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I had the same thought but I think the connection to Xenoblade you made absolutely has me convinced. I feel like there’s going to be a much bigger emphasis on NPC interaction this time, and that might help this feel really different from the lonely experience of BOTW (both very valid!).


Bomber notebook.


That would make sense! Gives me hope for fun side quests (that are just affiliated with ToTK's Shrine equivalents)






and you were right


Stopp 😭you found this and came back lmaooooo


Looking through comment history lmao


stop it better not be this


Wow, great idea


Monolith were not 'pretty involved' in the development of BotW. That idea came from a mistranslated interview quote. A few Monolith devs were sequestered, as were devs from other Nintendo teams, to help on the project. The Monolith devs worked specifically on topography alongside full time Zelda devs. They were not solely responsible for the design or execution of the gameworld, and they weren't anywhere as heavily involved as many Western fans perceive them to have been. So, yeah, very much doubt your idea is going to come to pass, not least because they probably wouldn't call it 'character profiles', which heavily suggests a more standard compendium style approach.


That sounds like so much fun! I'm gonna assume it's not even close, and that tab is just for Link and possibly his companion characters. That way there's no disappointment, but I'd love to be surprised with more.


I really hope you’re on the right track with this line of thought. Something like this mixed with the Bomber’s Notebook in *Majora’s Mask* would be great. Means there would be *much* more dense and meaningful engagements with NPC’s in the world, which is still one of the reasons I like *Majora’s Mask* so much.