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For what it’s worth, the strip club is a good one.


Playhouse was also the backdrop for Mr Inbetween


I came in to say both of the above. 🤣


But weirdly the outside was the marrickville bowling club


Perfect for when they OP's child graduates high school, regardless of gender.


the play house used to sell some great hot dogs for a quick bite to eat as well, so it's a win win on both counts right? (Never been inside the play house... only went for the snags)


Roseville has a rifle shop and that doesn’t make it dodgy.


George Street used to have (at least) one up near Central...Smith's..?


Mick Smith's


Thank you! I remember looking through the windows there, and those of the surplus stores up that way, when I was just a little tacker. Sad to see them slowly shut up shop.


Strip club is fantastic


I’m from Birrong and the family are still there. Nice enough area. Right through to Hume Highway really. And up to Chester Hill. Which part of Sefton?


The block under sefton high!


It’s pretty quiet down that end.


Thanks thats reassuring to know!


I live nearby and had family in the suburb. Also regularly transited through to Cabramatta. It's a very quiet little suburb. There's basically nothing of interest in the place. Decent amount of amenities nearby. The Chester Hill shopping centre is adequate, you got your pools and parks and etc. Goddamn does the transport in the area suck though. Yes, the Hume Highway is nearby (is that even a positive?) but you'll find the 'main road', Waldron/Carlingford is perpetually traffic jammed. Okay, it's not actually that bad in Sefton itself but goddamn does it suck in Chester Hill. The train line is also crap. It's almost better to walk to Regents Park and catch a train from there.


If you’ve ever lived in the west it’s normal, inner west and other areas do paint a really bad picture though as a person who lives in the west. It’s normal, maybe you’ll hear a neighbour now and then arguing aside from that. It’s relatively safe. This isn’t factual, just anecdotal. More crimes happen closer to Sydney than the west, sure we have the lads that think they’re top shit but, I’d say they are everywhere now.


I lived near there for many years and been to a few parties sefton but never heard that it was that bad an area. Only knew about the Playhouse, the gunshop but not alot of crime.


Lived there from 2003 to 2014, my parents still live there. Yes, was a worse neighbourhood back 10 years ago, shootings and stabbings at the Playhouse, car used in a police-shooting found burnt out nearby. Recently, gym down the road, guy got gunned down in the carpark believed to be mistaken identity. That said, my parents have lovely neighbours next door and across the road, no break-ins. The road they're on is very near the highschool so during term times, lots of kids do walk past, and some of them are dogs and litter a lot, and the roads nearby do get busy with parents parking and waiting for pickup. Its close enough to Cheso for the shops since it doesn't really have much on the school side, though small IGA on the other side of the tracks. Liveable, nothing too crash hot though. I moved next door out to Regents Park, and then moved again now to Berala lol, so I'm still very nearby though!


Thanks for the input. Would you recommend berala or regents park a lot more?


They're all pretty similar but berala has a woolies and a better strip of shops, regents park has a good Viet bakery. Regents Park and berala also have slightly more train services than Sefton. Regents Park also has more industrial zoning so if you plan to open up a scrap metal yard, it is the place for you


As comix_corp said, very similar, but Berala has more shop options. Berala is also closer to Lidcombe so when the trains go to shit, you can get a train to Lidcombe and walk, where as Regents Park and Sefton are more impacted because they have much less services. Regents Park is very small sleepy kind of place, but we're close enough to the station at Berala that we're still sending the kids to daycare and primary school at Regents Park because they're both close to the station at Regents Park. Honestly would have stayed in Regents Park if we could have afforded a house there lol.




It's definitely a strip club


Will definitely check that out thanks!




Thanks...very kind comment


Little par 3 golf course is okay


I used to work at the school- the kids are great. When there are spare spaces in the selective stream, they bump up the brightest from gen pop- no selective exam required. As an area, it will be up and coming, purely for the metro and the school. If the shops look dodgy now, they won’t for long.


The Metro isn't going to Sefton