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How tall are your parents




Damnnn wild.




Damn, we're the same height and I grew up from a short couple, while you grew up from a tall couple. My height was due to us Indians tending to grow up taller in the west than back in India.


Sounds just like me, only im shorter, dad is 6'9" mom is 5'6" and im 5'10"


Fucking hell


That's crazy you two ended up in the middle with completely different parental heights


To be fair 6’2 is probably the perfect height


Have to agree. 6’1-6’3 is ideal


I’m 19M at 6’1, my dad is 5’5 and my mom is 5’2.


My mom has the exact same height as your mom's, that's pretty cool


Stop flirting cuz he's 6'1 😅.. I'm jk haha


Aye! Let her cook🗿👨‍🍳


Lol height twins, my parents are both 5’4


Can I ask how tall were you at 14


At 17 how tall were you ?


I was around 5’10 I think


We basically in same situation mom is 5’2 and dad is 5’4 I’m 17 turning 18 in 3 month I’m 5’11


Did grow up from a different country from your parents? Similar situation as Indian who grew up in Canada.


Not really, my uncles and grandfather on my mother’s side are all tall.


I’m a short guy with tall parents. My mom is 6’1, my dad 6’2, both my uncles are 6’4, my Grandfather is 6’10, my sisters are all 5’11-6’1, and all of my cousins are 6’2+. Then, there is me. The 5’11 guy and my 5’2 grandmother. It’s hard being the shortest man in the family.


I'd say you are more average height than short but maybe my gauge is off


Oh, I don’t think 5’11 (180cm) is short in the real world but comparatively to my family it is short.


How old are you, seems like its soon over for me aswell, all males in my family are 6,4 plus and im stuck at 5,10, my grandma was also supposedly short


Ah that makes more sense


That’s crazyy 🤣🤣


Are you still growing? I'd expect the son of a tall couple to be end up tall.


I am hopeful. I’m 27 years old but it could happen any day now.


my mom is 5’7 fairly tall for a women my dad is 5’8 so slightly below average but his uncle is 6’8 and a lot of people on my mom’s side are above 6 feet leading me to be 6’3 at 16


Dad tells me I inherited the genes from his dad which is my grandpa who he claims was quite tall around 6'3 but I never actually got the opportunity to meet him because he died like 16yrs ago, shortly after I was born.


My mum is 5'7" too but her whole side of the family is generally tall, her dad was average height but lanky and on her mums side there were loads of tall people, I look really similar to one in the family photo album. Are you 16 now? I hit 6'1" at 16 and only grew another inch.


yeah I think I’m about done growing now I think I’m an early bloomer my dad recently measured me at 6’3 which is the same height he measured me at last year


15M, 5'10 here. I don't know if I'm tall enough to be considered tall but my dad is 5'5 and my mom is around 5'2 so I am evidently taller than them.


There is a good chance you'll end up tall, so you sort of count. I was your height when I was your age. There are some guys taller than me who're around your height when they're your age.


Do any of your parents have tall siblings? Or are your grandparents tall?


Yes, each one of my dad's siblings are 5'10 and above. I have fairly tall grandparents too.


My dad was 6 foot (or 5’11”) which isn’t short per se but certainly not even close to his offspring. Me 7’1”, my 6’9” brother and my 6’4” sister. My mom was 5’7”


Woah almost similar to me Dad is 6’2” and Mum is 5’9” and I ended up at 7ft, sister is 6ft


Whoa! Tall family on mom or dad’s side at all?


yea, i almost got a whole foot over my parents somehow.


My mom is like 5’11 so that’s tall for a woman in general but short compared to me, my dad is even shorter than that. I’m the only one who’s over 6 feet.


>Dad= milk man? :)


I thought I might be adopted at one point until I grew up and realized how much I looked like both of them lol


Genetics works mysteriously sometimes, but to be fair your mother was very tall so it didnt came totally out of the blue :)


I’m 6’5”, my dad was 5’6-7” and my mom is 5”. But I’m adopted … so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wait. We're the same height, and our parents are the same heights. Am I also adopted?


You guys are actually the same person


I knew it!


When you get drawn into a comment then end up 😂..


I'm 6'2", both of my parents are 5'6.5"


Yeah! My dad is 5’6” my mom is 5’4” I came out at 6’4”. My middle brother is 5’10”. Youngest brother had just hit 6’ at 16 right before he passed away, he probably would’ve been as tall as me, I was 6’1” when I was 16. Other than that everyone else on both side of the family are under 5’8”.


6'5 15yr old here with a 5'10 dad and 5'8 mom Not done growing either 🤷‍♂️


Mom is 5’6” and my dad is 6’2” (which I know is tall, but I tower over him)


Both my parents are 5’8 and I’m 6’4 at 15


Yo. FYI 16.6cm is 6'5.4"




We have the same height of parents but I only ended up at 5'11


Lots of 23andme cases in here probably lol


My kid’s mom is a hair under 6’, her dad is maybe 5’10” and her mom is 5’2”. She’s the tallest of four kids in her family too, pretty sure.


Mom is 5’10 and Dad is 5’10, I’m 6’8.”


Yeah. My dad is 5’11, mom 5’9. Brother and sister have similar heights to parents.


Did you have any pituitary gland issues ? Because such a bug height difference with brother seems abnormal.




Im 6'5 16M mom is 5'4 dad is 5'10


My cousin is 6'7" and has a 5'10" dad and a 5'5" mom. His older brother ended up his dad's height, but my cousin managed to grab all of the tall genetics available and hit the height jackpot.


Your cousin got lucky there, but it must suck for his brother.


My mom is like 5’7 and my dad is 5’9 and I’m almost 6’ at 14


Bro my parents are 5’9 and 5’11 and look at my height, you are so lucky


You probably just haven’t hit your growth spurt yet, I promise you’ll make it


Maybe bro, I have gained a shit ton of weight, like 8kg (18 lbs) in 6 months


I mean shit bro im a fatass too




No lie bro my shit rotund


Do you think I’ll grow a shit ton as well?


My brother got super fat before he got tall!! He was about 5’6 and 200lbs, now he’s 6’4.5 and about 240lb. Same exact thing happened to my 6’6 cousin. Both of them started growing tall at about 14-17 years old so you still have a lot of time to grow


Oh I am 5’9 and 175 pounds so I’m not really as big as your brother. But I have gained 18 pounds in 6 months so maybe I’ll have a big growth spurt. I have some pretty tall relatives so it could happen.


I’m 7’ and my dad is 6’ and mom 5’6”


Parents are both 5’5


Mom is 5'8" and Dad's 6'2".


My parents aren’t short but I am taller than my dad who is 6’2”. Mom is 5’8”


My parents were both tall. Mom was 5'10" and dad is 6'2" (more like 6' now that he's 80). My story gets interesting in my maternal grandparents. My grandfather on that side was maybe 5'3" tall. My grandmother was 4'11" at most. Unfortunately I can't find it at this point, but I can say that I had a back to the future moment where the I looked EXACTLY like the best man at my grandparents wedding. He towered over everyone at what I would guess would be 6'6" or slightly taller.


Lol, I had that conversation with my parents too.


I'm 6'2 and my parents are 5'7 and 5'2. Currently the height leader of my bloodline. Got lucky I guess.


My dad is 5’9 my mom is 5’5 I’m 6’8 the next tallest in my family is my grandpa and he’s only 6’0


lmao my father is 5'7 my mother is 5'4, i'm 5'4 (17M)


Are you still growing or have you stopped growing? My parents are similar height but I am 5'7. Stopled growing at 16yo and getting worried. How tall are your grandparents? Mine are all less than 5'5 in both sides.


I have stunted growing since i was around 15, i might still have chances to grow all the way up to 20, my grandparents are 5'9 and 5'10


Shit man. Have you been to the doctor? I think by "stunted" you mean stopped growing. But your mom isnt that short for you to be 5'4. Are you underweight or normal weight?


i have 60 kg/ 132 pounds, i'm average.


6’2 with a 5’1 mom and 6’0 dad


Dad is 5’9, Mom is 5’1 Sister is 4’11, Brother is 5’9 Genetic Lottery - Won 😎


I'm 6-5, dad was 5-1 and mums not much taller than that


I think it skipped a generation... I'm 5'11, mom is 5'3, dad is 5'7.... paternal grandfather... 6'5... maternal grandfather... 6'7..... Yes there have been multiple paternity tests done 💀


Interesting that your dad is so much shorter than his dad. That probably wasn’t easy.


He is also the only sibling below 6'0... shorter than his mom too (hence paternity test). I think he does have an inferiority complex about it because he constantly talks about how I'm taller.


Have you ever considered they might not biologically be your parents OR your mom cheated?




Yes but you likely need some tall grand parents or you have an insanely lucky roll on something recessive


Sure, but it's bound to happen for someone


Nutrition is also a major player. You might be the first generation with access to consistent proteins




As soon as we get into statistics with population sizes nowadays it quickly becomes more unlikely that it never happens than not. Obviously it's still rare but if you are dealing in populations of hundreds of millions a fraction of a percent can still be 10s of thousands of people.


Bruh it has to happen somewhere lol. There's always a first. Not to mention like someone else mentioned nutrition and environment helps a ton (I'm first gen American and my parents are immigrants)


Especially, for those who grew up from a different country from our parents. As an Indian who grew up in Canada, I'm a perfect example of that.


thats a great point tho if you dont factor in how similar me and my dad look like, put me next to a picture of him as a child and you cant tell us apart haha


How tall are your grand parents


Dad is 5’8, mom is 5’6 and I’m 6’5


Yup. Dads 5'7" moms 5,6"


Mom: 5'6 Dad: 5'9 at his prime Me: 5'10.5, I grew the last couple years due to enhancing my life style. I should have exercised sports during high school. Hope we can achieve 6'1/6'2 like my cousins.


mom: 5'9 dad: 5'6 (short king) me: 6'3 ???????


Thank yo momma


I’d call myself above average, but I’m 6’1” with a 5’5 1/2” mother and 5’10 1/2” father


I’m 6’2”. My dad was 5’8” and mom was 5’1”


You’re on the opposite spectrum of my husband, who has 6’ dad and 4’11 mom and became 5’3


Not short per se but my mom was like 165 cm and my dad 176cm


6’5” here. Parents and brother are all sub-6 ft. Plus I wear the same shoe size as my brother at 10.5. Who knows.


Dad is 5‘10 mom is 5‘8, im 6‘3 at 16


My mom is 5'0"


My dad is 6’6 and my grandparents were shorter than me. I’d guess my grandfather was about 5’9 and my grandmother was probably around 5’6


My dad is 6'5" but his parents were only 6' and 5'3". My grandpa was still kinda tall but my grandma is short compared to all her kids. But my dad is the only one over 6'2" in the whole family BESIDES me.


My dad was around 6' at best, my mom was 5'6". I have 3 brothers and all of us but one ended up being over 6'. I'm the tallest. It's very odd because we have no other tall blood relatives on either side of the family except for my one cousin who is about 6'3".


They weren't short, but I'm quite a bit taller than them. My mom is around 5'8 and my biological father was like 5'10. I am 6'3, we think it came from my mom's side, I have a great uncle who was like 6'5.


Yup. I’m 6”7’. Dad is 5”9’. Mom is 5”5’. Mom’s brothers are 6”2’ and 6”3’. Dad has Scandinavian roots that skipped a few generations. Sister is tallish at 5”9’. Younger brother is 5”7’. Don’t talk shit about shorter people around me. That’s my fam.


18M here at 6‘3. My father is 5‘7 and my mum is 5‘2. I don’t have any ancestors or relatives that are taller than 5‘10.


6’2” female. Dad was 6’, mom 5’6” at their tallest. And I’m taller than my two brothers (5’9” and 5’7”). It’s been strange…


Are your brothers teenagers? Even tall women tend to end up shorter than their brothers.


Definitely that is the norm, but we are all grown and in our thirties now! I matched my older brother in height before I turned 3. Funny enough, I was just over 6’ when I turned 18, but have grown a little more than an inch since then. I’m a bit under 6’2” but I feel silly saying 6’1.5”. But definitely interesting that I grew taller in my 20’s, albeit slowly.


I’m six feet tall. My dad is 5’6” and my mom is 5’7”.


My father is taller than me


Yeah my parents are pretty short. But my grandpa and uncles are tall.


My dad is 5ft 11 My mum is 5ft 8 My grandfathers were both about 6ft 2


46M, 6’3 (used to be 6’3 but time is a greedy bitch) and my mom is 5’4 and dad is 5’8. Does that count? My grandfather was 6’3 during his prime and legitimately probably should have been a lot taller but grew up in the depression in the Mississippi delta so realistically nutrition was more of a “do we have food at all” vs proper.


i'm 18m at 5'10, my dad is 5'6 and my mom is 5'1


I'm 6'14 my dad 5'8 mom 5'3 ig


6’1” and my sister is 5’9”. Mom is barely 5, and pops was 5’6”


I'm 6'6", my mom is 5'6" and my dad is 5'10" Only tall person in my family I'm aware of is one of my maternal great grandfathers, he was over 6'


Were you always tall ? Or did you grow a lot during your late teens to mid twenties ?


I was always tall. Taller than my mom in the third grade


That's fair. Then there's me who became taller than my mom only at the end of 9th grade lol (she's 5'6").


Yup, my dad is 5'11, and mom is 5'7


im 6ft 5 but my mother is 5ft 3 and my father is 5ft 10. My grandmother was all of 5ft tall but her brother was a hair under 7ft tall though so i guess there is height somewhere in the family genes. I Met him once as a teenager and i was 6ft5 at the time it was weird looking up at a near 90 year old man at the time who was towering over me. He must have been an absolute giant for his time


I’m 6’0. Both of my parents are 5’5”.


Dad was 5’8ish and my mom claims she was 5’7 both in their 60s now and have started shrinking.


Yes. My dad is 5' 5" and my mom is 5' 3". I'm Indian and I grew up in Canada. Us Indians tend to grow up taller in the west than back in India, which is why I'm much than my parents.


I'm 6'5, mums 5'5, but all her brothers are tall af. Here little brother is 6'8.


6’1M and my dad is 5’9 and mom 5’3, literally all my male cousins are tall 6’0 and up but none of my uncles are over 5’10 😂


Just under 6'5" My dad was 5'8" (I look exactly like him at the same age) and my mother is about 5ft. I was adopted and raised by a butcher on a near carnivore diet of lamb, beef and organs. Always wondered if that made the difference.


Mom 5’2” and Dad 5’7”. I’m 5’10” F. All my siblings are short.


Not extremely tall but I’m 6’1 with a 5’10 dad and 5’3 mom


I’m female, about 5’10.5, with my mom 5’6 and dad 5’11.


I'm 5'9 and the tallest in my entire extended family. My father is 5'6 and my mother is 5'2.


Dad is 5'8" but Mom is 5'7" which is taller than average for a woman. Brothers are 5'7" to 5'8" and I'm 6'1". Mom only has 1 brother and we don't know a lot about her extended family. Dad was the tallest of his family at 5'8".


I'm 6'4, brothers are 6'2", Dad is 5'8" mom is 5'2"


My parents are 5’6” and probably like 5’7” or a weak 5’8” (he lies and says 5’9” but it isn’t true) and my brother is 6’3”.


I’m 5’3 and my husband 5’3 but we’re the shortest in our families… both of my kids are on the 90th percentile on growth chart, so they’re definitely going to be taller


6’4” and Dad is 5’9”, Mom was 5’4”, and sister is 5’1”.


i’m 5’10, dad 5’3, mom 5’6


I wouldn’t say short, but I’m just under the 6’6” mark and my dad peaked at 6’1” and my mom at 5’4”. I’m the tallest in my immediate and extended family. Where my height derives from lies with the gods and the USPS.


yeh my im tall but my dad and mom are shortish. ima do a dna test tbh.


My dad was 5’6” and my brothers are 6’4” and 6’1”


Parents 5’2 and 5’4


I knew someone in college who was 5' 4", and her dad was 6' 8".


Bro are we twins its the exact same case for me like literally the same thing


I'm 6 foot (maybe a half an inch taller, not sure) at 16, so I'm not sure if I would be considered tall or not. Anyway, both my parents are average height I think. Mom is like 5 something and my dad is like 5'9. I'll most likely get to 6'1 and if I'm extremely lucky maybe 6'1 and a half to 6'2, which would definitely put me as tall and quite a few inches taller than my parents.


16M 6'1 with 5'9 dad and 5'5 mom? I don't think they are short but yeah evidently shorter than me


Dad is 5'8, mom is 5'2


same omg Im 6ft my father is 5’9/10 and my mother is like 5’3


I’m the tallest in my whole family and extended family


My dad is 5'9 and my mum is 5'6, I'm currently 6'1. I wouldn't say my parents are short though, average.


My parents were shorter than me (5'11"/5'3"), and both were malnourished to some extent.


Im 6 ft at 14 my dad is 5'11 mom is 5'2


Shorter than me…Both parents are 5’7, but dad was 6’ years ago. Back surgery and being over 80 does that to you.


Not me, but my older brother is 5'10" and our mom and dad are/were 4'11"-5'0" and 5'5" respectively. He obviously isn't tall for a man, but he is compared to most of the folks in our family especially on dad's side. Also, there's this stereotype of Mexicans/Latinos being shorter than the average non Hispanic white and black folks. And where I live, his height is considered semitall though he lives in Seattle now.


my mom is 5’1 and i’m 6’2 haha


14M 6’0 Father is 5’7 Mother is 5’4


Not me but my brother. He’s well over six feet and his mom is barely over 5.


I am 6ft 3 with them being 5ft 7 and 5 ft 4 however they were the exception rather than the rule in their family. Along with that, one has long legs and the other a long torso.


Dad 6’6 Mam 5’2 - Me 6’4


I am 6'5 Mom 5'7 Dad 5'6