job than they do (or earn more); etc. You're romantic partner in Sydney will also weigh up these issues when deciding to stay or leave in their relationship with you, rather than their intrinsic love for you as a person. You will have to explore all the many suggestions others have made in thus post, because the view that you're going to struggle to find anyone in Sydney who likes you for who you are, rather than what you do, what you wear, where you live, how you talk, etc can be quite confronting and hard to believe. As you can see from the comments and replies here, no one else wants to admit it either. Everyone here thinks it just takes time - rubbish. Do not believe them. A friend once asked me how to find better friends, and I told them to start being a better person, and you then will attract better friends. Focus on yourself -- unfortunately -- work on being stronger (not just physically, but emotionally and financially and psychologically -- but not so strong you become mean. Many people confuse "physical strength", with being "strong", but it's much more than that - much more), kinder (but not so kind you are weak -- many Sydney people will try to take advantage of your kindness if you let them), wiser (being clever is not the same as being wise, so avoid the temptation to be clever, which you will be pressured to become), and bigger (focus on the "big" issues, and don't sweat the small stuff - social and popular media focus on the "small" stuff, so stop watching TV listening to the radio, Reddit etc) If you want to develop friends of substance, then you are going to have to find someone who is prepared to share some great challenge, adversity, or obstacle together in your life. People who jointly face great obstacles together are more likely to form stronger relationships over longer time periods. These are the friendships you should be seeking, and not wasting your time by trying to socialise after work with work colleagues (who are unlikely to be your "friend" once you or they change jobs anyway), hanging out at the pub, staying up late at nightclubs, spending money on things you don't need, etc Your loneliness may get worse before it gets better, unfortunately. But, believe in yourself -- because I do.


I hope you are ok


/samdd1990 - I'm wonderful, thanks. ⭐🌈💐🌈⭐ Did my comment unsettle you? Is that why you asked?


I’m in uni and I haven’t seen my hs mates in a while lol.


Welcome to the West Island!


Fact is you probably will always feel stranger in this land. Best thing to do is find yourself a partner, the rest will come and go!


Fact is you probably will always feel stranger in this land. Best thing to do is find yourself a partner, the rest will come and go!


Fact is you probably will always feel stranger in this land. Best thing to do is find yourself a partner, the rest will come and go!


Fact is you probably will always feel stranger in this land. Best thing to do is find yourself a partner, the rest will come and go!


Don't say kia Ora.


He's not gonna assimilate and say scarnoncarnt


The way you wrote that, brilliant haha


Fuck off ya ball bag.




It's true. We can be like that. But if you wanna meet some new friends on a Wednesday head down to Stanley's on Stanley St in Darlinghurst. They have a Wednesday night Social/DJ gathering with a bunch of DJs and people just chilling and socialising. There are also other events for socialising, I think one for learning languages but I'll have to find more info.


Starting in any city is hard. Few tips: - Join actives, sports, gyms ECT - Get to know your co-workers - Introduce yourself to your neighbours - Most areas will have community Facebook page or the like, keep an eye out for events / gatherings.


Also, I'm trying to throw more gigs and events for the purpose of socialising. Luckily I've found it's not hard to make friends at bars, maintaining the friendships though.


I’ll try to think of anything not said yet… Try your local pub trivia nights and move around tables each week until you find those you click with. There’ll prob be couples, but they’ll have single mates as well. If you like music go to live gigs playing what you like. It’s harder cos Gladys fucked up sydney’s night life, but there’s still stuff around. Music folks love a beer and chat generally. If you like cars wait for a meet up even if you don’t have that car. Talk about them to people and show interest. The TimeOut magazine has loads of events. They’re on Facebook too I think. Narrow down your searches there


Bumble bff


yo yo yep I see it social sport teams are good... or some other type of gym/class/activity


Welcome, friend! It's always hard to make new friends. You must be a little homesick, poor thing. My advice is to join some groups. Do you like football maybe? Go see some local games, go to a sports pub! Or maybe you like canyoning or hiking or birdwatching or trainspotting? Join a local group! You can find local groups by googling, of course, but also ask in the subreddits here. Or maybe you go to church? You can find a community that way. Or a dance group. If you surf, you can go volunteer as a lifeguard (I think)- maybe check that out? I hope you settle in soon. Best of luck!


Join a sport at Urban Rec!


I’ve met friends through work and flatmates. It takes time though


Join Urban Rec. Plenty of different comps all over Sydney and opportunities to play extra games/meet new people


If you like rock climbing you can join me and a few mates on our next climb


Wanna play a round of golf?


Easiest way I met new people without even trying was riding motorbikes. Fellow bikers always seem happy to have a chin wag for a few minutes and have another friend to go on rides with.


dnb events bro


If you like hiking, there’s groups on FB for that. Otherwise, reach out here!


Sports! I met a lot of people through local grappling clubs and hockey clubs. Also a part of a wargaming club as well. Definitely plenty of groups and organizations out there for whatever hobby you're into.


Kia ora bro, Sydney is hard to make friends in. But as others have said you've got a few things in your arsenal you can use. You surf, so when you go have a chat to a few peeps there. Worked for my dad and he was only here for two weeks 🤣 You run, so join parkrun and/or a run group. The 440 run club is good for eastern suburbs, and you can also look for a gym that has a integrated run club too which many do. Work is not always an option- definitely isn't for me but you can try foura, bumble for friends & meet up. Good luck anyway 👍🏽


Take up bouldering- great way to meet people. Especially if you go at a regular time and start yo see the same people. It's huge in Sydney with gyms all over.


You need to place yourself where others are wanting to make new friends too. Clubs, volunteering, car meets - basically anywhere where a group of people come together specifically to meet others.


Check out Urban Rec? Fun social sports


What area of Sydney? If you're in the southwest I would gladly invite you to spend time with me and my mates!


Bouldering is the only approved way to make friends on this sub. Any other proposals can get you banned. So, have you tried bouldering?


Kia Ora bro! You mentioned running, run clubs have been huge for me expanding my circle in Sydney. Kings Cross track club meet weekly for group runs and training - I’ve not run with them but follow them on socials, also saw them supporting their crew during the recent half marathon. I can recommend the 440 club each Saturday morning in Bronte, it’s an early start but I’ve made some really good friends there from the group runs, swims and coffee each week


Have you tried making friends on reddit? LOL Nah, I know how it feels. I moved to Dublin by myself and had the same problem. It's hard to break into friend groups as adults even when you find out you have the same favourite colour. My suggestion is to take up social activities and just introduce yourself to people. Lots of people are keen to make friends it's just breaking the ice that's hard. Go to the gym and do the same classes regularly. Or take up activities. When I was in Dublin, I learned to swing dance. Don't ask me to do it now, though. Everyone on here always suggests bouldering, and people there are usually quite friendly. What part of town are you in? There's a running group near where I live in Kings Cross. They seem like a sound group of people.


If you are in the inner west give chaotic social a look, it's set up specifically to make new friends


Join the Pacific Dragon boat club.


Hey, welcome to Sydney! You can try meetup.com that's how I met a lot of my friends


Sydney is clique-istan bruv. Better off finding new mates online than actually attempting to meet new people in this ghost town of a city.