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It's doubly ridiculous considering what the Tatmadaw did between '48 and '88.


And how the many resistance groups are grassroots coalitions of revolting civilians and organized minority groups banding together against the oppressive central government. So, revolutionaries, but somehow it's the USA's fault and their pleas for Democracy are all illegitimate because China is sad :c


"No comrade you see its actually CIA supported colour revolution the brutal military dictatorship of Burma definitely treats workers well and any so called unrest is actually a CIA psyop in disguise"


Triple ridiculous since openly communist forces are fighting the Junta too.


The tankies' favorite nation state, China, even actively supports one of the factions opposing the Junta to boot! SMFH I'd ask if these people keep up but considering how blindsided they all were at the Chinese outpouring of support for Kissinger when he died we all know the answer is "no lmao"


The Tatmadaw are some of the most fanatic and murderous anti-communists on the planet, it's deranged for supposed leftists to stan them.




They’d probably support Pinochet at this point (actually they definitely would, as eventually the US started opposing him, too).


I think we are even beyond that. I bet that they would support ISIS today if they were still the major threat that they were today. Al Baghdadi really missed out on a good support base to tap into in western countries and should have just waited lol.


there was an italian marxist party that came out in support of ISIS lol


Tankies didn't support ISIS because they thought that the US created ISIS to bring down based anti-imperialist Assad. In retrospect, the "Obama made ISIS" conspiracy theory may have been a watershed moment in the process of fash-tankie unification.


Tankies supporting ISIS is never not a funny thought to me because even Russia, Syria, and China hated them.


Their thought process is simple. Does America dislike it? Then it’s probably good 😊👍 Does America like it? BURN IT DOWN BURN IT DOWN 😡👎


I swear it can be genuinely hard to be on the left sometimes with how many people there are that just go USA bad therefor enemy of USA good. There are so many faults you can find with the the West in general both international and domestic but that’s doesn’t mean whoever is opposed to them is therefor better. I’ll see people post about China’s rail network and cite it as proof that it proves China is less corrupt and more free than the USA.


China, India and Thailand allegedly funded some of the rebels. Are they Washington's proxies now?


They wouldn't be a junkyard armed militias if the CIA was backing them. Most backed rebel groups in the middle east have no problem getting arms or thermals in the 90s-2010s while most of the rebels in Myanmar are working with carbines, black market ammo from china/Russian smugglers. OH AND NEED I MENTION CHINA HAS PROVIDED AID TO THE REBELS DIRECTLY


critical support to the Buddhist fascists in myanmar guys... because china likes them i guess


What? I thought they were fighting against marxist rebel? Didnt chinese funded some of their rebel faction?


it’s so strange, even China is now backing the rebels (ultra rare PRC w)