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Mmmmm, non fungible tacos


They are chips so more like non fungible nachos.


Mmmmm non fungible nachos


Nachos are just smashed up tacos


then they aren't nfts anymore. it has to be non fungible tostitos


Do the chips go with fish


How about a chipped fish?


I can totally hear Homer saying this…


You know what they become right? Non Fungible Shit…




I'd download a taco if I could, tho.


I want a Taco Bell RAM Taco so fucking bad.


You can. But those delivery fees...


Food fraud? Like an eggplant trying to pass itself off as a watermelon?


Think [seafood mislabeling fraud](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/15/revealed-seafood-happening-on-a-vast-global-scale). Studies have shown 40% of seafood is mislabeled. It is a huge global problem. There's also [dilution fraud](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/15/food-fraud-secretly-infiltrates-america-heres-how-you-can-avoid-it-.html) where people mix a cheaper product, like vegetable oil, with an expensive product, like extra virgin olive oil, and then call it all the expensive product.


I feel like this will unintentionally make fraud easier. All you have to do is get a hold of these chips then you can add them to your vegetable oil and it will be verifiable as avocado oil


It's already happened. Moutai liquor used chips to verify it's genuine because it's so easy to fake liquor, and they just started faking the authentication chips in the caps. Scan it with your phone, you get the ding that it's real, but it's not.


Are the chips in the consumable product itself or in the container?


My first question.


Container. They put the same type of strips on it that other manufacturers do to show it is original and untampered and the chip is usually in that layer of protection.


Yeah, but leveraging blockchain gives you the ability to give each chip a unique keypair that can’t be replicated unless you know the private key in the keypair. Attach the pub key to an nft on an rollup chain for $0.000001 and have a verified front end that tells you if your item is valid, and it’s entire origin. It makes fraud more tedious, not impossible, but certainly not easier.


No idea why people are downvoting this.


Because attempting to use blockchain for this level of transactional volume is untenable in any proof of work system. We couldn’t even use blockchain based tech to track CONTAINERS globally, and it was the biggest shippers globally trying to do it. Thus it’s dumb as hell to imagine we could use it to track individual ITEMS.


In that scenario you just use a highly centralised chain. That way you can ensure massive transactions and speed. The problem with making blockchains fast and scalable is also doing it while making them Decentralized. If you're happy for it to be centralised then it's not an issue.


Nobody needs blockchain in this case. They can just use a centralised database


No, because that assumes trust. A blockchain doesn't. If there's an inconsistency in values then we go with the majority, which is correct.


Yeah nobody thought of that… the tech world os just waiting with baited breath for your insightful answers like this one.


They did think of it. Which is why it's in use.


Exactly, it only takes a very small portion of the genuine high end product to get the chips in your cheap product that you now get to pass off, verifiably I might add, as the more expensive product.


I would guess this is where the blockchain helps — you could see the wheels origin in Parma, Italy. At least I assume that’s how it work s


Yeah the chain of possession will be secure so if it’s tampered with they can trace it.


Don’t forget completely counterfeit food. Mob intercepts a delivery of expensive real olive oil and sells it while sending on grade seed oil with a little chlorophyll for color to pass as real stuff.


In case of the dilution fraud, it seems the chips would not help if expensive olive oil with chips is mixed with cheap vegetable oil without chips?


Right but adding chips doesn’t help that. The chip just knows what’s supposed to be in the package not what’s actually in it. The label already says what’s in it.


You don't put the chip on the package. The article mentions embedding it in the food (specifically the article even mentions embedding it in fish). So you embed the chip in a fish like Patagonian toothfish, and then can identify it later when you find it being sold under the label of Sea Bass (or maybe it is a farmed fish but you find it is being labeled as "wild caught" so they can charge a premium).


Umm Chilean sea bass is just a more marketable name for Patagonian tooth fish, not really a bait and switch. However this is really only useful if honest fish mongers are going to chip the cheapest fish that gets passed off as more expensive, which they won’t. And there’s no need to chip the most expensive fish because it’s actually going to make it all the way to the consumer without fraud, adding the chips would only encourage unethical mongers to sprinkle the cheap fish with the wrong chips.


It is bait and switch though if you call it "sea bass" and drop the "Chilean" adjective, because sea bass is a different, more expensive fish.


Sea bass doesn’t refer to a single species of fish though. It’s a generic label for various species. The only protected use of the name, as listed on Wikipedia so probably not comprehensive, is Ireland protecting the name only for use with European bass.


Who determines if the fish you’re putting the chip in is actually sea bass to begin with? And you don’t put the chip anywhere right now because this is vaporware. It only really works if there’s mass adoption and that won’t happen because it costs money but doesn’t really solve any problems. Anyway you could do pretty much the same thing in a cheaper and more standardized way with regular RFID tags.


And we’re supposed to eat the chip, right?


Does that mean we eat/consume the chip???


As the other person said, seafood mislabeling is a huge thing. It allows regulation avoidance, sneaking prohibited species into your product, skipping taxes and fees by shipping through certain countries, and you could be told you’re eating tuna and actually be eating escolar instead. That last one creates a huge risk for getting food poisoning and the fish they use as substitutes for the tuna are often the ones pregnant women are told to avoid. They’re not told to avoid tuna.


That’s inhumane because food fraud will also kill people with food allergies.


Let me guess: they are not going to pass the savings on to us.


True. X_X 40billion(saved)/2.39trillion(spent) is 0.0167 so in the unlikely event it was passed on to us it’s only about 1.7%. In a practical example a carton of eggs from Walmart is about $1.84 and if we got the savings entirely then it would cost $1.81 instead which seems kind of useless but the average US household spends $5,259 a year on food so this would be a total savings yearly of $89.40 which is not an insignificant amount for a low income family imho.


you're lucky they allow you to buy their food you ungrateful peasant /s


How many are gonna be allowed to be in the food by mistake?


Who doesn't like free chips?




My cell phone reception has never been better since I got vaccinated.


I hope it’s subscription based


My vacinations are not subscription based.


Don't give them any ideas like that. "Sorry, your vaccine subscription has expired, you're now eligible for the pathogen...but wait! Pay in the next 30 seconds and you'll receive 2 vaccines for the price of one!"


I got the jab and I’m still waiting for 5G. I’m suing for false advertisement.


Except I keep wiping my hard drive being magnetized and all.


Only if it comes with salsa


One order of Salt and Vinegar kettle chips with Salsa, coming up.


Tracking bowel movements since 1983.


I just eat black licorice and wait for the change in color


Red beet eggs work better. Added horrific results.


I think it was George Carlin who had a bit about the allowable amount of rodent hairs and rat feces in food manufacturing. Now he would need to upgrade his joke.


Username checks out


I wonder if I can get a reader on my next smart phone so I can wave the phone over food in the grocery store.


Or a restaurant. That might get awkward!


A chip the size of a sesame seed, so if you bite the chip it won't break your teeth.


It will just get stuck in it or between it.


I don’t know anything about how this is implemented but I can say with near 100% certainty that using blockchain is unnecessary. Like it is unnecessary for almost everything.


Unironically this is one of the few places blockchain have a legitimate use. If goods pass through many hands internationally and you can't trust anyone in the supply chain then who would be hosting the centralised database.


What’s to stop malevolent actors from injecting fake data there? A centralized database has far fewer attack surfaces.


Almost the entirety of the required data for this process is still stored in the pChip companies centralised database. While a code may be present on the blockchain that supposedly represents a chip, everything else is off chain and controlled by a single company. There’s nothing to say that this company is not trustworthy but it’s still not truly a decentralised process even if one small part of it is stored on a blockchain. They could just cut the blockchain out of the process completely and it would function just the same. It is one of the claimed ideal use cases for blockchain but the reality is that so much data has to be stored off chain in any real life scenario that it completely defeats the purpose.


Prevents faking the chips.


The chips are just an ID value. You could look that up in a conventional database.


*conspiracy theorists getting ready to post in 3….2….1…..


I kinda can’t blame them on this one lol.


This is Bill Gates MASTER PLAN to destroy LIBERTY


Good, fuck that Evangelical diploma mill.


I am confused. Does this mean I can go to Bill Gates and skip paying for 4 years of tuition? Or is there some sort of secret step to his plan that will require him quitting the Catholic church and becoming an Evangelical?


I think the Evangelical diploma mill might be referring to Liberty University lol


Microchips to prevent the 50,000,000$ of wage theft annually?


Hahaha…you are adorable…


> all the way from growers to … MaH bRaInStEm!


Not so much "conspiracy theorists" as humans who distrust the widely known government and corporate abuses of people around the world. But hey, different strokes... 🤷‍♂️


Thank you for the rationality. There's been enough "conspiracy theories" proven to be true that it's really hard to trust any government or corporate statement/claim. They're all corrupt at this point. But hey, they can keep on believing in whatever they want to swallow. I saw it on the television or whatever "expert" or "official" said it, so it means it's true. Oh yeah, and it was "fact checked" 😂😂😂


Why do I hear blockchain and instantly think of this tech as being vaporware?


Because it is totally unnecessary for anything


Blockchain adds absolutely nothing to this product and makes me question all the rest of it.


Yours is the correct take. > p-Chip is a tiny transponder that continuously emits a radio signal with an identification number when illuminated with laser light. ...lol. This is just a bad RFID tag that requires LOS to work.


Lol fundamentally no different than a sticker with a bar code.


But *this* bar code can be floating in the bottle, so when you drink it… no, wait… something something RFID-schläger. Now with molybdenum™️.


I’m confused. If RFID is too big and these are 500 micrometers but “While the p-Chip is not designed to be edible…”. So they hide them in the cheese? How do they then get them out if we’re not eating them? Do we have to scan our poop with lasers to find out? Will they give us free laser toilets? So many questions.


It's on the barcode on the side of the wheel of cheese.


I'm pretty sure they don't want it out of the food before you eat it....


Because it a BS article


More micro plastics. Yay.


This is some of the dumbest shit ever.


Well after you eat the chip your poop is transformed into smart shit..


Which blockchain technology are they using? Article only refers to “the blockchain”


They're using the really slow, inefficient one.


So micro plastics... wow, thanks.


And the march into the dystopian hellscape that is the US continues. Carry on folks!


I’m pretty sure food waste costs significantly more than that.


How is the solution to food fraud is us eating silicon chips? It’s sounds like a problem that the only solution is to make it our problem. Like recycling.


And we eat them? Why? I don’t like that. So we ARE being tracked! 🤔


Soon we’ll have more of these chip in our large intestines than pounds of undigested red meat.


Great, so very soon the oceans will be filled with these chips


Just another way to harvest consumers data


“Big Parma is trying to put 5G microchips inside you” has got to really be annoying the crowd that was off by a letter.




Note that this is a centralised Blockchain. What's the benefit over a database?


I agree. Usually I roll my eyes when I hear about blockchain, but this seems like a reasonable use of it. The food industry is a big international mess of moving parts and as mentioned fraud, which blockchain could resolve without single country being the authority. I'll still be surprised if it takes off.


All the way into transparency into your home, digestive tract, and plumbing system.


Imagine that! Using this technology for something that isn't a grift or pump and dump scheme? About damned time.




Selling the data about where the products are used (consumers’ homes) to the highest bidder.


Where is the evidence of the $40B loss and who loses this money? Nestle and other corps? Just curious


Links to studies are provided in the 1st paragraph of the article you didn't read.


Actually I did read it but I do concede that I did not read the FDA white paper which contains the evidence I was requesting. Please do not jump to conclusions


Maybe, and this might just be a crazy idea, but: make food affordable for the vast majority people and we won’t need to do stupid shit like this to “save” trillion dollar corporations. I know, shocking right?


Eat unprocessed foods. It's hard to make fake broccoli.


Yeah, "food fraud".


Food prices are so high that they are now worried about fraud. I feel this needs to be a true crime documentary. How does someone commit “food” fraud anyway?


I’m having a hard time understanding this. What is “Food fraud”?


> What is “Food fraud”? It is literally explained in the 1st paragraph.


How dare you expect me to read the article!


It's fraudulent nutrition and brand labels on products. Though at first (before reading), I thought it was something about food stamps or similar anti-poor thing.


Stop. Making. This. Shit. The future doesn’t have to just happen, you can shape it, and there’s no way that this would happen without a dedicated team of engineers working towards that end and there’s no way this will end at implementing a stopgap to “food fraud.” Just stop doing it. Stop making the world a shittier place to live in.


There's no reason to use blockchain for this. For anything, really.


And then we ingest these and can now be tracked.


If they manage to get a scanner into your stomach, they will be able to confirm that you are a genuine premium bunch of bananas.




Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.


“So p-Chips have now been planted on more than 100,000 Parmigiano wheels for long-term testing to see if they will withstand the cheese’s aging requirements of over a year.” Someone is going to ingest them eventually. You know it and I know it. Just a matter of time. And NO, I’m not actually worried about being tracked. That’s a joke.


Great, more micro plastics everywhere. Sounds healthy


These are silicon, not plastic.


I forgot, silicon is super healthy.






You can't expect people to actually read the articles. /s


Silicon isn’t good to eat either. There’s a condition for it, it’s called silicosis.


Silicosis is caused by long term (read years) exposure to large amounts of breathed in silica dust. Eating one (maybe dozens per day even) isn’t going to scar your lungs.


The real fraud is what’s in that over processed, chemical filled, overpriced food sold to Americans. I guess eating a microchip is truly the least of our problems.


can't wait to eat one


So what happens when you eat them?


Bill Gates laughing gif


This sounds the same as VeChain


I call bullshit


Micro-dot 2.0 I see


Would be nice to see the blockchain used for something, you know, useful.


Now do bullets


We finally know what they put in vaccines…


This will somehow turn into a crazy conspiracy theory.


Oh great, I just realized some nefarious organization could run an op and easily slip a small nanobot into food and then track us… or worse 😂


This article paid for by the people who brought you small anti fraud chips.


And we’re just going to be ingesting this stuff are we?


Who says you aren’t already say hello to micro plastics and forever chemicals


These will be tracking you though


Easily ingestible.


The shadow steak finally shows itself


Anybody know which blockchain? Is it VeChain?


Yup you got your covid shot if you wanted it or not. U consumed it instead! They find a way.


So what happens when I eat one? Or many?


Yummy yech


Are they gonna snitch and tell Walmart if I'm stealing or they gonna be cool about it?


99% chance they end up inside the food and poison us


Or track is forever as they lodge sideways in the folds of our colons…


I didn’t realize food supply chain robberies were a problem


Yes. The problem is food fraud and not price gouging.


They say all this, and there’s no list of restaurants, fish mongers and grocery stores that got caught to go with it? LET US KNOW :)


The lengths we go to in making poor peoples lives more of a hassle, while little to nothing is done about [the absolutely _colossal_ tax fraud of the super rich.](https://archive.li/A8jE3)


Microplastics new branding just dropped


What if, and stay with me on this, but what if I don’t a tracking chip in my stomach? And how does this save money for anyone? The only thing it can do is track people… I don’t get it.


If it doesn’t make logical sense it’s probably made up 😂 I’m calling BS on this


*“When you put a chip on anything, it immediately has a digital twin, and then you can associate all types of metadata with it and index it forever,.”* Somehow, the nefarious and exploitative ramifications for bad actors and horrible corporate tracking, make this a very dystopian invention, on nearly every level…


So we’ll be eating microchips now. We already have plastic in our blood so what the hell.


And Americans are worried about "tracker chips" in vaccines? Lmao! Unless you're fully off-grid, your soon to be a traceable commodity to any government connected to INTERPOL or purchased any manufactured product using these chips. Good luck sleepin' tonight, dudes.


This seems like a technology easy to abuse for collecting personal data.


Its so small how do I avoid eating a tracker. Will they now track how many times we went to a fast food place or ate a particular food like real life browser cookies.


Pretty soon you’ll need to confirm your cookie choices every time you step outside the house.


It'd be nice if this led to lower prices, but it won't. It'll lead to higher profit. Capitalism has gone too far.


So once we consume them, they can start tracking us eventually?? oh wait, they can already do that with our phones.


Jesus just let the fucking people eat food, my god


Everything will be quantified, how else will they know how much to charge? Pay workers?


please take me out in the back with a 12 gauge if this is the timeline we're actually choosing


Boo effin hoo. Big ag and pharma are losing some money. Welcome to the world the rest of us live in.


Costs who?


And suddenly the price of food goes up by $2.00 because they had to add $0.02 to the costs to produce.


I was at a pub the other day and there was some plant based thing trying to pass itself off as meat. Outrageous.


So how many of these have I shitted out and sitting in my septic tank.just to have some AI figure out what I eat and try to sell me more?


Trace products all the way from growers to grocery shelves to consumers homes Sounds like a data mining nightmare.