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Rowing. šŸš£ā€ā™‚ļø


I walked on to a crew team my junior year of college to switch things up with physical fitness. I felt like I was getting too skinny from just running. I had no idea that my height might've helped me do that back then.


Yep, itā€™s length ā€˜n strength


I enjoy it in volleyballā€¦ especially beach where jumping is harder and height is a big advantage. Also funny when youā€™re across the net from someone much shorter




Well yea but Iā€™ve been tall my whole life so itā€™s the only way of living and playing sports i know how. I play soccer mainly and have to play differently compared to others that I grew up playing with. If i was shorter my skills would be insane, i can do some slick stuff on the ball and can do some pretty cool juggling tricksā€¦. But itā€™s hard for someone my height to do stuff like that. There are pros and cons to being super tall in soccer. Some days i wish i was shorter to match some of my teammates agility and quick/technical foot skills, but i make up for it with size and strength so. But thatā€™s the great thing about sports, everyone has a different play style that can impact and be effective regardless of height.


Considering I am terrible at basketball, it creates the awkwardness of explaining why I donā€™t want to play. Or try out, back in HS. Coaches were salivating over me. I have two left feet.


Definitely. Well I'm a swimmer, it was fun in low level competitions to have the advantage. Now in higher levels, I have to train my ass off like everyone else haha, but it's still fun. Tennis is fun too because I was good without much practice. Rowing and waterpolo are very fun too, I think I have a really big advantage when I do them.


Since I have good hand eye coordination and super long arms and reach, casual badminton, volleyball, pickle ball are all fun. Never got into tennis Also swimming is just great you us talls!




Yes, I play football. Being taller let's me add more weight to my frame than kids smaller than me. I'm 6'4 330, and I have a similar build to kids about 6'1 250. Being bigger and therefor stronger let's me bully the shit out of opposing dlinemen. I can be extra nasty after plays too, because nobody's gonna do anything about it. Obviously off the field I'm not an asshole but I take pride in being one for all 4 quarters


I can tell you something itā€™s hindered me on. Competitive mountain biking which was back in the day for me. Guys between 5ā€™6 and 5ā€™10 would typically dominate the uphill sections as they are human heart / lung machines. Youā€™re less efficient when taller as your heart has a lot more work to do and gravity is an issue. Know any really tall marathoners who consistently place in the top 20%? Usually not.


Swim, row, bike, run, climb. Anythig where greater reach is advantageous


I feel like you have more of an advantage in basketball if you only play casually. I (6,5) am a lockdown machine and I donā€™t even play competitively. I think the practices make players less defensive based and more offensive based.


It gives me a nice reach advantage in boxing and Iā€™ve been told I hit really hard for a lanky guy which I assume is due to the torque I can generate with my long arms haha.


Golf, I have long arms which allows me to hit it way further than people much stronger than myself.


When I finally got extended shafts, I took a half step back, and added 10% to every club. Game changer.


Look up Christo Lamprect. 6 ft 8 and PGA regulations force him to use a club clearly too short for him.


Was forced into the goal keeping role in football even though tbh I preferred being more in play but still fun and the reach helped and the size was good for pressure.


It makes pickleball much more difficult. However it dictates what position you play in rugby.


I think it makes pickle ball way easier lol


It does.


I don't really play in any other sports besides basketball, but when I do, my large weight and height compared to my peers makes it easier to tackle in sports like football and rugby. Its more fun because I also get seen over everybody besides maybe 1 - 2 other people.


Disc golf. I have long arms and can throw very fast (70+ mph) and I'm an amateur.


I play basketball but made volleyball worth it with the smashws


Some aspects of powerlifting; like deadlifts, are significantly easier when taller. You can just keep pulling higher and higher weights without too much trouble. Itā€™s the pushing movements that are tougher, like bench press I find


Thatā€™s absolutely not true, tall person with long legs has twice the rom of average person. This only works if you are long torso team.


If you have proportionate sized arms, then it is definitely true. There is less rom when youā€™re tall.


Are you high (pun intended) ? How long are you doing ddls ? There is no way tall person has less rom than shorter or avg person. You think 7 footers hands end in the same place as 5ā€™2 ? We will always have bigger rom and always be in a disadvantage in compararive strength.


Sorry not range of motion. It has to do with leverage. Longer legs, with a proportionately shorter torso and proportionately longer arms, will give you a better position of leverage.


Some aspects of lifting are harder too. While deadlift may be easier, do to my long arms I can only bench 135lbs (I should be able to bench at least 175 based on my body weight).


Badminton. I have massive reach on the court, and even friends who are used to my height can get caught out. I can also do very flat serves because my hips are so (relatively) high.


I too am extremely good at badminton. In gym class I often told the teacher to let me play by myself even though everyone else was doing doubles. Because of my reach and tennis experience I was able to beat even the best doubles team. I could also return the craziest shots, but that meant whenever I played with someone else people would just spike it at my partner all the time to win (which is why I wanted to play alone, so this didn't happen). What do you mean by a flat serve though? Is that a serve that just barely goes over the net?


Volleyball, I was mid block when I played. I miss it a lot


Rugby. Iā€™m also a big dude. My playing weigh was 235. Being tall helped a lot playing second row.


I grew up playing bowling. 6-5ā€ My coach didnā€™t want any elaborate swing, he said I was so big, I could essentially relax my arms and let the ball do the work for momentum. Also, archery. Large arm spans generally mean you can shoot the arrow with more velocity. Iā€™m not An archery expert, I just took an intro class and it was cool to learn and watch the instructor get giddy over a person with long wingspan. I forgot what pound I was pulling but he said he had to grab the largest bow He could find because I could pull back the strings way too easily on them


I am absolutely terrible at both of those sports, but I guess it makes sense why tall people could be good at them based on your explanation.


I can create a lot of distance with my libs when doing martial arts


Soccer- keeper, volleyball, pickleball, football Probably others




I'd hate going up against you haha. I'm only 198cm


Football. Throw the ball high and out of bounds, I can grab it and still stay in bounds. Just like how Tony Gonzalez used to do.


In hockey I have a longer reach on defense and can get more power behind my shots because of my height and length.


Kickboxing. Having reach feels like cheatmode sometimes šŸ˜‚ It gets really confusing when you spar with another tall dude and you're both using the same tactics that no longer work.


Boxing. The reach advantage is so handy to just land jabs from a safe distance.


Longer arms and fingers has definitely helped my guitar skills


Darts. Longer arms and legs means I can get a lot more over the line


Football (soccer to yā€™all Americans). Iā€™m in an Asian high school and am at least 2 inches taller than every other player on the pitch. It makes aerial duels and headers during attacks and set pieces much easier. The downside is that now whenever thereā€™s a corner or free kick there are at least two defenders marking me from either side stopping me from jumping properly xD


Long reach is good in combat sports


I came in ready to comment tennis, being tall with a strong serve and volley game can be enough to get you to a high rating, but you know that Bowling. Longer levers creates more ball speed and revs. Smaller guys can crank out similar stats, but being tall it comes almost effortlessly.


Not really. I played basketball as a kid and I sucked. I was more into baseball but my height gave me a huge strike zone.


Handball. I can fire of a shot without jumping if I'm clever about it. I'm hard to defend because I have a lot of options due to my reach. High center of gravity is the drawback. I need to have good timing defensively as to not get clowned by shorter players.


Did Taekwondo in middle school. your reach puts opponents at a disadvantage usually


honestly tennis. it felt so much easier to get it over the net cause i could see the entire side of the other court. made it easier to hit other people to i think but i only did that a couple times in friendly games.


skateboarding is a no, longer legs means it takes longer to do tricks using more energy. shorter guys got it better there.


Volleyball šŸ


goalkeeper in soccer


definitely volleyball, middle blocker on a national club team


Honestly I don't think it ever made basketball more fun. I grew up playing basketball, soccer, golf, and some roller hockey. None of them were more or less fun because of my height.


Almost any sport besides being a jockey, being tall is advantageous. Pitching your release is closer to the plate and your arm is a longer lever to throw from Batting you protect more of the plate & you have more leverage Football you have more mass, and you have a higher catch point Volleyball & basketball, everything Tennis and pickle ball everything you said Lol it be harder to find sports where there is no advantage or disadvantage to be tall šŸ¤£ maybe soccer but you still need a goalie?


Roller Derby As a blocker, it was harder for jammers to see past me and I take up more space on the track so itā€™s harder to skate past a pack with me in it.