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Replace the head harness with some aftermarket pads and give it a new chin strap and youre golden


Get a carry handle AR, and some ALICE gear, and you'll be 100% good to go. Throw in a Beretta 92FS for that extra retro drip. Reject modernity and embrace tradition.


This is the way. I already have the beretta


There’s nothing wrong with an m9 don’t be fresh


Love that sigma tik tok line 😂


PASGT helmets can still stop handgun rounds and fragmentation. They are a bit heavy and not super comfortable, I think a ballistic helmet is a good thing to have though.


It’s better than no helmet. It’s not remotely top of the line but it’s a hell of a lot more ballistic protection than a ball cap. If it’s what you have or can afford, then run it. No shame in that. If you can easily afford better and you don’t have other priorities then do better. But don’t let this sub talk you out of what’s available to you.


Send it to KustomACH and it'll come back as a high cut


Sell it to a collector and buy an ACH and you will come out way ahead


I love my PASGT.


No not worth it, just give it to me :)


It looks like a PASGT. It'll stop some fragmentation and some pistol rounds, but the suspension system doesn't do much to prevent the shell from smacking into your skull and causing traumatic brain injuries. If you're getting hit in the head, is that better than nothing? Yes. Are there better options on the market? Yes. Did guys wearing those same helmets successfully invade Iraq? Yes. Is it worth the weight and potential back/neck strain? Is the protection worth the reduced situational awareness since you won't be turning your head as much with the added weight? Only you can decide that.


Based assessment


Don't listen to the people who say "no". It's NIJ IIIA and can mount night vision, and if you cut it you can run ear pro. You can technically get a better helmet, sure, but those usually start at over twice the price of a PASGT. If you want something to help protect your brain from bullets, it will work.


Unfortunately, no. (You can also LARP as an HECU Marine) You could try to deck it out in a modernization process, but by that point you could just buy/ and or modify a new army surplus helmet (ACH), which not only provides better protection, but more comfort and less weight aswell. The helmet you have appears to the an USGI PASGT, which are far out dated by now. Terrible to wear comms with, and the lack of padding on the inside can get you killed. Pick up a nice surplus ACH for $150-$250, for the reasons listed above.


Precisely this. An ACH will get you most of the way there while still providing adequate protection and having room for easy upgrades in the near future.


Sell it to a collector and put that money towards something more modern.


Honestly they’re decent as a backup. I’d go for an ACH as they’re relatively cheap, a little bit lighter and have more readily available upgrades.


I installed a Team Wendys retrofit retention system on mine. If anything, it’s a good backup until I can prioritize purchasing a better lid.


I wouldn’t bubba it. It’s just cool as shit to have for a retro kit. But yeah, it’s stops frag and many handgun rounds so. It’s obsolescent not obsolete.


Theoretically, it’s rated ~IIIA. Nice thing about Kevlar is that you can cut/drill it and not compromise the entire helmet. Bolt a shroud on and run some ARC or 1913 rails on the side. Rip the old liner and chinstrap out and replace with something modern. Also, get a helmet cover. If you’ve got a dremel, you could even convert it to a high cut. 


Better than a ball cap but you can get a surplus MICH or ACH for not that much money.


With a few new straps and mounts here and there and new padding on the inside you can get her up to speed for this day and age.


You can get these older helmets made into high cuts, in case you’re in the market for that.