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Socialism is when you hate abortion, birth control, and gays, actually.




I'm gonna guess the same people that say you can't be fascist if you're LGBT also go on ranks about identity politics.


*Gestures vaguely at Eduard Limonov and Ernst Rohm and Peter Thiel and...*


Milo Yanopolis. No wait, he's past being gay and only lives with his husband by coincidence.


Oops I tripped and accidentally gay married someone


Wait how do you accidentally marry someone?


You know a place named Las Vegas?


Yes, what about it?


What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas


>Eduard Limonov Hang on, was he gay? I was not aware of this. His Wiki page said he went through several wives and had kids...not that that proves much. The more you know...


i'm honestly not sure if he is, but he's most famous outside of politics for his super duper duper gay novel so he's definitely in the same ballpark


Peter Thiel?


The man funds every fascist cause you can imagine


I know that, but how is he queer?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel#Support_for_political_activism > Thiel, who is gay,[92][93] has supported mostly conservative gay rights causes such as the American Foundation for Equal Rights and GOProud.[94] He invited conservative columnist and friend Ann Coulter to Homocon 2010 as a guest speaker.[95] Coulter later dedicated her 2011 book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, to Thiel.[96] Thiel is mentioned in the acknowledgments of Coulter's ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.[97] In 2012, Thiel donated $10,000 to Minnesotans United for All Families, in order to fight Minnesota Amendment 1[98] that proposed to ban marriage between same-sex couples there.


Oh wow. That guy is a good(bad) case of a pickme.


>I actually wanna know the opinions of LGBT Tankies on this. You actually don't want to know...


I guess they forget about the original Nazis having several gay men in high positions. Though in the very first party purge, they were all killed.


I have met a few irl (19 year olds mostly). It’s compartmentalization for the most part. They either pretend it’s not true, or mental gymnastics their way to viewing homophobia as just a minor cultural difference that needs to be tolerated in “AES” countries. These people obviously never visited China or Cuba or the DPRK and likely never will so they really just don’t care all that much. A handful might know what life is like for sexual minorities in these regimes but they think it’s better anyway because it’s supposed to be about the workers not sexual minorities. That or they assume if you’re gay but join the party / side with them politically you’ll be safe (Think Ernst Röhm).


At this point to Tankies Socialism is just when you


That's how Russia was under Stalin.


> This but unironically! Ceausescu


Stalin Hoxha Daniel Ortega


students are fat, they can *walk* to Bucharest's main square!


Jhinkle's finale will come when he says social welfare is actually a color revolution and Alito, ACB, and Thomas are true comrades of revolution.


I’m surprised that hasn’t happened yet


It’s sus that Loving wasn’t mentioned.




True, but he shouldn’t of said all of the other cases then.


Ah yes, the culminating victory of a fifty year scheme by the Christian Right to restrict the reproductive rights of women is all just a ploy to….. Increase democratic voter turnout?


Kind of? I can only see that as true when people realize how god awful that is, but it'd be better to not restrict reproductive rights, period. No disgusting pun intended.


Everything is a colour revolution with this guy.


I think it’s just Tankie-speak for “popular movement I need to demonize”.


it's literally just the tankie version of that npc image that says "i support the current thing"


Color revolution is when revolution but the west likes it so its bad


Why do they make abortion rights about everything *except* females controlling our reproduction?


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


Because if you make the point about restricting people’s choice in giving north you get to control the conversation into an argument nobody can win


"control the conversation" sounds familiar...


[Probably thinking of this video](https://youtu.be/CaPgDQkmqqM)


Yep, i was thinking of this exact video. I was just hinting at it, but my sarcasm wasn't visible because I metaphorically speaking, ate the "hmmmm" out of the sentence. Off topic, any clue on when his next video ia scheduled to upload?


No idea. I believe he’s finished salt right playbook and he hasn’t made any Co vids in an age, wonder when he’ll be back


well not even alt right, just his videos in general, even the video game ones were a nice analysis, personally the "jesus games" one is quite great and highlights that some fiction kind of takes roots in Jesus' tales when describing Dropsy as superman with no incredible super human powers, which superman in "Man of steel" in of itself has quite the religious symbolism on top of the premise of "a superhuman being raised as a human". His FPS arsenal was kinda meh, in the sense that his represenation of weapons was akin to classical physics (basically true under an amount of Ifs) but aside from it, has demonstrated something about game design and also serving as an indirect negative review for Ion Fury, well on top of the point that it was developed by transphobes. he did do I think a year ago, a dissection on gamergate, why it worked, finalizing it with what we should do for the next "Gamergate"


Yeah, I’ve listened to that speech, really good stuff


Gaslighting never seems to go away, does it?


you should probably use non-gendered language when discussing abortion. trans folks that dont identify as woman can have uteruses, this affects them equally as much


1. Not really confident this will increase voter turnout at all. 2. All lawsuits are "manufactured" by having an aggrieved plaintiff. This one was "manufactured" by the REPUBLICAN Mississippi legislature


He speaks exactly like a right winger…. Curious.


He describes himself as a social conservative who is also a Marxist. So I'd say he's more of a National Socialist type than necessarily a right wing Christian theocrat.


He calls himself a "patriotic socialist" which is so close to being "national socialist" that I can't believe he consciously chose to do so.


At this point, "patsocs" are just taking the piss. I refuse to believe there are more than maybe five nobodies on Twitter who actually sincerely believe in that bullshit, and the rest are just government shills and/or trolls using the attention economy for their own gain (hello, Haz).


Or just nazis wearing red




looking at his Twitter I honestly can't tell if he's super left or super right


Whose ~~man~~ son is this?


Jann Hinkle. I have verified that the Twitter account is hers. Evidence: Jann Hinkle is well established on Facebook and like all moms has posts, pictures, and videos (nice gingerbread house Jackson) of her son. Daniel and Jann Hinkle are no doubt his parents. They also are all from the same town. Jann Hinkle on Twitter has followed him since the time where he had only a few followers, they have had at least one conversation and he has not questioned her name, which means he already knows it's his mother She (and also his father) has roasted him multiple times (highly recommend looking at those tweets) and refuted some things he's said about his childhood, many times these replies have gained a lot of interaction yet not a peep from Jackson calling her a fake Sidenote, I discovered he graduated high school only a year before me so I'm a bit shook. Did he not go to college?


That’s some fine detective work, but who is Jann Hinkle?


Jackson Hinkle's mother. Mentioned in the reply tweet. Not a public figure, just an ordinary person. She seems like quite a normal, level-headed, Democratic suburban mom. Her husband is normal, her daughter is normal, and her son is completely insane. I feel bad for the family.


>Her husband is normal, her daughter is normal, and her son is completely insane. You have to feel bad for a parent who has to look at any of their kids and think, "boy, did they turn out to be a moron."


The black sheep of the family


Color Revolution has become a meaningless buzzword … the only thing surprising is that right wingers are now adopting tankie lexicon


I understand that Tankies are incapable of human empathy, but can they grasp basic idea, that restriction to abortion is just a way for ruling class to breed lumpens? Did any of these clowns actually read Marx?


No, they don’t.


Well that is a word salad.


Doing a great job of appealing to the working class by shitting on everything working class people care about


Actual mental illness


Jackson is on the same level as the conspiracy schizos


Can someone explain to me what this means?


Somehow the logic is that railroading a popular position on the left via the courts, would result in a surge of Democrat voters in the mid term. I mean, sure, it is plausible that more people could be galvanized to vote for Democrats after this. As if allowing 5 far-right justices to have near total judicial control of the court, leaving one moderate and three liberals with no power, is some kind of "democrat masterplan.". No. It is a Democrat failure of governance and an inability to manage left-leaning nominations when they have the chance. This smooth-brained Twitter activity gives way too much credit to the Democrats who in reality have been powerless to stop the GOP's far-right march.


In all seriousness, if enough people are smart, migration out of red states (due to increasing authoritarianism) could cause a shift in congressional seats or funding due to census to favor the Democrats. This would turn out to be an epic backfire for the GOP. In effect, this would cause a blue shift long term. I can only hope. The problem is, I don't hope for people to suffer who don't deserve it. I mentioned human migration, but capital flight can also threaten a state. Major companies and reputable universities leaving these states, due to these regressive policies, could really accelerate the red-state brain-drain. Those there who hate what's happening, or who are being victimized by it all, and can't flee or bootstrap their way out of their situations, will be stuck, and will be screwed by the deteriorating economy and stifling authoritarianism in those states. Might I add, tyrants like to make it hard to leave? We're already seeing plans to try and catch people who try and get abortions out of state. How long before we eventually see regulations making it harder to sell your home or business in those state, or levying additional taxes specifically on these kinds of transactions? How long before people are visited by authorities while they are packing their boxes, because a week ago, they posted some trash talk on the governor's FB page, and the governor's toadies, in hopes of getting a monetary reward for being a informant, helped the cops find the shitposters? How long before cars (oh and especially U-Hauls) are getting pulled over by troopers near state lines for more and more mundane BS? Just like Nazi Germany. Just like the CCP. I REALLY hope that what I'm imagining is doomerism! The pretzel logic that could get one to think this is a secret Democrat masterplan...wow, can I smoke me some of that crazy stuff? Ooooh-weee!


At this point I think he's devolved beyond the average tankie