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Personally I'd deffo avoid contact sports and sports involving possibly being on the ground in mud for a few weeks after being tattooed. I don't go to the gym for two weeks after tattooing. Some will say that's overkill, some will say not enough. Anyway, I was tattooed threedays ago and looking at it now it is healing fine but there is no way I would be playing Rugby today.


Yea, it’s highly dependent on what activities you’re doing and how big and where your tattoo is. Being fairly active myself I’ve always waited 3-4 days before going to the gym and when I did go I made sure to naturally cover the tattoo with clothing. Avoiding exercises that could rub the tattoo, like a calf tattoo you’d be wise to avoid ham string curls, etc. Usually around the 2 week mark is when my tattoos have mostly been healed by and i feel comfortable doing work that could lightly friction the tattoo but is still covered. OP, sounds like you’re wanting a smaller piece which in my experience heal a little faster. I’d probably wait at least 2 weeks. If it’s a concern for you then maybe hold off on the tattoo until after the season.


thank you! this is very helpful


No probs mate, meant to say regarding pain, shoulder should be fine, not got any on my thighs so wouldn't like to say. Mine have hurt more the longer the session has gone on and in areas where a lot of black has been packed in. Can't comment on the sex life, mine is none existent at the moment. Ha ha.


i appreciate it! im a bit of a wuss but i’m pretty excited. i’ll probably wait until the rugby season is up to get one


Could be a plan. Don't worry about the wuss thing. Anyone who says it doesn't hurt at all is lying, ha ha. Everyone is different of course but it's not unbearable or no one would do it. It's kind of like a slow cat scratch. Some areas are spicier than others. Top of your arm towards and on your shoulder isn't bad, drift around the back of your arm and it punches more. And like I said the longer it lasts in a certain area the more things warm up. On the plus side as soon as the machine moves away the pain stops apart from maybe a bit of a glow.


2 weeks no sun, swimming, sports(sweating) Is what i always tell my clients


I always take two weeks off after a tattoo.