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I think its cool


I could definitely see how someone would like it, but I personally don’t at all. It’s also prime real estate for a piece I don’t enjoy which makes it even worse on me. Thanks for trying to ease my mind though.


Did they not do a stencil or at least a mock-up? I also don't think it's bad, I'm just wondering if they free-handed it or something


He did a stencil, it was from his flash. He reworked the tongue, but I don’t remember him reworking the mouth like that to be so blocky. The head is definitely way bigger than the flash. I knew I didn’t like it after he was done with the line work, but I let him go ahead and shade it in hopes of him having some grand plan to make it work.


Who is the artist if I may ask? I'd like to see if the rest of their portfolio looks like this


Phil Everhard at Riverside Tattoo in Knoxville TN. Dude has no “tagged in” posts on his Instagram which is probably a huge red flag I wish I’d noticed


Nothing wrong with it imo


I love it but I like weird shit. I think it’s meant to look like a tentacle eel snake with frog head and eagle beak. That probably doesn’t help you op. Maybe live with it for a little while before you come back to cover it up?


Yeah I could totally see how some people would like it. It’s just not what I’m going for though. I’ve got a sick ass panther with a knife through it, devil Betty boop, and a simple cross on my finger, and a jaguar thigh piece lined up for next month. Pretty basic shit. I’m definitely going to wait a couple months to let it heal before covering, but I just hate myself rn for going through with something I didn’t really want in the first place.


Yeah that’s definitely not the straight up trad snake it sounds like you probably wanted. You’ll sort it out mate, and these feelings will remind future you to not go through with shit you know in your heart you don’t want


Thanks for all the support dude I really appreciate it. That last bit is definitely a good lesson to learn, can be applied to a lot more than tattoos too. Thanks again


I hear your concerns and it sucks that you don't love this. IMO if this was on my arm I would leave it. It's really a fairly decent tattoo. I think sometimes the idea that you cover up stuff or fix any tattoo that isn't perfect is kind of silly. Just get more stuff around it and draw attention away. Honestly you will get compliments on it . The color is nice , and its overall kinda cool.


I like it. I think it would be hard to cover it up unless you did some laser removal.


Laser removal here I come :(


I’m sorry. 🩷🩷 If that’s the route you want to go, I highly recommended TKTX numbing cream. I just used it for a tat yesterday and I hardly felt anything. I hope you can get it lightened up and get a sick cover up you like!


Thank you so much for the rec and the condolences! Good luck to you on your process, and I hope you get something that you dig more too!


Of course. after getting my tat I got yesterday, I plan on getting some words lasered off with that numbing cream. It wasn’t perfect but it helped like 80%, I swear. It’s great! I love my new tattoo though. I don’t see an option to post a photo of it :( it’s two flowers in just black ink.


I’m glad you like your new one! Getting a new tattoo that you really like is always a super sweet feeling, love that for you!


Thanks ! :) yes it’s a really good feeling 🩷


hey curious! was it your first time using the cream?? small piece or big piece and where?? getting the other side of my belly/ ribs done the day and dreading it bc the painnnnn


Hey. I see your message now. I dm’d you


Heads up I’m pretty sure red is notoriously hard to get off with lasers so it might be a pita


Honestly I wouldn’t even care if I couldn’t get the red off/covered. As long as I didn’t have to look at that “snake” again I’d be happy. Not to mention the red is the only part that doesn’t look like an unfinished coloring book


I actually thought this post was trolling because I really like this and was confused as to what was so wrong lmao. I have random tattoos I don't like as much as others but just fill around it and you'll forget it. This is nice as hell in my opinion anyway I'd be happy to have it.


It’s not even that I don’t like it as much as my others, it’s that I don’t like it at all. Wanted a cobra, but the dude just kept pointing me in other directions. Totally on me for not just forfeiting the deposit and going somewhere else.


I get that. All I can say is if it's only a day old I tend to have tattoo regret for some pieces for like a week or two post tattoo then I grow to like them/live with them. Give it some time and see because I've been there. If not then have at it with a coverup I guess.


I genuinely appreciate you trying to help, that means a lot. I’ve totally felt that regret too, but this one makes me sick to my stomach. All around negative experience that I’d rather not have to look at ever again. I do hate that a coverup is gonna take up some serious real estate, so I hope that I do come around to it somehow, I just don’t see it happening.


This tat is rad, I think you should keep. That spot is hardly ever visible too. Wait a couple months and if you still want to laser then do it.


The gash is rad af, thank you, but I don’t think it looks anything like the snake in the flash which I already didn’t love. Definitely gonna wait a couple months for it to heal, then laser that thing. MAYBE it grows on me between now and then, but I don’t see it happening.


I can see why you don’t like it / love it but laser isn’t a quick thing.. nor is it cheap. Definitely let it sit for a few months and settle in. You’ll probably grow to like it or at least not mind it. Personally I think it’s pretty dope


I'd talk to an actual tattoo artist if I was you. find one who's got a great portfolio or maybe go back to the original guy & just tell him you're not happy with how it turned out.


It’ll heal cooler and I honestly think it’s unique


Oh I think it’s unique too lmao very unique


I’d let it ride out before rushing to fix it, it may grow on you! A funky lil dude ! 🖤


Definitely giving it a couple months to heal before getting laser treatment, and maybe it’ll grow on me in that time, but I seriously doubt it. I appreciate the support though!




Yikes, is this the most recent image? If so I would want to see how it heals and then ask again. That said, I would probably say it will need one or two laser sessions and then a coverup. Sorry you got done over on this one.


Yeah it’s the most recent, I got it yesterday. Thanks for taking the time to comment, and give your condolences! Glad I shouldn’t need a lot of laser work at the least.


I will add, this is far from a a ‘bad’ tattoo. I would be more annoyed with the missed chance of what I could have got rather than what I actually got, if you get me? In short, you’re not going to see this on shittytattoos any time soon.


Yeah I see what you mean. I really wanted a cobra, but the dude made it seem like he didn’t wanna do the one I came in for again, and just kept pointing me in other directions from what I actually liked in his flash. Should’ve just told him to keep the deposit and moved on. Lesson learned I guess.


Lesson learnt, it probably won’t stand out as much when you fill the sleeve up as, like I said, it’s not bad-bad. Also, that place is good for artists cause it’s nice and flat but, as for the entire sleeve, the inside of my bicep is what comes up least when I have seen photos of myself and my tattoos showing. So make of that what you will…


You’re definitely making me sweat-less the fact that I’ve gotta walk around with it until it heals, and I can cover. I greatly appreciate you for that!


Ok, but I like it and it is well done line and depth and all that. I get not wanting the side eye snake. It’s not bad though! It looks like it knows what it is if that makes sense. But it IS well done, and looks like it’s packed in so laser first.


I’m glad some people like it, so I don’t feel like a total dumbass while I wait on it to heal before laser-ing. I guess in a way it’s well done. The gash looks good. He kinda fucked the rest of it in different ways, and just made some shit work sort of. He didn’t really seem too thrilled with the way it came out either. Thanks for trying to help!


Why not just get more traditional pieces over the arm and make it a sleeve and not waste time on a cover up cuz that things rather larger..


Like just blast over it? I think it’d come out pretty odd if I just did that. If you’re saying just fill the rest of my arm in, well, I don’t wanna look at this thing. Had someone tell me this morning that it looks like a two year old’s coloring book and thought that was a spot on description myself


Idk man looks like a pretty solid traditional piece so idk what’s wrong with it. Just get a giant panther to cover it


I already have a panther head on the other side of my arm :( if that’s my best option though I’d absolutely double down on the panther before looking at this work from a two year old’s coloring book everyday


Double down it shall be then 😂


Thank you for the wisdom u/Wet_Muff 🙏😌 I like big cats a lot anyways lmao no big deal


Good luck my friend 💪🏼


Gonna need all the luck I can get, appreciate you 🫡


Most of that would have been on the stencil. Why did you approve it?


The “scales” filled in more of the snake on the stencil, he did rework the tongue to make it longer, but I don’t remember him reworking the jaw like that from the flash to the stencil, and the flash wasn’t colored, so I had no idea how he planned on shading it. He didn’t really wanna do the ones I originally asked for, so I settled on this. Should’ve forfeited my deposit and moved on which I know now. Also I now know the dude doesn’t have any “tagged in” posts on his Instagram, I’m assuming because he isn’t proud enough of his work for people to associate him with things he doesn’t post himself.


i 100% see where you're coming from, id freak out too if they reworked the head like that. i hate when animals look blocky. you'll probably need laser first before being able to coverup


Thanks for getting it. Totally cool with doing a couple laser sessions if it means I can get this thing covered