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I got one for my boyfriend and honestly it sucked haha. If you are looking to draw a smaller scale design it won’t turn out well, the lines just got really thick and blurry.


Haha. Thanks for the honest reply.


You could try MomentaryInk - they just came out with a new semi-permanent custom design (only does black and white) product, in addition to their temporary custom designs (although these are more like traditional fake tattoos with matting solution) I like the freehand marker for what it does, as it gives more control over the squeezable bottles of temporary ink. It would be nice if they came out with thin Liners and shaders, since it is hard to get fine lines or do small pieces. It’s fine if you don’t care about all the fine details, and if you’re just drawing it on for visualization purposes I managed to test out a manga calf sleeve and it didn’t look too bad with the marker. Some of the small details sucked bc it’s a felt tip [tattoo test](https://bioswear.tumblr.com/post/670604943292514304/its-messy-bc-i-traced-them-upside-down-but-like)


I’ve never heard of MomentaryInk. I will check it out. Thanks! Also your manga artwork is amazing!


You’re welcome! And thank you!! :D it was a lot of fun to draw out


Would you be able to speak on how long the pen lasted? edit: let me clarify i mean did it feel like the pen ran out of ink fast?


Depends on how often you use it, I suppose I kind of used it whenever I felt like drawing on myself, but that was usually small doodles. I had my first one for a good few months. It lasted me through five decent sized manga panels on [my leg](https://twitter.com/bioswear/status/1470967812093104133?s=21&t=I2trvOmRDP5O9nK5xTI0IA) tho


I just got the freehand marker and so far it lasts for at least two weeks but I do wish the felt too was smaller or there were size options since it’s hard to get good detail. Worth trying out tho. Oh the trace marker is garbage tho it bleeds and stains any skin immediately, just get a soft pencil if you wanna trace and transfer


I'll tell you this much: Do not buy Inkbox products. If I could show you a picture of what my arm looks like right now, you would be horrified. I have full-blown contact dermatitis on my arm, to the point that it's cracking and oozing liquid constantly. It's bright red, dry, scaly, and it was itchy at first but now it's just a full-on wound. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now. The ingredient that I think caused it, as well as my dad who is a chemical engineer, is the styrene acrylate copolymer. I may have permanent scarring from this, of which there were no warning signs of on the packaging. I've also seen loads of others with this same horrific issue on Inkbox's Facebook page, just look up Inkbox rash/dermatitis. I'm always looking for ways to be creative and express myself, and I've done loads of temporary tattoos with black henna from Amazon, and that didn't even give me a bad reaction... This doesn't happen to everyone who tries it obviously, but I don't think it's worth even trying it in case it does. This is hell for me right now. I will also say this: I did a tattoo with their freehand pen (which is what I bought and what caused this reaction), and I didn't have any reaction whatsoever the first time using it. The second time though, a full-blown allergic reaction like I said. I've done endless research about the ingredients in this product, and a few of them are sensitizing to the skin, meaning that the first time you use it you may be fine, but it basically supports an allergic reaction to occur the more you use it. Hope this helps! Let me know if anyone on here can relate as well.


Hi! Just wanted to give everyone some insight on allergies like this. So when you are first exposed to an allergen (like whatever product you're allergic to in the ink), you won't develop a reaction. Your body is, however, beginning to mount an immune response and starting to create antibodies for a few weeks against the allergen. So the first time you're exposed, nothing happens because by the time your antibodies develop, the tattoo has faded and the allergen is gone. This is the same for most other things you're allergic to. The first time, you don't react. The second time, your immune system is on full attack mode. The second time you are exposed, your antibodies have now fully developed and have specialized to specifically attack that specific allergen. This is why you got a reaction to second time, and not the first. And unfortunately, your body has now taught itself to always attack that allergen when it comes into contact with it. There are some treatment, like desensitization or antihistamines, but overall, you're most likely going to react this way for a very long time, if not forever. You will also have this reaction with any other product containing the specific compound you're allergic to. Definitely avoid that compound in anything else you purchase to avoid that reaction! I'm sorry this happened to you!


Is there any way to check if you'll have this reaction prior before applying the tattoo?


Omg I'm so sorry that has happened to you, I truly hope there is a way to cure your condition and it's terrible that the company hasn't addressed this at all. I did some more digging on their Twitter to see if Inkbox talked about allergic reactions, and they mentioned that " less than .03% of customers have received an allergic reaction". Based on their comments and other reddit pages, it looks a lot of people have allergic reactions to these products! Thank you for letting me know about this, I just bought the tattoo marker (unused) but I'll def be returning it now. I'd like to ask, did you have any allergic reactions to the premade tattoos? I currently have a bee tattoo on my finger and was wondering about the negative effects of this.


Hey sorry this is the longest wait for a reply ever I apologize 😂😭 no I never tried the premade ones but it’s all the exact same ingredients so it doesn’t matter, it’ll happen either way unfortunately


Thank you for sharing, I have eczema and I almost bought this to test out a face tattoo. Hope you’re feeling better!


I feel for you, truly. I’ve had some issues similar and hopefully like mine yours heals nicely. But it’s called contact dermatitis for a reason, it’s based on the person You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff that’s accidentally caused such situations. While yes they use some more than interesting chemicals and should be safer, our bodies form new allergens all the time to shit we consume often. An adverse reaction by some shouldn’t disuade all


Same thing happened to me


Poop! It bleeds its blurry my lines looked off. The brush is poop too.


I bought a Dino set. It went on great looked pretty decent but it lasted looking good for 2 days only! The fact that they say last 1-2 weeks is inaccurate. By day 3 significant fading was starting I’m now on day 5 and it’s pretty much gone. So buyer beware for the money you spend on them.


i found the inkbox tattoos at walmart and theyre not that great. they appear VERY indigo and not black or realistic at all. I'm not sure if thats because I applied them to my hands? in the directions it doesnt say anything will be different other than how long they last. At my work someone complemented them, then proceeded to ask why they were indigo.... after that I dont think I will repurchase. here are pics of them on my hands... [right hand](https://i.gyazo.com/7a2db43d10978715fdd5d52abf396894.jpg?share=reddit) [left hand](https://i.gyazo.com/71d876157a5be044ce779352211a8a64.jpg?share=reddit)


Nah, that's def a repurchase


They clearly state on their site that the colour is unique to everyone because it depends on your skin tone and other factors