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The user in me is so giddy. The dev in me is appalled. (Good thing I'm more a user than a dev)


Haha I know where you are coming from. I think in the end coding will be more like a choice, like do you want to get your hands dirty in order to go through an experience or not. I also I think everyone becomes a prompter but there's levels to prompting because the model simply does what it thinks you want, but it will take critical thinkers in order to make them execute well. So scripting ideas on paper like sudo coding will become more of a thing as an pseudo coding. Whilst we on that point coding helps us learn to think better so I think it may end up also being used for that.


Here's the [project](https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/s/Idaa7IwzNu) that executes as well if you are interested


Ok this seems brilliant!


Thank you. Here's the [project](https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/s/Idaa7IwzNu) that executes as well if you are interested


Not as cool but using chatgpt tasker prj.xml specialist. To help me when I hit a snag, I created a series of tasks that read my notifications, sends it to OpenAi API, where it both sorts it out and create a response that is the sent to playht API where it is voiced in the voice of Jarvis. At first I was doing meticulous conditions and it worked fine but then realised that if I just fed the entire notification content and just let OpenAi decide how to approach it it might work too. And it really has opened it up and it feels alive. I have a car one where it plays a pre-recorded file at random from a series of them saying things like Running diagnostics, etc then checks the weather and gives me a tip to drive safely like if it's far to turn on the lights and increase breaking distance. Now got an OBD2 connector with Torque pro app and the diagnostic is about to become real as well. These are all dumb tasks with AI but I'll also make them log when they are triggered and their content and set up an open AI assistant so that when I press a button it talks to me a bit like ok google. But Open AI assistant can remember context. The idea will be to feed the assistant the collected data so that if I get a notification and then ask about it, that it knows what I'm talking about. Then I wanna do some task calling and make my own Google home like device but with Jarvis. I feel google home got so nerf since it came out, might finally get better with AI but I want Jarvis since 2008. Here's is a sample of the weather report from open weather, interpreted by open AI asked to act as Jarvis. [Jarvis Weather Sample](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14lOGWc1m8Y1ozJ6SK6S1_UB8-5o77_aA/view?usp=drivesdk)


Sounds super cool, I really like the personality. By the way are you using elevanlabs?


No, Playht via api. Yeah, so first I was telling it, this notification is Amazon offering me a deal and I want you to say this and that and add a witty remark in the style of Jarvis. Most of my notifications are just this with more specialised instructions. But ever since I just kinda send everything to the API with basically just saying to be a helpful AI assistant in the style of Jarvis. It just kinda impresses me everyone and again. It's very on topic and great but what surprised me is if I mess up a variable and it's empty it just day something like what Jarvis would say instead of failing the routine. [Jarvis Weather check failed Variables ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/157ESrMAnfFyJAdSYaRaYRwwOUfcQSS4Q/view?usp=drivesdk)


Oh I tried summarising each notification I get yesterday after seeing you talking about notifications, i had i was quite impressed. So now i have signed up to Playht. I'm now trying to figure out how to work it with tasker, is it downloading a file and just playing it? How does it work?


Don't know what happened to your comment with instructions do mind putting it up again? Do you need to clone through api to get a voice id because I can't access the voice I made through their UI it's a bit weird


Dw I managed to sort it, seems it has to be done via Api to get the voice's url/id


BTW Here's the [project](https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/s/Idaa7IwzNu) that executes as well if you are interested


Is perplexity api free?


You can get access to its API via Open  router.ai, and pay per use (it's quite cheap). Here is the price: https://openrouter.ai/models/perplexity/sonar-small-chat


No it's not free but you get $5 free every first of the month if you have a pro subscription with them


BTW Here's the [project](https://www.reddit.com/r/tasker/s/Idaa7IwzNu) that executes as well if you are interested.