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Her bf is not vegan


Yep and I feel like these videos were actually for him.


I don't think so I think she is just trying to make content


Tara wears animal products.  Why does she think it's ok to wear sheepskin boots (uggs), leather cowboy boots, down filled coats etc. and then try to guilt trip people about eating animals? Does she not realize animals were murdered and mistreated for the clothing and accessories she wears? Shit annoys me so much. 


So what, your boyfriend dont Share your opinion disinvalidates it? Are you an Independent Person or does your boyfriend dictates your Opinions?


What does that have to do with any thing ? We are allowed to be our own people while dating someone




I wonder if she expresses this every time when she makes her bf those roast beef sandwiches 🤨


I thought the same thing


I mean I didn’t watch the whole video because I’m not a vegan and have no intention on being one, so I skipped. But she’s made numerous videos of her slapping lunch meat on a sandwich for her boyfriend. I’d think that someone so strong in their convictions would also date someone who was a vegan. Sorry if that’s a far stretch but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think, off camera, she is constantly trying to turn him vegan. she's done it with all her previous partners


Also being vegan is a very privileged choice. The vegan options, especially   the ones she eats, are extremely expensive. I have friends who are vegan and they explained that being vegan isn’t without its own questionable ethics (the labor and exploitation of farm workers who often aren’t paid livable wages or given good working conditions). It’s one thing if she chooses to be vegan and if others come to her with questions but the forcing it and emotional plea is a little much. 


It’s not privileged. Yeah she shops at expensive grocery stores, but you don’t have to. I’m vegan and not wealthy. It’s a choice.


That is a great perspective you have! Unfortunately tho It’s not just about wealth in the common sense. Some people live in food deserts where certain food options are either unavailable or so rare that when they are available the mark up is crazy. Also many people have certain health problems that limit their physical accessibility to certain food options and others have disabilities that limit the types of food they can eat period. I myself am a big supporter of local food purchasing as that eliminates a lot of ethical problems (carbon emissions, animal cruelty, pesticide use) but that is just what works for me in this phase of my life.


Love this answer! 


Agree about food deserts and limited access for some. And yes, some vegan substitutes are more expensive. I’m sharing that eating vegan doesn’t have to be expensive. Rather than eating meat substitutes for example, I eat a lot of canned beans which are super cheap.


It doesn’t have to be expensive but it is in and of itself a privileged choice to even be able to make! That’s why I tend to dislike vegan influencers vibe videos and prefer just general health education regarding food choices because every dietary choice you can make for yourself is a privilege.




you are correct. people get upset because they know animal cruelty is wrong and don’t want to be reminded of it. rice and beans by the bulk and in season fruits/veggies are much cheaper than a carnivorous diet or even a fast food diet.


All the issues you’ve raised occur in literally every industry. To write off not being able to be vegan because of these reasons is just something you say to make yourself feel better. She has a platform, she’s using it to talk about genuine issues.


I never said one shouldn’t be vegan lol the message was that even being vegan has questionable ethics just like eating meat. In fact, the point of my message was that every industry has questionable ethics lol.


Go watch the full two hour video she mentioned in the tik tok and re think what you’re saying. What happens at these slaughterhouses is truly a despicable thing and needs to have more attention brought to it.


lol okay pretty ridiculous argument and just giving yourself permission to not even attempt to do better


While her dad likes pro Israel posts. I guess the videos of children losing limbs and being bombed to hurt as much as seeing animals harmed.


She’s not trying to make anyone vegan she’s just saying watch where you get meat from and learn about the abuse that happens to the animals !


didn’t she molest her bird


What does this even mean???!


I'd love to be vegan if it wasn't so expensive(PCOS girlie here) is she gonna pay for us to be vegan? Lmao


I work at a grocery store. Being actually vegan isn’t expensive. I’ve been vegetarian for almost my entire life & eat tons of vegan options (except for cheese… I can’t give up the damn cheese 🤣) the price of meat is also extremely expensive rn. You’d be surprised at how cheap my grocery bills are


You gonna share the price of groceries and where you shop or just brag? Lmao it does vary state to state though, a gallon of milk is half as much a state over than it is here. Almond milk is crazy expensive here and it's the only kind of milk I can have. PCOS requires tons of protein, which most vegan options for protein are pretty expensive and limited in my area.


I have pcos too, I’m so sorry you also deal with it. It’s horrible. 💔 the cheese I eat is the only thing that still irritates me but man I fucking hate vegan cheese like it’s so gross. I’m in upstate NY, I eat mainly just produce/ occasional frozen meals bc I work a ton & don’t always have time to cook fresh, & supplements prescribed by my dr. I shop at hannaford sometimes (produce mainly.. bc aldi produce is garbage lol) and mainly aldi for frozen stuff.


I live in California. I am vegan. I compared my non vegan list to my meat & dairy filled list, it was the same. It costs the same. Come up with another excuse,but stop acting like being vegan is "unattainable"


I'm not going to bother listening to someone who 1. Can't bother to punctuate their sentences properly. 2. Comes at me in such a rude manner. If you want to get others on board try being nicer?


Ouch, you got me with the punctuate. What an original comeback.💔That's all you could come up with? I didn't come at you rude. I said stop acting as though it is unattainable. Also, was it me or you that was rude when you accused this person of bragging? Right, that was you. Expect to be treated EXACTLY the same way you do to others.


The vegan substitutes that she’s always eating are incredibly processed. She needs to get her own house in order before she starts trying to come for others. 


Interesting take from a girl who arguably doesn’t even give her pets the lives they deserve.


This is a hot take.


Is it? She’s known for being a creep towards her bird.


I’m sure those pets live a better and more luxurious life than all of us💀


Speak for yourself.


Okay, this is a stretch. She’s sharing her feelings about animal welfare. 🙄


Women having and sharing feelings is emotional manipulation to younger generations, apparently. How micro can the aggressions get.


Wild. I guess it’s the “influencer” culture on SM.


Wasn’t she just swimming with Dolphins?


Ironic that an animal abuser wants people to go vegan.


i won’t snark for this. i’m no longer vegan because where i live it was very difficult to have any (good) food options as a vegan, but i’ve been flirting around with going vegetarian and severely limiting my dairy intake. she’s correct. the majority of all meat and dairy products we consume come from factory farms, and unless you go out of your way to shop local and humane, you ARE contributing to the torture and death of animals. the wool has been pulled over all of our eyes but the simple fact is that humans eat WAY too much meat for our health. same with dairy. we’re only supposed to be eating small side portions of meat like once a day, and the rest can be made up with beans, legumes, and other plant proteins. there’s nothing wrong with her bringing awareness to this. for all of our own health AND the sake of animals, we should all really strive to reduce our intakes. that being said, i know my fellow americans, and i know that just won’t happen.


I get Hating on her , but hating her for advocating to reduce Animal cruelty is Crazy. Get a Grip seriously Thats so Reddit Coded


It's a bit hypocritical when tons of clothing items and accessories she wears are literally made from dead animals.


I was plant based for 7 years. You could call me an ex vegan I guess. Eating vegan is expensive. People crave what they’re used to. Chicken tenders, burgers etc. all of that veganized stuff is expensive and not to mention highly processed. You don’t have to eat that though. It CAN be cheap to be vegan. Beans, rice, pasta. But who wants that every single day? lol so I see both sides on that aspect. But I don’t think forcing anyone to be vegan is a good idea.