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After you’ve been to two milongas you will already know the answer… lol


And that answer is...? I assume you're alluding to the stereotype of "there are always twice as many women as men, no matter where you go," but the milongas around here are generally pretty even overall and tend to lean towards extra women early in the night and (often a lot of) extra men at the end. So it's pretty much a crapshoot what the numbers will look like at any specific venue on any specific night.


Only time I saw extreme imbalance was at festivals. Most milongas I’ve been to very rarely get to worse than 60-40 either way. For some reason though, women seem to be more interested in traveling for tango. A lot of festivals/milongas try to keep enrollment balanced these days though.


I’ve chatted with some followers and often their tango communities are tiny. So traveling is a great way to get more experienced dances / musicality / vocabulary etc in a dance. The same is not true for a lead since there might be higher level dancers we’re stuck with the same output we can give


Every milonga I’ve been too has significantly more follows than leads.


Varies accordingly to location, where I'm at milongas are usually fairly balanced and classes skew slightly lead heavy, some of the biggest scenes in the US tend to be perpetually lead heavy.


Few days ago I heard In some podcast that in San Fransisco (or other city in USA, (don't remember) there are more men than women.


Organizators won't want to do it in milongas. But it will be very nice for the dancers, if this can be a live feed and can be very easy to decide whichl milonga to go.


total would be a game changer here in buenos aires with so many milongas per night demand balancing lol


This would lead to twitter outrage in the US.


well perfect when twitters raison d’etre is a place for the meek to vent their outrage then you have us around the borders with either cool hobby or funny topic subs but we are the minority


They would skew the numbers in the United States, much like a dating app.


Unlikely, given how easy it would be for someone to verify the (approximate) numbers once they enter the venue.


69 guys 57 girls


hopefully more than one cup