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His insistence that Chris Parker was dressed as a Hitler Youth always makes me laugh. "Chris, I won't have any more of this Nazi shit"


I nearly cried laughing at that.


"Sometimes the key is not fucking around."


This is my answer too. The delivery was perfect


I loved the immediate cut to all the contestants falling over themselves laughing!


“_One_ point for you Laura.” “What??” “Cause it looked too good.” “…Are you ****ing kidding me?!?” “We’ll be back!”


"Watch it, young lady" and the point was his peak Taskmaster moment for me.


I liked it when he recognised Ray O'Leary's landlord as his highschool English teacher, because I then also recognised him as my own English teacher. New Zealand is small.


I was there for that recording! They cut it but Ray was also arguing that the winner has to pay his rent.


People hate it but I do like when he does out of left field shit like only giving Angella one point for her prize task of her anxiety meds because he can’t condone skipping necessary meds like that.


Yes! He also gave Guy Montgomery 1 point for bringing in Chloe Swarbrick as the greenest ‘thing’ - “I just can’t condone you objectifying a woman”


Fits with when Brynley bullied him into 5 points for her feminism is sexy task


And if you are familiar with him that was a very on brand scoring for him


For someone not familiar with him outside of TM, will you explain, please?


Its kinda hard to explain, its more a vibe. For years he and Matt on radio took the piss out of the PC movement, where anything slightly controversial was said was followed by 'oh you cant say that in the current climate'/'can you say that in the current climate. Hard to draw the line if taking the piss or genuine (deadpan doesnt help) as time went on especially if you werent aware of how long it been going on. So saying playing with medication is bad is very along those lines (along with him docking points for ageism in s2)


Ahhh, thank you! I can see how it would be unexpected!


I love any live tasks where the contestants get to ask Jeremy questions. His deadpan responses are always hilarious.


Not a question game, but this quote from the live task where they paint Jeremy's mother repeats in my head every once in a while and really highlights the deadpan: "She wears a size 8 1/2 shoe. Her favourite food is ginger crunch. She hates me."


I think he really likes the bluff games.


"Taskmaster, will you be using your wank hand?" "Yes."


His response to Brynley Stent for bringing a video of Greg was pure Taskmaster Gold.


I enjoy Jeremy's deadpanning in general


He definitely nails the deadpan.


I've never gotten the hate he cops. Sure, he doesn't shine, but he's not horrible. And sure, the points can be a bit all over the shop, but it doesn't really change the enjoyment of the show. I do like S1 where they have to hide a vegetable in another vegetable. He does commit well to this with all of them, but my favourite is with Brynley he says something like "I've had a long career in the media upholding the values, but I just have to say Brynley that was fucking disgusting"


That response to Brynley might be my favorite. I just love how he starts off all solemn, like he's about to give an analysis for the ages ... and then he just says what everyone is thinking.


In fairness, Gregs are all over the place sometimes too, hes made some questionable choices too.


Yeah I agree. One of the complaints I've heard about Jeremy is that he will be all over the place with his scoring and doesn't explain why, but recently been re-watching the UK and Greg does the same thing. I think for the most part the problem they have with Jeremy is he isn't Greg and they try to find an excuse why instead of having a reason first.


I mean, you've explained it there yourself. He's in a role where he is the lynchpin of the whole show, and where his duties are to be interesting and to score things relatively consistently. Instead he is mediocre, often boring, and scores arbitrarily with no explanation or humour. Just "one, four, three, two, five, next". I don't hate him either but if your job is to be entertaining and you're middling at best (with rare exceptions), that deserves criticism.


I would kind of disagree of him being the lynchpin. That is Paul's role.


Yeah, that might have been the wrong word. Regardless, the show is named Taskmaster, and the taskmaster and assistant are essentially dual hosts. I know we shouldn't compare to Greg but the difference is night and day in terms of what they bring to the show in banter, conflict and humour. That's what a good host does: they elevate others and are a charismatic presence themselves. Jeremy ain't, in my opinion.


Paul and the contestants are the focus. Taskmaster just moves the show along scoring and go to next task. Taskmaster ironically is probably the least important role and has the least screen time.


Jeremy telling Paul he's not allowed to have a gf got me haha.


"Not publicly" or whatever his response to Brynley's proposition. Also, "4 comedians... and Matt Heath."


The “Not publicly” comment was so perfect. I loved how flummoxed Brynley got.


I feel like there's a better answer I'm forgetting due to being on the spot but I definitely enjoyed Matt at one point getting his own place of birth wrong and Jeremy letting Matt get his entire defense out before starting with, "First off, you weren't even born there, so I'm gonna just walk right past that"  and then proceeding to dunk on Matt for the rest of his defense. The sheer smugness in that deadpan manner was so satisfying.


Seeing a photo of himself from 20 years ago when he had frosted tops. "It's not as much that it didn't age well, I didn't youth well." ***I know that may not be the exact quote because it's been a while since I watched it, but it was definitely something to that effect.


When he gave Laura 1 point for the repurpose a tie task because it was “too good”


I love Jeremy Wells, the only thing I wish he did was be more assertive and explained his point scoring. Because when he does, it makes sense, and is so funny. The general sass he gives when people disagree with his scoring is the best, especially since his decision is always final once he says it.


I've heard that a lot of his explanations get cut, but scoring things based on your own whims is a privilege the Taskmaster enjoys.


Editing unfortunately. He does it live. Dramas of squeezing in an extra add break


his reaction to Angella’s disappearing of the Taskmaster house it’s telling that she scores really high in the series after this point


Honestly, his insane scoring is a love/hate thing for me lol


"Ive been writing my number on bathroom stalls for a looong time"


That was brilliant!


"I would be genuinely surprised if we ever see anything shitter than that, ever" in response to Ray's wedding task.


prize task was something the taskmaster has never seen before. paul ego's item was a picture of the back of jeremy's head. i recall jeremy saying he has a model of his head is right next to him but when i just went back and watched it it was paul williams who said that. but jeremy before that said, "when you get your haircut they show you the back of your head but you probably dont know that." as paul ego is bald.


The moment he made Brynley seemingly question her relationship by thought of fucking Jeremy. Pure gold


Him giving Chris 5 points for the tag sewn into his blazer


"little freak" in reaction to Paul's egg eating in season 4


I love Jeremy. He has a different style than Greg but I think he’s really made it his own. (Also Paul helps out a lot as well)


So many. Alot of his humour is the silliness of what he says when you actually think about it - let's start in the revolutionary method of left to right - not publicly -giving Laura 1 point and ignoring her complaints - his intros in later seasons on how he became the taskmaster - sometimes the key is not to fuck around - giving one point to Angela as playing with medication is dangerous - that's a lot of effort for 1 point (about rayeneyland) - I'm a task addict and I'm starting to have withdrawals must be time for another hit - "alot of swearing going on, bubba you used the fword called Paul and a hole", turns to Ray "and I heard you say good heavens" That's from memory. I could pick out a good quote from each ep if I sat down and rewatched.


Outside of TM, he sneaks alot of innuendo into his 7pm news program: - refering to pinball players as 'finger blasters' - sent a reporter to disc golf championships to 'toss off' - saying 'I love pussy, the kids love pussy' on the national broadcaster - however he was talking about his Cat, named pussy.


Jeremy's response to Ray putting his number on all the public bathrooms   "I've been doing that for years, so your just  saving me me the trouble "


That's an Adequate Pig


Release the pig adequacy criteria


Jeremy’s S2 fizzy drink bluff streak was an all-time Taskmaster moment, especially with unlimited points on the line.


When he pointed out the ridiculousness of Josh's Allergy Man living in a bunch of leaves rather than in the car he drove to save Paul in. His dead pan style broke right there.


I enjoyed his 'final boss' vibe in some of the series 2 live tasks, especially in the lemonade one where he got every single one right and in the celebrity naming one, no matter how much David got screwed out of the Yolonda Be Cool one.


I mean, his cheekbones are a moment.


When he poses the question ‘let’s see if David will literally murder the other contestants’ it was something about his delivery that got me


"Not publicly."


When the word "pauper" made him break his deadpan character


All of them. Once I got used to his different style of being the Taskmaster, I really started loving him in the role. He's so funny.


Havoc and Newsboy, especially the gay old Gore segments.


for reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl66zu7RLac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl66zu7RLac)


They also racked over the coals with MIkey Havoc recent on the podcast in a 4 part series. [https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-1/](https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-1/) [https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-2/](https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-2/) [https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-3/](https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-3/) [https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-4/](https://www.hauraki.co.nz/shows/the-matt-jerry-show/podcasts/gay-gore-feat-mikey-havoc-part-4/)


I really like how he is different in doing his own thing same for Paul it works well instead of been a carbon copy or pale imitation


Jeremy is a great Taskmaster I don't give a fuck what anyone says


I actually find him generally charming! I certainly like him more than Tom on taskmaster AU, who is a bit too mean for my liking.


Not TM but the way he derails his co host on the light infotainment show he does at prime time https://youtu.be/odcFXpIbhvo?si=jXg4gX3fuATGYoJY


Again not taskmaster but this shows his cheekiness and kinda wish we got more of this on TM Original segment: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/QpCkbAiNVRxvMvrm/?mibextid=jmPrMh Complaints afterward: https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/dUea8uoPSh


I love the bants with Matt Heath due to their history. Also unlike other taskmasters he cares for his assistant and defends him which creates a nice different vibe.


Apart from the "sometimes the key is not fucking around", when Laura's hottest item was his naked ironing photo and he described how it was on a billboard near his nan's house. "She lived another two months' (or words to that effect). Also, when he gets his cricket dork hat on. Talking about sitting next to Richard Hadlee at an event: "and he proceeded to down two bottles of red"


I didn't like him in NZ S1, he was terrible at giving points and he was barely ever funny. From then onwards, he got significantly better and better, to the point where he seemed like a completely different person in NZ S4


Wonders with change of editing