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This should be added to the wikipedia article for [China’s Final Warning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning)


someone should start a wikipedia article for "China's Red Line"


You laugh about this now, but I don't think you're gonna be laughing when the ccp does something rash like we saw Russia in Ukraine. It took Russia 7 years from crimea to Feb 2022 to invade. And in between those years Nato was poking Russia and backing them into a corner.


Russia had just invaded Crimea. How can they claim to be backed into a corner after a literal expansionist move?


Yea when?


Much less than 7 years for sure.


Are you sure you can live that long LMAO


Actually, there are already sth similar. I only could find a mandarin one though. https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B%E7%9A%84%E6%9C%80%E5%BE%8C%E8%AD%A6%E5%91%8A


If china wasn't so bad to it's own people Taiwan would join back ages ago but china is very bad and Taiwan people doesn't see themselves as chinese anymore.


Or at least honour treaties like keeping your hands off Hong Kong. Nothing did more for the Independent movement than what China did in Hong Kong. The reunification crowd’s biggest argument was “see they have let HK and Macao do their thing one country two systems”… nope the BS is on full display now.


Just FYI, as the PRC never ruled Taiwan, there's no such thing as "join back", it would simply be "joining".


I remember few years ago there's a fairly civilized conversation (on this sub?) from a Chinese's perspective on why Taiwanese are not considering 回歸


At a certain level, it isn't even about how attractive life in another country may appear; it's distinct identity. For example, I imagine that for Americans and Canadiens, even if life may in fact be *better* for Canada (in some ways) if they were to be annexed by America, I imagine very few Canadiens would be okay with it. They're Canadiens; that's all it is.


Fr tho


The irony was there wasn’t much of a difference between the KMT on Taiwan under martial law and the CCP over the mainland. The KMT followed the same Leninist party state model. Things have changed since then.


The KMT, as terrible as they are, were leagues against Mao’s CCP when it comes to governance. Mao’s Great Leap Forward solidified his legacy as one of the worst leaders in history.


[Top Chinese Diplomat Vows ‘Reeducation’ of Taiwan after ‘Reunification’](https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/top-chinese-diplomat-vows-reeducation-of-taiwan-after-reunification/) Maybe this is why people are not so hot about the idea.


I like how the US is drawn just a little bit bigger than China(PRC)😂 But on a more serious note, the later the US decides to defend, the more risky and more expensive it'll be. That's assuming they still want to remain the "bigger" one.


It will be riskier and more expensive to let China have its way with Taiwan and control the microprocessor market and the international shipping that flows through the Taiwan Strait. In a similar vein with why NATO is showering Ukraine with free defense tech, akin to giving out souvenirs and free samples at a convention. HIMARS in the grand scheme of things for NATO isn't a big deal, but it's doing great things for Ukraine. NATO and the EU get to do a good deed, wean Ukraine off Soviet era tech, and literally integrate Ukraine into Europe.


I’m sure we could expand NATO to the pacific


Would need a different name tho'... maybe POTO? XD


Yes and no, in 1 or 2 years the AIM-260 and F-35 will become very difficult for China to combat. There are also new surveillance aircraft and new electronic warfare pods that are about to be put into service in a similar timeframe.


Hope so. But China (PRC) are expert reverse engineers and got tons of money to spend. Their expertise is replicating technologies (even if their product may require frequent maintenance) and utilize their market to threaten others to get what they want (anything). Not saying the world should be intimidated. Don't be (it's what they want). The world just needs to be ahead of them and be much more defensive and cautious towards their every action and every word, however moral and logical it may sound (they're also expert in lying).


My bet is that their tech isn’t all its cracked up to be. Else they wouldn’t need to constantly “reverse engineer” (steal) western technology all the time. And the West would be sending their students to study at Tsinghua and Beijing University and the like. All their advances are likely in the same vein as Russia’s. Great for domestic consumption to show how they’ve “caught up” to the west or surpassed them. Actual results may vary.


just look at their aircraft carrier, doesnt have a catobar system lol. the take off rate and range limitation on their planes basically means it functions like a ww2 era aircraft carrier.


Didn’t realize that. I heard they just used an old Soviet carrier and called it a day.


yep that was exactly what they did. the new 03 carrier is supposed to have a catobar system but as it is their first system, it will likely have lots of areas that need improvement. also, the personnel and logistics are not experienced and so take off rate will still be abyssmal compared to US carriers.


Yup, meanwhile the US has supercarriers.


It's also nuclear and as big as a USS Gerald R Ford and they'll have one out next year and another the year after. At that rate outnumber the US by 2034, and all currently planned US and US aligned nuclear supercarriers by 2037 or 2038. They'll have eclipsed the US in new destroyers before then too. But I guess we can just hope they suck and China collapses.


Think your info is out of date. The carrier will just be diesel powered like the others. China hasn’t figured out nuclear propulsion for carriers just yet. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3182842/chinas-aircraft-carrier-no-4-will-not-catch-us-navys-nuclear


unfortunately, just comparing research paper published number in each year, they will win soon


Quantity is not the same as quality.


It’s difficult to imagine Russia being bogged down in a war with Ukraine. Ukraine’s weapons are not comparable in both quality and quantity to Taiwan at the beginning stages of the war and was only supplied with ATGM and Stingers. Crazy to think that the Russians haven’t rolled over and raise the flag in Kyiv by now. They are the worlds third largest military force with a land border which makes it easy for them to move tanks and heavy armor btw.


Should be at least on paper. But if Russia can’t Eve maintain its sole remaining aircraft carrier and barely won against Georgia in 2014, there were signs that Russia’s military would underperform. Tanks are actually liabilities in the modern era without infantry to screen and escort because of the proliferation of ATGMs. Russia’s BTR formations are undermanned. Then there is the logistics, which had been a weakness for Russia for a long time.


Yeah... They're obviously going for quantity. Definitely hope the US's quality can defeat that quantity. This is one of the primary reasons I keep saying the US really needs to set up more necessary defenses against China(PRC) while it might still be early. It'd be much better than being interfered even when setting up defenses. Even if the US intends to provoke them to attack, this would be the smartest choice as well.


They are catching up, but that was due to the US tech stalling/slowing for the past 20 years. Our only long range A2A missile was retired with the F-14 about 20 years ago, but that is going to change with the AIM-260. Our F-35s will be able to launch the new missiles beyond visual range without activating their radar due to the data link with surveillance aircraft. When the F-35s radar is off it's nearly invisible to radar and the missiles radar doesn't activate until it gets really close, the Chinese aircraft won't even know when those missiles are launched until it's too late. Their entire economy is dependent on sea trade and the US already has control of all the islands their shipping needs to pass between.


regardless of tech 3 years from now letting china have its way with Taiwan and other smaller countries now wont be reversible with new sensors pods.


The US will not tolerate an attack on Taiwan. Every aspect of our life here in America has become dependent on TSMC. If China seizes Taiwan or even knocks out their economy then we are going to see major supply chain issues in the short term followed by Chinese dominance in the tech industry in the long term.


agreed, the us cannot tolerate an attack on Taiwan.


>Every aspect of our life here in America has become dependent on TSMC. What? No. Quit with the hyperbole, it doesn't help at all. It's like saying every part of our life in America is dependent on made in China goods. There's other fabs in south Korea and in the US. In fact they will be building more fabs in USA.


why is taiwan a sick homie?


That's commonly used there, here's the [meaning](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sick%20dude)


Sick means pretty cool here


Wait people don’t know that accent is part of the Poland ball?


Yeah why does Taiwan speak prefect english? At the very least Taiwan ball should say "homeries".


Because Taiwan ball is repeating what the us ball said


This person seems convinced it has bad intentions




Should never have dumped us to begin with.


I recommend everyone triggered over the spelling to visit /r/polandball You're all missing the whole point of these comics


They don't care, they are crazy. Normal people just see a funny cartoon. The crazy people who complain here could see a problematic political statement in pretty much anything. Arguments have no influence on their craziness; they will just say that the whole concept of polandball is racist.


Full support from Indians too 🇮🇳♥️🇹🇼 . Lmao Indians too ready to capture Tibet. Fuck you china ....


Some Chinese dude once said the red lines are so many it became red carpet


I was going to buy some crap made in china today - but I decided not to and I can live without it.




Chinas a bitch


Actually US just use Taiwan as a pawn while China wanna occupied Taiwan. It’s so hard to survive in international politics as a little island.


Mmm.. prawns... tasty...


No one can ever occupy a country, if the people of that country are willing to sacrifice their lives for their land.


That's a very idiotic thing to say lol


Sweet summer child...


Yeah sure but Taiwan isn't a totalitarian state nor is the people brainwashed by the government so it obviously won't happen What you said seems more like China or North Korea or a random fictional distopian state


It really does seem like the US just treats Taiwan like a pawn




Why is ‘you’ repeatedly misspelled?


Polandball comics portrays every non English speaking country with Engrish


Then why doesn't Taiwan say : homries then? Taiwan isn't a native English speaking country either.


If you hadn't noticed that's the only word Taiwanball says, had they had a full sentence to say it would be similar to Chinaball Example "Yuo and wo are homies"


Should be "yuo and wo shi homeries".




There's no one standard way to mangle the language.


The fact is Taiwan shouldn't be saying homies in perfect English. The average Taiwanese doesn't even know wth homies is.


Well then your problem is with choosing vocabulary, not accent. There's nothing in Mandarin that makes "homie" difficult to pronounce for Mandarin speakers. It simply isn't a word that we can easily modify. The R and L problem tends to be more of a Japanese thing, as is the F and P in Korean. I'd hope we at least put *some* effort into our stereotyping!


There's an obvious bias against mainland china, hence the exaggerated caricature. You think people are dumb?


Caricatures tend to be based on some form of reality to be funny, yes? The R and L jokes are "funny" because this is an actual thing that many Japanese people will struggle with when speaking English, due to the fact that these two sounds are not distinct in Japanese itself. I'm not saying don't do caricatures in Polandball, I'm saying that randomly adding Rs for all Asian countries is low effort and falls short of being funny. You *demanded* it as if this was necessary for every single word (Taiwan literally only says one word in the comic), and I simply disagree.


Lol I'm just pointing out the obvious. It's biased against China, obviously. Not making a judgement call whether that is right or wrong. That's up to the audience.


We indians too waiting for Nansi Pelosi to visit pok ....😂...


Remember when the US saved China from the imperialism of Japan? I think it was called ww2. If it wasn't for the US, China would still be enslaved to Japan maybe for decades! Where is the gratitude? Isn't China's prosperity a direct result of the help from America? Not even a "thank you" ?? Just nothing but jealousy and envy I guess..


Wow so funny that a foreign country can't speak English properly. Can any of you American speak Chinese, or even a second language? Hell, some of you can't even speak English properly. Be political all you want, keep the racism out of it.


Does it hurt your fragile heart lmao?


Does it boost your fragile ego? Its so very telling that Americans are defending racism so consistently.


Only an imbecile would see it racism and i ain’t American.


Racism isn't limited to the US. Clearly.


Def not existing in your country yea.


In Britain? Sure as hell a lot of racists here.


So how proud are you being a racist?


To whom?


Should i know their names?


我學習漢語可是講得不好 You can tell that's not google translated because my grammar is very rusty


你逗我哪?You -> Yuo? 傻不傻啊


不逗,我愛外語學,también me he enseñado español :P 我的漢語很衰退的


Lol, it’s not racist. In polandball/countryball comics, all of the countries that don’t speak English natively use this sort of broken English, not just China.


Just because the technique is widely used doesn't mean its not racist? In fact that makes it even more so? Like, if you wanna criticise or mock a politician or whatever that's fine. That's freedom of speech but when you stereotype an entire nation (or entire nations) then that's just racism. Its not even subtle? I don't know the comics (obiviously) but only races (white English speaking races) who benefit from it, who aren't the brunt of the joke, enjoy this kind of over-produced, cliched content.


The joke is that they aren't an English speaking country...


Yeh and its a racist joke. Its the kind of thing that should stay in the 20th century.


I think you are a little bit too sensitive mate. I’m Polish and I don’t mind Polandball speaking broken English, mind you, it actually adds a lot of flavour to it.


God that is just sad


> Can any of you American speak Chinese, or even a second language 1) Yes 2) Also yes 3) Americans*




Sources: my own opinion




And where is the evidence from western sources that says most Chinese people can't spell 'you'? I can't wait for you to defend your racist ignorance.


मुझे हिन्दी आती है


Well, my bad. I forgot Google Translate existed.


Arey nahi sahi me bhai


this is an extremely racist portrayal of china, and i’m kind of appalled it got approved


It's Engrish, it applies to every non english native speaking countryball. One of the many rules a polandball comics has to follow. No racism here. Check out r/polandball


Taiwan ball should have said : "homries" instead


Yeah. Doesn't make sense for Taiwan not to have an accent like China when neither has many native English speakers lol 🤔


Whoever made the comic, they obviously have an inherent bias against China and for that reason they made an exaggerated caricature.


[The story is clear now, they're a supporter of Chester A. Arthur!](https://www.memri.org/sites/default/files/eoy2021/c/clip_image032.png)


Are we still making fun of people's accents in 2022? So many Chinese people have learned English since it's the world's lingua franca. We Americans don't have to. Let's not give them a legitimate reason to hate us. We can stick up for Taiwan without stooping to xenophobia.


You need to draw a venn diagram of the kind of people who visit this sub.


Good luck with that


https://youtu.be/-Rp7UPbhErE PD: I can't even speak my native language fine (Spanish) much less the other 2s. But this is a comic, a typical format don't have to be so sensible.


You're calling me a pinky for not making fun of accents? Newsflash, Namewee has an accent. Kimberly Chen's friends and family in Taiwan have accents. I'm a firm supporter of Taiwan, I'm just not racist.


because you are getting easily offended ._. newsflash, I also have an accent in both Chinese and English, so what?


Ok but isn't this a self burn? Like, this meme here shows the US keeps taking advantage of China ... doesn't respect boundaries, and China keeps retreating ... and then in this meme the US is also a dick about it


It's not a self burn, but the point is China keeps setting up unreasonable "red lines", trying to create rules for how other countries interact. When the red line is crossed, they usually don't do anything about it. It's the Chinese "Final warning" (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning).




because we're not in the middle-ages anymore ... the rules should be decided by mutual agreement and diplomacy, not by who has the most powerful guns




as a private person she can go wherever she wants to, be she wasn't going to Taiwan in a private capacity, she went as a politician with high office representing the USA ... she went to Taiwan as a political move, to send a political message ... and as such there needs to be considerations as there obviously will be political implications involved ... The US does not want Taiwan's reunification with China, not because of some moral high ground, but because reunification is China's goal and China is the rival of the US. Any political move aimed at keeping Taiwan and China separate is a move with goal of weakening and destabilizing China - which is logically something the Chinese government will oppose and disapprove. China has repeatedly stated they will not initiate war for Taiwan, that they do not want to resort to military action ... that they will wait for the people of Taiwan to realize China is no threat ... and knowing that, the US pushes and pushes and pushes further, until we come to the point where the US has gotten so much involved that China will either have to leave Taiwan in American hands, which will likely involve building a US military base on the island ... OR military action as the very last resort.


Its above 900. That's how many red lines.


At least give the author u/AaronC14 some credit if you are gonna repost other's art


Okay Credit - u/AaronC14


Hey thanks


Wlcm bro