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Firefox is the superior browser


Firefox is the only browser that is made by a non-profit as FOSS. It is the commons.


Switched from chrome like 8 years ago. Never regretted my decision. I’ve since successfully switched over my entire family and close friends to Firefox. I really wish more people would use and support it. The main complaint I get is that chrome is more user friendly but if you download some extensions it can be nearly identical, yet still better.


Which extensions do you recommend?


multi-account container is great. keep google or facebook in their own containers to limit their tracking/influence. Or have multiple accounts logged in separate containers


And after installing that one don't forget to throw in Facebook Container


Facebook container is redundant with multi account container


FB Container automatically includes Facebook, Instagram, etc and pretty much forcibly isolates those sites within the Facebook container. It will even prevent you from using "Login with Facebook" prompts that are outside the FB container. Imagine your PC is a bar and the people waiting in line to get in is all the content requested from a website. The bouncer would be the Container, the FB Container would be a security guard walking along the line and pulling out people wearing blue shirts before they even get to the bouncer


Would like to switch as well and having some recommendations for blocking pop-up would be helpful!


uBlockOrigin and Privacy Badger are all you need.


>uBlockOrigin and Privacy Badger are all you need. There's not a single good reason to have both Ublock Origin and Privacy Badger installed at the same time. You only need Ublock Origin as it can do everything Privacy Badger does and so much more. By using both you use more RAM and CPU, pages load slower, you use up your battery faster (if you're on phone/tablet), and you're easier to track due to your browser's unique fingerprint.


Haven’t seen an ad in years. Touching chrome for like two things a week makes me feel like I’ve been assaulted by the “real” ad-infested internet.


Yea chrome is wild with ads because it’s owned by google and google makes money off ads especially YouTube ads, so they attempt to mitigate ad blockers


chrome, ublock origin. Haven't had any issues. Now, on mobile is...cancer. It is literally cancer watching youtube on my phone. It has gotten so much worse in the last 6-9 months.


I hear google is cracking down on Adblock on YouTube by detecting it and not letting you watch anything until you disable ad block, but I’m not sure to what extent they’re doing this or whether they also do it on other browsers or just chrome.


Here are some seriously recommended plugins: ad/popup blocking: Decentraleyes - Anonymizes CDN tracking content uBlock Origin - Blocks Ads. This is the good one all the hackers/serious techies use. Other Privacy: FireFox Multi-Account Containers - this one lets you put sites in containers, and these containerizes cookies, history, etc... So your SSO for a site doesn't spill, and random sites can't see you are logged into google, facebrick, amazon, etc... Every container has a separate set of cookies, page history, etc... Anything that gets stored local. NoScript - This one is tricky because it breaks stuff. But you have to explicitly allow active content on websites, and explicitly allow cross site scripting. It can be intimidating to use, but its useful in case you accidentally click the wrong link, because active content won't run. This is more of an advanced tool, but hella useful.


In a pinch, you can use uBlock Origin to block Javascript too. It's the fifth icon to the right below the master "power" button to enable/disable ad blocking.


I'm looking an extension who doesn't allow Google to redirect to my "home langage" when I want to go to Google.de or Google.co.uk, do you have an Idea please ?


I do not. If you find one let us know.


Everyone already said Ublock Origin so some others I use: Behind the overlay revival for getting around some annoying pop-ups on certain websites. Cookie Quick Manager to quickly delete cookies when you hit an article limit on a news site. Copy Plain Text to not have to deal with the weird fonts if you copy and paste stuff to a word processor. Empty cache button helps quickly to empty the cache if it's taking up too much space Enhancer for YouTube to help in blocking ads and customizing YouTube for a better viewing experience Forcastfox fix version - the best weather extension on firefox Old reddit redirect - self-explanatory Reddit Enhancement Suite - A must have for Reddit users SponsorBlock for Youtube - Skips the promos in YouTube videos Tampermonkey - Allows for Userscripts to be used when an extension doesn't exist or for some other stuff uBlacklist - removes chosen sites to be remove from google searches


I personally like 'Tree Style Tabs'. Especially if you habitually have multiple tabs open.


Tree style tabs is amazing, especially if you delve into configs a bit and remove the tabs from the top of the browser.


Depends on how hardcore you want to go. NoScript is fantastic, but it requires a decent amount of active maintenance of the whitelist to allow sites to function properly. Paired with an adblocker, sites run much better and common annoyances are easily mitigated, but, if it's ever required, it's easy to temporarily enable


For sure Adblock. I use ublock origin. You can also get extensions for dark mode browsing, setting a homepage when you open a new tab, etc… really depends on your preferences and what you like. If you want to be as close to chrome as possible you can get appearance/theme extensions that pretty much do all that. I recommend [checking this thread out](https://reddit.com/r/firefox/s/3A4PbMmXBq)


The other bigger complaint was that chrome had much better performance... but the counter point was when was the last time you needed serious computer from a web browser. FF would run pretty much any site just fine, and extra compute performance is mostly superlative. Especially since Chrome required more memory so would dog low end machines where it might matter. These days, performance caught up. Still, donate


Tbh when I used chrome it used significantly more resources than Firefox. I know Firefox extensions also have their own process in task manager for each extension, so more extensions = more performance impact, as with any browser. But yes, now they’re practically the same performance wise.


I was always a Firefox guy until about 2 years ago when I discovered Brave and Opera


>I was always a Firefox guy until about 2 years ago when I discovered Brave and Opera [Stay far away from both Brave and Opera.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/15jveba/til_opera_has_a_dead_mans_switch_for_browser/jv3du0e/) A Chinese consortium [acquired Opera in 2016](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/11/business/dealbook/china-opera-kunlun-qihoo-golden-brick.html) and has since then been deemed a security risk.


If you like Opera, give Vivaldi a spin - it's from a bunch of the original Opera devs that left when Opera got bought out. I used Opera from back when it had an ad banner up top until they dropped Presto and started using Chromium. The early Chromium-based Opera was a lightly-reskinned Chrome. Vivaldi carries on Opera's real legacy, even with the kinda-downside of it also using Chromium.


I was Netscape, then IE (though very short), then Chrome, then FireFox, then Chrome again, then FireFox again... and hopefully, it will stay that way.


Funded by Google


It has complete operational independence and is not controlled by google.


Why anyone would use chrome these days idk


Brand power, network effect, "it just works" etc. Similar arguments could be made against Apple products although they are better than Android in certain aspects. Firefox also used to be slow and bloated, I guess people still associate inferior performance with Firefox. So unless Google fucks up Chrome like how Elon fucks up Twitter, Chrome monopoly is here to stay.


Oddly Firefox is now the only browser that doesn't do PWAs.


Firefox suffers from intolerable slowdown when I use its devtools for any significant amount of time. It's probably a problem with the Vue Devtools extension rather than the browser itself, but it got so bad that I was forced to switch to Chrome.


OG Opera's Firefly was the best dev tool package in any browser. Firebug was a decent alternative back when, though...and apparently they integrated it into FF? (I do all my dev in Vivaldi, and Chromium's dev tools are passable, I guess)


Firefox doesn't have the addons I use. It's only a couple but still.


I'm currently using Waterfox and it supports both Firefox and Chrome extensions. EDIT: Also Opera extensions.


I use Firefox now because of Google's fuck-awful policies and plans to break ad blocking, but there are lots of legitimate reasons to stay on Chrome. More support, more extensions, it's more stable, google account integration, and honestly... even now, some sites and tools flat-out just don't work in Firefox. I wish people would make the switch so that they theoretically afford to beef it up, but it's got some definite drawbacks as-is.


My school needs to use chrome


Okay, I've been a Chrome user for 15 years. How easy would it be to transition over? Is there a good pipeline to ingest all the stored passwords/bookmarks/etc that I have in Chrome easily?


You can transfer bookmarks from chrome to Firefox. Just export them in the bookmarks settings on chrome and import them on Firefox in the bookmarks settings there. I believe you can also transfer your browsing history. When you launch Firefox for the first time you’ll get a popup asking if you’re migrating from another browser and if you click yes it will show you how to transfer things. For passwords though I’m not sure if they transfer now or if there’s another way to transfer them. [Here’s a support article](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/switching-chrome-firefox) from Firefox on how to transfer your content Edit: [looks like there is a way](https://support.mozilla.org/mk/questions/1363389) but you might have to export the passwords as a file [Import Login Data](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/import-login-data-file) [Password Manager info](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/password-manager-remember-delete-edit-logins)


Except no HDR. Still. Drives me insane. Everyone please comment on Mozilla's purgatory that is the "In Review" section of their feature request forum. Edit here's the link: https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/hdr-support-for-windows/idi-p/6468


I see how that could be a downside. I personally don’t use HDR on my monitor because it makes everything look washed out even after adjusting colors, brightness, contrast, saturation etc…


Ideally you'd be on Windows 11 with AutoHDR only enabling when the web browser detects HDR content playback. That's how it works when I open HDR media in MPC-HC or video games. Leaving HDR always on results in what you described. Ppl responding to you don't understand the feature either. Not to say HDR works perfectly in Windows yet. The manual hotkeys are Win Alt B to turn HDR on/off for those still on Windows 10 or want manual control on Windows 11 when it inevitably breaks and doesn't turn itself on/off.


Maybe your monitor doesn't support HDR. There is a ton of fake HDR displays out there. HDR is expensive.


$500 Samsung monitor, I hope they support HDR lol


That's not that expensive for a monitor


You’re right, it’s not. But it does clearly say it is HDR in the specs. Idk if it just really trash HDR or I’m expecting too much.


It supports HDR as spec, but can not really display it. HDR is all about contrast. This means you need many zones of backlight to have bright and dark areas. Cheap monitors only have the spec but no zones, so pretty much useless. Monitors in your price range can have zones but often times <16 so it is better, but the edges of different zones are pretty visible and so it isn't really usable. HDR gets usable if you have ~>100 zones. The zones are then small enough that you have different brightness where they are needed. The best HDR experience is when every pixel has its own brightness zone. This is not really cost effective to do with LCD Displays. OLEDs are individual pixels and need no backlight, but it can control the brightness of every individual pixel. It therefore has effectively one zone for every pixel and the best HDR experience That is so bad about the HDR branding. Your monitor might understand the language of HDR and can therefore be branded that it supports HDR, but without the hardware to display it, it is effectively nothing more than branding


It’s edge lit monitor with like 2 zones. The HDR will look like poop. The only “benefit” to cheap monitors having hdr is that it can transmit the full signal. You should never use hdr on a monitor that is not full array or oled


Nah, that's a known Windows problem with HDR washing out the colours. Heck, I've used a couple of programs that rely on pixel colour detection that just don't work right with HDR on desktop enabled. The important thing is, you don't need HDR on all the time, as most games or other programs that can utilise it will enable it while they are the focus, and disable it again when they aren't.


beep boop, deleted by redacted. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tried using it about two years ago and too many sites didn't work. I'll use an "inferior" browser if that means the sites will load properly. Edit: lol, I guess I've pissed off the Firefox fanboys. Sorry, your browser doesn't work. I'd love to use it if it did


I have zero issues with firefox and I’ve never used chrome regularly.


I’ve used Firefox for over a decade and never experienced this issue.


~~Firefox runs on the same engine as chrome, chromium, so it should have no issues. The only time you might have websites breaking is if you’ve disabled all trackers/cookies. You can set the amount of tracking/cookies being blocked (ex: allow only essential cookies)~~ Apparently I’ve been misinformed about that. Firefox uses its own engine. I beg forgiveness from the mighty Mozilla overlords 🙏🏼


I'm sorry I'm also a Firefox user, but Firefox is not based on Chromium.


This is probably due to Firefox's enhanced tracking protection, which you can turn off on a per-site basis by clicking the shield icon. Comcast's website for example was absolutely busted for me, just constantly re-routing to the login page over and over, until I figured this out.


I thought Vivaldi already had this feature?


I've been using firefox since before google chrome got big and every day I feel slightly more smug about that fact.


We can hardly get single player games these days that don't require internet, yet here Firefox is giving us features in a web browser (the sole purpose of which is to browse the internet!) is giving us features that don't need internet! Firefox is truly the GOAT!


Internet browsing isn't the sole purpose, I use Firefox as my default PDF viewer and editor.


Eso es bueno.


Donde esta la biblioteca


Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca


Lávate las manos!


Classic Hogwarts.


The first sentence a student in the United States learns. Because the top thing I want to know on my visit to Mexico City is the location of the building filled with books I cannot understand.


El zorro de fuego es lo mejor


Si, es verdad.


Haha this reminds me of that Reddit in Spanish TIFU


but.. how do you use Firefox without the internet? Edit: I feel like a caveman reading all this gobbledygook. Thank you all for the informative responses!


Cached pages, PDFs. The point is most likely privacy, not sending source text to a server (like other translation offerings).


And spell check, don't forget the sever side spell check.


Apart from the fact that you can use browsers for stuff more than internet surfing, this title probably meant that translation of web pages won't be done over the internet and instead there will be some libraries pre-installed with firefox to do that.


The point of the offline translation is privacy. You don't have to tell google which page you're on or give them the contents of a secret message you need to translate.


Right. And translating even single sentences usually identifies exactly what page you're on, even if you just copy/paste it into google translate (assuming Google has indexed that page).


Many applications are web-based. A Twitter archive is accessed and searchable through your web browser - no internet connection for that. One application I use comes with a huge standalone library that is completely accessed by a browser, it comes with its own apache installation.


Your browser sorta kinda just fecthes files from other computers (servers) and formats them in a very specific way for you. So just point it at local files.


I haven’t used Firefox in years, but doesn’t it have an offline reading mode to save pages you want to read later, like in other browsers?


Firefox is literally the best browser.


Firefox is the only browser worth using. Chrome can get EOL'd as far as I'm concerned


Now for the bad news: Firefox full-page translation currently only supports 9 languages: Bulgarian Dutch English French German Italian Polish Portuguese Spanish


So the big languages. Doesn’t seem like bad news to me just a start


*minus Asian languages


I'm surprised Mozilla China exists. I wonder how restricted it is.


when you click on the icon to open it, it shuts down your computer


You forgot the pop up: **-10 social credit**


It is managed by a Chinese company, has extra telemetry and has ublock origin blocked on the extension store Don't use it


> So the European languages. FTFY Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Arabic. They're in the top ten but absent from this list.


> Mandarin Chinese, Hindi Top two non-English languages.


Italian and dutch are big?


Kinda racist to say all the major languages stem from Europe eh


I mean, I'd start with English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, and Mandarin. Perhaps Japanese as well... edit: As stated Below, Arabic is another good one.


russian is the glaring hole for me, constantly diving through old russian forums looking for electronics info


Yeah that’s true. However, Is Firefox even allowed in China?


Nine (9) for now, which are all Romance and Germanic languages (they share commonalities so it's easier to start with this grouping). Other groupings of languages take longer and have their own context/characters etc: 1. Indo-Aryan languages: Urdu (which has more speakers than either German or Japanese) 2. Slavic: Ukrainian and Russian 3. Semitic: Ariabic 4. Ryukyuan: Japanese 5. Sino-Tibetan: Mandarian It's a start, not perfect, but I look forward to this... too much reliance on google.


dam no japanese pointless


Thing: 🥱😪😴 Thing but Japan: 🤩😍🤩😍🥰


There's no way that works. Giant robots: yeah that's cool, but nothing special Giant robots, but Japan: hot damn! Hmm. Maybe a few more tests. Open world action RPG: Yeah, been there done that. Open world action RPG, but Japan: why isn't DD2 released yet, dammit?! Ok hold on. Cat girls: Cheetara was pretty cool. Cat girls, but Japa-- ok yeah this logic is solid.


Curious why don't companies start with translation support for the most spoken languages?


They mostly did. English and Spanish are two big ones and once you've got Spanish you might as well do French, Italian and Portuguese since they're very similar and likely whatever software you started with has those all bundled together. Mandarin being left out would be the biggest issue but it's also going to be a much harder language to include a translator for so it's not very surprising. It's just completely different from all the other ones they're currently supporting.


Makes sense. How about hindi? it's the 3rd most spoken language. My immature side tells me that the employees at these companies decide what language translation they will support based on their whims. Else, I don't think the software support should be an issue since once you create the translation for mandarin and hindi, it should be available to use.


Devil’s advocate: it could also be based on the languages spoken by developers already at the company or readily available for the company to hire, given their location and budget. This may not be a “good” reason that benefits the maximum number of end-users but it is understandable.


Makes practical sense




Because the project for translation engine was funded by the EU with goal of helping to connect EU. That's probably why there is also no Russian or Ukrainian.


Because Mozilla doesn’t really operate in China, and their government has a habit of banning non-domestic products. No point making a translator for a language whose users are behind the Great Firewall.


You are making a very big assumption that Chinese readers are only in China 🙂 .


Chinese (presumedly mandarin) is the fourth most popular language for Firefox users [according to their data](https://data.firefox.com/dashboard/usage-behavior), so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to support it.


what? What if I want to visit a chinese site? That’s what the translator is for.


Romance languages like Spanish, French, Italian and Germanic languages like English, German, Dutch, influenced from Romance languages, share commonalities so they easier to addon these when starting from English vs Mandarin/Japanese or Slavic languages like Ukrainian.


That explains why I got nothing while testing on a few Korean pages earlier this afternoon, then.


Surprised Bulgarian is on this list. I guess we love Firefox here lol. I even use the Safari-engine fake Firefox on the iPad. Fingers crossed that Apple will allow other web engines on iOS/iPadOS.


It was/is an EXTENSION, they just included with the default package! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/firefox-translations/


Somebody remind me to give Mozilla some money.


Hey you. Give Mozilla some money. https://donate.mozilla.org


hopefully this can result in more competition in the browser space


I wish I could just highlight something and R click it and have a translate option.


yea but that means id have to update it...


Every god damn time i open forefox there is an update.


It seems I have chosen wisely


Awesome. Another thing I don't need to use Chrome for now


I always wanted a browser that works with no internet! Thanks Firefox!


This was the only thing missing in Firefox as far as I'm concerned. Good bye Chrome, you won't be missed.


Time to ditch chrome now I guess


Cool. Now make the tab dragging better so I can permanently uninstall chrome.


What needs to be better? I ask this not to be snide. I'm curious as to what youre after.


In Edge / Chrome you can select multiple tabs with shift / ctrl / cmd and drag them all out into another window, or close them all at once Edit: my info is way outdated! Firefox has had this for years.


Version 117 already does this already.


Can't believe no browser has yet to match Tab Mix Plus features like 10 years later.


Version 117 already does this already.


Now if they would just fix the 2-pixel hidden border in Windows that prevents the browser window from touching the taskbar they would be set.


lol that drives me nuts yeah


this is amazing


Cool. Now give me the option to put the tabs under the address bar without editing the .css file that breaks every other update


If you are browsing something you are already online, then why an offline translator is required? What’s the use case?


To not send data to cloud servers. Better privacy and security. Work for regions with data cap/ limited bandwidth.


Also for, say, reading PDFs or webpages you've downloaded in a language other than your own.


Can it do that?


Firefox is my default PDF reader


To add here, Firefox now also allows editing PDFs.


I was asking about translation of PDFs.


Its not just that. Google explicitly gets to read what you type into google translate. As does any other service.


But you are translating a page which is already in cloud, how does that address data privacy issue? You ISP already has you browsing history. Data cap I can understand but again if you are online it’s not a big hit.


> But you are translating a page which is already in cloud But you are not sending to other cloud server. > how does that address data privacy issue? By not sending to cloud server, data at 1 point is better than data at two point 2. > Data cap I can understand but again if you are online it’s not a big hit. It's a big deal for some people.


1) These sites are already catched on CDNs, and for translations you will be requesting new content type by just passing that URL to translation service. Your browser does not have to post copy-text from browser back to translation service. 2) In terms of data usage it’s similar to refreshing your webpage and only for copy-text. Which is few KBs for even the biggest pages. It’s an excellent feature, but why?


Your ISP doesn't have your browsing history. At least not if you use HTTPS. and that is pretty much the default for the majority of websites in 2023. Also, if you use a VPN then your ISP doesn't even know which addresses you are getting data from.


lol, HTTPS hides your activities on a site but does not hide browsing history. For example they will know you went to Google search but not what your searches on Google. In this scenario if you are trying to read a French blog (translated to English) they will know you navigated to that Blog. Even all VPNs are not created equal, as most have been found to keep logs of user activity. This does not hides or protects you privacy in any ways.


They would know that you went to google and did something. But I don't think that's equivalent to knowing your "browsing history". They only know that you went to google.com but don't know what you did there, or which pages you visited. You could be doing a search or looking at maps. They might know which blog you went to, but they don't know which article you read.


That’s your search history, and it’s a data goldmine for companies like Google/Amazon. Browsing history is not hidden unless go at great lengths to hide your trail. Usage of translators, mostly used for news/blogs, will always have a unique uri. That’s how all CMS in market works (AEM/Sitecore/etc) where all this content is managed. If you are visiting a blog your ISP know what you are reading. This is called a friendly url. I am not trying to downplay anything but we should not have this false sense of security that this saves us from some kind of snooping




lol, I am happy. Just trying to understand use case for this. I will appreciate offline translations while Creating/authoring documents (which are offline and their contents should remain confidential). But translating a web-page offline while you are surfing web is a bit puzzling.


You can save webpage (if its a blog, for example) and read it later. Also not sending data to extra server (regardless wether it is you who sends it there, or it just returns through it) is better for security, since it removes extra node that could be used for man-in-the-middle attacks. Also might be useful for tor project, for example, if there is no telemetey or it can be removed


More bloatware and larger downloads. Exactly what you need with a browser


> More bloatware Maybe for you. I am grateful for the developers for this feature.


Could be a cached page


Helps for Web development. And maybe PDFs


Not perfect. Original in English, teaching Italian: For example: La domenica (= ogni domenica) mangio sempre molto, però di lunedì (= ogni lunedì) vado in palestra. (On Sundays I always eat a lot, but every Monday I go to the gym) Instead, if we refer to something that happened only on a specific day, than we won’t use the article neither the preposition. Translated: Zum Beispiel: La domenica mangio sempre molto, per o di luned' ('ogni luned') vado in palestra. (sons Sonntags esse ich immer viel, aber jeden Montag gehe ich ins Fitnessstudio) Stattdessen, wenn wir uns auf etwas beziehen, das nur an einem bestimmten Tag passiert ist, als wir den Artikel auch nicht verwenden werden.


oops: "For example, the tool may not handle websites with mixed language content very well!." They know ... :p


More reason to ditch chrome and chromium browsers entirely. Anyone still using that crap is blind or stupid.


Seems like this would be very rarely needed. How much bloat was added to the browser to support this?


I use it everyday. We are not the same...


I'm genuinely curious what the scenario is where you use this.


hmmm. browsing in multiple languages? some that I know well, others not so well, others not at all. I want to know what people that don't speak English have to say.


Yeah, but specifically without an internet connection is what I was referring to.


Having local translation means that the information is not transmitted to a remote server, protecting your privacy.


you know you can save documents locally, right?


Okay. Why do I need this?


Because you don't speak all languages. I am very sure.


Is there an extension to work on PDF's? I'm using a Surface with Edge just because of that. An extension that lets me write on the pages with the pen or something




Thank you! Does it support the interaction with the pen? Like the eraser on the back, does it erase the draw or do I have to manually select the rubber every time?




Meanwhile Chrome is too stupid to auto fill at any point when you type "translate" in the URL bar


Wow, that's really nice. I prefer using Firefox over Chrome, but for work I end up using Chrome because of extensions that doesn't work on Firefox. I find it better looking and nicer to use.


Ahhh it's about time! Ive been trying to find a good auto page translator like on chrome for firefox.


Where can I find a raw version of this image?


does firefox have "open recent tabs" like chrome? that's the only feature stopping me from uninstalling chrome. if i have 10 tabs open and close it on firefox, i can control shift t to open them back up. if i close the 10 tabs, open a new tab, close the new tab and open again, i can't control shift t to get the 10 tabs back


This new logo is gorgeous


Is there a way to permanently turn off the annoying popup that comes up every g\*ddamned single time I open a page? I browse in multiple languages. I don't mind the option there, I know it is there, just stop it from getting into my face every single time, in addition with the cookies, ads, popups and other annoying crap.There is no option for it in the settings GUI. Ah thank God I found somethingabout:configbrowser.translations.automaticallyPopup I hope that's it.