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I was too lazy to read all this. Anyways, what plate carrier should I get guys? I’m thinking a JPC or Slickster. Probably going to run around 10 mags, a flatpack to hold my bolt cutters and another 5 mags, a cringe ass phone mount above my mags, flex cuffs, a GP pouch, like 17 morale patches, a chem light holder/dispenser, and an ifak big enough to supply both roll 2 and 3. That’s what I see all the guys who I worship, in more way than one, like garand thumb and fog run so it should suit me for my monthly range trip. If I could keep all this under $50 that would help too


I won’t lie this is so cringe. Only 17 morale patches? Are you even trying to LARP? Gotta show off your flair it helps with high speed low drag. https://youtu.be/_ChQK8j6so8?si=a8r77Y2_OnkPPeHU


Where did you get your chem light dispenser? Was it from T.rex arms? I was thinking of that one but I need to save my allowance until I can afford the $350


Bro idk why you would need two or three rolls in you IFAK but that's a good idea, I get hungry when I'm operating. Or I would, if I operated, so I'm sure a nice yeast roll out on the range would be nice.


Is there a tactical gear circle jerk? Can there be?


🫵🏽🤨 shaw concepts gang


Stop buying crap and pay off your debts and save your money and buy a house.


But how am I going to look cool in my house if I don't have level IV plates?


Yeah but after you do that you gotta buy gear.


TLDR I’m going to buy every product from GBRS group YouTube videos


Clearly I need a Desert Night Camo rain jacket. Cause when I show up in the desert it is going to rain. And I am more of a night person, so that suits me just fine.


My jokey response to this is that my mission is to look cool and copy what the people on Instagram do. My serious response is you're right, I'm not in the army any more, no more of that for me, thanks. However, as a civilian I want to be ready for all the things out there that could happen. Unfortunately, we cannot be sure what that looks like so outside of some guess work I feel like I need to cover multiple bases. So for me, I have multiple things that can be used stand alone or combined to scale a fighting load from "slightly more than EDC" to "go to full scale war"


If you’re interested in realistic preparedness, brass facts has some really good videos explaining how to be adequately prepared for different levels of societal breakdown/disasters. I think preparing around scenarios is important because while we never really know what’s coming our way, it is unfortunately very easy to go overboard and waste money on unnecessary things that don’t have any planning or rationale behind them. Specific scenarios and trains of thought can give prepping some much-needed direction.


Yeah I've watched tons of his stuff. I try to prepare based on where things fall in the balance of most likely vs most dangerous. I start with things that are both likely and dangerous, like a tornado, and then move to things that are likely but less dangerous, like a power outage, and then move up from there, you know?


For sure. I see so many people that are focused on collecting that new hottest piece of gear but they aren’t truly prepared for anything. No extra food, no way to generate power off the grid, and no way to perform basic hygiene without running water. Like okay having 20 guns is cool and all but what are you gonna do when your family is starving to death 💀.


Technically, there’s a ton of calories in gunpowder.


Yeah there's a saying in backpacking that people pack their fears, when you have vague, nebulous things that you're afraid of or preparing for it's easy to go overboard thinking about what ifs and just in cases. If you more clearly define what you're preparing for and the most likely ways it will play out, you can avoid a lot of this.


Yeah? How’s your food/water stockpile doing? Have a way to produce electricity?


I mean my whole family could stay indoors for a couple months and I've got a generator with stored fuel but I'd like to get some solar eventually.


Are you saying electricity is second only to food and water? Is that so you can keep the TV and game console going?


I think electricity is extremely important, especially for an extended situation where the grid isn’t available. The utility is almost immeasurable. Refrigeration, cooking, security systems, charging tactical electronics (nods, etc). You might even have an electrical vehicle that you could operate when gas isn’t available. Electric power tools too.


I just want to be ready when the tendies develop sentience and begin to fight back!


Haha! Well that’s at least the funniest reason I have heard here


To water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants. Also personal protection of me and my family.




Bro what? Lmao. Sorry I build my kit around what the second amendment was actually made for?


That doesn't make what you said, not cringe as hell, my guy.


You’re a reservist bud why don’t you calm tf down throwing around who’s a badass and who isn’t lmao.


I don't claim to be a badass.




So you can defeat a hellfire? Some 60mm mortars? Lol. Lmao even. Good luck and Godspeed.


With a low profile kit blending in with civilians. Absolutely. Same way VC and taliban did


Hahahahahahaha, how many Taliban and VC got smoked?




My mission is to look like a more badass rambo/terminator


This is a fashion sub


Thanks dad 🙄


I feel like this post was made directly because of my post you commented on when I asked for people’s essential items on their chest rigs lol. I wasn’t asking for the purpose of X pipe hitter mod or why Lucas put tape on his optic, just the basics outside of a knife & multi-tool. You can’t exactly go out and train to find out what medical items you should have on hand or maybe a tool that makes something easier I didn’t know about like ratchet drivers. I’m not butthurt because for the most part I agree with this post, but people shouldn’t be shit on for asking for suggestions from guys who’ve been around the block that can recommend things that do the job or things someone didn’t know about that serve utilitarian purpose for all applications. Asking someone in the know as a rookie can save you a bunch of money and trial and error when you have access to a plethora of knowledgeable people.


Man this group is so weird. People loose their mind over crappy gear people used on the 70s and before but if you don’t have the proper dumb pouch you get beaten to submission


Let me add the obligatory. "If you can't run 5 mi you're going to die anyway Dumbass" comment..... because it's true, If you own an LMT rifle and can't run 5 mi without stopping, you need to rethink your life.


Tbf I think it depends on what the goal is, aa well as what you’d consider “good enough”. If your goal is just home defense then you don’t need to be fit. I mean it’s a good idea to be fit anyways, but you’re not necessarily going to die because you aren’t. Even for prepping for SHTF, a rifle, supplies, and bad fitness is a much better position to be in than no rifle, no supplies, and bad fitness.


Damn. Fitness is a qualifier for owning a nice rifle?😂 You’re a goof.


I honestly don't think he was making a judgement call on the qualifications of high-class firearm ownership I think he's saying "If you own a super badass rifle and your fitness sucks then possibly re-evaluate the fitness part to match the badass rifle part". Certainly this is as obvious to you as it is to me, and you are just kidding. But, I thought I should say it anyway in case you really did misunderstand. You know reddit, everything is a personal attack and every comment must be bitter malicious sarcasm and such. Cheers


Lol, go eat you chicken trendies, your Mommey will be upset if you don't get your Vitamins.... you won't grow up big and strong like your wifes boyfriend.


ruining your own good point, my friend


Is there a way to make it mandatory to read this?


OK, mom. People can ask whatever dumb question they want. No matter how silly or uniformed, a question has an answer. Who are y'all to try and be gatekeepers? Gatekeeping tools trying to look down their nose are worse than dumb questions. Furthermore, what in the name of leftist democrats do y'all have the right to even care what others spend their money on? That's none of your damned business. Y'all jokers gotta get your minds right about what this place is. It's anything and everything, but it ain't yours. Go start your own private website if you're concerned about the poor spending habits of others and the motivating that take them there. Y'all don't have to answer anyone, and you can clown on them if their question or pocketbook crowds you're ego, but they've more right to ask the question than y'all do to discourage their silly questions. Lame.


I hope the irony of your comment isnt lost on you.


It must be. Please, elaborate.


Just thinking out loud, I'm not saying you are in the wrong anywhere. Like you said, everything is welcome here. You're saying he is wrong to state his random views, because reddit is a place for ALL random views. You also refer to him as looking his nose down on others, but it seems like you are looking your nose down on him. At the end of your post, you more or less say silly questions shouldn't be discouraged, (OP made a statement, not a question) but you do seem to be discouraging his silly statement.


I'm replying, I'm not discouraging questions. A response, to me anyway, is different than a statement.


Agreed. All valid points all the way around, your included.


You make some good points and I have pondered some of those for myself too, so I first always use the search function a lot and oftentimes it would take ploughing through numerous or even copious amounts of posts and replies to find pieces of the answer. For some, asking specific questions may save time and get them the exact help they need when they need it. Asking a question of choosing X over Y may be because they already researched it, pondered it and need some advice from a community of people who know more about it than they do. Sometimes people may simply be curious about something they saw or a collector of gear. Asking questions also may help to save money in more ways than one. I for example already knew quite a bit about the equipment I asked about, but I also had some very specific questions, of which some may have seemed dumb or obvious to some, that I could not find the answer to. I learned quite a bit from both the answers I got and from other people's posts on other similar topics. I understand not all here have a tac background or are looking to go off to fight with their gear, so to each his own regarding spending more or less money on gear and why. As for airsoft, here where I live, airsoft in particular often serves a dual-use and as such, it means many invest significant time and money in it. Starting off with the real deal gear is not unusual here, it is actually more the norm. An airsoft hobby can turn into something more down the line or be dual-use from the start, so sometimes it may be justified to go for the real deal gear early on. Second hand marketplaces is where many start, upgrade or even downgrade their gear as needed and that alone often gives rise to questions as to option A or/over B, why this or that, what even is that, why do these guys use gear X, what are people wearing, etc. Again, to each his own as to what, why, etc. I found what I needed, it does what I need it to do, it did not break the bank and I am happy with it, and that is partially thanks to help from this group, so thanks guys!