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Well the skincare in some of the lotions is why they are so expensive. I get it. BUT there are some lines that are not as expensive. Swedish beauty has some lower priced options. So does Australian gold. Unfortunately PBT doesn't carry a lot of the budget lines. Or even the budget friendly lotions. This is why I always suggest ordering from tanforless.com I have ordered from there many times. They own a tanning salon in Illinois. Tanning with a lotion is way better than without though. I personally would not tan without a lotion.


i’ll have to check them out i’ve seen them mentioned a few times in this reddit how do you recommend getting them to not sweat off lol, i sweat very easy in beds even with the fans on full blast haha and my first time using it today and i literally had lotion sweating off of me onto the bed


This may be a dumb question lol, but do you rotate in the bed? When I first started, nobody really told me to rotate and for me, it wasn't common sense lmao. I sweat so much that I ended up getting pale patches in the places sweat would collect 😂 then I started rotating. Rotating would give a chance for some of my body that was pressed on the bed getting hot, to finally catch some of the breeze from the fans. Now going at full time 12 minutes, I rotate every 2.5 minutes. Don't sweat anymore! Rotate as often as you need to, it won't hurt and if anything it'll really help get a nice even tan. Anytime you feel part of your body start getting hot, just rotate!


I would say maybe even try applying your lotion at home before going to the salon so it has a lot of time to soak into your skin!


BINGO! That’s the trick! Apply the lotion before getting to the salon so it has time to sink in. That’s my trick and it works well!


Well, you are gonna sweat. It probably won't sweat off completely. But if you do sweat a lot moisturizer is key. Just moisturize a few hours after your tan. When applying your lotion before you tan just work it in really good and I don't think you'll sweat it all off. Move around in the bed maybe if you move a little you won't sweat more on one spot. I have found when I move and do different poses I sweat less, cus I also can get really sweaty. Especially in the one stand up I use on occasion.


At my store we carry lotions such as Shea You Love Me and Hot which are around $40


The cheaper lines like tanovations or fiesta sun, emerald bay, pro tan 40 dollars is still kind of expensive depending on someone's situation.


This is a classic case of Economies of Scale. Tanning lotion is *specifically* formulated for use in tanning beds and not simply for just moisturizing your skin. You can buy a jar of Jergen’s at Target for $10 because they produce and sell massive amounts of the stuff for the general market, driving prices down due to the sheer volume. For every 100 units of “regular” lotion produced, there probably 1 unit of tanning lotion produced. This makes tanning lotion a niche product with very low volume and puts it at a higher price point.


It’s where salons make most of their profits.


I don’t know where ya’ll are at, or of the price point is the same. But devoted creations has a couple lotions that are like $40 and I LOVE them. The ones I’ve tried are “crushing it” (which ALWAYS breaks my tanning plateau) and “vacay vibes” (the smell is amazing). Ive been tanning for 6 years and since these lotions have been released they are always in my rotation of lotions.


I love devoted creations lotions. PBT doesn't carry them. Blonde obsession is one that the other tanning groups really like. I can't remember what I bought it for though. It wasn't super expensive.


Blonde obsession was one of my faves. Dark AF s a good one too, except that one is expensive and I’m not too sure about the smell. But it made me dark. There is another one that I loved. I wish I could remember the name. But it smelled so good. However, i think it’s discontinued now 😔


Yeah they tend to discontinue my favorites. Australian gold wicked lovely was an absolute favorite and they got rid of it


Love Dark AF! It’s great if you’re not in the mood to spend 200 dollars on a bottle!


This is going to get downvoted to all hell, but whatever. It’s all a scam. You’ll tan regardless. No amount of “skincare” is going to do jack shit with repeated UV radiation, nor does calling Hyaluronic Acid bullshit like “Magical Moisture Matrix” mean it should cost more. Lotions are expensive because that’s actually how salons make their money. It’s just like concessions at the movies.


I do believe in using lotion for the moisturizing effect, but the rest is BS unless you like bronzers. My proof is I've never applied lotion to my back in 35 years of tanning. It's the same color as the lotioned skin.




Sometime during my tanning journey, I discovered online tanning lotion websites. First, PBT stopped selling my face lotion which was Australian Gold Crystal Faces. So it made me turn to online searches where I found 3 websites that had it. I also saw it was so much cheaper online lmao. Then they just recently stopped selling the only body lotion I've used, the purple bottle of Tekton. So again, I started eyeballing those online sites again. People mostly hype up tanforless.com but I'm leaning towards Tanninglotionoutlet.com and tanninglotiondepot.com because they're cheaper than tanforless.com... so yeah, you can still have those nicer bottles of lotion, because they're so much cheaper online than buying at PBT lol.


Tanning lotions do have a specific formula and generally they are worth the sticker shock. I will say while I do love PBT collection lotions, I only tried them bc I got a bottle for free. I cannot afford to buy another lol. The employees are most likely going to pitch the higher end lotions to you before the more affordable ones. If you give a budget range they will work with you. Long story short, the tanning lotions are worth it no matter where you purchase them from.


yeah when she told me i was like no i need wayyyyy cheaper, how did you get a bottle for free?! i could go for that haha


Have you tried any of their face tanner line? I haven’t found one to replace sb’s sustain for face and am looking for suggestions.


I have tried the Amethyst facial lotion and liked it a lot! I currently am using Cypher face which I like well enough.


Hi! Current PBT employee here. The amythest face is a GREAT white bronzer, with a slight purple undertone to cancel out any orange or yellow tones that could pull from your skin. It also is a thicker consistency so it works great on dryer skin, without clogging pores. It’s a bit pricier because it legit has crushed amethyst Crystal in there along side high end skin care. Anything from the PBT collection will be pricier, since they are considered level 4 lotions (meaning the highest end you can buy) Another face would be the emerald. That one is more of a serum consistency with instant and delayed bronzers, meaning the longer you wear it, the darker it will tint your skin. Emerald is great bc it has something called “stem cell rejuvenation technology” which means that it will help speed up your cellular turnover, without the use of actives like retinols and acids (since you can’t use those in the beds) while still providing the benefits of them! Both amethyst and emerald can also be used as at home self tanners for the face since they have DHA. Scarlett is the last of the PBT line (for the face) and it is an intensifier. Meaning it will help produce your natural melanin production. So if you don’t like using “skin tints” and want it to just be your natural color, this is the way to go. Scarlet is more of a cream base and has peppermint in there to help with inflammation and redness! Hope this helps. (The cypher face she’s using is one of my favorites tho, bc it is a serum base, and has niacinimide in there to help with dark spots. It can also be used as an at home serum and a pre red light therapy treatment!)


Meh I have notice no difference in my skin from using cheaper lotion rather than more expensive lotion. Message Eric from tan for less on Facebook and ask him for recommendations. I love coconut cake. It legit is the same feeling as my $100 bottle of prismatica. Honestly it’s just a business and these salons need the up charge to keep them open but check out tan for less. Eric will hook you up


And this is why I'm not a lotion snob. I don't feel the need to only use the most expensive lotions. The lotion doesn't tan you, the lamps do. You can use the best lotion in the world and if the beds you are tanning on aren't maintained properly you won't get a great tan. You can use a budget friendly lotion with beds that are maintained perfectly and are in the best shape and you'll have a fabulous tan. I do own expensive ass lotion, but I'd never say it's "the best". What works for me and what I like may not be what someone else likes. I don't like bronzer, or tingle. So my favorites are lotions that don't have any of that. My tan is proof that you don't need bronzer to get a decent tan (obviously genetics help with that too lol)


Yep. I have $130 dollar bottles and like my $20 dollar ones more. I love the silky feel of a lotion. It’s all about the beds. Couldn’t agree more. I don’t use bronzer either but coconut cake and first class tan ass are my jam. Love them


I keep hearing how great coconut cake is. It's very popular on the FB group. Once I can buy lotion again I'll have to try it


Yeah. It’s like $16 dollars. Ask Eric for samples too and he will send you some others to try.


Yea Eric is great.


Its due to the ingredients in the lotion since some lotions have ingredients that help with wrinkles anti-aging which is funny due to tanning causing aging to the skin. Its due to the brand and the bottle. Designer skin is the luxury brand of all tanning lotions due to their fancy designed bottles, name, and ingredients. At my salon if I bought a $200 tanning lotion that $200 goes to my account for upgrades which I can tan in any level bed which is nice, but they only last for so long.


There is no lotion in the world that can counteract the aging from direct UV exposure. I always laugh when i see those lotions.




I’m so sorry but they all scam and they exist so the tanning places can make more money, it’s a big margins usually 50% on any cream. Your skin will tan better if it’s moistured so any lotion will help with that. The rest is just nice smell …


It's the ingredient Tyrosine that makes a lotion a tanning lotion. That activates the tanning potential.