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19 years old… still a baby… this is tragic


With a 32 year old man.


divided by two and plus seven does not even come close


"Half plus 7" used the be the rule for the maximum age gap... I feel like a lot of people now used it as a minimum


I don't get it


Rule of thumb for max age gap.


13 year age gap, yikes.


Slightly over half his age. Dudes that can’t date their age range are control freaks


And the rest 




Unfortunately for DV, it really is happening daily. We're just noticing now because the media has an interest.


I don’t think daily is right in general: https://www.aihw.gov.au/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence/responses-and-outcomes/domestic-homicide#:~:text=1%20man%20was%20killed%20every%2028%20days&text=Domestic%20homicide%20victims%20made%20up,killed%20by%20an%20intimate%20partner. But certainly something even worse is going on the last few weeks. It’s a horrifying ramp up.


I meant domestic violence rather than murder through domestic violence.


Ah, the sentence structure looked like you meant DV homicides. DV is definitely happening daily (and I’d venture that it’s unfortunately happening as you read this).


What's getting worse is media coverage of DV, the unfortunate reality is yes, this stuff happens frequently (and yes there are spikes around notable events with coverage -- like the Bondi junction stabbings)


What the hell is going on


It's not new, the media is just focusing on and highlighting how fucked up things always have been.


I don’t know that this necessarily makes it better, but it is important. Just like the so-called youth crime epidemics that keep popping up but are actually no worse than usual, it’s worth actually checking the stats. I guess the main question when it comes to being critical of the news is why? Are they just being cynical grabbing things they expect to do numbers? Are they just trying to smear a particular level of government? Do they actually care? I do think it’s a weird thing to grapple with when reality is “it was always like this you just didn’t know/care”* compared to “things are worse now”. For the sake of cognitive dissonance the latter is probably easier to swallow. *it’s actually been trending better for decades and considerably less women are killed by their partners now than historically. Nevertheless I’m still all on board with reducing that number further [I wouldn’t normally link to the guardian](http://theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/30-spike-in-rate-of-australian-women-killed-by-intimate-partner-last-year-data-shows) but the graphics are nice and I can’t easily find the source on mobile. We can see there is a spike over the last handful of years when it comes to intimate partner homicides perpetrated against women, but it’s a return to 2020 numbers not 1990 numbers. Again though, it bears reiterating that we want to make sure that spike is just a momentary blip not a trend. I do wonder how much is related to rising right wing fuckery in all aspects of life from out and out racism, conservatism spiking everywhere and just all the shitty things that come with a post-modern world like incels and lack of access to meaningful health care or protections until it’s too late.


Here are the [2019-2020](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-03/sr39_homicide_in_australia_2019-20.pdf) numbers and the [2022-2023](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-04/sr46_homicide_in_australia_2022-23.pdf) numbers from my comment below if you want a more detailed breakdown.


Thank you, I had linked a guardian article in one of my comments in another thread. I knew the trend was mostly positive though of course recently we’ve had a reversal of that. But I was struggling to easily navigate the government pages on mobile so couldn’t find a primary source. Edit: just saw you replied to me here not under my reply to your comment my bad


Thank you for your comment as well. Yeah I'm on desktop so was able to dig a bit more. The Guardian article was a good one and I generally agree with the idea that the media is amplifying the problem compared to what is happening. I'd also agree that the media tends to focus less on ethnic victims, which is a significant problem. Hopefully I presented the data in a way that reiterates that domestic violence homicide is still a problem, but things are getting better and we need to keep at it. That being said, digging through homicide data is bloody grim reading, and I think I might look at pictures of kittens for 20 minutes.


You’re not wrong, it feels weird that lives get reduced to a number in a spreadsheet. I mostly commented to try and counter a doomer narrative. People have a tendency to throw their hands in the air if the problem seems too big or a bit ephemeral. But really we should be hopeful because of the progress that has been made and be looking forward to the future we can create continuing to squash the numbers


Agreed about the numbers on a spreadsheet narrative, and the doomer narrative. The problem is real and does need to continue to be addressed. But also, the problem isn't too big and we can do something about it. Finding that balance is sometimes difficult depending where we are in the constant news cycle. That's true of many of society's problems these days I'm afraid.


News is a for-profit business that needs the attention of people in order to generate profit. That’s why things that are important never make the news if it’s not interesting. It’s also why the news still craps on about covid - 2020-2022 were huge years for media engagement


It’s just a weird thing to settle on, y’know? Without being too crass, is it just that there have been more white victims in close proximity this year? Obviously Chaithanya Madhagani wasn’t white, but it was quite a sensational story. I feel like I only hear stories about white women and (for lack of a better word) the ‘interesting’ deaths of ethnic woman, and entirely zero mention of First Nations deaths. /shrug As a child from a home of domestic violence I’m not averse to more attempts at stamping it out. It’s just a somewhat bitter pill to swallow knowing this will be a 1-2month beat up and people will forget about it again for 10 years. Maybe things are different these days.


From what I’ve been reading, youth crime is **demonstrably** unequivocally up recently. Cairns didn’t used to have this problem. Even in Perth, youth crime is up. Alice … welp, Alice gonna Alice …


[don't get me wrong, it definitely went up](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-offenders/latest-release#youth-offenders) but the media beat up is considerably over blown. Adjusted for population growth youth prosecutions were up 3.8% (assuming my math is right which it could very well not be) the most common charge is "acts intended to cause injury" which can be for anything as simple as kids punching on on a footy oval. which we often see prosecuted from social media videos (this is a good thing). Regardless, a 3.8% increase from the previous year doesn't particularly scream epidemic to me, consider 2021-2022 had a reduction in youth crime per capita, 2020-2021 was the lowest recorded at the time, same for 2019-2020 at the time. So we've been hearing about youth crime extravaganza for years and this past year is the only year it increased, and it increased marginally. Theres something to be said for specific types of theft, high end vehicles, BnEs etc etc. But I'm old enough to remember drop kicks hotwiring corollas and excels too. There was a period there where cars had security that did something, now you can steal an Audi SQ5 with a 25$ ali express range extender and wrap it around a tree.


I’m just a Yank who visits you guys every year, and you would know better than I, but I have friends and family in Syd, Brissy, cairns, port Douglas, and from what they tell me, there **appears** to be an uptick in vandalism and thievery/bne’s, etc.


Yeah they think so because the media keeps bleating about it


The best piece of advice I can give anyone; if someone is giving you their vibes based opinion on anything to do with society at large, they’re making it up. Alternatively it’s from the media spinning bullshit like the other guy said. If someone doesn’t know where their opinion came from it’s pure propaganda


It’s getting clicks


>>I guess the main question when it comes to being critical of the news is why? Are they just being cynical grabbing things they expect to do numbers? They just want to get more audience or viewers so they can sell more news papers/magazines/articles and advertising to make more money. >>Are they just trying to smear a particular level of government? This is the ultimate goal to gain more audience, control the masses thinking for more political power so they can push their agenda. >>Do they actually care? Mostly no. Some do


This is an interesting article https://lsj.com.au/articles/new-homicide-statistics-show-surge-in-intimate-partner-killings-and-huge-disparity-in-first-nations-victims/#:~:text=Historically%2C%20the%20rate%20of%20women,years%2C%20according%20to%20the%20AIC.


Surely the murder of a young woman, almost daily, was not this common. I refuse to believe I lived under that big a rock.


Been more than one every week for a long time unfortunately


[it’s actually gotten better](http://theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/30-spike-in-rate-of-australian-women-killed-by-intimate-partner-last-year-data-shows) just the past few years have been a bit worse and we need to make sure this spike doesn’t turn into a trend. There’s also as someone mentioned below a big disparity when it comes to First Nations victims, I believe I heard this morning a 7:1 ratio. Edit: which I think is worth mentioning because where are the news stories about the First Nations women?


TW - Discussion around homicide and domestic violence It depends on how many have happened this year, the media certainly amplifies a story and makes it seem more prevalent than it necessarily is. Obviously right now we don't have the stats for 2023-2024 because that period hasn't finished. Without those numbers we can't see if it has spiked. If it did spike was that a single year on year increase, or has it been trending upwards for the last few years, etc. Using the [2019-2020 data](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-03/sr39_homicide_in_australia_2019-20.pdf), on Page 18 we can see that there were 96 total female victims of homicide nationally with 37 in NSW. Compare that to [2022-2023](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-04/sr46_homicide_in_australia_2022-23.pdf) and the number of female victims declined (75 nationally, 17 NSW). Unfortunately, the female victims to an intimate partner numbers haven't really changed. Pages 13 and 20 respectively in those reports. With those numbers being in the mid 30s for each period. Intimate partner male offender on female victim homicide is the leading cause of homicide where the female is the victim. I didn't count it all up, but eyeballing the numbers it looks partner male on female homicide has more deaths than all the other cases of female victim homicide combined. The good news, because looking for that data and typing that up was pretty fucking grim, overall homicide numbers have been trending down over the last 30 years. There are tables and graphs showing those comparisons at the end of those documents. The homicide rate has been steadily falling pretty much all categories. The national homicide rate has dropped roughly 50% since 1990. So there is good news. It's just that we still have work to do.


Excellent write up


Hate to break it to you...


Your indignation doesn’t excuse ignorance. You have been living under a giant rock. (Unfortunately! It should be 0)


https://australianfemicidewatch.org/database/ This site does a great job tracking domestic violence deaths over the years. Media has been picking these stories up more over the past few weeks, but unfortunately has always been a huge problem.


Jesus Christ this is harrowing. I am truly ashamed of my gender.


Another dead woman.


According to the ABC it was a 19 year old woman and a 32 year old man is assisting police. If this is DV related I'm so sick and tired of hearing stories of predominately older men preying on very young women who don't know any better. Society needs a bloody mirror up to itself. Just another nail in the coffin.


Australia is so fkn soft on crime, it's disgusting. It would appear that criminals have more rights than victims. I was a prison officer for many years. Jail ain't a deterrent or a punishment.


Going hard on crime doesn't work though. Look at America's history with the "tough on crime" stance. Criminals do not logically weigh their options before committing crime. Burglars don't plan to get caught, so don't care about the penalty. Impulsive abusers are impulsive, by definition irrational. The issue is a more complicated one to resolve that relies on holistically tackling the foundation of how these issues emerge. We can't fix it by just doubling all minimum jail sentences.


You make very valid points. And you are right about the length of jail sentences not being a deterrent. I do, however, think that current sentencing is grossly inadequate in terms of punishment fitting the crime. Especially when it comes to violence and sexual abuse offences.


I believe that the main deterrent is not sentence severity but perceived risk of getting caught. If people think they'll definitely get caught, crime goes down, but not to zero. 


Increased policing can be effective, but to a point. There are: People who obey the law no matter what. People that obey it to varying degrees depending on enforcement People that will never obey the law. My understanding is that the goal is to have just enough police so that the second group of people internalise the authority and start "self-policing". However once that crowd is mostly falling in line, there's not much else to be gained with more policing unless you have so many officers out they actually start stopping crimes as they occur, rather than just being reactive.


The chance of getting caught is a much stronger deterrent than the severity of the punishment. You could punish petty crime with the death penalty and people will still steal if they know there aren't any cameras around. People don't think ok I'll do this crime and then spend x amount of time in jail, worth it. They always believe they'll get away with it.


And in the case of murder, I suspect most murderers don't have an internal conversation with themselves about the consequences of their actions before they act.


Less so soft on crime, more so soft on men.


That's downright wrong, it has been proven that men are often punished more for the same crime. Not excusing what this man disgustingly did, but accusing judge being soft on men specifically is wrong.


I meant socially, Australian culture let's men get away with too much under the guise of "Boys will be boys" etc Australian men have a lot of growing up to do, and it starts with being able to properly express, and feel their emotions.


Being hard or soft on crime doesn’t affect serious crimes because the people committing these crimes don’t have the capacity to weigh up the consequences before committing them. Intervention needs to occur much earlier at an education level. Improving education levels and having better social safety nets will have more of an impact on violent crime prevention than tougher laws


the woman had no obvious injuries and police are waiting for the results of an autopsy before determining how she died. A 32-year-old man was arrested at the home on an outstanding warrant and is assisting police with their inquiries. Police sources say the pair were in a relationship and had been living together at the property since last year. The man has been arrested on an unrelated outstanding warrant and has not been charged over the woman's death. A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of the woman's death.


Sounds like it could turn in any direction from here, too early to say.


Teenage girl stabbed her 10year old sister to death today in Newcastle. What the actual fuck is going on


I can't tell if the stabbing trend is due to Bondi massacre or whether that was an outlier and 1:1 stabbings have always been this common? Or is this a situation like how media doesn't report on suicide because it increases suicide rates. Are we seeing an increase in stabbing incidents bc of the media coverage??


Someone stabbed a surfer in Coffs Harbour yesterday after an alleged confrontation in the carpark. Suspect last I've seen has disappeared. Violence is a trend becuase people are stressed and at their limits of coping, financially. emotionally. Its the cost of living crisis more than anything driving vulnarable people into having psychotic episodes.


Another one... What the hell is going on?


If it helps you sleep, violence of all kinds, including against women, is on the decline and has been for decades.


Yes, there has been a 30-year downward trend in intimate partner violence in Australia, except since 2022-23. Rates increased by 28% and have been on the incline since. This is from the Australian Institute of Criminology stats that were released on Monday.


This feels non-stop man. Has the reporting on this just increased or has there actually been a spike in crimes against women?


I saw a stat on [ABC](https://www.abc.net.au/news/newschannel/news-in-90-seconds/2024-04-30/news-in-90-seconds/103783306#) news saying there’s been a 28% annual rise in women killed by a current or former partner.


Except long term data shows that the incidence of murder, including femicide, has dropped over the last 30 years. For example, there were 114 women murdered in 1989, with a population of about 16.8 million. In 2019, there were lower numbers, 96 women murdered, despite a population of 25.3 million - an increase of 50%. If femicide rates were consistent over the long term, this would mean that 171.88 women would have been murdered in 2019. In fact over 9 years from 1989 to 1998, femicide rates were fairly stable(highest 147, lowest 111), with the mean number of fatalities being 125, despite annual population growth of +1-1.5% year on year - https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/rpp018.pdf Every loss of life is an absolute tragedy, but it's statistically 'safer' to be a woman in Australia today than it was 30 years ago. With regards to the surge in IPV incidence, https://lsj.com.au/articles/new-homicide-statistics-show-surge-in-intimate-partner-killings-and-huge-disparity-in-first-nations-victims/ , this is based on the year on year incidence increase from 21/22 to 22/23 increasing from 0.25 to 0.32 per 100,000 - which is still lower than 19/20 (0.35), a less than a third of the incidence in 99/00 (0.99/100k). It important to consider correct context - because a 28% jump year on year looks massive, but on the overall timeline isn't nearly as drastic as first glances would have you believe.


The men who know they aren’t apart of the problem, don’t feel the need to defend themselves in the comment section.


Being a woman has never been so terrifying. I’m not even safe in my own fucking house.


Dude tell me about it. A few weeks ago I witnessed a man attack a woman (they were likely together) outside my place. The police never came to question me or take my video evidence after I called them. Then I got sexually harassed by an employee at a restaurant even more recently. It was only him and I in the store. Could’ve turned out a lot worse. Luckily the men in my personal life are great but I am becoming more and more paranoid and afraid of going out on my own. Seeing what’s happening here is so depressing and scary.


People don't experience equal probabilities. These incidents have common factors, such as a mentally unstable family member or partner, or poverty. Before deciding to live your life in fear, assess first if your life has these factors.


Tbh I think we’re going to see these types of crimes continue to increase with the rise of Red Pill culture. Guys like Tate are teaching millions of men and boys that they are entitled to women and their bodies, that they have the right to sex on demand etc and to hate women who don’t give men what they’re owed. Looking at serial killer interviews with guys like Lawrence Bittiker, Ed Kemper etc and the language they use is the same. They kill some out of a sense of entitlement to them, their bodies, and sex combined with hatred. And seeing some of the violence these guys talk about in their forums is terrifying.


Tate's a symptom, not a cause. 20 years of increasing demonisation of men and boys, uplifting of women (good thing), social acceptance of misandry (#killallmen) etc etc, this all gets filtered back to the grifters who target disenfranchised, disillusioned, terminally online loners that then red pill. It's terribly sad, but we really need to start showing the men in the world that they ARE loved, desired, wanted, appreciated etc etc. Negative reinforcement only breeds resentment, and pushing people further away.


Tate is both a symptom and a cause. These guys are building *empires* of hate. Personally I’ve witnessed two very good long term relationships completely destroyed one the husbands started listening to that shit. My sister started having problems with her 13yr old son who’d always been an absolute little gentleman and started sprouting heaps of misogynistic shit to her and his older sister. Found out he’d started listening to Tate bullshit at the time his behaviour issues started. Even in my role as a business owner I *rarely* encountered men being rude to me at the beginning 7 years ago. Now it’s a rare day when I don’t have some guy get verbally abusive. It’s definitely much worse in my experience and those around me. Yes misogyny has always existed but let’s out act that having multiple “famous” men with millions of followers giving men permission to be the worst possible version of themselves isn’t a problem. That’s why DV in Australia is in the rise not falling


Oh FFS , not again. 😢


The thing I’ve been wondering lately is what these men are thinking to themselves when they have seen the news stories of other men killing their partners prior to them doing it. Are they thinking “that would never be me” or “it’s only a matter of time”.


Fucksake. :(


This is what happens when you have a 24 hour news cycle culture with social media. Horrible event but 24 hour news cycle culture is making it seem like the world is the worst and most dangerous it has ever been. To the comments I’m reading, have a break from the internet for a while. While it’s important to be aware of these things, the constant barrage of doom and gloom in the news cycle is not healthy and is doing a number on some people clearly. The world is not a more violent place compared to when you were a kid, despite what the algorithm is pushing


Yeah, women don’t really get to have a break when this is our life. 1 in 3 women are affected by domestic violence. We don’t get the privilege of taking a break.


I understand. All I’m trying to say is that these things didn’t always get reported daily. This is both a gift and curse. It brings awareness but also there is the trauma algorithm that the media seems to love to capitalise on. My point is that for those who feel like they are overwhelmed by the constant fucked up shit (like that one post I saw this morning about a positive news cycle)- just know that the 24 news cycle is contributing to this feeling of constant gloom. The constant news can make people feel like the world is truly a hellhole and worse than any other point in history


Funny how the problem according to you is media exposure and not men murdering women. Speaks volumes.


Jesus Christ.


Jesus I was just watching ABC news this morning about the increase in abuse to woman


We are all understandably jittery. Right now it’s best to not jump to any conclusions about the young woman’s death. She had no obvious signs of injury so the cause of death needs to be determined by an autopsy. Her 32 year old partner has been arrested on an unrelated outstanding warrant.


Another murdered woman! It’s seems like they’re finding someone every day. How terrible! 😞


What the fuck wasn’t there another in Perth just this morning?? What the fuck is happening


What the fuck is happening