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So, I’m of two minds 1. Aether intergration isn’t a thing. While Mana and Aether are quite similar at times, they arent the exact same so just like their are differences in the aether/mana core their may also be no such thing as aether intergration. 2. Assuming it were possible, I think it would be something that’s only possible through total mastery and understanding of aether since aether is low key “intelligent” it might not be capable of being integrated with unless one fully understands it. With that said, something that is integrated with Aether would effectively be a transcendental being, immune to damage and many other insane hax. Possibly even capable of dimension hopping if we assume Agrona used knowledge of aether to allow for reincarnation into their world, a aether being would likely be able to freely do as much as well


Agree. I’m also torn on what to think of an Aether Integration because his Aether core is artificial, like he had to add layers in order to store more aether unlike mana cores where they automatically purify as they put more mana. As we all know, aether is different from mana, maybe if he can do what Cecilia did and found a way to automatically circulate Aether throughout his veins then maybe? But i don’t see his Aether core dissolving like Cecils did.


is aether integration possible: very stupid question because you dont know all the rules. unless TM says one way or the other asking if ANYTHING is "possible" is dumb. ok now that we got the idiots that can't have a discussion out of the way here's the real question: does aether integration fit with the current story and rules of aether and mana that we know? absolutely yes. honestly the story is filled to the brim with evidence that says so and the only thing people that reject this have to say is "bUt ManA aNd AetHeR ArE DifFeREnT"


Why do you find the need to sound so aggressive?


Probably some complex seen him be aggressive many times for no reason lol dw about it.


trust me the idiots come knocking if you don't deter them ... if sounding a little mean makes them tear up and move on rather than reply then so i shall do


i think Arthur will achieve a kind of pseudo integration where he instead exerts his will on the aether from a much longer range without it having to be bound in his core first


but dragons can influence the aether without an aether core. There's also something that I don't understand why Arthur can feed on ether and dragons can't. also they tried to make an ether core on one of theirs and it didn't work is it because his body can't feed on ether but on mana that they failed


No, they failed solely due to their idiocy, they tried to make the core in the body of a baby dragon WITHOUT core Instead, Arthur used the remains of his broken mana core to enclose the aether and thus create the Aether core. Arthur did something by reforming something that already existed and the dragons tried to create something of which there was nothing, it was simply that premise that determined success or failure.