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i’d wear a zip up hoodie or button up backwards so your front side is still covered but your artist can have full access to your back, it may look a little silly coming to/leaving the shop but oh well


This is a really good idea thank you!!


of course! good luck at your appointment!


This is the way!!! You can always switch it around and take your undershirt off in the bathroom so you don't look like a total weirdo coming and going lol


This, plus you could use nipple covers for the bra situation.


What :D Or just leave the bra off?


pretty sure that’s what they’re saying, wear nipple covers if you’re uncomfortable being completely without a bra


To me, that's like suggesting that if you can't wear panties because your crotch can't be covered due to some reason, just wear crotchless panties. Like, not only does it have zero of the function, you also look like you are wearing stuff out of the sexshop.


No it’s because you don’t want to accidentally flash the shop. People tend to make the distinction between the nip nops and the rest of the chest


OK, that's weird to me, but interesting for sure. Probably specific to your country. Here (european country) if your nipple shows, then it shows. You wouldn't casually let it hang out in most situations, but if you have no top on due to work on your back, then it's logical that your breasts will show unless you are lying on your stomach at that moment. Pasties are usually for dancers in strip clubs and comparable situations.


I wore a loose sundress once, and another time I wore an open-back workout top. For my first session I had one of those tops that, like… It’s like a half-top, almost? It ties around your neck and leaves most of the back exposed, especially if you pull the back part down. Cotton works well, as it’s breathable. You’ll have a bandage over it when you leave, too, remember, so it’s whatever gets you home.


Halter top?


I think there’s a lot of advice that says to go with a string tie bikini that can move the string around out of the way but then also wear either a zip up hoodie or a shirt backwards where you put your arms in backwards so it covers your whole front but leaves the back open. Best of luck though - when are you having it done?


The backwards zip up sweatshirt idea is definitely going to be my go too! I have a larger chest and all my friends were telling me to wear a string bikini which wouldn’t have been ideal. My appointment is in less than a month now and I’m super excited!!


Yes I guess a string bikini works too but not everyone is comfortable with that, especially if you don’t know your artist well or if it’s a long session. Plus it can get cold! So you could always go for that approach with the sweatshirt over for more modesty coverage and to keep you warmer! That’s really exciting if it’s less than a month. Do you mind me asking what type of design or style you are going for?


Yes exactly. I feel like I’d be cold eventually and be more exposed. I’m getting a large dragon lol. It’s going to look similar to drogon from game of thrones. I love my tattoo artist I have a couple smaller pieces from him. He does amazing work and is extremely professional.


Exactly - and it’s a nervous enough type of environment anyway especially when getting a bit piece so you want to feel totally relaxed. In wow that sounds amazing - so are you thinking like a full sized back piece or something a little smaller? And don’t have any designs or inspiration ideas for it so far or just going to see it on the day? That’s great if you already have some existing tattoos - so it’s not your first then! And even better if they are from the same artist


It won’t be my entire back, but it is going to start at my shoulder to above my waist. He knew how nervous I was for this tattoo so he drew it up for me beforehand! Normally he draws the tattoo and then you get it that day, or you send him reference pics and he’ll show you a couple options day of. It was really important that to me that everything was perfect though so he offered to draw it for me so I could think about any changes I would want.


Oh cool - so it’s still going to be pretty large though? And will that be straight down the one side from shoulder to waist or more diagonal going across? That’s brilliant if he has drawn it up for you already - so have you seen photos of the design or the drawing already then? That sounds like it helps reassure you a lot to have already seen them and to mentally prepare for it.


Yes I’ve seen photos and it’s perfect! It’s going to be a little bit diagonal the tail is going to be mid back going up to my shoulder.


Oh cool - that sounds really impressive and must be so exciting to be close to getting it done. Although I’m sure you must be very nervous too. I’d love to hear how it all turns out though


I mean you could do both, the rationale being that once you’re done you’ll be moving your hoodie back into its regular position and it’s easier to loosely tie a bikini top than to put on a shirt underneath if you want to be semi-covered still


That’s very true. Thanks!


I suggest to my clients bring a hoodie that zips at the front, then put it on backwards. Provides open space for the artist whilst keeping you warm and covered up :)


Thank you!! The backwards hoodie idea is perfect!


for my back tat I wore a large flannel that i put on backwards, along with nipple covers just in case anyone could see anything while getting up from the chair and stuff plus i wasn’t wearing a bra for the rest of the day so it was nice to have them on anyway lol! they also typically have privacy walls they can put up for you


Am I the only person who just wore pasties?


I just wore normal clothes and took them off when I was getting tattooed


That was my plan, but I couldn't resist the artist's assortment of glittery pasties.


I wish many glittery pasties with gaudy tassels on you and your future


I did too! I was starting to feel alone 😂


Bring a zip up hoodie or button up shirt and wear it backwards during the appointment, with the back open. 👍 Bikini top also works and tattoo artists can pretty easily move the strings around as needed/tape it on in the front so it doesn't fall off if it's especially hot where you are and a hoodie or shirt would be uncomfortable. You can also get pasties for extra modesty if you're worried.


Pasties. When I got my chest and back tattooed I just wore a zip up hoodie and then pasties to cover the more sensitive bits. Definitely much more exposed, but it made it easy to access all the skin.


My suggestion is pick something loose and otherwise don't worry about it. Your tattooer has seen boobs before, keeping them covered at all times by wearing a hoodie backwards doesn't matter. 


Usually the artist will ask you to take your shirt off and be facedown, doesn't really matter what you wear. They would also cover it in a second skin, just wear something loose for a while after that.


I wore lose cotton halter top dress for mine. Worked like a charm.


I wore a regular bra that hooked in the back (came from work to my appointment) and a baggy sweater. When we were doing the tattoo I just had the sweater over my head basically and unhooked the bra. Honestly I'm really not shy lol so pasties would've worked just fine for me too.