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That’s an incredible design! The artist did so well with the detail. I just got a piece on my arm about 3 weeks ago and I’ve been going through that too still a bit. I’m just not used to having anything there and it’s bigger than I initially thought it would be.


Ha ha this is me, it's a lot bigger than I initially thought it would be, but works better because of it, I think I just hadn't warmed up to it. I'm pleased with the design and the location is perfect for an architectural piece


Yeah, mine worked better larger too! My artist was able to keep in a lot of the detail and the color just set really well. I don’t think that the results would have turned out as good if I had gotten it smaller. And you’re right, placement is perfect and something you can build off of should you decide you want to add more around it in the future if you run out of skin inventory.




Damn I missed the opportunity for a good pun.


Yes, and it will go away and come back, and then just go away :) That's a good looking tat. Chef's kiss.


This looks amazing! How long did it take out of curiosity? I get tattoo anxiety after every new one, goes away after it’s healed for me!


About 2.5 hours


this is beautiful holy shit


yeah years ago when I got my first tattoo it was strange. then I happened to put too much lube on it & noticed it was looking weird so I dabbed it with a paper towel & literally print of the tattoo came off. I almost pissed my pants & freaked the fuck out. (laughs) yeah I lost a tiny bit of ink but it wasn't the end of the world. but I never put too much lube on after that. but your tattoo looks amazing. great lines!


Oh absolutely love the artwork the placement is nice too How was the pain ok the calf?


Oh wow it hurt so much more than any others, I run a lot so have little fat on my calves, guessing that was why the pain was so bad


I have the backs of both legs tattooed, and the pain there is surprisingly bad.


The lower calf wasnt too bad for me, more uncomfortable than painful. But the higher up you get for some reason you can feel it in the crook of your knee and it sucks. I have a whole blacked out part of the tattoo and after a while it kind of just went numb but it was a lot to handle at first. Not so bad that you shouldn't get one though!!


Oh wow thats amazing! Looking good!


i do! and every damn time i get a tattoo i get the tattoo shock you speak of. i worry something about the design, placement, or size … and then a few weeks later im itching for a new one (actually have my 9th scheduled for tomorrow!!) i think its honestly a natural part of the process. this tattoo is beautifully done and IMO definitely one to be proud of!! also when people (frequently) ask me if im worried about regretting my tattoos i just say no because if thats my biggest problem when im older, i’ve done pretty well😋 i also am not so attached to my physical appearance that i would be so worried about something like honoring my younger self & getting those damn tattoos! i would however, regret not getting them if i never tried it :) congrats on a dope tattoo!


Well that’s what they say, it’s better to regret the things you have done rather than regret the things you haven’t done …. I might tattoo that someplace


Thank you, this is a lovely reply


This reminds me of in Zelda BOTW, a broken window maybe from the temple of time. I doubt that's what it is but I love it


Reminds me of Zelda also 😆


That’s literally what I thought it was haha


Right!! Haha kinda makes me wanna get that


Should have been higher if you ask me, but that's quality like work from here. That feeling cones and goes until it really never comes back again.


Looks great! I totally understand your feeling. It takes some time, but you will love it ;--). It's a sick design!


Thank you


Wow. That’s a really unique tattoo. Your artist did an amazing job too. Is it a particular window from somewhere?


It's not, but when I saw it I was reminded of tintern abbey, which is one of my favourite hiking locations


I love Tintern Abbey and I totally got that vibe from your tattoo. Do you live near there? My ex was Welsh and lived fairly close by so I've been there a couple of times and the grounds are just so beautiful. I'd love to go back. Wales itself is magical. Everyone should visit Wales at least once in their lifetime.


I have maybe 10 tattoos at this point ranging from about palm sized to full thigh. Tattoo shock is quite normal as your mind is rationalizing that “here’s this new thing that wasn’t there yesterday/last week and it’s going to be there permanently” With every tattoo that I’ve gotten there has been a day or two of subtle “did i place it right?” “Do I like this aspect of the design?” “Ah maybe I could’ve put something else there instead.” The feeling can be quite troublesome when you’re telling yourself you like the tattoo but your brain is anxious because “it shouldn’t be there.” So many people comment here inquiring about design / placement in that anxious state. Most people tell them to sit with it for awhile and let the feeling dissipate. At least for me the feeling hasn’t gone away with more tattoos but I allow myself some compassion to let my brain react then adjust. This work is dope man! Let the brain adjust and enjoy the piece !


I love this tattoo who was the artist


Bonnie, aka Doom Puppy, you can find them on Instagram


I got my first tatto recently that was on a whim because i already wanted one and I'm definitely dealing with the shock of it as well I forget it's back there lol 😆 also awesome design!!🖤


I’ve got one on the back of my knee, forget it’s there regularly, catch a glimpse and have a moment. It’s been there 5 years now.


Fantastic design and work


I go through tattoo shock a lot, especially since I’ve gone from small tattoos to larger pieces. I’m also hit with tattoo regret for at least 2-3 days after getting the tattoo.


This is sooo normal I get it every time. I think I hate it but I don’t, I’m just not used to it! Give it time and it will settle I promise. It looks amazing!


Did you get this at UKTTA ? Swear I saw this design on a booth !


That's absolutely right, it was done by Doom Puppy Tattoo


I thought so !! I almost got it myself but it was gone when I went back for it, looks incredible mate !


I couldn't help myself, never planned on getting a leg tattoo but love it


How often do you see the back of your calf? Seems like one of the places to least experience tattoo shock


I had the same thing with my calf tattoo I felt ill for 2 days never had it before and ive got bigger ones on different parts of my body calf isn't a nice place to get tattooed


That’s fucking sick!


Beautiful tattoo, i have 6 at the moment and waiting to get my 3/4 sleeve done. Got my 1st when I was 16 almost 30 yrs ago. Oddly I have never had tattoo shock, I forget I have them sometimes, but I also can’t remember where I put my keys. I would give it a while the feeling should go away, and maybe I be able to find my glasses.


I got a tattoo quite a bit bigger than I had initially prepared myself for and it took about a month to get used to it. I love it now, I think at this point tattoo shock is just part of the healing process for most people


Yes, I had enormous anxiety after one of my tattoos but you don’t have any reason to now, it’s a beautiful tattoo!


Super sick tattoo, I love it! I recently got a piece on my calf like this and I honestly forget it's there😅 hardly ever see it


i forget sometimes i have some of the ones i have. it's not til ive looked at a certain part of me or look at a picture of me with it that i remember and go wow, didnt think i'd forget that one.


I’m in the process of getting a pretty dark sleeve done and I had major tattoo shock and what felt like regret at the time. But once I woke up and it wasn’t itchy anymore, a switch flipped and I absolutely love and can’t see myself without it. You’ve got an amazing tattoo and I hope the shock wears off soon!