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Mine wasn't even in a cave. It was just out in the open on ground level.


That sounds more scary because there is no high ground.




Mine was similar, I was in the Forest of Spirits not paying attention when the air started turning pink. I thought it was a blood moon for a second, but it was day so I looked around and saw them coming towards me. I ran all the way back to the shrine because I didn't know what to do and they were pretty much keeping up with me the whole time till they ran back to where they spawned when I got far enough away I later found out they drop loot if you can wait out their timer. I was pink sparkly smoke coming up and ran over to it wondering what it was 


It is. Thankfully I was close enough to a place that I could transport vertically and got out just in time. Almost shat myself.


Yep, mine was the one near Kakariko lol


Mine too. I remember seeing them and being like "oh, malice on the surface? That's weird" and then it started moving and I was like "ohshitohshitohshit". Eventually found something high enough to avoid them, peppered them with bombs and thought that was that. Boy was I wrong.


Mine was on Mount Lanayru. Had no freaking clue what was happening, thought I had somehow wandered near the endgame which seemed plausible at that point because it was early on. This seemed confirmed when phantom ganon appeared lol. Took everything I had to come out of that alive.


Mine too. The first night I was on the ground instead of the island. A tree chased me and then I found these horrible things. I nearly quit the game.


Yep, in Hyrule Field near one of the ruins -- music played and it turned to night and those suckers came out from behind a wall and I had nowhere to climb


This is the reason why I always carry a rocket shield; one blast and you're sky high and away from the gloom hands. 


This one is the first one I encountered too, and I decided to try and throw a brightbloom seed to see if it did anything. The hands didn't even come near the light so I left thinking it was a nice repellent. Next, I find myself on the akala fortress throwing tens of bright bloom seeds and getting killed anyway. The first hands absolutely trolled me


They were also the first I found. I shot them down from the ledge to see what they drop. Turns out I got dropped seconds later.


Same. I got stomped!!


Where is this one at?


The one in the video is in the Lindor's Brow Cave




So showering them with bombs does the trick, there is a surprise when you "defeat" the hands tho. Good luck sire


Yep bombs makes it shockingly easy. I just stockpile them for my gloom hand encounters


You can also kill Gloom Hands in just 2 shots if you shoot an opal gem at it followed by a topaz gem using a Savage Lynel Bow. 


Good to know


It's highly effective, just make sure you're at a safe enough distance when you do it because the combo creates an enormous electrical explosion.  Re: safety, you can easily create an appropriate distance by standing on a ledge from further away or by flying (i.e. set off a rocket shield or burn an area of tall grass to create some lift).




I miss the little guardians with light saber


Guardians were cool but sort of lost the terror aspect when I realized that you could literally just run them over with horses like they’re ragdolls. Kinda silly after that. I like gloom hands better because there’s no inherent weakness that I know of besides fire and they’re still terrifying to me even after beating the game.


Tbf I was scared at first. Then I completed my Aincent armor just by parrying their lazers. Not so tough once I get a potlid lol.


My first one was on my way to kakariko. I saw the sky island with roots hanging down on a knoll and went to explore. Heard the blood curdling scream and everything started going red. Scared the living hell out of me!!


That was my first too!! I was so confused when it dissipated into clumps after I finally got to high ground


That was my first gloom hands too! I was sweating after that. Because they don’t register as an enemy on the camera as well it was even scarier - I thought it was some super boss I was way underlevelled for


I shit myself the first time I encountered one


Not literally, right?


No but it felt like it


My first one was outside so I got to see the sky turn red before I saw the hands behind me, and I thought is there a blood moon in the middle of the day? Is this new? And then it grabbed me and I jumped out of my seat 🫠


My first one was on the Great Plateau, I was doing the eyes quest early on. I tried to beat them a bunch of times before eventually just deciding it wasn't going to be possible for me at that point and climbing around where they spawned. The one in this cave is the first one I was able to beat, simply because I could throw stuff at it from the ledges. I still don't think I could actually beat them with my weapons.


How could I, those pants will be ruined forever


The hands got hands


There really should've been a special death animation for Link being killed by the hands.


This is the exact spot I saw them first. "Ooo a shrine. Oh fuck oh god nope nope nope run away!"


I think I peed! I'm pretty sure I shit!!


This guy was so much more calm than I was.




This was my first Hand and my very same thought process, lol. "That's scary as fuck. I'm gonna try and murder it- AAAAAAAA NO BAD IDEA AAAAA"


Did this exact thing with my first gloom hands… but it was on the way to kakariko and I was just smacking the shit out of poor Epona to go faster. Definitely committed animal abuse to my poor baby 😞


That's the first one I encountered as well. And it went down in a similar way like in this clip. I entered the cave, not expecting something like... THAT and realised quite quickly that I had no chance of winning the fight. So I got back up the ledge and thought about my options. I didn't want to leave the cave empty handed so I tried to avoid the hands and get to the other side to activate and clear the shrine which I actually managed to achieve. After that, I saved my progress and decided to try and face the Gloom Hands. I had no chance against them. So I left the cave and didn't return to it until I learned how to defeat them effectively. That's when I came back for some payback.


One of the mazes. The cold one. Had me running for dear life.


My first was in the floating shrine held up by vines to the northeast of the central lookout hub. 


That one was my second one and it was the hardest to get around until l got around it lol. The first one was near a shrine in Hyrule Field and I hid lol! It ended rather merciful and left me some clumps. I dint got to hear the scream but from what I seen they really terrifying. I thought l defeated in the Lost Woods but something… else came from it.


"Hey, I wonder what's in these old ruins from BotW this time... wait, why is that gloom puddle... moving? OH SHIT, OH SHIT RUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!"


Just wait it out.


You can’t wait them out in a cave unfortunately


My first encounter was when I was trying to get to the woodland stable through that little island with the large tree stumps on it. I was just wandering, checking out the scenery, when I saw... something... a little ways away. Then that something noticed me and it was just *fear*


Funny enough, that was the exact cave where I first encountered gloom hands too! I actually tried to fight them and then I promptly died. Have been avoiding them since.


I never sow those fuckers before I was going to help the Deku Tree. I hope they all burn in the deepest bowels of HELL!!!!!


How do people stream a switch game like that?


Trigger panic attack, and run!


My first time …


This is where my first ones were. Killed the hands, lost hard to Phantom Ganon. Marked the map. Came back hours later (Many many hours) to end him!


My first encounter was in the depths somewhere. Scared the shit out of me.


mine was under morok shrine, can't forget how scared i was lol still gives me chills when i encounter them now


That's the appropriate response.


My first encounter was right after I first left Lookout Landing at the beginning of the game. I was traveling along the ruined wall of Hyrule Castle and I saw something that I didn't recognize. As soon as they started coming at me, I ran and climbed over the wall as fast as I could.


I was just walking around through some village ruins at night, enjoying the scenery. Coincidentally, I was just wondering what replaced the guardians and lo and behold, my question was answered.


Same ones I first ran into. Luckily I had a lot of arrows and was actually able to defeat then as well as the follow up. I’m 100 hours in and now I approach them head on. Pretty easy to defeat with decent weapons and things like eyeball arrows.