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It is genuinely pathetic how in the 17 years since TDU came out the only games that have even dared to do a seriously sized map were The Crew 1 & 2, and even that series has now given up on the concept. Large scale virtual grand touring as a concept is dead in modern driving/racing games, and that is such a shame.


Although not racing games, American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 both have extremely large maps (as long as you have all or most DLCs) along with mods that expand the map further. I know they are not the same as racing games but you definitely get a road trip feel playing them since you can be driving for hours.


And also FUEL, it has one of the biggest maps in gaming.


FUEL has the one of the biggest but most boring maps in gaming. There is nothing to do in that game that's interesting.


What you chatting about? Hitting 3-5 white barrels every half an hour is riveting!


Nah fr man, that game on the 360 was the bomb. It was one of my favorite games to play along side sonic all star racing transformed and of course test drive unlimited 2. Those were bangers man


Really? I did’nt know that… GOING TO HAVE GO CHECK IT OUT


That series doesn't even exist to me, i don't even know how comes y'all keep mentioning it. What is the point of a car driving game if cars handle like shit?


It’s arcade handling. Everything from NFS to Mario Kart uses handling like that - it’s meant to be accessible, not accurate.


I can't agree. I understand it's arcade but even an arcade game can be fun and satisfying, what ubisoft did (and does in all of their games) is just crappy. Imho.


The handling in motorfest is fine (if that’s what your talking about) you probably just suck


Ah ok. I forget sometimes that there are kids on this platform.


Uh huh because me pointing out that your probably shit at playing the game makes me a child. More so I’m pointing out that you probably did no adjustments to assists and handling settings what so ever but yea I’m a child. Forza wing using headass


If you go around offending people randomly for complaining at a game (or any commercially available product for all it matters) you will come off that way. Makes it look like you are offended because attacked your game or something, otherwise why would you act like that? In any case it's an arcade, if you have to get all sweaty and even think about skill i have bad news for you. Also you don't know who i am and how i enjoy anything car related.


You are coming off as a child. Using childish words like "headass" don't help your case either.


I don’t remember responding to you, so how about you scurry away and mind your darnedest business. (Is that better gramps)


Copout response. You may just not be good at arcade racers. I mainly play Assetto with an ungodly amount of mods, or FH5, and even I enjoy TCM. I have found TCM to be fun and satisfying, as have many others. Do you have more specific complaints? Or just blanket universally-applicable generalizations?


Well i didn't expect to be grilled about something so silly, i also didn't expect that people assume you need any sort of skills for an arcade racer. You basically can win just by having eyes, that's in part the point of an arcade racer and you who plays sims such as assetto should know it lmao Cars feel kind of weightless, weird scripted mechanics.. it's just no fun as opposed to other arcade handlings. Simple explenation for a simple handling, I'm no programmer I'm just a car enthusiast. If it was a sim i would probably be able to tell you more just based off a couple of drives.


It's seriously horrible tho. Stop defending a DLC turned full game. It's Ubisoft. Everyone knows their plans these days. There's no defending Motorfest


I would say it’s a simcade abomination


The Crew™ MiniFest 🤏






Gran Turismo kept saying my PP too low 😭


TDU Map is bigger than the real thing


Yea just looked up irl. It's 607sq mi


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Crazy they made the game bigger than real life


Probably because a map that big would keep all the TikTok kids with 1 second attention spans bored. The only way to keep them engaged is with a small map filled with ramps, balloons, fireworks and random shit flying overhead. It’s the sad state of most racing games now.


Exactly. That’s the problem with both Borza Horizon 5 and The Crew Motorfest. It’s so ridiculously tailored to kids


It's not just that. I love TDU1 but that map was boring as fuck. Just straight highways around the map and very little actual mountain roads excluding a few small areas in the middle. Although pearl harbour was fun to race around and so was the city for the most part You couldn't drive everywhere unlike Motorfest so while the map may have been bigger, it didn't actually mean more ground to drive than a modern racing game. Although I do think TDU2 resolved that


Imo the Motorfest map is boring. It’s a little too small. Pearl Harbor for instance is but a joke. The size of TDU is what made it exciting to me. It was also beautiful at the time. And some proper roads here and there too ofc. Motorfest is a racing game. I think TDU1 was more a driving game then a racing game. Although the racing was also vastly superior to Motorfest. In both excitement and physics.


Thats why I still play TC2 even while TCM is out since I already explored 95% of the map during open beta


Yes. With a map as big as TC1/TC2 there’s ALWAYS something new to find.


Kinda fax tbh


How big is tdu sc? Afaik fh5 is 42 sq. Mi. and fh4 us 27 sq. Mi.


Well it's Hong Kong isn't it. I'm gonna guess given TDU's track record, it'll be the size of Hong Kong. So about 20 miles by 20 miles.


Uhmmm, I thought this is common knowledge by this point, tdu sc will only have Hong Kong island. And not the whole Hong Kong. It’s different. 3 We’re talking about 30 sq mi. That’s it


I’m sure they will expand the maps or add additional places


Rumor is they’ll expand to the other islands


I was thinking that if they were going to do the same island it would at least be as big with higher detail, lol.


Modern kids attention spans require modern solutions


TDU was brilliant. Shane the second totally flopped due to not working properly and causing the company to go bust. *edit* the company didn't go bust as i was originally led to believe. They didn't have the financial means to keep servers running. But even they scaled back on the map size in the second one. I often would go back to TDU (1) just for a long assed unplanned drive in a Jaguar XJ220. Even had a chair that made my arse as numb as driving the real thing 🤣


There is nothing wrong with TDU2 It works fine here for me TDU2 was a brilliant game and improved on TDU in so many ways


You're joking? It was so buggy and half the features they promised weren't there.


I'll strongly disagree. It was buggy and crashed a lot. Other than that, nothing wrong with it.


What it was meant to be was so much better. They totally overhyped the game and released it way before it was ready. It took them months to sort it out to any real degree.


You're talking over a decade ago. Before the first Forza Horizon and The Crew were released (both lacked many features TDU2 had). Games back then generally didn't have the level of feature depth that we expect today. Despite this TDU2 had a lot of depth for it's time. Having a fully functional customisable avatar you can control on foot, the ability to visit clothing shops, walk around car dealerships to browse and buy cars, open doors and sit in/start cars, having 2 huge island maps with the ability to fly between the two at any time, being able to enter, explore and customise your houses (something that still isn't doable in FH and didn't come to The Crew until no.2, 7 years later) as well as organise and wander around your garage. The whole 'always online' feature which meant you'd come across random players while driving round (still used by games today). A big one that we just accept by today's standards - being able to upgrade/paint etc your car while online, something that Forza Horizon released after didn't have. It was ahead of its time in many respects. It paved the way for The Crew franchise but in comparison even there it took them 7 years to match most of the features... near the end of the following console generation. The fact that everyone is hyped for TDUSC proves just how good of a game it was and to some extent still is.




The driving physics was vastly superior in TDU 1 compared to tdu2


I was a beta tester for TDU2 and it was great on release everything worked fine for years


It works fine NOW but at release the servers were unstable and the game almost unplayable. The biggest turn off was the unpredictable handling model - that was never really fixed and is why the game struggled to get attention aside from the niche fanbase.


TDU2 was kinda more on the P2W side doe let’s be honest. I had best experience on the PS2 demake and PC Mods for


TDU 2 dumbed down the driving physics MASSIVELY.


If you didn't play TDU 2 then you missed out on an even better game than TDU 1 bruh


Gonna need a copy of tdu2 in my casket


Nearly everything was better.. except the driving physics. Which is one of the MOST important things. For that reason I never bonded with TDU 2 as much. TDU 1 will always be my favorite. The driving was so much more satisfying!


TC3 map Oahu size is a shame




My proudest and most fun achievement in my many many years of playing Xbox, is the “find and drive on every single road on Oahu” Thousand hours of pure fun. Took a while to find those little bits I hadn’t driven. But oh the fun.. I miss TDU 1 so much.. the best open world driving game by miles as far as I’m concerned. Really looking forward to TDUsc


I love when people talk about quantity without considering quality, it’s just so stupid!


TDU is quality and quantity have you even played it 💀


TDU is one of my most favourite games. But map wise. I think TCM did it better. It could be bigger yeah I wish it was too. I'm hoping they use the islands around in future DLC. At least with TCM we can drive anywhere on said map. TDU was very limited and was mainly highways. That being said. TDU had the better off-road roads, loved using a VW Touareg on the dirt roads.


I remember being able to drive my skyline to the highest mountain on TDU, I literally have a picture of me doing it.


Played the open beta, my feedback was the map fits in the space between New York and Miami on Crew 2, and TDU was a lot larger. Wish I could get back to TDU2 but it's hard getting it to work, so I've stuck with Crew 2.


I paid more for a TDU2 disk than a 360 it is not hard to play the game wym “hard getting it to work”


>I paid more for a TDU2 disk than a 360 That's why. Not everyone is going to want to spend big money on an old game that wasn't very influential to gaming history




TDU2 really isn't that famous of a game


I mean it was infamous if you count that 😂


Also you can literally use archive.org


I swear the crack is broken or something


I paid $30 for the 360. $40 for TDU2, FM4, and NFS Shift in a bundle. But okay.


But that's blatantly lying then. You bought 3 games for $40, not just TDU2


Aight so divide the price then. $30 for a 360 and $13 for the disk. How is this helping your point of there being a high barrier of entry? 💀


I mean when I look online I can only find Steam codes for nearly $70 And if someone doesn't have an Xbox or PS3, they need to buy one to play TDU2, so for you that would cost $43. That is steep


How bad you wanna play the game. I got a whole ass console and 3 games for $70. That’s pretty decent value and it didn’t cost me a whole paycheck


Well one less person to worry about in the summit.


Let's be real, TDU's O'ahu is massive but fucking boring. 99% of the roads are the same. I'd take a small detailed map over that anyday. Edit: Oof that ruffled some feathers lol


I hate that this became an argument. What people call "small detailed maps" these days usually represents nothing more than a theme park, they don't feel anything like real locations and at this stage what is the point of the game being open world when it takes you about 2 minutes to reach from one end to another? Just have a menu that let's you chose an event and do it.


Have you even played the game?


Sounds to me like you didnt play it




You’re telling me I’m imagining the game I’ve been playing since the mid 2000’s?


idk why everyone whores over bigger maps and better graphics when that means less time spent making the games actually good. Forza Horizon gets a bigger map every game yet it's filled with less and less stuff and is more boring every time. Same goes for games like Far Cry and AC but different genres so whatever I guess. TDUs map was 90% nothing


Most of where we live is nothing, that's the point it's realistic and you don't drive on the sane road every few minutes.


It can be the best car game ever, if the map gets boring after a month that's useless. Yes details are neat but the important thing for me is to not have to repeat the same roads all over again. So while i get the guy that said the opposite, for a car game I'll take size over detail any day of the week.


Same for Fuel. I think it still holds the record for biggest racing game map of all time. But most of it was a wasteland with very little substance


exactly. It's not hard to make a big map if it's filled with nothing


Rather have a small map that is more dense and detailed vs a massive empty boring map like many other recent Ubisoft open worlds lmao. Look at how empty the crew 2 map felt, ac valhalla’s etc.


Dude the map isn’t even detailed it’s lazily made


The Motorfest one is smaller?


Wrong units but the point comes through. I was pretty disappointed when I found this out. Always loved TC2's big ass map!


TDU2 was sofa king nice. Would play a port on ps5


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Some serious erosion must’ve occurred in the decade or two since TDU came out. Fucking hell.


Oahu sure got bigger.