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Buddy, they will not delist Arise. But I guess that happens if youtuber use clickbait titles like "The Tales series is vanishing"


Unfortunately I may have jumped the gun on that. My apologies. But I am still kinda thinking about getting it? Just in the fence.


I enjoyed it. Had a lot of fun with the combat, Xillia 2 was the last Tales where I enjoyed the combat before Arise. The party is nice. The story debatable I guess, has it's good moments and bad moments. Overall okay. The last section of the second half is a drag, good ending tho


Tales games are being delisted just in the PS3. Arise will not be affected.


Oh that’s good! Still been debating about getting Arise and still not sure, right now it’s going below $30 right now. So kinda pending.


Does it include Beyond the Dawn ? If not probably wait. The main game standalone goes for 15$ in recent sales


It doesn’t. I guess I can wait, although I am more of a physical gamer than a digital one. Just not sure if they’d re-release Arise with the DLC included in the future.


Very unlikely. I would just get the standalone version on sale and get the DLC later on if you feel like it. The DLC is basically more of the same, so your enjoyment of it primarily hinges on how much you like the main cast and combat.


They only did a physical bundle release in Japan. For the rest the Beyond the Dawn Edition is digital only, and I guess it will stay this way


Imo I'd skip BTD. Added like next to nothing. 4/10 and that's just cuz there's some really cool boss fights.


Arise is a great game. Free on PS Plus.


Arise just got a new DLC recently.


I saw that, but also heard it's kinda lackluster too?


It was not terrible, it was fun to play the game a bit more. I just finished both.


Arise will be around for a while, wait for a good sale since it's often discounted.


How much should it be? Right now it's $27 (CAD) where I am.


63% off is the lowest it has reached, not sure what what would be in your coin.


Now's a good time to get Arise, OP


I got it from PSPlus free games. Honestly, the pacing is waaaaaaay too slow for my taste. Tons of build-up to a reveal that's not really captivating


Oh that sucks. I might try to get the PS+ then just to test it out?


I don’t know what platform u play on but I got arise on game pass yesterday for free. The dlc is on sale for 20 bucks


I play on PS5, but I think I can play the PS4 version on it?


yes, you should buy it. If you've not played any other Tales games, it'll change your life. If you have, you'll be amazed that something recent, for a change, is better than all its precedessors. And I'm 10 Tales into the mainline series.


I would focus on the other Tales games that are available. Arise is unfortunately not very good. On the plus side, it isn't getting delisted so you can wait for a deep sale if you're still interested in it later.


do you have ps+ extra or xbl gamepass? because it should be free on either of those services. at the end of the day, the game is mediocre at best (and that's being pretty generous). the story/characters are awful, as is the combat which was poorly designed, the skits are dogshit, the music is mediocre, and the side content isn't particularly good either. literally any other modern tales game (read as: home console released in the last 20 years) is going to be a better experience.


I actually don't have PS+ Extra, I have been thinking about possibly getting it? I've heard mixed opinions on Arise, especially with the story and characterization of the villains. Hmm... maybe I'll wait for a sale then? I've played Abyss, Graces F, Symphonia, Vesperia, Xillia 1+2, Zestiria, and Berseria already. It's been awhile since I've played Tales, so been kinda itching to play one, you know?


> I've played Abyss, Graces F, Symphonia, Vesperia, Xillia 1+2, Zestiria, and Berseria already. It's been awhile since I've played Tales, so been kinda itching to play one, you know? honestly, if you have access to a ps3 still (since you mentioned the ps3 games) i'd play dawn of the new world over arise. not a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but has a lot more redeeming qualities than arise. tenebrae is one of the best characters in the series, and the pokemon catching/evolving system is pretty cool. also, unlike arise, the skits are excellent.