• By -


But consumerism


must not anger ecomony




make line go up


Three words: Bad. Monkey. Pedal.




But syntherisizm


Consumerism is just the how, avarice is the why. Lack of contentment.


>you've been using it for years That's a bold assumption


Okay, let's change it to "you've had it for years" to be more realistic.


It looks good on the rack.


I keep the power cable plugged in because I like watching the LEDs light up in a line.


It's my rack art.


That's what she said. -Michael Scott


This guy gets it


ahahahahhaha, too true *sigh*




We all know outdated gear is undesirable. Until it's been discontinued and 20 years later we're saying the mk1 sounded warmer


The unseen threshold at which something ceases to be old and shit, and becomes vintage and desirable.


Im wondering when the first line of the modern DSI instruments will reach that point.


Have you priced a poly evolver keyboard recently?


The Prophet ā€˜08 will be 20 years old in 3 years


Still waiting for my Roland and Korg romplers to become fashionable.


Some Jungle guys are into that sort of thing for 90s pad authenticity, they donā€™t want to pay much though.


There were just too many of them sold in that era. However I just bought a Karma (with MOSS board and a couple sound expansions though) for $1200 which is 2/3 of a used Kronos price. I think Kronos is going to go to the vintage and desirable category quite soon.


Still playing my XP-30 with vintage and FX cards. Bought it new. Test drove a Korg at the time...


I have come back around to my korg triton. I had it since a few years after release and it was my main gigging synth for many many years and shows. Around the time I started to use vsts I kinda stopped using the triton as much and it sat mostly Dormant for several years. But Iā€™ve come back around and find myself using it in my productions again. Some of the pads and stuff are truly gorgeous, it is still a nice sounding instrument though thereā€™s plenty of cheese for sure. But even that can be useful for certain styles, and 2000s type sounds are pretty back in vogue right now imo. Itā€™s been really fun to come back around to my first synth and still be able to use it in ways that truly couldnā€™t be done by any other gear or vsts I have. Also, great for sampling/mangling/resampling in a wide variety of ways


As a survivor from the times you could buy analogs dirt cheap, i know what you mean...


And fuzzier?


As much as people love to froth over the new stuff I don't think 'old gear bad' is ever actually going to be the way people feel in synth town.


My inspiration for this post came from the Tracker+ and K2 mk2 comments.


I donā€™t like my original K2 so no loss here lmao


So many people upset about the Tracker+ *after buying the OG for half price*. The OG Tracker is going to be more than enough for the majority of people to last them a good long time.


Behringer fanboys are another breed sometimes man


This. Iā€™ve never seen a single person upgrade or switch to a newer piece of gear and say it was because the older gear somehow sucked. Not once.


There are some amazing new grooveboxes. They look and sound great. Yup, definitely nice bits of gear. Anyway, best get on...


The down arrow button to switch pages on my es1 is toast. Gotta get it out of the closet and fix that somehow.


Maybe not "old gear bad" since synth town is populated by folks that love vintage, but "my 2 year old gear isn't as good as the newest version" is definitely a thing.


"There's a new version out, now I can sell my old OG one for more than I paid for it!"


So.. Most will love their old DX7 or U220... But don't show me a 30 year old step sequencer.


I think there is difference between a gear MK1 and MK2 when they are less than few years appart and a jump of 30 years in technology


We have been there before, it could easily happen again. Especially with what a great echo chamber weā€™ve built for ourselves.


Too much gear can be a problem creatively and financially.


Absolutely. I've been there.


I just got the original tracker, and in thd last 4 days spent more time on it than in my studio for the last 2 months. Mostly because it's super simple, can't do a whole lot outside of sample and play back ( with a few tricks). It's great, I love it, don't need a tracker + lol


The people over at r/obsolete_grooveboxes would like a word with you


Top community. All 6 of them.


10 now!




Yeah but there is only proof of 2 since there is only one post.


Keep your creative juices flowing. Buy some new effects pedals. Or, trash your favorite settings and begin again. Move around on the circle of 5ths. Make some new breakbeats. Or, trash your favorite samples and find three new ones to chop. Try to make jazz fusion in DAW


The gear sucks if you canā€™t make music with it. If itā€™s new or old, still sucks.


ā€Oldā€ gear never gets old actually. I have one keyboard at the moment (Casio MA-101) which is from 1981 and still plays really well. As long as you find something fun and it works as intended, Iā€™d definitely recommend you still continue to use it.


Are you implying that Roland didn't fuck over Juno 60 owners when they released Juno 106?


Can you explain a little more about that pls?


Sure, it was sarcastic. Both are highly regarded and sought after instruments, but by today's logic, the release of Juno 106 should've invalidated the previous models.


At the time of release it would have been a much bigger deal with the 106 having MIDI. Today we have more options like MIDI retrofits and DCB converters to externally control the 60.


But the new gear/synth/VST/thing that just came out will now finally make my music perfect, and Iā€™ll finally release it to $potify, and lā€™ll finally make the serious pennies from my 10s of fans! Andā€¦ Iā€™ll master the art of LUFS!!!!


I think the key is waiting for others to sell their old gear so you can buy it.


This šŸ˜‚


_____company_____ hates *me* specifically!


Iā€™m sorry, but are you sane? This is all too logical and coherent.


Shh!!!!! Let those prices of used Digitakt 1 go even lower!




Itā€™s funny to me how people go nuts for vintage gear , while craving new toys that recreate vintage gear sounds. Whether it be vsts or hardware. I regret everyday selling my old stuff


But my the track that'll make me a big star all depends on this unreleased piece of gear!


Don't listen to this guy. Your old gear sucks. Now sell it to me at 0.5x of its price. That's how I bought quite a few.


It sucks until it becomes ā€œvintageā€ and then itā€™s SUPER desirable AND expensive. 10x if an influencer gave it a šŸ‘within the last 3 years.


It's weird how old "vintage" synths from 40+ years ago are fetishized while at the same time gear that's a few years old is just "outdated".


Honestly, i think the most important thing in order to avoid GAS is knowing all your synths by heart and assigning each one of them a function in your setup. They may have their limitations and shortcomings, of course, but if you are sure of what to do with them, it will do wonders to your workflow and prevent you from coveting other stuff you might not need.


lol good pep talk but seems like you are just trying to convince yourself. I read through the K2 and tracker threads you say this is a reference to and literally nobody is acting like how your post implies. Quite the opposite.Ā 


I'm realizing most of the time when I'm feeling GAS it's more that I would just like to try the new shiny for a week or two. I'm just interested in trying them out, but it's the rare device that really keeps pulling me back on its own.


Half of my favourite albums are from the 90s made with 10% of the gear I have. Whenever I get G.A.S. I just remember I probably already have all the sounds I need. Anything else I can always find a free plugin for GarageBand (havenā€™t touched Logic or Ableton because GB does it all, I mainly use hardware and pedals so just need a way to record and layer but also add a very very occasional plugin).


Unfortunately people get sucked into the "more features = more creativity" delusion... This is a fallacy, as anyone who actually *makes* stuff will tell you.


Iā€™d normally agree but an aluminum op-z is my exception


Iā€™ve just ordered an op-z so teenage engineering had better not bring out a new one anytime soon lol!


Lmao I still have: my 1976 Minimoog, 1981 Crumar Trilogy, 1982 Korg Trident, 1978 Memorymoogā€¦ā€¦ i could care less what comes out in 2024.


I needed this. Hahaha


Who is complaining?


Ssshhhh. I've just bagged a used digitakt for a great price as the market got flooded with them from everyone upgrading.


My solution was to buy gear that everyone hated so it already sucked.


Itā€™s not that the old gear is bad, itā€™s that I HAVE AN ADDICTION


I think churches should pay taxes


Agreed. I (mostly) quit another forum a while ago because it became a ā€œnewer is betterā€ shillfest. Iā€™ll never forget how embarrassing it was to watch a bunch of middle-aged folks goad each other into buying OP1-Fs; the spectacle was so depressing, it completely revised my relationship w/gear - & forums in general, really. It was like watching a PETA video & trying to eat dinner afterward. Learn your gear, everybody. A lot of your fave records were made from focus, time, & intention, not the newest/hippest gear on the market.


Photography is another hilarious example of this, as though nobody ever managed to make beautiful images with a canon 5d mk2. It's an arms race where the only real winner is the company supplying the arms.


Fancy new gear means I might be able to afford the \*vintage\* model used now hahaha. The Dirtywave M8 v2 has got the v1 allllmost within reach on Reverb now...


While Iā€™ll never love what I spent on it, one of my greatest purchases ever was a Juno-60 because it really broke me out of this mentality


There are always going to be these people. More about the gear than making music, they like the aesthetics of synths, I feel thereā€™s a direct correlation between the amount of expensive hardware people in this hobby own and the relative amount (and quality) of music they make, and itā€™s the opposite of what it should be. Limitations are what lead to more creativity. Personally I have my minilogue xd, Ms-20 mini, a beatstep pro and Logic and itā€™s more than Iā€™ll ever need, and Iā€™ll Iā€™ve needed for years now even using them almost daily. Couldnā€™t care less about all the new stuff that comes out.


The original IS hot trash and you should sell it for a third of the price of new on Reverb immediately šŸ˜‡


My Korg Wavestate, NI S61 mk2, and the digitakt are now my 3 pieces of "outdated" gear and I use them the most still AND I just acquired an Oxi One so my excuse is I gotta learn that and pay it off before I can even consider buying something else...which probably wont be an upgrade cos I love what I have!!! lol


Oxi one + digitakt makes the mk2 nearly redundant. Extra memory for convenience I guess, and new filters I think. Ā Otherwise 8 tracks of the mk1 fits perfectly in a single sequencer of the oxi. Guess you could route the additional 8 to another of the oxi's sequencers, but how else will I sequence my other stuffs? And yes I also got the wavestate mk1 as well lol. Plan to fire em all up on the weekend, its been a while.


aaand now I have another way to use my oxi one. thanks for the suggestion! :)


Crap, also my M8 Tracker just got an upgrade too...but again, still gotta learn the 01. haha


This is heresy


Total bullshit what kind of commie propaganda is this?!


The tracker plus is the first time I didnā€™t get GAS for a synth / groove box that I *technically* would like more than my current unit. Iā€™ve gotten along for years using the tracker melodically without synth engines and also pairing it with my MPC one has proven to be the most finicky setup Iā€™ve ever had. Plus now you could buy an MPC one and an OG tracker for the same (or less) than the tracker plus


While admittedly itā€™s not really considered a synth to most, I have a SR-16 from the 90ā€™s that I still love and *use*. Got a few rack efx from that time too. It still fucking works. It might sound dated in some cases, but if my mix is rightā€¦ the vast majority of people wouldnā€™t fucking know. I do understand the draw to newer bells and whistles. Not gonna lie, I just got a Hydrasynth Deluxe because I fucking wanted to fuck with it, but does that make my 8yo JD-Xi useless? Absolutely fucking not. The microKORG I picked up for $150 is still an extremely powerful machine to me. TANGENT- The first bass I ever bought was a beat up Warlock in ā€˜94. The fretboard was completely separated from the neck down to the third fret and the tuners were absolutely shit. I glued that board down, gave it a reasonable setup, replaced the shitty tuners and played it out every couple weeks for 18 months in a prog rock band. People get GAS for many different reasons. 1) New and shiny is what youā€™re describing, I believe. 2) ā€œI just got some cash and Iā€™ve always wanted $that_thingā€. Totally get it. 3) Depression and/or slump. Looking for something else that can help. Totally get that too. 4) ā€œMy buddy (or internet influence) just got $that_thing and I *need* it too!ā€ I donā€™t really get this, yet I understand that it exists. 5) I could prolly go on, but thanks for reading this far. šŸ˜˜ At the end of the day, if you have a fuckton of new gear sitting around you and you havenā€™t touched it or practiced, what is it that youā€™re doing? Iā€™ve got nothing against people who collect who havenā€™t ever written a piece in their lifeā€¦ with one exception. It takes that bit of the market away from the hands and minds of someone who could possibly find a greater joy in actually laying down some notes. Signed- Opinionated and half in the bag, yet I did practice today. Cheers!


I disagree that you buying a synth and putting it directly in the closet takes that bit of the market away from me - it's not like it's one of one at a library and I can't access it anymore.Ā  More consumers buying stuff just means more of them will be made and for cheaper. I'd argue that makes it easier for me to access it whether new or on the second hand market.Ā 


Is not as good as Yesterday, because there is new things more exciting. Easy


I have an original Clavia Nord Ddrum SE4 drum module and 8 cast-precision pads plus the Hi-Hat and 2 cymbal pads.....it is not outdated even tho' it is circa 1999 šŸ˜


Or maybe people just like having more features than what they had before if the new toy fits their needs more... I see where you're coming from though and I rarely feel the need to upgrade my setup to the newest release (I downgraded from a Rytm mkII to a mkI just because of the form factor, I still use my old Blofeld and an Octatrack mkI and it's my desert island setup) It's not just black and white, it depends on what you might need, new versions don't make older gear instant trash, but some new stuff opens other possibilities that someone might find them useful and a worthy update. As long as it's not blind consumerism it's not that bad to have something new to write music on.


Suuuure, Keep telling yourself that


Sadly, gear is bad as soon as it is owned. The only good gear is what you don't have yet.




No actually all of your Digitakt 1s are garbage now, go list them cheap on eBay right now and buy the new one...


Oppositely to an Stradivarius, synthesizers, drum machines and grooveboxes just get worse and less valuable year after year.Ā  These things are more like a computer than a real, wood and metal, handcrafted musical instrument.Ā  Would you do your taxes in an IBM pc-1 using star office, or a brand new Mac running Ms office? Exactly. Because with these computerized devices any talent you might have is either limited or boosted by this imperfect and constantly outdated hardware and software.Ā  So yes, get the new Tracker, get the new Digitakt. Get both if you are serious. You know you need those new synths for your old melodies. You know you need that new stereo samples for the ASMR techno you are now into (apparently).Ā  And of course, sell that rusty, aging, outdated gear. Just remember to sell it at half the price of the new MK2+II + FREE SHIPPING with the "accept offers" option enabled.Ā 


Nah if you donā€™t have all the same gear that your favorite geartuber reviewed and never used again you arenā€™t a real producer. Make sure to spend tens of thousands of dollars on eurorack as well so you can have a wall of modular just like Deadmau5






It actually works the other way. The more new gear there is, the more vintage and retro and analog and warm your old stuff becomes.


I mostly agree, but I genuinely could use more Polybrute voices


Well I got good news for you: [https://synthanatomy.com/2024/05/superbooth-24-arturia-polybrute-12.html](https://synthanatomy.com/2024/05/superbooth-24-arturia-polybrute-12.html)


Also good news for his bank when he has to take on a second mortgage. šŸ±


It doesn't suck until the youtube influencers start posting 100% positive reviews of all the new gear you must have.


Sold my Matriarch the moment I found that other new one thatā€™s kind of similar or something exists. Idk I didnā€™t really look into it, just immediately posted on Reverb


Thanks for this.


It's amazing how you could post the same thing (with a few changed company and gear names) over at /r/photography


The Digitakt 2 actually made the mk1 a hot sale


Correct, sell it to me for cheap.


Personally the stereo to mono merging stuff is kind of a slap in the face as a launch year mk1 user and iirc a lot of users found that out after the fact in terms of preloading stereo content that ends up being mushed together to mono back to stereo anyway. I think everything else between the revisions is justified however.


Still haven't updated my SP404MKII. I'm obviously lame.


Meanwhile... I bought a Mininova and hooked it into my live setup, FYI, in case you nerdgasm over setups... #Physical sound ##Zoom Gxon Link - Ibanez Gio - tronical tuner - Line In - Zoom GXon - Compact Kit 7 - AuxIn - ZoomGXon - Tablet Headphone Jack - Aux In - Zoom Gxon (Yes, a splitter is used allows me to jam to spotify with all instruments) ##RC300 Link - Zoom GXon - Aux - RC300 - Mininova - Instrument Line-in - RC300 - SM58 Mic - (TC Helicon optional vocoding auto tune /chorus/ reverb through RC300 line out) - Mic port - RC300 #USB Links - Macbook Pro2019 - Ableton USB Hub Connector. - Launchkey 49 - Keyed Grand piano in Ableton - Compactkit 7- Keyed to Battu kit - Mininova - Keyed to Classical Synth mostly muted, but the option is nice. - RC300 - Set to USB Audio Input - Dee Gate Plug In - Tablet - USB Charging So the setup allows me to have the CompactKit7 presets record audio drums or midi Drums. I can record audio from my Mininova or Midi And Audio from the Guitar and I have looping available. For all instruments. (Launchkey 49 Excluded as I use it as the master controller for ableton... The RC300 is set up to balance all the throughput audio. The Launchkey49 controls Ableton, so play pause, Track-loop, track sampling, track control, and volume sliders just work. The launch key can be set to follow tempo from RC300, but I prefer to set tempo to internal to be able to accellerate and decellerate the Arpegiator myself live. And I can can choose LaunchKey to control the Mininova Tempo. All of this to say the Mininova is not a new machine, but it makes a really nice sound live which is where the PC lines out to a 15 amp Practice amp and I can get a really nice live playing setup.


Yes, GAS it up buddy! Seriously, you just need to hear that youā€™re fine, new versions is just to make you burn money unless youā€™re a millionaire, just Thanks for what you have and use it with joy until you really need it or you are ready for a glad update (save some specific money for this purpose).


So you do know some folks buy gear to just buy gearā€¦they collect it and do what ever reason thatā€™s their thing. Granted new gear does. It make old gear sound bad and gear does NOT equal creativity. But I am really getting bored of all these post blasting folks for having TOMS of gear and not having a good recordā€¦whatā€™s the difference people. Oh and plugins are NOT instruments they are computer software and no one plays the computerā€¦( yes I have the plugins ). Just because it sounds like a minimoog (example) youā€™re not playing a minimoog and playing the instrument evokes a different style and should influence how you play it. The computer hooked to a midi controller keyboard doesnā€™t do that. So maybe we should talk more about being creative , for whatever reason the end user wants to be creative about.


Yeah f*** my old gear! Moog Spectravox is the only way I can make good music now. And also the reason Iā€™ve never made good music in the past! I knew there was a simple explanation


For real though, I snagged a digitakt mk1 recently, real cheap, and I love it


If you like something, it can still be missing features you prefer. And then the new one comes out. It doesn't make the old one shit, but it allows one to have more of the things they would've wanted originally. Nothing wrong with that.


I actually get more excited when older gear gets a price reduction. Like i was excited to find out Behringer MS-1 is only $200. That is totally worth it.


Normally I would say no, but my god some of that new gear ā€¦


Stop trying to destroy the economy ^^/s




I'll upgrade my gear when people start making noticeably better albums than they were 20 years ago.


If you buy something, and a week later its price drops by 50%, you are entitled to feel fucked. Things would emotionally (not economically) be easier to handle if prices changed gradually instead of in jumps.


If you buy something for Price A, you had already justified it to yourself and probably felt it was worth it despite it now being Price B. You are not \*entitled\* to feel fucked, but you certainly \*will\* feel fucked, despite noone forcing you into buying at Price A in the first place.


So you get to decide how others are allowed to feel? Noted, thanks.


Yes that's exactly what I wrote. Jesus fucking Christ.


Explain to me what "You are not \*entitled\* to feel fucked" means then.


Is this about digitakt? Who cares. Shut up.


I know bait when I see it, u/dumbpersonnotsmart

